alpha males beta males douchebaggery men who should not ever be with women ever PUA

A PUA, living the dream. And by “living the dream” I mean “being a dick.”

Cheating is jerky. But this picture is still hilarious.

Here’s the bravely anonymous alpha blogger behind “Danger & Play ~ An online magazine for alpha males” explaining “Why You Should Cheat on Your Girlfriend.” I’ve bolded my favorite bit:

Haters will tell you to, “Man up! Break up with your girlfriend if you’re not happy.” They are missing the point. You want to have your cake, and to eat it too. Steady, reliable pussy and the occasional strange is the best of all worlds.

Cheating is a lot of fun, and it’s something I highly recommend. It’s way more exhilarating than bungee jumping, and few things feel as good as banging your girlfriend on the same day you banged some strange.

Cheating keeps your game tight. The best way to regulate your girlfriend is knowing you can bang chicks as hot or hotter than your girl. Well, when you cheat, this isn’t hypothetical. It’s reality.

Somehow I’m guessing there’s a lot more “hypothetical” than “reality” going on in this guy’s posts.

You don’t want an exclusive relationship? Fine. There’s no law saying you have to be in one. You can date casually and non-exclusively. You can have an open or polyamorous relationship. There are a lot of people out there in relationships, yet happily fucking other people outside of them. They’re just above board with it.

But that’s not what’s going on with our PUA friend here. With his talk about “regulat[ing]” girlfriends, he seems more interested in fucking over his girlfriend (assuming such a creature really exists) than he is in fucking strangers (sorry, “stranges”).

That’s not “Game.” That’s just being a dick.

But, hey, Nietzsche! He’s BEYOND GOOD AND EVIL! Or, as he puts it in a comment, “Shame and guilt are beta.”

You know, if you have to go around telling everyone what an Nietzschean ubermensch you are, you’re probably aren’t much of a Nietzschean ubermensch.

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13 years ago

Hy had a nize hat, vonce. Hy vish Hy knew vere it vent…

13 years ago

“Also, rape unlike other crimes has the benefit of being behind closed doors. So the only thing people have to go on is your word for evidence. This is pretty flimsy legal defense.”

Usually, I just lurk like mad, but this has got to be one of the creepiest things said in this thread, so I just wanted to leave it here again, in case it got lost in the fray.

13 years ago

“@NWO and other MRAs whining about drinking, here’s a good guideline to determine if a person is too drunk to consent, ask yourself, “Would I let this person in their current state drive my car?” If the answer to this is no, that is a pretty good sign the person is too impaired in judgement to give genuine consent. Now, NWO, I know you prefer your partners too young to be allowed to legally drive, but as that is being a creepy pedo (oh, so sorry ephebo…child molestor), I will not address that issue.”

So we aren’t allowed to “whine” about drinking anymore?

Drunk women are simply horrible, horrible! I have absolutely no sympathy for all these rules on how to take their totally and utterly self-inflicted drunkenness into account.
That simply sends the wrong message.
If you get drunk, bad things might happen to you, you might have sex you don’t really want, you might buy stuff that you don’t really want (e. g. innocent pets that suffer from you stupid drunken decision!), you might think that you still can drive your car and kill other people or you might collapse in the drain and die of hypothermia.

But no, no, it’s never those people who get drunk who are to blame for their idiotic antisocial and reckless act to intoxicate themselves to the point where they are a danger to society, it’s the sober people who aren’t considerate enough of the winos.

“Just because you helped her home” is already WRONG, the mistake already begins there, you should just leave her where she is, because she has intoxicated herself to the point where she is potentially dangerous… ok, probably she might just vomit in your car but that’s already reason enough!

I never help any drunken women (or men, for that matter) because it’s totally and completely their own fault that they find themselves in this state.

I “whine” about drinking and I am PROUD of that.

Alcohol is evil, sXe for life!

13 years ago

“Benefits” of rape? I gotta go bleach my brain now. Jesus.

I see in the OP’s comments that our old friend Ion is still being his charming self.

13 years ago

Man, I leave the internet alone for a little while and you all go totally TL;DR on me. I’m just going to charge blindly ahead with comments on Brandon’s link to dangerandplay’s FRA article.

