alpha males beta males douchebaggery men who should not ever be with women ever PUA

A PUA, living the dream. And by “living the dream” I mean “being a dick.”

Cheating is jerky. But this picture is still hilarious.

Here’s the bravely anonymous alpha blogger behind “Danger & Play ~ An online magazine for alpha males” explaining “Why You Should Cheat on Your Girlfriend.” I’ve bolded my favorite bit:

Haters will tell you to, “Man up! Break up with your girlfriend if you’re not happy.” They are missing the point. You want to have your cake, and to eat it too. Steady, reliable pussy and the occasional strange is the best of all worlds.

Cheating is a lot of fun, and it’s something I highly recommend. It’s way more exhilarating than bungee jumping, and few things feel as good as banging your girlfriend on the same day you banged some strange.

Cheating keeps your game tight. The best way to regulate your girlfriend is knowing you can bang chicks as hot or hotter than your girl. Well, when you cheat, this isn’t hypothetical. It’s reality.

Somehow I’m guessing there’s a lot more “hypothetical” than “reality” going on in this guy’s posts.

You don’t want an exclusive relationship? Fine. There’s no law saying you have to be in one. You can date casually and non-exclusively. You can have an open or polyamorous relationship. There are a lot of people out there in relationships, yet happily fucking other people outside of them. They’re just above board with it.

But that’s not what’s going on with our PUA friend here. With his talk about “regulat[ing]” girlfriends, he seems more interested in fucking over his girlfriend (assuming such a creature really exists) than he is in fucking strangers (sorry, “stranges”).

That’s not “Game.” That’s just being a dick.

But, hey, Nietzsche! He’s BEYOND GOOD AND EVIL! Or, as he puts it in a comment, “Shame and guilt are beta.”

You know, if you have to go around telling everyone what an Nietzschean ubermensch you are, you’re probably aren’t much of a Nietzschean ubermensch.

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13 years ago


My friend who’s Aspie sometimes finds it hard to read my moods, which leads to miscommunication.

I don’t know; YMMV but I literally do not believe I feel empathy.


Even if feeling the emotions of another person doesn’t come organically or easily

At all. It’s not that it “doesn’t come easily,” it’s that I can’t feel what they’re feeling. And I don’t really know very much about this, but I always felt like there were certain commonalities between Asperger’s and sociopathy, although I know that they’re not the same disorder.

I mean, obviously I don’t have to tell you this, but I want to make it clear that I don’t think that 99.99% of non-neurotypical people are any more concerning than anyone else. But when someone is a sociopath or pedophile I think that’s the 0.01% where there is reason to believe their specific brand of non-neurotypical could harm someone.

On the other hand, Himmler and Robispierre were probably Aspies, and did a whole lot of damage before they were stopped, although neither one lifted a hand in anger. Everyone has the potential to be horrible people; whether or not you are is, in my opinion, more a matter of choice than of biology.

Brandon, you’re not even a psychopath or anything; you’re just kind of whiny and spoiled.

You’re also in love with the idea of yourself as some sort of stone-cold super-genius, while I can tell you that the life of the neurologically different is more often one of awkwardness and poor sartorial choices (or, if you are a sociopath, Bad Life Choices that result in getting fired or getting arrested, neither one of which is optimal from the position of self-interest) than getting to be The Pretender. Man, anyone else remember that show? It was like, the same plot over and over, but since that plot involved explosions For Great Justice I ate that shit up when I was fourteen.

Anyways, if it really came down to it, the cops know what these computer-things that the kids are playing with nowadays are.

Ah yes, now I am spoiled. Me and my lower middle class job and second hand car are now spoiled.

Dude, you don’t want to get married because you think being asked where you’re going on a weekend night is too confining, and, because you personally don’t want to get married, you’re against marriage as an institution. That’s pretty spoiled.

13 years ago


Re: “illegal videotaping.”

The laws vary by state. In some states, both parties must be informed and give consent to tape a conversation (audio or video).

In other states, mostly western, it’s legal to record as long as one person has knowledge of the taping. That would be you, so you’re in the clear, if you live in one of the more free states, typically in the intermountain west or upper New England.

I agree that there are certain circumstances in which it’s wise to have some backup over the ‘he-said, she-said’ type testimony.

In that case you may not even need a video recording, but a simple audio recording. MP3 flash drive audio recorders with excellent battery life and decent sound are available for cheap, and you can hit record in your pocket. I know a few men who carry them for certain backup purposes.

