Here’s the bravely anonymous alpha blogger behind “Danger & Play ~ An online magazine for alpha males” explaining “Why You Should Cheat on Your Girlfriend.” I’ve bolded my favorite bit:
Haters will tell you to, “Man up! Break up with your girlfriend if you’re not happy.” They are missing the point. You want to have your cake, and to eat it too. Steady, reliable pussy and the occasional strange is the best of all worlds.
Cheating is a lot of fun, and it’s something I highly recommend. It’s way more exhilarating than bungee jumping, and few things feel as good as banging your girlfriend on the same day you banged some strange.
Cheating keeps your game tight. The best way to regulate your girlfriend is knowing you can bang chicks as hot or hotter than your girl. Well, when you cheat, this isn’t hypothetical. It’s reality.
Somehow I’m guessing there’s a lot more “hypothetical” than “reality” going on in this guy’s posts.
You don’t want an exclusive relationship? Fine. There’s no law saying you have to be in one. You can date casually and non-exclusively. You can have an open or polyamorous relationship. There are a lot of people out there in relationships, yet happily fucking other people outside of them. They’re just above board with it.
But that’s not what’s going on with our PUA friend here. With his talk about “regulat[ing]” girlfriends, he seems more interested in fucking over his girlfriend (assuming such a creature really exists) than he is in fucking strangers (sorry, “stranges”).
That’s not “Game.” That’s just being a dick.
But, hey, Nietzsche! He’s BEYOND GOOD AND EVIL! Or, as he puts it in a comment, “Shame and guilt are beta.”
You know, if you have to go around telling everyone what an Nietzschean ubermensch you are, you’re probably aren’t much of a Nietzschean ubermensch.
Well, Brandon: Even assuming that you are such a great computer specialist that the government’s contractors will be completely unable to reach the files without your password — the courts can always use the power of contempt to force you to give it to them. That’s an indefinite jail term.
Zombie Jeebus, I am so fucking tired of people treating this alpha/beta bullshit like it’s an actual thing. Especially coming from lying poseurs like this dangerandplay moron.
Well, as others have pointed out, this won’t actually help. But leaving that aside, it wouldn’t be just 1-2 years. Once you turned in your covert video, the police would get a warrant to search the rest of your video library, at which point you would be serving 1-2 years for each incident of taping without consent, not to mention the exposure to lawsuits.
Seriously, man, you haven’t thought this all the way through.
I should add: My burly friend in the closet may or may not be jerking off (since you don’t know he’s even there, obviously you won’t know whether he’s jerking it or not) and he may or may not be getting off to the specific idea that he has power over you and he’s humiliating you. He may or may not share what he’s seen with anyone he likes, including painfully private details about your body and sexuality.
But don’t worry, he’s mostly there to protect me against rape! Everything else is just a side benefit, and like I said, you don’t even know whether he’s enjoying those side benefits or not.
I will reiterate, because it doesn’t seem to sink into Brandon’s skull: saying you can prevent the government from getting the rest of the videos by just not giving them the password is equivalent to saying that you can prevent the police from searching your house by not opening the door.
@Daphne B.
Spiking her drink with Metamucil? Fireside chats over a warm cup of senna? Yelling “Take your fiber, bitch!!!” during sex?
Who knows, these folks have strange fetishes.
No, no it isn’t. She is a human being with just as much value as you. You aren’t special to us, or to the rest of the world. Even if you are advocating egoism, then she has every right to try and punish as much as possible for violating her interests by taping her. Egoism, however, fails horrifically when put up against game theory and most actual social dynamics.
Also, Brandon, you have yet to address my point. The credible statistics put false rape convictions at comparable or lower rates than false murder or robbery convictions. Do you track your every movement so as to provide yourself with an alibi for these things as well?
In addition, if your taping of people is not a violation, why do you not inform people about it beforehand? After all, you could only agree to let people into your house/have sex with people after you notify them that all interactions will be taped. Your suggestion that you care more about having sex with someone by secretly violating them and breaking the law than you do about doing neither of those things by getting consent but possibly making it harder to find partners is rapey.
@NWO and other MRAs whining about drinking, here’s a good guideline to determine if a person is too drunk to consent, ask yourself, “Would I let this person in their current state drive my car?” If the answer to this is no, that is a pretty good sign the person is too impaired in judgement to give genuine consent. Now, NWO, I know you prefer your partners too young to be allowed to legally drive, but as that is being a creepy pedo (oh, so sorry ephebo…child molestor), I will not address that issue.
PS. Ami is awesome.
“Yelling “Take your fiber, bitch!!!” during sex?”
Protein. Take your protein. =P
I read a case in law school in which several men picked up a woman in a bar after she had had several drinks and passed out. They drove to a desolate place and took turns having sex with her. All this time, she remained completely unresponsive. Some time after having sex with her, the men realized that she was, um … dead. To make a long story short: an autopsy eventually determined that when the woman passed out in the bar, it wasn’t because she was drunk, but because she died (from a rare congenital heart condition that killed her instantly). When those men picked her up, she was already dead. They had sex with a corpse.
So there was good news and bad news for the crazy kids. The good news was that they didn’t commit what would otherwise have been rape, because you can’t rape a dead person, hurray!! The bad news is that fucking a corpse is still a crime that carries a prison term, not to mention ewwwww.
Beyond the “ew” factor, this case is an extreme illustration of how some men are willing to exploit a woman’s drunkenness as an opportunity to rape her: they were perfectly willing and eager to have sex with a woman who was so utterly unresponsive, she might as well have been dead.
Holy crap Amused! That is horrifying, on several levels.
