alpha males beta males douchebaggery men who should not ever be with women ever PUA

A PUA, living the dream. And by “living the dream” I mean “being a dick.”

Cheating is jerky. But this picture is still hilarious.

Here’s the bravely anonymous alpha blogger behind “Danger & Play ~ An online magazine for alpha males” explaining “Why You Should Cheat on Your Girlfriend.” I’ve bolded my favorite bit:

Haters will tell you to, “Man up! Break up with your girlfriend if you’re not happy.” They are missing the point. You want to have your cake, and to eat it too. Steady, reliable pussy and the occasional strange is the best of all worlds.

Cheating is a lot of fun, and it’s something I highly recommend. It’s way more exhilarating than bungee jumping, and few things feel as good as banging your girlfriend on the same day you banged some strange.

Cheating keeps your game tight. The best way to regulate your girlfriend is knowing you can bang chicks as hot or hotter than your girl. Well, when you cheat, this isn’t hypothetical. It’s reality.

Somehow I’m guessing there’s a lot more “hypothetical” than “reality” going on in this guy’s posts.

You don’t want an exclusive relationship? Fine. There’s no law saying you have to be in one. You can date casually and non-exclusively. You can have an open or polyamorous relationship. There are a lot of people out there in relationships, yet happily fucking other people outside of them. They’re just above board with it.

But that’s not what’s going on with our PUA friend here. With his talk about “regulat[ing]” girlfriends, he seems more interested in fucking over his girlfriend (assuming such a creature really exists) than he is in fucking strangers (sorry, “stranges”).

That’s not “Game.” That’s just being a dick.

But, hey, Nietzsche! He’s BEYOND GOOD AND EVIL! Or, as he puts it in a comment, “Shame and guilt are beta.”

You know, if you have to go around telling everyone what an Nietzschean ubermensch you are, you’re probably aren’t much of a Nietzschean ubermensch.

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13 years ago

I’ve never understood the PUA community. I’ve fucked a lot of people, men/women, but I don’t sit around on the computer talking about it. I go out and do it, when I do it. Which, for me is not all the time anymore. That being said, I think grouping the greater MRM with PUA is ridiculous. There is not connection, that I can see. PUA seem like dorks to me.

13 years ago

I’ve fucked a lot of people, men/women, but I don’t sit around on the computer talking about it.

Ladies and gentlemen: Irony.

13 years ago

If y’all want to kill game, make things easier for the shy guys and tougher for the players….

Easier said than done of course.

Also, the players would pick up on that if that change occurred on a cultural level and would adapt their pitch…..

Molly Ren
13 years ago

“I also don’t really see anything wrong with it…feminists want consent, men are taking steps to actually prove they got consent. Seems like a win win.”

I’m having trouble imagining spending time with a lover who had so much trouble trusting their partner that they needed to “prove consent”. Would film cameras be involved? Maybe one of those binding paper contracts? Witnesses?

13 years ago

Brandon, if you honestly think that the sort of cover your ass thing you’re advocating is what feminists mean when we say “make sure you get consent” then I think you’re pretty much beyond hope.

Also really, really self centered, but we already knew that.

And behold, for once I agree with magdelyn! Not about the fact that PUAs have nothing to do with the MRM (there’s definitely some crossover), but about the idea that they’re basically just dorks. Their whole schtick seems more like a bunch of nerds playing WOW than like anything I recognise as how normal people go out and get laid. It’s all, look at my score! And I slept with a 10 – I’ve levelled up! Not only is it creepy and sexist, it’s just way too intrinsically nerdy to make any sense to me in relation to my own sexual history.

Molly Ren
13 years ago

“Also, the players would pick up on that if that change occurred on a cultural level and would adapt their pitch…..”

Apparently Geek Culture has changed NOTHING. : /

13 years ago

@Null: I never said I agreed with every point he made. I also don’t really like some of the wording, but that doesn’t mean I can’t “read through it” and find the point he is trying to make. And for me that point is that any evidence proving consent will work in my favor to protect myself from crimes I am accused of but didn’t commit.

Also, it is my house…so if I want to tape in it I will. I am also more willing to face an “illegal videotapping” crime than being sent to jail for rape. I would rather pay the fine or smaller jail sentence than a rape sentence.

13 years ago

Also, are we assuming that the women being filmed are aware that they’re being filmed, or no? Because if they’re not aware that they’re being filmed that’s a whole extra level of creepy WTF. Your paranoia about hypothetical false rape accusations doesn’t mean that you get to involve random women in making amateur porn without their consent, dudebros.

Improbable Joe
Improbable Joe
13 years ago


You know, I’ve had my share of sexual experiences over the years… statistically more than my share, come to think of it… and not once have I ever felt like I needed to videotape it to prove I wasn’t committing rape. I’ve never walked around so paranoid that I felt like I needed to create and/or preserve evidence that I wasn’t committing a sexual assault on another human being. You know why?

Because a CYA attitude is assumed by people who are doing the wrong thing. People generally assume that the motives of other people generally match their own. That’s why really really good people tend to be really really gullible: they assume that everyone else is as good as they are, and get tricked by people constantly. More average folks don’t get tricked a bunch, but also don’t walk around being suspicious of the people around them 24/7. You know who is constantly on their guard against people who are looking to screw them over?

People who are 24/7 looking to trick and coerce and cheat and steal from and lie to everyone they come across every chance they get. Not good people who might catch a bad break. Bad people who get pissed off when they get cheated before they get a chance to cheat first. People like the PUAs. And apparently people like you.

Rutee Katreya
13 years ago

If y’all want to kill game, make things easier for the shy guys and tougher for the players….

