alpha males beta males douchebaggery men who should not ever be with women ever PUA

A PUA, living the dream. And by “living the dream” I mean “being a dick.”

Cheating is jerky. But this picture is still hilarious.

Here’s the bravely anonymous alpha blogger behind “Danger & Play ~ An online magazine for alpha males” explaining “Why You Should Cheat on Your Girlfriend.” I’ve bolded my favorite bit:

Haters will tell you to, “Man up! Break up with your girlfriend if you’re not happy.” They are missing the point. You want to have your cake, and to eat it too. Steady, reliable pussy and the occasional strange is the best of all worlds.

Cheating is a lot of fun, and it’s something I highly recommend. It’s way more exhilarating than bungee jumping, and few things feel as good as banging your girlfriend on the same day you banged some strange.

Cheating keeps your game tight. The best way to regulate your girlfriend is knowing you can bang chicks as hot or hotter than your girl. Well, when you cheat, this isn’t hypothetical. It’s reality.

Somehow I’m guessing there’s a lot more “hypothetical” than “reality” going on in this guy’s posts.

You don’t want an exclusive relationship? Fine. There’s no law saying you have to be in one. You can date casually and non-exclusively. You can have an open or polyamorous relationship. There are a lot of people out there in relationships, yet happily fucking other people outside of them. They’re just above board with it.

But that’s not what’s going on with our PUA friend here. With his talk about “regulat[ing]” girlfriends, he seems more interested in fucking over his girlfriend (assuming such a creature really exists) than he is in fucking strangers (sorry, “stranges”).

That’s not “Game.” That’s just being a dick.

But, hey, Nietzsche! He’s BEYOND GOOD AND EVIL! Or, as he puts it in a comment, “Shame and guilt are beta.”

You know, if you have to go around telling everyone what an Nietzschean ubermensch you are, you’re probably aren’t much of a Nietzschean ubermensch.

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13 years ago

Gosh, I go away for a few hours and come back to this lol.

Oh NWO, perhaps I should have elaborated on my “fess up” earlier. I got harassed by guys for sex a lot. They wouldn’t take no for an answer. So yes, I let them buy me drinks. If they were going to annoy me all night, might as well get something out of it as I wasn’t keen on the sex. Only the smarter guys actually took no for an answer and moved on to someone more willing.

That was a younger, sillier me anyway. Taking advantage of people is wrong, boys and girls, no matter if it’s for a few drinks or to “tear up someones pussy”.

Daphne B.
13 years ago

I have read the comments (all 400!) and I’m still stuck on the word “regulate” from the OP. Like, I don’t understand how a gf needs to be “regulated” or what mechanisms are used. I imagine the guy sternly pointing a finger and saying “Hey! No more demands to ‘talk’ or ‘do things together’, or off I go and screw my harem!”

It… just doesn’t make sense.

13 years ago

@Daphne B:

You’ve got to remember, these guys think that women use sex as a psychological weapon, threatening to withhold it at the slightest provocation. As we all know, men cannot live without sex. Therefore, if a dude can get sex in other places, suddenly a woman has no power over him.


13 years ago

Oh, yeah, I remember an older discussion in which someone posted a no-sex protest from women in Columbia, until a major road is fixed.
This however has been used as some kind of proof how women use sex to manipulate others or how evil they are (obviously the fact that the road was essential for the whole town not just for them was somewhat ingored).
It’s simply absurd.

13 years ago

+1 Awesome vote for Ami.

13 years ago

I’d say the internet is actually a wormhole to another dimension in which we can contact guys like Mr. Danger&Play in their own world.

13 years ago

I sumply refuse to give in to this tactic… is he actually using as an argument “nobody likes you” in a discussion? Are we five? Do we have to expect next sitting him in tehcorner crying, because nobody wants to play with him or possibly accusing someone else that he/she smells or has cooties?

13 years ago

Yeah, the MRA’s love to talk about how women withhold sex to torture men. First it assumes men have a greater libido than women, and that may be true in some cases but it’s not true for everyone. Second, it treats sex like an obligation women fulfill for men rather than a mutually enjoyable experience for both partners. Finally, they don’t stop and wonder why a woman would lose interest in sex in the first place. Maybe she has a hormonal imbalance, is feeling under the weather, or she in unhappy in the relationship. They completely ignore the needs of the woman and instead only see her as a masturbation tool for the man, especially if the couple is married.

