douchebaggery hypocrisy MRA reddit

Some douchebag is impersonating me on Reddit; r/mr mods won’t ban him

So some douchebag is impersonating me on Reddit. I post as manboobz. He (or she) posts as manboobz_. (That is, with a little underscore at the end.) Luckily most of the faux-manboobz’ comments are fairly easy to tell from mine — this is not someone with a great sense of subtlety — so at least some of the regulars have figured out that this bonehead is not actually me. Not all of them, unfortunately.

As impersonating someone else is a violation of Reddit’s rules, and an asshole move to boot, I politely asked the Men’s Rights subreddit’s mods to ban the faux-me. Here was the response:

Stay classy, AnnArchist!

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13 years ago

@Pecunium: I am not an attorney, but my father is. I used to work for him, so I have some basic understanding of law. I also know that one of the easiest ways to void a contract is to make it not apply to you or the situation at hand. And the best way to do that is to see if there is any “wiggle room” in the contract. “wiggle room” meaning terms and definitions that are general and not specific. The more specific a contract is, the harder it is to get out of it.

Translation, Brandon is so well connected that he knows Jack and Shit.

In order for something to be ambiguous, there must be two or more reasonable interpretations. Your interpretation is not reasonable, Brandon.

Black’s law dictionary defines “impersonation” as “The act of impersonating someone.”

Continuing the game of definition, here’s merriam webster’s sole definition for impersonate: “to assume or act the character of : personate”

So, this does meet the element of impersonation, because adopting someone’s known name and presenting as them is to attempt to assume or act the character of the person or to personate them.

But, note that it does not have to, because the rule is as follows: “You may not impersonate, imitate or pretend to be somebody else when using the Website.”

The user manboobz_ is imitating and pretending to be David as well. Note the or in the rule. This means that any of the above, seperately or jointly, are prohibited.

The additional restriction to user names is absolutely unecessary, because it is a general prohibition, rather than a specific list of manners of ways to impersonate, imitate or pretend that are prohibited.

Damn, you suck. Go back and take statute reading 101 (note, this is not an actual class, but rather a skill picked up in law classes) and contracts before you speak on this subject again.

13 years ago

I recall MRAL saying he would be an Alpha in a supposed pre-societal cave-man civilization. It was quite a while ago, but I remember him saying his alleged strength and intelligence would put him in the upper echelons of the social order if it weren’t for the “fymynyst” elite demeaning him for his (once again, alleged) minuteness and facial deformity.

Men's Rights Activist Lieutenant
Men's Rights Activist Lieutenant
13 years ago

Again, facts, not boasting. It was relevant to the discussion as I remember it.

Rutee Katreya
13 years ago

Man, this is the most transparent dodge I’ve seen out of you yet.

And no, it was just you going “I COULD TOTALLY DO IT”.

And your high IQ may be a fact (Because you know, we totally believe everything you say and take it at face value, you’ve been SO TRUSTWORTHY in the past.), but if it’s irrelevant and you bring it up (And it was irrelevant, because the conversation wasn’t about your IQ), it’s boasting. Even if it’s true.

Men's Rights Activist Lieutenant
Men's Rights Activist Lieutenant
13 years ago

u mad?

13 years ago

When have I ever macho postured?

All the damn time, squirt.

Holly Pervocracy
Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

It seems that no-caps is the new all-caps.

Rutee Katreya
13 years ago

No, but I am amused at the continued depths of arrogance one can plumb in your posts.

13 years ago

I feel the need to point out that what you’d like to think would happen in a situation that has not actually occurred is, by definition, not a fact.

13 years ago

I could totally kick Batman’s ass if he were real.

Facts, not boasting.

13 years ago

You are now hearing “u mad” in Urkel’s voice.

Hey David, since there’s a distinct lack of reasonable moderation on /r/mr, maybe you can show Annie how modding’s done and ban MRAL for posting lazy memes like ‘u mad’?

Out of context, it just adds nothing to the discussion.

On the plus side, it really inflates the comment count. I suppose more viewers will be attracted to this blog if it’s jumping with activity. 😉

Rutee Katreya
13 years ago

Hey hey hey, lazy memes are fine. :t

Mr. Kobold
Mr. Kobold
13 years ago

“u mad?”

MRAL trying to play the part of some “cool” chan troll is funny given all the times he’s keyboard mashed in cracked voice puberty screams.

“This forum is full of pretentious fFUCKIGN BITCHES.”

y so mad bro?

13 years ago

MRAL : When have I ever macho postured?

