alpha males beta males douchebaggery men who should not ever be with women ever PUA

A PUA, living the dream. And by “living the dream” I mean “being a dick.”

Cheating is jerky. But this picture is still hilarious.

Here’s the bravely anonymous alpha blogger behind “Danger & Play ~ An online magazine for alpha males” explaining “Why You Should Cheat on Your Girlfriend.” I’ve bolded my favorite bit:

Haters will tell you to, “Man up! Break up with your girlfriend if you’re not happy.” They are missing the point. You want to have your cake, and to eat it too. Steady, reliable pussy and the occasional strange is the best of all worlds.

Cheating is a lot of fun, and it’s something I highly recommend. It’s way more exhilarating than bungee jumping, and few things feel as good as banging your girlfriend on the same day you banged some strange.

Cheating keeps your game tight. The best way to regulate your girlfriend is knowing you can bang chicks as hot or hotter than your girl. Well, when you cheat, this isn’t hypothetical. It’s reality.

Somehow I’m guessing there’s a lot more “hypothetical” than “reality” going on in this guy’s posts.

You don’t want an exclusive relationship? Fine. There’s no law saying you have to be in one. You can date casually and non-exclusively. You can have an open or polyamorous relationship. There are a lot of people out there in relationships, yet happily fucking other people outside of them. They’re just above board with it.

But that’s not what’s going on with our PUA friend here. With his talk about “regulat[ing]” girlfriends, he seems more interested in fucking over his girlfriend (assuming such a creature really exists) than he is in fucking strangers (sorry, “stranges”).

That’s not “Game.” That’s just being a dick.

But, hey, Nietzsche! He’s BEYOND GOOD AND EVIL! Or, as he puts it in a comment, “Shame and guilt are beta.”

You know, if you have to go around telling everyone what an Nietzschean ubermensch you are, you’re probably aren’t much of a Nietzschean ubermensch.

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13 years ago

Oh yeah, what happened to Ashley, did she deflate?

I’m sure he’ll be back with a story that she’d be totes cool with being taped during sex.

13 years ago

@Cassandra: I tend to evaluate most things in life in a calculated manner. From investing to dating. So far it has worked out pretty well. I get to enjoy life while mitigating most of the risks.

13 years ago

Brandon, let me break this down for you.

Videotaping someone during sex is a sex act.
Doing sex acts to someone without their consent is rape.
Therefore, videotaping someone during sex without their consent is rapey at best.

13 years ago

“illegal videotapping”

Sex on tape = videotapping?

13 years ago

Just so we’re clear here, you think it’s a sound plan to commit an actual crime on the off chance of being accused of an imaginary one? You do realize this makes no sense at all, right? Even when viewed through the of pure self-interest?

13 years ago

Stoner: You’re an asshole because you think making women sleep with shy guys is a good way of making people not coerce people into sex. People should not coerce people into sex, period. You don’t get rewarded with pussy for passing Decent Human Being 101.

Molly Ren
13 years ago

I’m still a bit o.o about Brandon’s revelation. Here I’ve been going out and having casual sex and thinking I could figure out if someone was consensual by *talking* about it!

13 years ago

“…through the [lens]…”

13 years ago

where did I say that anyone should be made to have sex with anyone?

13 years ago

I wonder if Brandon films himself every second so as to have an albi to avoid being falsely accused of murder, robbery, etc. After all, false charges and false convictions for these things are more common.

13 years ago

@ Brandon – Hey, thanks for making it nice and clear that you don’t actually value consent at all, you only value making sure that you don’t get in trouble for not getting consent. It’s always instructive when men make it clear that they don’t care about whether or not their partners are actually consenting at all.

PS – This is why people keep calling you rapey. You’ve made it crystal clear that you have no interest in not violating the people you sleep with, only an interest in making sure that you can’t be prosecuted for doing so.

13 years ago

Why do i read these threads? It always makes me homicidal.

13 years ago

Hey folks, don’t knock Brandon too much. Everyone knows that any woman will accuse their fuck-buddy of rape because they were dissatisfied, or they wanted to be mean, or just for the hell of it. Brandon has every right to illegally videotape partners without consent, because more likely than not they will try to put him in jail first chance they get!


Brandon. Dude. Not cool. If you are that paranoid about being accused of rape, don’t have sex. It’s very simple. Rationalizing an illegal activity via paranoia is like justifying murder by saying “they might kill me first.”

You aren’t being logical. You aren’t being rationale. You are being insane. Get over yourself.