What a great thread. Brandon’s up in here swinging like a damned samurai, and trolls are flying all over, left, right & center. I think he’s communicated clearly and admirably. I have no qualms with what he’s written, although I haven’t scrolled back through damned near 700 comments. I know this whole site is anti-game. That’s fine, you’re entitled to your opinions, and I admire a guy like Brandon, who can come up in here and speak his mind in a den thick like thieves with the ideology of third-wave feminism. Good on you, Brandon, for bringing a bit of the manosphere up here. It’s entertaining at least.

13 years ago

But when someone is a sociopath or pedophile I think that’s the 0.01% where there is reason to believe their specific brand of non-neurotypical could harm someone.

Forgot this: I am not denying that they can harm people, but my point remains that until they do, we shouldn’t arrest them preemptively or anything.

13 years ago

I’ll never forget that time Brandon didn’t understand how a false murder charge/conviction is possible.



13 years ago

Whait a minute.
I read the whole thread since the shit hit the fan yesterday I want to point something that caught my eye.
I don’t see Brandon denying that trust, love and so on don’t exist but that they can’t be used in court as evidence, which is a bit different and I think that purposefully changing or misinterpreting what he said is not cool.

Anyway, I still think that he didn’t respond to my question: On what kind of information and statistick he bases his ideas how usual FRA is and does he know how many rape charges are actually ending with jail time, so he is so concerned?
Because it could be me that misreads the statistics but they look nothing like what he is saying.
So… either he has data which I haven’t seen (and I would like to) or he is just paranoid without sound reason, because current statistics does not show FRA being in such high numbers and men going to jail in such high numbers for every rape accusation since such a small ammount of them even go to trial not to mention that so little actually receive jail time.

Which is it?

13 years ago

Brandon’s up in here swinging like a damned samurai, and trolls are flying all over, left, right & center.

Sure he is. Especially if you, like Brandon, are a fan of the “La-la-la-la I can’t hear you” school of reasoning and argument.

Me? I’d be impressed if Brando answered some, or even one, of the really hard questions regarding the ethics of his “hypothetical” protection against false rape accusations.

13 years ago

Brandon’s up in here swinging like a damned samurai, and trolls are flying all over, left, right & center

LOL! Riiiiiiiight…. more like he’s tilting at windmills like Don Quixote.

Rutee Katreya
13 years ago

What a great thread. Brandon’s up in here swinging like a damned samurai, and trolls are flying all over, left, right & center.

Brandon has failed to present a *single* factually accurate point. Most of his posts are a celebration of his jackassery. His entire premise, that he must guard against false rape accusations because they’re just SO COMMON, isn’t remotely born out by the statistics. It would be amazingly unlikely he would be the victim of one even if, and this is wild MRA fantasy, *every single rape accusation were false, and every single accusation ended in successful prosecution* it is still only 54.2/100,000. That is .0005%. That’s a fucking low chance to be accused, and considering that a non zero number of rapes are attributed to serial rapists, it gets even small.

Even if you continue to play the MRA Fantasy game and make it out of 50,000, because only men can even be accused of rape, it’s still .001%. Even if everything he did were ethical, it would be grossly stupid based on time spent and actual risk. He would do much better to put this time into finding ways to avoid driving, that shit’s actually dangerous.

And that’s if we go to pure MRA fantasy land where all accusations are both false and lead to a successful prosecution. In the real world, where the successful prosecution rate is hideously low, and there is no substantial evidence suggesting the rate of false accusations is particularly out of line for rape.

I think he’s communicated clearly and admirably.

Clearly, yes; “Fuck you all only I matter” is easily and clearly read in each post he makes. Admirably, well, if you’re a self-important douchebag, sure.

Good on you, Brandon, for bringing a bit of the manosphere up here. It’s entertaining at least.

snerk. As if that’s uncommon. Trolls like you always seem to think you’re our first, huh? XD

13 years ago

The samurai were prone to swinging wildly and without much of a plan, and they rarely actually hit anything?

The more you know.

(I’m pretty sure they wouldn’t have gone for this whole illegal videotaping thing either, if there had been camcorders back then.)

Rutee Katreya
13 years ago

(I’m pretty sure they wouldn’t have gone for this whole illegal videotaping thing either, if there had been camcorders back then.)

Well, it wouldn’t be illegal, because they were the ones who made the rules! In fact more or less by definition they wouldn’t be for ‘illegaly’ doing it because that’d mean screwing with another noble, and not a peasant or merchant XD

13 years ago

I don’t see Brandon denying that trust, love and so on don’t exist but that they can’t be used in court as evidence, which is a bit different and I think that purposefully changing or misinterpreting what he said is not cool.

