douchebaggery hypocrisy MRA reddit

Some douchebag is impersonating me on Reddit; r/mr mods won’t ban him

So some douchebag is impersonating me on Reddit. I post as manboobz. He (or she) posts as manboobz_. (That is, with a little underscore at the end.) Luckily most of the faux-manboobz’ comments are fairly easy to tell from mine — this is not someone with a great sense of subtlety — so at least some of the regulars have figured out that this bonehead is not actually me. Not all of them, unfortunately.

As impersonating someone else is a violation of Reddit’s rules, and an asshole move to boot, I politely asked the Men’s Rights subreddit’s mods to ban the faux-me. Here was the response:

Stay classy, AnnArchist!

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13 years ago

Oops. Heh. Tabs.

13 years ago

@Hershele, must be pretty common. I was on livejournal.

But I saw it happen quite a bit during the BP Gulf spill also.

13 years ago

If I lived on Pern, I would be a gold dragonrider and queen of the awesomest Weyr, and I would also have twelve pet firelizards and eyes that change color. These are facts, not boasting, and are relevant to the discussion at hand.

13 years ago

I could totally kick Batman’s ass if he were real.

Facts, not boasting.

Okay, here me out, but what if there was a fight between Batman and Dr. Who and Neo and Jesus… and Jesus was allowed to swing MRAL around by the ankle like a limp, sobbing human flail? Then who wins?

13 years ago

If I lived on Pern, I would be a gold dragonrider and queen of the awesomest Weyr, and I would also have twelve pet firelizards and eyes that change color. These are facts, not boasting, and are relevant to the discussion at hand.

Fuck you, Shaenon, for literally describing my childhood dreams for a good several years and making me remember the intense desperate girlish longing. I wanted a telepathic flying dragon SO SO BAD.

13 years ago

Batman wins, Bagelsan. Batman always wins.

13 years ago

You make a convincing argument, Dracula. 🙂

13 years ago

Incidentally, Batman could totally kick my ass if I was real.

13 years ago

Yeah? Well I would have 15 fire lizards and 2 dragons! So there!

Because I have a high IQ.

13 years ago

Also, I would feed MRAL to my dragon, because as a feminist-associated dragon she would of course be a man eater.

Holly Pervocracy
Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

If Batman was real, I would be Batman.

13 years ago

I’m going to be Batman tonight, actually, after I do a detour by the EB Games.

Hershele Ostropoler
13 years ago

I might be Batman in a couple of weeks.

13 years ago

13 years ago

@Bagelsan, the Doctor, obviously. XD

13 years ago

Personally, I’d rather rather see Batman and the Doctor working together. Tell me that wouldn’t awesome.

13 years ago

An interesting question…

Why does everyone here, including David, assume that “manboobz_” is some pissed off MRA or other, trying to annoy or embarrass David? Why do we not assume that “manboobz_” is a fan of David, or a feminist or some other, posing as a pissed of MRA trying to annoy or embarrass David in order to discredit Reddit as David seems so intent on trying to achieve?

13 years ago

qwert: Yeah, and they’re probably funded by the CIA, too!

13 years ago

Dracula: and the Rothchilds.

13 years ago

@ Dracula

Far fetched I know, but it really wouldn’t surprise me (not the CIA part), stranger things have happened I’m sure!

13 years ago

The Rothchilds are staging a skit based on Dad’s role in Reservoir Dogs as we speak. Why does Slavey hate it when children try to connect with their father?

Molly Ren
13 years ago

“Why do we not assume that “manboobz_” is a fan of David, or a feminist or some other, posing as a pissed of MRA trying to annoy or embarrass David in order to discredit Reddit as David seems so intent on trying to achieve?”

… cuz that’s really ass-backwards, qwert666. “We’re gonna annoy him, it will help his cause SO MUCH!”

13 years ago

qwert: Why would you assume someone saying “I am a miserable person who does whatever women tell me to instead of thinking for myself” is a fan of Dave’s?

13 years ago
Rutee Katreya
13 years ago

Because an MRA is a more parsimonious explanation than a feminist pretending to be an MRA, and both equally fit the evidence available.