alpha males beta males douchebaggery men who should not ever be with women ever PUA

A PUA, living the dream. And by “living the dream” I mean “being a dick.”

Cheating is jerky. But this picture is still hilarious.

Here’s the bravely anonymous alpha blogger behind “Danger & Play ~ An online magazine for alpha males” explaining “Why You Should Cheat on Your Girlfriend.” I’ve bolded my favorite bit:

Haters will tell you to, “Man up! Break up with your girlfriend if you’re not happy.” They are missing the point. You want to have your cake, and to eat it too. Steady, reliable pussy and the occasional strange is the best of all worlds.

Cheating is a lot of fun, and it’s something I highly recommend. It’s way more exhilarating than bungee jumping, and few things feel as good as banging your girlfriend on the same day you banged some strange.

Cheating keeps your game tight. The best way to regulate your girlfriend is knowing you can bang chicks as hot or hotter than your girl. Well, when you cheat, this isn’t hypothetical. It’s reality.

Somehow I’m guessing there’s a lot more “hypothetical” than “reality” going on in this guy’s posts.

You don’t want an exclusive relationship? Fine. There’s no law saying you have to be in one. You can date casually and non-exclusively. You can have an open or polyamorous relationship. There are a lot of people out there in relationships, yet happily fucking other people outside of them. They’re just above board with it.

But that’s not what’s going on with our PUA friend here. With his talk about “regulat[ing]” girlfriends, he seems more interested in fucking over his girlfriend (assuming such a creature really exists) than he is in fucking strangers (sorry, “stranges”).

That’s not “Game.” That’s just being a dick.

But, hey, Nietzsche! He’s BEYOND GOOD AND EVIL! Or, as he puts it in a comment, “Shame and guilt are beta.”

You know, if you have to go around telling everyone what an Nietzschean ubermensch you are, you’re probably aren’t much of a Nietzschean ubermensch.

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13 years ago

I love Brussels spouts. Ya gotta saute them in bacon grease, though.

13 years ago

Cover them in olive oil, minced garlic, and lots of salt and pepper and broil them.

13 years ago

I hate them no matter what people put on them.

Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

Seriously, if women make up shit like that out of whole cloth all the time, and courts convict men solely on women’s testimony without without any physical evidence, why is that women stop short of accusing men that they haven’t fucked at all?

I’ve wondered about this. Never mind just MRAs; if false rape accusations are easy to make and if women are eager to make them, it’s amazing that any widely disliked man isn’t in prison.

Politician you hate wins an election? Accuse him of rape! CEO orders five thousand layoffs? Accuse him of rape! Pundit insults everything you believe in front of an audience of millions? Accuse him of rape! Sports team you hate beats your hometown team with cheap lousy tactics and acts like total jerks about it? Accuse them of rape!

On Earth, this doesn’t happen because making a rape accusation is an ordeal even if it’s true; it’s months to years of having your body and story and life and “reputation” scrutinized, taking tremendous amounts of time and absolutely emotionally draining you and often pitting family and friends against you. And given the number of acquittals for cases as clear-cut-seeming as teenage girls being gang-raped on video, a conviction is far from a sure thing. Also most women do have a sense of morals and actually don’t want to dishonestly ruin a man’s life even if they dislike him.

But in MRA-land, where none of these things are true and any woman can simply order a man’s incarceration, it’s a goddamn mystery why any man with female enemies walks free.

13 years ago


I love [ALMOST ANY FOOD WILL DO!]. Ya gotta saute them in bacon grease, though.

13 years ago

Nugganu is my vote for the MRA Trolling Awards’ “Most likely to actually rape someone then complain that they’re being the target of a false rape accusation”.

13 years ago

Just like I think the MRA stats are crap, studies conducted by feminist think tanks and shills are just as dubious.

Therefore, based on a thought or a feeling — not actually looking at any of these studies or reading anything written by anyone else who’s looked at the studies — Brandon concludes on his own that the best figure is one that hasn’t actually been cited since the rape statute reforms several decades ago (repealing corroboration and utmost resistance requirements and the marital rape exception, and enacting rape shield laws, etc.). Interesting. I love how that works.

13 years ago

I don’t see my little audio recorder as me violating her. She isn’t being harmed physically, so I see no issue with it.

Brandon, you stupid, self-centered, short-sighted fuck: How you see it DOES NOT FUCKING MATTER. SHE is the one who decides if she’s been violated, NOT YOU. That’s how consent fucking works, you ego-maniacal twit.

13 years ago

I would be so creeped out by Nugganu, except that I think it’s probably just his masturbatory fantasy he’s describing.