I don’t know if he said anything about love, but here’s Brandon on trust, responding to advice from some other poster that he not have sex unless he trusts someone to not falsely accuse him of rape:

2) not have sex unless I trust someone, even though trust can be broken and happens all the time. Also trust is a pretty intangible thing…unlike actual data which is very tangible.

The “trust can be broken and happens all the time” part sounds to me like he could never trust his sex partner enough to believe that she wouldn’t falsely accuse him of rape, since trust can be broken.

(I’m not sure what the relevance of the defendant’s trust of the accuser could be in a rape case anyway. “Your Honor, I couldn’t have raped her! I trusted her not to accuse me of rape!”)

13 years ago

But maybe Brandon has created a new alternative to Bushido. Libertarianism – The Code of the Selfish Asshole.

13 years ago

Null in the light of this comment of his I agree with you.

13 years ago

What a great thread. Brandon’s up in here swinging like a damned samurai, and trolls are flying all over, left, right & center. I think he’s communicated clearly and admirably. I have no qualms with what he’s written, although I haven’t scrolled back through damned near 700 comments.

Is it possible for one MRA to say something so stupid, offensive, or wrong another MRA corrects him? Is there some kind of code within MRAism that we don’t criticize or allies, under any circumstances? Is it a Geek Social Fallacies thing? Are there internal critiques that go on somewhere we mere mortals are not invited?

I’m honestly kind of fascinated, because my experience of social and political movements is one where, if you disagree with something someone else said, you’re supposed to say so and explain why. However, I’ve never seen one MRA question or call out another MRA, so I’m curious how they ever make any decisions or progress without disagreeing with each other.

13 years ago

I would love to hear a list of social issues MRA people have opinons on which are not ‘women suck, period”?

13 years ago

…criticize [our] allies…

13 years ago

The problem here is that you’re mistaking the MRM for an actual political movement with goals designed to help and uplift people. In reality they’re less civil rights movement and more Ku Klux Klan – they don’t have any constructive goals, just destructive ones. Just look at the way they approach the issue of shelters for victims of domestic violence. Build shelters for men who don’t currently have any to go to? Fuck that, let’s just close the shelters for women.

Jill the Spinster
Jill the Spinster
13 years ago

Will Brandon bring his video camera to Thailand or will 3rd world chicks always “consent” so he doesn’t need to worry about FRA there?

Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

Is it possible for one MRA to say something so stupid, offensive, or wrong another MRA corrects him? Is there some kind of code within MRAism that we don’t criticize or allies, under any circumstances? Is it a Geek Social Fallacies thing? Are there internal critiques that go on somewhere we mere mortals are not invited?

If you look at MRA discussion boards, there really is this code. It’s interesting, because there’ll always be a couple guys who are a little more out there than the rest–who are calling for the gruesome deaths of all their enemies or who are ranting incoherently about Space Jews–and the others just sort of uncomfortably avoid them. They don’t get disagreed with, they just don’t get a lot of replies.

The only thing up for internal criticism is when someone says something that’s a little too feminist.

13 years ago

I cringe by the phrase “3rd world”.

13 years ago

You know, it’s funny. Even though rape is massively more common than false accusations of rape (even in those made-up stats from the Bureau of Brandon’s Ass, rape ranges from equally as common as false accusations to 50 times more common), and even though rape is notoriously hard to prosecute, I have never, never seen someone argue that they should be allowed to illegally videotape all their sexual encounters in case they get raped. Because that would be wrong.

I’m willing to bet that Brandon has never been falsely charged with rape and doesn’t know anyone who has. Where does this paranoia come from? Is it some kind of displaced sexual guilt? Anger that women are treated as human under the law and can’t just be used as random men see fit? I don’t get it.

13 years ago

I’m willing to bet that Brandon has never been falsely charged with rape and doesn’t know anyone who has.

Alas, Shaenon, we’ll never know as this was one of the questions that Samurai Brandon just ignored while bringing a little “manosphere” all up in here.

13 years ago

Holly, you can’t reveal the Space Jews’ portion of the conspiracy! Don’t compromise the officers and crew of the ISS Nekamah! First Mel Brooks and now this!
/humor about anti-semitism tag

13 years ago

@(r)Ev: Thanks for the kind words. I especially liked the “swinging like a damn samurai” line.

It seems I am very good at annoying feminists.

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