Improbable Joe
Improbable Joe
13 years ago

Brandon, your combination of narcissism and paranoia would seem to make you an unfit sexual partner for pretty much anyone. Most people worried about these issues would just be satisfied with not having sex with drunk people, and letting relationships develop to the point that you can trust your partners. Hidden cameras, saving emails and texts, and building a defense against a rape charge before having sex?

Seriously, you need to keep it in your pants if you’re that worried!

13 years ago

What an oversized load of class AAA manure the feminist manboobs gang is. It’s amazing ya’ll don’t choke on your own hypocracy. A PUA is just a male version of a woman whose a slut. Where’s your gender equality ladies? If ya demand praise for women who are sluts, ya better demand praise for PUAs. Let’s have us a little review of the comments in the collective.
We’ve got Holly Pervocracy with, “It’s not physical.”—“It’s not emotional”—“Instead it seems to be based entirely on achievement.” Amused with, “these guys are incapable of intimacy.” Pecunium with, “Treating other people as people, not things”

And on and on it goes with the tired old matra of PUAs not seeing women as people, and the monolith in total agreement. Sluts on the other hand are the creme of the crop for seeing men as humans and not objects. Hell, half the women posting here have blogs proclaiming the sensitivity and wholesome beauty of sluts. Even though PUAs and sluts are one in the same.
We’ve got, as an aside, Wisteria, “In fact, I think women often end up looking better than men of similar age because many women take better care of themselves.” We’ve got vacuumslayer, ” I am 39, so is he, and he looks great. But I have been mistaken for his daughter. Ouch. Who’s aging better?” And darksidecat, “Personally, I think women age way, way better, but that could just be a matter of personal taste.”

What don’t women do better than men, even incidentally? The vanity knows no bounds, nor does the delusions.
We have the tiresome Quackers, “They use the tactics for revenge,” Amused, “I’d venture a guess they don’t even like sex itself that much.”

And everyone as monlith agrees PUAs have sex for revenge and actually hate sex as well as women. But sluts who are the same thing love sex and and men.
Now we come to the supermonolith, Eneya, “he dounds like the crappiest lover ever” improbablejoe, “Second, I agree with the assumption that PUAs aren’t particularly good at sex”

This goes on forever about PUAs being bad at sex. However, “the sluts are so much better at sex and shouldn’t be shamed drum,” is beaten with extreme fervor and veracity by the Ozy, Holly, Molly and all the rest. This little gem even draws out the big guns of, “see how patriarchy hurts men as well!” Sluts and PUAs are one in the same. Praise one, praise them both.
The gang of course moves on to the standard shaming tactics which don’t even work on a twelve year old boy anymore. Even a child can see, if you don’t practice what you preach, your preaching ain’t worth practicing.

The gang even has the audacity to mention integrity, honor and morals amongst other virtues in their attempts at shaming. Unfortunately, since you all seem to have blogs you cross-post on we can see your morals, honor and integrity which consist of; Praise sluts, always accept a womans word at face value, women need more to be equal, “she fears you,” “awaiting orders,” men commit DV, patriarchy, and on and on it goes. Just saying women are honorable, have shitloads of integrity and are moral isn’t the same as acting that way.
Women scream to high heaven about their beloved sexual agency. Well you got it. Being sexually independent is the opposite of being loyal. Ya can’t be both. If a man cheats, he’s exercising his sexual agency, just like a woman. Women don’t owe men sex, or loyalty. Well OK. Men don’t owe women sexual loyalty either. This what you wanted. Don’t suddenly act as if cheating is bad, this is what you fought for. Men and women don’t owe each other sexual loyalty.

13 years ago

@Brandon, you’re still doing it.

“Hence the video would only ever be known is if she broke the law first.”

The hypothetical “she” has only your word on this, and videotaping someone without their consent is still illegal even if you never show the video to anyone else. (And unethical as well, unless perhaps you are a classical utilitarian living in an impregnable bunker with an undetectable recording device and no way to transmit the video yourself.) You’re doing something unethical because of a slim chance that she could do something unethical… yep, pretty sure that’s still horrible.

“My freedom is more important than her. My livelihood is more important than her. My ability to be gainfully employed is more important than her. ”

…To you. However, many humans have evolved empathy and reasoning, which allow them to consider other people’s points of view and not just blindly act in their own self-interest. Many of these people consider those who do act only in their own self-interest to be assholes. See the rest of the thread.