13 years ago

Nugganu, I am somewhat dumbstruck by the novel and horrific method for avoiding a false rape accusation you seem to be employing.

Please elaborate on what you mean by the word ‘made’ in the phrases, “I even made her suck my dick…” and “…then I’d made her suck my dick while she was crying.” If you are engaging in a sexual act with a partner that is crying it is unlikely that you have enthusiastic consent for that act. If you find yourself compelling anyone to engage in any sexual act, such as making them suck your dick, you should, at the very least, stop immediately and never do it again.

13 years ago

Fatman, I am really hoping that Nugannu was making up his creepy story. It would be too horrifying to know if he really does receive oral sex from his girlfriend while she is crying.

13 years ago

nugganu: I think you mis addressed that letter – wasn’t it supposed to go to Penthouse?


Just to be clear Brandon-you are refusing to get consent to be video taped from the women you are filming to avoid a FRA even though 1. there is next to no chance it would happen (less then one in a million) and 2. getting consent to both the sex and the taping would leave you in the clear?

Because the woman might not be “natural” in terms of the sex you proceed to have?

And committing multiple felonies is AOK as long as it does not involve actually raping someone?

Molly Ren
13 years ago

New MRA tagline? “Avoid false rape convictions by actually raping people.”

13 years ago

Or maybe they’re kinky swingers and she gets off on cuckold fantasies, verbal humiliation and crying? Please tell me that’s the explanation.

13 years ago


So, being gang raped was her fate? Is that what you get out of the story? Or do you get something like this: Not respecting others’ personal and sexual autonomy, even (and perhaps especially) when they’re in a vulnerable position is a particularly shitty thing to do, and people who do that are scum?

Oh god, “fate” was just a poetic exaggeration.

Sympathy is not rationally explainable but if I hear jokes like “boo fucking hoo Simon is not allowed to rape”… what sympathy do you expect?

I don’t know what’s wrong with them, I think it’s a kind of fetish to imagine that every men desperately wants to f*ck them, but haha! isn’t allowed.

Yes it’s wrong to rape drunk women and I’m sorry if anybody was offended because I said something else. But why isn’t drinking to the point of not being oneself not also seen as simply wrong, too?

13 years ago

@Nugganu: That’s just sick man. You know what you do with a cheating girlfriend? You kick her to the curb. There is no need to be spiteful. Like the old saying goes “out with the old, in with the new”.

@Hershele: Ya, laws are there to mainly protect people from physical harm, Just because you have an uncomfortable emotion doesn’t mean shit. Your emotions are your problem, not mine. I don’t blame others for my emotions, I deal with them and move the hell on.

It might be unacceptable behavior for you, but not for me. My morality is not your morality.

Be celebate? Are you out of your damn mind? I don’t have to trust girls to sleep with them. Love and sex are two completely different things and I can do both without relying on the other.

I trust Ashley. But it took time. There are still things I wont let her do when it comes to my personal stuff (bank accounts, giving her my credit card, etc…). Her money is her money and mine is mine…there is no intermingling of major things like finances.

Those weren’t the only two personality types in existence, just two extremes.

@Lauralot: No one said I was a scientist.

@Amused: Umm…no I don’t cheat. There is no need for it. If I wanted to go back and sleep with multiple women again, I would break up with Ashley and go do that or I would tell her “I want to sleep with other women” and if she left, then that’s what she wanted to do.

@Dracula: Is that how that works? I get to decide when a crime as been committed against me? So if I said “I feel so violated around you” Does that make you a criminal? Umm…no. It would make me an overly emotional cry baby.

13 years ago

If she consents to having sex without knowing you’re filming her doing it, she does not know what she’s actually consenting to. Filming her is something you are doing to her without her knowledge or permission. So yes, if she decides that it was a violation, then it was. That is, in fact, how it works.

13 years ago

@Dracula: Again, the sex and the taping are two different issues. She would be consenting to sex…but not the taping.

13 years ago

@Amused; Joining you in the brusssl sprouts hate no matter what they’re cooked in, on, around, or by.


13 years ago

Bullshit. These are not separate issues, so quit trying to pretend they are. You are having sex under conditions you deliberately denied her the opportunity to agree to. That’s what is called “coercion”.

13 years ago

You praise the Ozy, Holly, Molly and all the rest of the slutdom blogs, not me.

The pictures on the Molly blog are the worst.

13 years ago

Simon, you misspelled “best.”

13 years ago

@Dracula: Coercion? Hardly.

13 years ago

@Lauralot: No one said I was a scientist.

Well, clearly you’re not a scientist. They have the brains to recognize sarcasm.

The world according to Brandon: Rape victims are overly emotional cry babies!

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