That’s similar to how NWO griped about women that accept free drinks and then not have sex with the men who bought the drinks. I don’t care if the man buys a woman a new car. He is not entitled to sex. He shouldn’t buy a woman something with the expectation of sex as a reward of gratitude. I remember when people gave the dating advice to not order lobster, steak, or anything expensive at dinner, or else the person buying dinner will then be entitled to sex. That’s bs.

13 years ago

Eneya: Have you read his “shit test” post? His blog reads like a bad fanfic of his own life. And he stars as Gary Stu.

13 years ago

Probably not. I trust Ashley and I am not really having casual flings right now.

So you’re having serious flings? See, Brandon, this imprecise use of language you have going on is why everyone here thinks you’re full of shit AND a complete sociopath.

And Ami is awesome!

13 years ago

There are also encryption programs that allows you to maintain plausible deniability by creating two passwords and giving law enforcement one that unlocks nothing or generic files (resume.doc). While the other one unlocks the rest of the drive. Hence you can use deniable encryption.

I deal with this stuff everyday. It would take me ten minutes to set everything up. So while it would be time intensive for cops, it wouldn’t be for me.

Wow, those stupid police probably don’t read this blog so there’s no way they’d ever know about any of this.

Oh wait. You do know there are technical people on police forces? They’re not just regular old cops who sit down at a computer tapping at it with their big bear paws wondering what will come out next.

Security and cracking security are their jobs. They do it every day, all day.

On a more practical note, have you considered taping them with their consent before and after sex, saying it’s consensual? This might reduce the number of women willing to have sex with you, but it would not only give you the evidence you’re looking for, it would make it obvious you’re not a secretly-sex-taping creep.

But then it might reduce the number of women willing to have sex with you so probably this doesn’t pass the Brandon-as-center-of-world test.

13 years ago

Brandon… of course you can honey.
I am sure you can do this because you say so on the Internet.
And as we know nobody in the police have ever seen a computer or knows how to use it, especially people from teams who deal specifically with cyber crimes or have to deal with tad more complicated stuff than the hidden porn stache of some random bloke.
Also, obstruction of justice.
But yeah… FRA is this guy main problem.
As one who works as an IT as well this discussion amuses the hell out of me. 🙂

Joanna, yes, I have read his blog. He strikes me as unable to form a coherent paragraph in a quite defined discussion. His blog… is not an improvement.

13 years ago


Number one, I don’t think you understand how complex computer hacking can be. A talented script kiddie can remotely access your laptop and do whatever they want with it (i.e., taking whatever files they want from it, no matter how they’re encrypted. Interestingly, they can also plant files so as to incriminate someone and falsely accuse them of a crime. Hope that doesn’t give you *another* thing to be paranoid about.)

Also, if you perceive illegally videotaping sex acts to be a plausible means of avoiding “rolling over and letting the legal system fuck you,” consider this: how would you like it if you had a friend who had similar levels of distrust in other people, only instead of being afraid of false rape accusations, they were afraid of, say, people stealing from them? So they put hidden cameras in all of the rooms in their house…including the bathroom. If you somehow found out that all the times you were over there and had to use the toilet or take a shower, you’d been secretly filmed, how would you feel? Even if they promised that they didn’t film you for their own enjoyment, that they’d rather make you feel uncomfortable than risk you stealing from them? Would you just be okay with that?


“The gang might love you but they’re an infintesimal minority, and with good reason.”

Implying that people whose views are akin to yours represent some kind of majority…

13 years ago

“The gang might love you but they’re an infintesimal minority, and with good reason.”

Rational minded people are a minority???

13 years ago

“Rational minded people are a minority???”

I didn’t know “rational minded” equals “angry, argumentative and insulting” nowadays. You kids and your crazy lingo. I thought this blog was funny and clever at first, but it’s just mean spirited and the commenters are often just as bad as the people they’re mocking, imo.

13 years ago

No one’s forcing you stick around.