Here’s my plan: We make a gender equal society wherein there are no easy social tricks that can trap women into going home with assholes, and break down gender roles so that women can ask out dudes, and shyness. Eh? Eh? Sounds like a winner for everyone except shy people interested in other shy people.


13 years ago

@Molly: Not every sexual encounter is between people that trust one another. I have slept with women within the first few hours of meeting them. But I don’t proceed unless I have consent. So having a video of it would speak louder than me just going “I got consent”.

13 years ago

“Also, it is my house…so if I want to tape in it I will. I am also more willing to face an “illegal videotapping” crime than being sent to jail for rape. I would rather pay the fine or smaller jail sentence than a rape sentence.”

In order to avoid being falsely accused of violating a woman in one way, I’m going to violate her in another way instead! This makes total sense if we remember that I, Brandon, am the center of the universe.

13 years ago

“If y’all want to kill game, make things easier for the shy guys and tougher for the players….”

1) I don’t think anyone cares about “killing game”.

2) Women are not a hivemind; if I wanted to “make things easier for the shy guys” I would have no way to do it, any more than you would be able to make things easier for shy girls.

3) If I have sex with someone, it’s because I’m attracted to them and I want to, not because I’ve determined they’re a player or a shy guy or a Martian or anything else.

4) Not being manipulative and pushy and rapey is something that all human beings need to do to be decent human beings; it’s not one strategy out of many for getting laid.

Rutee Katreya
13 years ago

“Also, it is my house…so if I want to tape in it I will. I am also more willing to face an “illegal videotapping” crime than being sent to jail for rape. I would rather pay the fine or smaller jail sentence than a rape sentence.”

I know this is a radical concept, but you could have your cake and eat it too if you got permission to video tape before sex. And just only have sex with people who will agree to this condition. But somehow, sex matters more to you than their right to integrity; color me shocked.

Molly Ren
13 years ago

Brandon, I was actually *kidding* about the videotape thing. And then you said it was something you actually did… o.o

13 years ago

@Cassandra: Again, I would rather break a smaller law, if it proved my innocence so I didn’t have to serve a longer sentence.

Also, I am not saying those videos should be distributed or sold. Just kept in case you need to prove your innocence.

I think my paranoia is justified. The idea of going to jail for rape that I didn’t commit means I am willing to take a few precautions to mitigate that problem.

@Rutee: Women can ask men out…they just don’t. In fact, when it comes to dating, women tend to hold the most sexist positions (he should take me out, he should pay, that is what a real man does, if you don’t do X then your a loser). If women want equality, then maybe they should get rid of those notions that the man is required to do XYZ during meeting,dating, having sex, etc…

13 years ago

@Molly: I actually don’t. However, it does seem like a good idea and I might start.

13 years ago

@Rutee: You are bringing up the woman’s integrity in relation to using the video to prove my innocence in a false rape trial…wow. Now that is just funny.

13 years ago

Brandon, you’re still viewing this only in terms of how it would affect you. But the person you’d be having sex with has interests too, and you don’t just get to ignore those in favor of your own.

Also, it is my house…so if I want to tape in it I will. I am also more willing to face an “illegal videotapping” crime than being sent to jail for rape. I would rather pay the fine or smaller jail sentence than a rape sentence.

That’s illegal. And creepy and rapey and not at all a decent thing to do. You’re thinking only in terms of how it will affect you, while other people are arguing that what you’re doing is morally wrong and harmful to the other person you’d be taping.

In general, you seem to be unwilling to acknowledge other people’s perspectives–basically every post you make is “I do this because it works out best for me.” In this case, you’re saying that you would infringe on another person’s rights by videotaping them having sex without their consent because of a small chance it would work out better that way for you if they attempted to have you convicted of rape. That’s pretty horrible.

13 years ago

I’m quite aware that you’re OK with breaking the law, Brandon. I’m just pointing out that your behavior is unethical, and that your willingness to violate a sexual partner’s right to privacy by filming her without her permission, combined with your legalistic approach to this issue in general, doesn’t exactly inspire great confidence in your intentions in general.

Improbable Joe
Improbable Joe
13 years ago

Yeah, I forgot to mention how unethical and potentially illegal it is to record people without their permission, especially during sex.

13 years ago

Ruttee, what specifically makes me an asshole?

I didn’t say it covered everything but I did state something that would move things in a better direction…..

13 years ago

@Null: Again, falsely accusing someone of rape is illegal too. Hence the video would only ever be known is if she broke the law first. And you know what is the decent thing to do? Not falsely accusing people of rape.

I value myself more than her. My freedom is more important than her. My livelihood is more important than her. My ability to be gainfully employed is more important than her.

How is a video showing her giving me consent, rapey. Seems like it is the opposite of that.

No, I get it. Women probably don’t like the idea of someone videotaping them during sex. But me not spending time in jail is far more important than her feeling that I am weird or creepy. Those feelings will go away, a rape conviction won’t.

Being a dick would be me selling or putting the video up on the internet. I don’t think that is something men should do. Those videos serve the purpose of protecting you, not to make money or as bragging rights.

13 years ago

“It’s All About Brandon” is on again! Now with 50% more creepiness!

13 years ago

Brandon: No, DO NOT fucking videotape people without their fucking consent. 🙁 All it takes is one douchebag to find the video on your computer and your lovers are the new YouPorn stars. Not to mention that it’s hella creepy.

Also, consent is not a thing men get from women, it is a thing PEOPLE get from PEOPLE. Because men can say no too!

stonerwithaboner: I date shy guys because they get me wet, not out of some communist pussy redistribution system. As it happens, having people date people they DON’T FUCKING WANT TO DATE rarely ends well.

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