There was the desire to gouge someone’s eye out, “to teach her a lesson,:

There is the, “I can take any 5’10” woman, coupled with the, “I’m very strong.”

So too the whole thing about how tall you are in the morning, vs. the evening.

Talking about intelligence isn’t macho posturing. As as for the other thing, I was just stating objective facts.

Is straight up posturing. What objective measure have you got that you are able win fights? What have you got that, objectively, says you can “take out” women, just because they are women?

I have a pretty good reason to say that, push come to shove, I’ll shoot people. I spent 16 years in a job where what I did was, at one level or another, entirely based on killing people.

A fair bit of my time was spent in practicing killing people, directly. I was trained to shoot people. I trained people to shoot people. I am very good at shooting. If I choose to shoot at something, the only things which keep me from hitting it are pretty much my patience and the amount of wind, mirage, distance and target motion.

I have a lot of time spent at the range measuring this by using pistols and rifles to punch holes in things, both stationary and moving, with iron sights, and glass; single shot, bolt action, lever action, and semi-auto; with bullets slugs and shotgun shells. The Army was kind enough to let me use automatic weapons, grenade launcher and anti-tank rockets. It turns out that skill with rifles, pistols and shotguns translates to pretty much every other sort of shoulder fired weapon, go figure.

So, how many all out fights have you been in? How many bar brawls? How many times have you been jumped and turned the tables on the people who ambushed you? Because those are the objective measures of the posturing in that sentence you posted about, “Objective facts.” Those are the measurable situations.

But being, “a badass” isn’t at all related to psychological analysis (though being a successful badass requires knowing when to start/get into a fight, and some degree of choosing your battles. Those are usually [in all fora] lessons usually learned by making mistakes). The biggest lesson a “badass learns, is s/he can lose. That timing, and luck, and situational awareness mean a lot more than being “tough” and being good matters a lot more than being strong, and that there are lots of people in the world who are at least as good you are, and if they get the drop on you, the odds are they keep standing, and you go down.

But your High IQ™ can’t even pick out that I am not engaging in psychological analysis of Brandon, I am arguing issues of law, and principles of honoring one’s obligations.

That, and some mockery.

Men's Rights Activist Lieutenant
Men's Rights Activist Lieutenant
13 years ago

Man, Pecunium sure does love to talk about the elevator post from six months ago.

Holly Pervocracy
Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

“Do they call me MRAL The Wall-Builder? No! But you fuck one goat…”

13 years ago

Man, Pecunium sure does love to talk about the elevator post from six months ago.

It was relevant to the discussion as I remember it.

13 years ago

Internet tough guy trying to shrug off tons of proof of being wrong on the internet? NO WAI!

You’re supposed to repond with vaguely threatening macho bullshit, dude!

13 years ago

MRAL sure does like to take one, less than critical, part of a post, and pay attention to that.

All the rest of it either flew over his head, or was too complex for him, or something. Because the only thing he noticed was the bit about the elevator post.

Which I’ve mentioned in the past couple of days because it was on topic, you know; relevant (unlike people’s breasts, which MRAL has been talking about). It’s not as if I was talking about his spitting metaphors, nor his pathetic euphemisms (which to, bring this back to the discussion under way, is his living up to an overly narrow agreement [i.e. “I’ll stop calling women bitches] to let him obey the letter, while violating; ad libitum, et naseum, the spirit).

Nope, he applied his mighty brain and decided examples of the posturing he claims he’s never done, was irrelevant to the discussion.

Holly Pervocracy
Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

In other news, manboobz_ now has a thread about “IAMA man with a micropenis.”

MRAs really don’t care how much misandry (men’s worth is based on their penis size! a real medical condition that afflicts men is hilarious!) they commit in the course of attacking their Sworn Enemies, do they.

13 years ago

MRAL sure does like to take one, less than critical, part of a post, and pay attention to that.

It’s pretty typical of internet arguments. I schooled a guy on engineering and traffic flow for a state highway rebuild and he claimed that I was completely wrong because I mis-spelled a street name.

*shrug* No need to let facts get in the way of truthiness.

Hershele Ostropoler
13 years ago

Cynickal, was that on Usenet or did the same conversation happen at least twice?

13 years ago

manboobz_ (the fake one) has a micropenis? I am NOT surprised.

13 years ago

MRAL claims that he never postures.

Next up, he doesn’t have a high IQ and his height is totally normal.

13 years ago

@ Brandon,

Do you consider what’s being talked about in this video to be rape?