Although you often read of the dangers women face from “date rape,” in truth, men are just as likely to be falsely accused of rape as women are to be actually raped. Not even the most feminist criminal defense lawyer will deny what I’m about to tell you:

“Fifty-percent of date rape cases are outright false.”

If you do a little research, you’ll notice something peculiar about the sentence Dangerandplay presents as a quote: a quick google search shows that the only matching hit for this quote is (you guessed it) dangerandplay’s website. Evidently it is not a quote of anyone except himself. It is dishonest and lazy. What an ubermensch. When asked about it in the comments, he provided this link:
Which links to this:
Which is supposedly an authoritative legal debunking that references Eugene Kanin and cites recantations as indirect evidence of false rape accusations. Right after the author complains about faulty methodology. Yes, really.

Brandon, David made a post here on manboobz some time ago with a whole bunch of links about rape statistics etcetera. You would do well to read it.

DnP’s recommendations:

1. Filming it:
The San Francisco lawyer case mentioned is the case of Robert Michael Hoffman. Contrary to what DnP claims, only one encounter was videotaped. It’s unclear if the taped encounter was genuinely consensual, but the judge admitted it and apparently those charges were thrown out. In the case of one of his other accusers, the woman denied sending text messages to Hoffman and was proven wrong on the stand in dramatic fashion. Why would she lie about such a thing? I don’t know, it seems dumb. In any case Hoffman seems to have been stretching the bounds of consent, which brings me to the point dangerandplay overlooks:

Get clear and enthusiastic consent from your partner before you have sex with them. That alone seems like it would have prevented Hoffman the trouble of these “false” (I’m not convinced) rape accusations. Clear consent, and safewords, are especially important with kinky stuff and the accusations against him indicate that being careful about consent was not one of his priorities.

In the Hofstra case, the woman claimed she had been tied up when the video showed that that did not happen. There were also other inconsistencies in her story that might have acquitted the men involved anyways.

Of course, there are cases where women have been pretty clearly raped and the act was filmed and still it was deemed consensual. I’m thinking of one case in Nigeria, but it’s not like our culture is great about consent–I was watching Blade Runner last night and I realized that the lead-up-to-sex scene between Deckard and Rachael is waaaay creepier than I remembered. And yet this is imbued with a romantic air by their later interactions. Creepy as all fuck.

Recommendations 2-6 just sound like advice for casting suspicion on accusers, which, hey, will work, but it will work just as well for an actual rapist as it would for someone who is not. Given dangerandplay’s demonstrated attitude towards women, and the tendency of PUAs to explicitly call for pushing the bounds of consent, this just sounds like advice for getting away with being a creepy rapist to me. Again I point out that he misses the most important way to avoid being accused of rape, and that is getting enthusiastic consent from your partner. If someone is calling you up the next day telling you it was wrong, maybe you really are doing it wrong.

But hey. Being careful about consent would be respecting your partner, and that woudn’t be Alpha and would get in the way of getting laid. And who am I to get in the way of Game?

The last piece of advice, to not talk to the police, I agree with wholeheartedly for anybody being accused of a crime. Cite the 5th amendment, here in the states: it’s your right. If you don’t, it’s a police officer’s word against yours and theirs will always hold up better in court.

13 years ago

Joanna! Joanna! Guess what!

I got edited too!

Can I be part of your club now?

Rutee Katreya
13 years ago

The last piece of advice, to not talk to the police, I agree with wholeheartedly for anybody being accused of a crime. Cite the 5th amendment, here in the states: it’s your right. If you don’t, it’s a police officer’s word against yours and theirs will always hold up better in court.

13 years ago

I love how Brandon wouldn’t kill a hobo because it doesn’t benefit him, not because, you know, it’s wrong.

In fact, the only thing he’s seemed to view as wrong in this thread (other than false rape accusations, of course) is necrophilia, and that doesn’t seem to be due to a moral objection, just the fact that it grosses him out. He’s without a doubt a sociopath. But not an interesting or intelligent one, like the one who runs the blog David linked to once upon a time. Rather, he’s one who never got past the behavior or logic of a five year old child and never learned to hide that.