13 years ago

Well, we have different opinions here obviously. I find it normal that people are angry… there is something to be angry about in almost all of the discussions that start even from the most innocent discussion. Mainly when some people roll and start implying that women are the root of all issues. That makes me angry for instance.
Or when other people roll and say men can’t help themselves because that’s how they are wired. That makes my angry as well.
Argumentative… you know, I don’t find this a negative thing. Call me crazy but people who don’t roll over and debate with other people using facts, logic and arguments are actually pretty cool people to hang around… don’t you agree? Would you prefer some social amoebas who have nothing to say or don’t have opinion on anything… or my favorite – change their opinion whit whatever the rest think so they don’t feel excluded?
Insulting… well, I think that it could be some improvement in that department provided the first weapon of choice of the people who disagree with the regulard readers and supports of the site didn’t insult as a way of trying to win arguments or to somehow dismiss other people’s arguments.

Huh… you know, it could be true that such people are minority. If they (we?) weren’t maybe we wouldn’t have had most of the issues feminism is trying to fight in the first place?

13 years ago

Independant of the fact Brandon is a tool, a few things I want to clarify about crypto:

1) Open source cryptography is actually more secure than closed source. In the modern world, where we have separated a crypto system’s key from its algorithm, it is unnecessary to hide the algorithm to preserve a crypto system’s strength. Whereas having the crypto system public makes it more likely that any flaw will be found by crowdsourcing.

2) I’m interested in that attack on disk encryption system. It seems to me this would only matter if you would have consulted the data in question the last time you turned on your computer, though with the possibility of it being persistent across multiple executions, with the likelyhood of the data remaining in memory being inversely proportional to the time spent doing other activities than consulting the data you need to remain secret (it’s similar to how you can retrieve deleted data from a hard disk, the more you actually use the hard disk the less data there will remain to exploit as it will slowly get overwritten). It would theoretically not work for a USB key that is not used at all on your computer but remains in storage, because from the description it seems the attack consists of cribbing the encrypted file by using parts of the plain text that lived on in RAM.

Anyway, the point is that there’s a lot wrong about what Brandon claims he’d be doing without inventing weaknesses in his plan to use strong crypto to keep the fact he’s a creepy douche secret.

13 years ago

@Papr1ka: I understand it well enough to use it to serve my interests. A flash drive dipped in epoxy, using AES encryption with deniable encryption and a password + salt run through md5. Then run the whole thing through SHA-1. It will take a very long time for even IT security personnel to get at the data. Or just use IronKey:

13 years ago

I didn’t know “rational minded” equals “angry, argumentative and insulting” nowadays.

None of these characteristics are impediments to being rational minded.

Molly Ren
13 years ago

Broseidon: Yeah, we are sometimes nasty on here just for teh lolz.

…but I’m a little surprised you decided to tell us that in this comment thread. Do you think we’re being unnecessarily hard on someone who thinks secretly videotaping their partners during sex is a smart thing to do?

13 years ago

Therefore, if a dude can get sex in other places, suddenly a woman has no power over him.

One does wonder why the MGTOW don’t simply decide to have sex with EACH OTHER and cut females out of the loop completely, a la the political lesbianism of years ago.

And I find it hard to believe that we’re really crediting Brandon with honesty here. He only videotapes partners to make sure he isn’t accused of rape? Oh, of course that’s the real reason. It’s not so he can jack off to them later, or to feel like he put one over on the bitch, or so he can put a copy up on his website if the bitch cheats on him.

A video isn’t really going to help against a false accusation – “Yes, I had consensual sex with Brandon, but then he turned off the camera and raped me, saying there was no way I’d ever prove it!” But he knows that.

13 years ago

None of these characteristics are impediments to being rational minded.

For one thing, now all the US founding fathers are apparently no longer rational minded! Let’s be honest, they were pretty insulting to King George. :p

Molly Ren
13 years ago

“One does wonder why the MGTOW don’t simply decide to have sex with EACH OTHER and cut females out of the loop completely, a la the political lesbianism of years ago.”

Because in addition to their other wonderful attributes, they’re homophobic as hell.

(Though Ami *has* mentioned one gay MRA on occasion, so perhaps they exist as well.)

13 years ago

Because in addition to their other wonderful attributes, they’re homophobic as hell.

But they’ll never admit that. It might suggest they need women.

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