“But me not spending time in jail is far more important than her feeling that I am weird or creepy. Those feelings will go away, a rape conviction won’t. ”

As an Actual Rape Survivor (ZOMG!), being sexually violated is quite different from feeling that someone is weird or creepy, and the feelings don’t necessarily “go away”. For example, I feel right now that you are weird and creepy, but I’ll forget about it soon after I get my ass off the internet and into bed. On the other hand, after being raped I feel uncomfortable enough with sexually coercive situations that I’ve basically left the BDSM community I used to be a part of, and I get scared and upset when I see someone that kind of looks like my rapist. Being secretly videotaped having sex… yeah, that’s much closer to “sexually violated” than it is to “weird and creepy”.

13 years ago

NWO, even 15 year olds from Kansas won’t give you the time of day, why do you care what anyone else is doing?

13 years ago

Aaaaaand it’s time for NWO to display his awesome comprehension skills!

13 years ago

“As it happens, having people date people they DON’T FUCKING WANT TO DATE rarely ends well.”


That’s not what I stated. Now Ozy, specifically, If I may ask, do you actually ask out shy guys? How do you approach this?

13 years ago

@HellKell: It’s so nice that you remember these details about my life. No Ashley is still around and she walks and talks and all sorts of other fun things.

@Dracula: I have committed crimes before (smoking weed, underage drinking, etc…). I tend to not really give a shit if something is illegal or not. I only take my morality and risks into account. Recording video and not showing it to others is pretty safe. And even still, I am savvy enough to encrypt the files. And those videos serve the function of protecting my greatest asset…my own freedom. So even if FRA were 0.5%,

Also, rape unlike other crimes has the benefit of being behind closed doors. So the only thing people have to go on is your word for evidence. This is pretty flimsy legal defense.

@Ozy: Videotaping someone without their consent is a separate crime. So the courts would find me innocent of the rape charge, but guilty of illegal videotaping. Also, the videos would be only brought into light if I was falsely accused. I see pressing “play” 1000 times is worth the benefit of not going to jail for rape.

@Cassandra: I value both. This example just allows me to do both: cover my ass and provides evidence to the court that consent was made. It’s like killing to birds with one stone.

Also, how am I violating them? They would be in my house and consenting to sex. Their privacy? Their privacy wouldn’t be violated unless they falsely accuse me of rape. Otherwise, as Al Gore would say “They go into a lockbox”.

13 years ago

@ Brandon – No, you don’t. If you did you would understand why it isn’t OK to film someone having sex without their consent.

Matthew Cline
13 years ago


In this case, you’re saying that you would infringe on another person’s rights by videotaping them having sex without their consent because of a small chance it would work out better that way for you if they attempted to have you convicted of rape.

I think his point of view (which I personally don’t agree with) is that while doing that might be illegal, it’s not a violation of the other’s rights, nor unethical, unless he shares the video tape with other people (excluding him submitting the tape as evidence in a trial). The only time he’d ever share the tape with other people would be to submit it as evidence in a trial, so from his point of view there’s no problem.

Improbable Joe
Improbable Joe
13 years ago

I’m new here, and I can already see that NWOslave is the neighborhood punching bag. How sad for him, that his pleasure comes from saying dumb things and having people verbally spank him over and over again.

NWOslave, why don’t you get it over with and find yourself a dominatrix and get it over with? You’ll be much happier, and much less of a pest to the rest of us.

13 years ago

@Null: I am doing something unethical…in your eyes. Not mine.

13 years ago

NWO: We disapprove of coercing people into sex and of dishonesty, because those are unethical. We do not disapprove of safe, emotionally healthy, enthusiastically consensual, honest sex, whatever form it may take, because that IS ethical.

I don’t say sluts are wholesome and beautiful. I say sluts are people too. Some sluts are cool; some sluts are assholes; most sluts are just ordinary people like anyone else. Sluts are not necessarily better at sex than non-sluts; after all, some virgins are wicked dirty-minded, and some monogamous married people have practiced a lot. 🙂

Everyone owes their partner(s) honesty. You do not necessarily have to only have one partner (I have five at the moment); however, all of your partners should know that you have other partners, what level of commitment you have to those partners and ideally they should meet each other. Possibly for brunch. Lying is the douchey thing here, not having multiple partners per se.

Men commit DV. Women also commit DV. Nonbinaries commit DV. Committing DV is a people thing; your gender identity does not make you automagically incapable of committing DV.


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