Brandon, you’re a monster. You are, without a doubt, the most repugnant troll I have ever seen on this site, and that’s counting NWO’s “fucktoy with a pulse” comment. I hope Ashley doesn’t exist, and if she does, I hope she runs the fuck away from you.

13 years ago

It seems that the people here just think I should…not have sex unless I trust someone, even though trust can be broken and happens all the time. Also trust is a pretty intangible thing…unlike actual data which is very tangible.…Unless someone can give me some tangible ways to protect themselves from FRA’s without bullshit crap that is impossible to prove (e.g trust, love, and other assorted feelings). I am going to think the best way is to create a paper trail as the best way of protection. That can be video, text messages, email, voice recordings, etc…

Have you been sent back in time to destroy John Conner, or to protect him? Because I’m not seeing any alternative to this scenario right here.

13 years ago

Ha, Danger and play didn’t edit mine. He merely preferred, it seems, to prevent me from commenting.

I’m at such a loss. Why can’t I have a yeasty vagina, too?

13 years ago

Welcome Kirby! Come right in. It’s a great club, mostly we sit around comparing pustules.

13 years ago

Or fat rolls, a small dick, oozing acne, and a receding hair-line… I got edited in another thread too, and sadly it was a comment I was rather proud of. Ah well…

13 years ago

Yes, Moewicus, he left your challenge up. Wonder why?
But lovely running into Johnny_B again, haven’t seen him in ages.

13 years ago

I’m at such a loss. Why can’t I have a yeasty vagina, too?

Because it produces alcohol?

13 years ago

Ooh, I got another one!

Apparently he’s been lurking on Manboobz, or recognized me from here some how. ^_^

He has left this one up, though… Very odd decision.

Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

Brandon is starting to remind me of #5 here:

(Potentially offensive article, but I think she does a good job of being clear that these are still real disorders that people are legitimately diagnosed with. I didn’t look at the comments though and I don’t plan to.)

13 years ago

BTW, I wonder whether Brandon realizes how odd it sounds when he insists that the cops posolutley/absatively could not decrypt the very same tapes he plans to offer up as proof that he’s kept his nose clean. In the event such proof is ever required, of course.

I’m just saying.

(bekabot’s Fantasy Brandon: “These are the tapes that could exonerate me, if only you poor schmoes were bright enough to decrypt them, but you’re not!! Hah!! So I guess that means I get the last laugh!! Bwaahh!! I could be a free man tomorrow if only you stupes were smart enough to figure out the passwords for these tapes, but you never will, never in a million million million…er…um…well…yes…[gulps]…guess that’s enough gloating for now…”)

13 years ago

So according to most people so far, the advice is not to have sex. Ya, not going to happen. Sex is the best part of life and I am not going to stop sleeping with women because people here think I am immoral or nihilistic. Tough shit. There are all types of people in the world. I just happen to be not the lovey dovey bleeding heart variety.

@Darksidecat: Seriously? How do you have a “false murder” charge anyways? The moment they find that person walking and talking is the second that issue is solved. “Oh look, there he is, must not be dead…case closed.” It doesn’t even get past the investigation, never mind a trial. Rape is much more complex of an issue.

@Laurabot: Ya, I don’t really care what you think of me. I also wouldn’t kill the hobo because I think depriving someone of life is wrong.

13 years ago

Several people have asked you a simple question, Brandon. Why are you not acknowledging it?

13 years ago

brandon you should probably get your lawyer daddy to explain how someone can be falsely accused of murder (hint: it has to do with the reason we have trials). it’s a lot easier than you think.

13 years ago

Brandon, I’m not going to join in with the people bashing you for supposed mental disorders. It’s not my business whether you’re neurotypical or not; I myself have been diagnosed with Asperger’s, and judging from what other people have described feelings of empathy to be like, I don’t think I have a whole lot of that. (I have to remind myself constantly that other people have feelings, and reason from that to an estimation of what those feelings must be like in various situations. It’s difficult, but it can be done.)

But even if you are a legit sociopath, or if you have Asperger’s or something, it’s still possible to realize that empathy-like behaviors (I’m not saying “empathy” because I don’t care what your feelings about other people are, just your actions) will lead to rewards for society as a whole and therefore for you.