Can we expect Brandon to come in and start explaining how, being immune from social expectations and prejudices, he doesn’t see anything wrong with sexxing a corpse since by definition it’s now an object and so it can’t be inappropriate as nobody’s rights are violated?
Umm, Brandon, if you are ever accused of rape and your response is:
“Of course it was consensual! Here, I have video. What was the date again?” and proceed to comb through your doubtless meticulously organized index of videotaped sexual encounters, you are going to be a hell of a lot more of a suspect than the guy who just says “Whaa? Me? No, it was totally consensual!”
I mean, the 2nd response is ordinary dudebro denial. The 1st is just serial killer territory. The only people who are *that* scared of rape accusations are, you know, RAPISTS.
Also adding my vote to Ami’s awesomeness. Ami, you are one awesome cupcake.
@BlackBloc: Ya, not advocating having sex with a corpse. That is just disgusting.
I think Brandon already thinks that about all non-Brandon entities. The rest is just the buzzing of so many flies.
Tone Troll is concerned about tone.
Duely noted.
“‘Yelling “Take your fiber, bitch!!!’ during sex?”
Protein. Take your protein. =P”
Yeah. That’s an interesting use of the word “fiber”.
Brandon : @Cassandra: Depends on how you do it. If I was filming in my bedroom and we are both on my bed naked and I said “Are you ready?” while trying to initiate sex and she said “yes” that’s consent. That isn’t reasonable doubt, it is her giving me the go ahead. The video is just evidence to prove it.
Continuing text messaging girls and keeping her responses acts as further proof that it was consentual. If I texted her “I really enjoyed last night” and she said “ya me too”. Then that is further proof of what the film already said.
No, to both. They are, at best, circumstantial evidence (and likely to be effective at their aim; to defeat a rape charge), but they don’t prove consent. Take the texting. Unless she is refusing to reply at all (which people are socialised to not do), and she has any sense of the amibivalence NullPointer alluded to, then the most likely response willl be the white lie.
As to the first, unless the entire evening is taped, there is no way to know what level of pressure (be it psychological or chemical), may have been used before the “proof” of consent occured.
And then we have the summa of Brandon (which, shock of shocks, matches what many have been saying) @Dracula: I have committed crimes before (smoking weed, underage drinking, etc…). I tend to not really give a shit if something is illegal or not. I only take my morality and risks into account.
In plain English, “Fuck you Jack. It’s all about me.”
@Null: And there is the kicker…you wouldn’t want me to have leverage over her. And by leverage…I mean “Can actually prove she is full of shit when she said ‘He raped me!’”.
Or perhaps when you want another round, and she’s not interested, “Hey, look how much you liked it last time… I’ll bet I could show some people who’d be really interested in it….”
Yep, no way to abuse that secret tape. No possible way a person could use it as leverage that wasn’t based on a defense to rape.
@Elizabeth: For one, if the cops are looking for weed, they can’t take anything that isn’t weed or looks like weed. A flash drive doesn’t look like weed.
Again we see Brandon’t brilliant grasp of the law. A search warrant tends to be vague, so as to give the best lattitude for related objects. If it was specifically limited to, “marijuana”, you’d be in the clear (becaus of that over specificity talked about before). But a good warrant will say something on the order of, “Marijuana, paraphernalia and any other evidence of use, distribution, purchase or sale.”
At which point that flash drive becomes seizable.
Oh look, Brandon still hasn’t answered my question. Worried about looking like a hypocrite, Brandon?
To be fair to Brandon: good encryption is pretty much proof against run of the mill searches. Bruce Scneier thinksTrueCrypt is good defense.
The thing is, and it’s the important part (and why the folks with child porn tend to get bagged), you have to encrypt everything, always.
When all is said and done, Brandon can probably avoid the taping rap, if he’s willing to take a conviction for obstructing justice. Depending on the situation it can be pretty hard to avoid. If the computer/drives were taken as part of a different investigation the DA has a lot of leverage in terms of how the case (and so the severity of the obstruction charge) is built.
But most people aren’t as thorough in the ways they use encryption, and that’s the weakness. They have things that aren’t encrypted mixed with things that are, which makes the cops suspicious.
@darksidecat; I am not saying she doesn’t have value, just that my safety is more important to me than her feelings.
I protect myself from other crimes as well. I don’t hang out or communicate with criminals so I can’t be “guilty by association”. I protect myself from robbery by keeping important documents, money and other valuables in a safe. I also lock my door when leaving my house.
We all take precautions to avoid negative things happening to us. Can we protect ourselves completely? no. But we can do a few things to minimize it happening to us.
It seems that the people here just think I should
1) not have sex unless I trust someone, even though trust can be broken and happens all the time. Also trust is a pretty intangible thing…unlike actual data which is very tangible.
2) Not gather evidence to protect myself against a FRA. As if I should just come to the court with no way to protect myself or have a defense.
Unless someone can give me some tangible ways to protect themselves from FRA’s without bullshit crap that is impossible to prove (e.g trust, love, and other assorted feelings). I am going to think the best way is to create a paper trail as the best way of protection. That can be video, text messages, email, voice recordings, etc…
Brandon: The most obvious advice that people are giving you here is that you don’t protect yourself from FRA in a way that involves you committing multiple crimes. Beyond that, if you are that worried about FRA’s, then don’t have sex, period.
“Unless someone can give me some tangible ways to protect themselves from FRA’s without bullshit crap that is impossible to prove (e.g trust, love, and other assorted feelings). I am going to think the best way is to create a paper trail as the best way of protection.”
Wow. Forget not thinking True Love exists… Brandon doesn’t think basic human connections exist.
Actually, now I’m wondering how Brandon treats his friends and family members. Love and trust are just bullshit concepts for people who don’t understand how to protect themselves, right?