Consider that we evolved to live in groups, that even today people living in small bands of hunter-gatherers and whatnot absolutely must be altruistic to survive, and that humans in groups are far more likely to be able to hunt, build shelters, farm, etc, than one or two loners.

Consider that society wouldn’t run very well if everyone was as paranoid and creepy as you are being, ready to turn on one another at the slightest provocation. Consider that the fact that nobody has yet turned on you, despite your fears, is evidence that most people don’t want to, that implicitly we have all decided that living in a well-regulated, just society is better for the individual than living in a society of assholes. If other people behaved toward you the way you say is optimal for you to behave toward them, not only would you get hurt, a lot, but everyone would get hurt. And because we’d be less secure, we’d be less prosperous.

You paint yourself as an individual, a loner, just you and your gold and your non-consensually videotaped sex acts, but your individual comfort and security in fact rests on the fact that you live in a society that functions well, and that depends on a network of interdependent acts of altruism. You are the discordant note. Since this provokes hostility, it’s actually self-defeating. Self-interest demands not being a dick to other people.

Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

The advice isn’t not to have sex, Brandon.

The advice is to not have sex with people you trust so little that you think they might stab you in the back at total fucking random. No, this can’t 100% protect you from “FRAs”, but it’s pretty good.

Do you fall asleep with women in the room? Do you eat food they’ve prepared? Take drinks they hand you? Then your problem isn’t that you’re genuinely a “TRUST NO ONE” security-minded type. It’s just that MRAs have planted the specific spectre of “women false-accuse men constantly for inscrutable woman reasons” in your mind, and you, brilliant free-thinker you, swallowed it whole.

It’s especially sad, because that meme only started to benefit rapists and intimidate rape survivors. It’s sort of an unintended side effect that it’s arousing this kind of paranoia. It’s supposed to comfort you with the knowledge that if you ever decide to rape someone you can say “false rape accusations, they happen all the time, sheesh women am I right fellas” and have a pretty good chance of getting off scot-free.

13 years ago

So according to most people so far, the advice is not to have sex. Ya, not going to happen. Sex is the best part of life and I am not going to stop sleeping with women because people here think I am immoral or nihilistic. Tough shit.

Well, Brandon, in that case what’s clear is that you aren’t taping women without their consent because you need to protect yourself and have no other choice; you are taping women without their consent because you want to indulge your own desires without regard to the bodily integrity of others. Hell, like I said — you might as well be a rapist. One thing, though: if you like boasting of how little you care about others, don’t then go around misrepresenting your motives. You aren’t sacrificing those women to your safety; you are sacrificing them to your hang-ups.

There are all types of people in the world. I just happen to be not the lovey dovey bleeding heart variety.

No, Brandon, see, you just happen to be the stupid and criminal variety. You also happen to be a very immature variety who hasn’t realized yet that Ayn Rand’s “philosophy” is bullshit, and you only exist thanks to the very society that you so despise. I I am not the “lovey dovey bleeding heart” type; hell, I’m downright abrasive. Nevertheless, I respect people’s boundaries and don’t commit crimes in the name of pursuing pleasure. Refraining from hurting others or breaking the law isn’t being “lovey dovey bleeding heart” variety; it’s being responsible and prudent. You are merely trying to be “all tough” in the laughable, puerile way that 14-year-old boys believe intrigues girls. It doesn’t; instead, it proves once again that you are an idiot.

13 years ago

So according to most people so far, the advice is not to have sex.

No dude, the advice is not to have non-consensual sex. This is easy, you use words to ask DO YOU WANT SEX TIEM NOW PLEASE and if they say YES then you bang. Words can be used to signify objects, desires, or mental states.

Sex is the best part of life and I am not going to stop sleeping with women because people here think I am immoral or nihilistic. Tough shit. There are all types of people in the world. I just happen to be not the lovey dovey bleeding heart variety.

See my above comment. I don’t care what your feelings are like, because I have no way of perceiving them. I care about your actions, which right now are douchey.

13 years ago

Orion: You are correct, the state has a burden to abide by the law in the obtaining of evidence. That someone collected something, with the intent of it being used as evidence, in a criminal manner isn’t forbidden; so long as they are not doing it at the behest of the police/state.

That, of course, doesn’t prevent the illegal manner of collection being used against them.

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