douchebaggery hypocrisy MRA reddit

Some douchebag is impersonating me on Reddit; r/mr mods won’t ban him

So some douchebag is impersonating me on Reddit. I post as manboobz. He (or she) posts as manboobz_. (That is, with a little underscore at the end.) Luckily most of the faux-manboobz’ comments are fairly easy to tell from mine — this is not someone with a great sense of subtlety — so at least some of the regulars have figured out that this bonehead is not actually me. Not all of them, unfortunately.

As impersonating someone else is a violation of Reddit’s rules, and an asshole move to boot, I politely asked the Men’s Rights subreddit’s mods to ban the faux-me. Here was the response:

Stay classy, AnnArchist!

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13 years ago

Brandon, if the contract said “exact” then it would be totally okay for someone to append a “_” to someone else’s screenname and use that. But it doesn’t. That’s kind of the point Pecunium is making…

Men's Rights Activist Lieutenant
Men's Rights Activist Lieutenant
13 years ago

Hugo Schwyzer is a total douchebag.

13 years ago

@Pecunium: His actual name has nothing to do with his actual talent.

My point is

1) The user agreement is poorly defined

2) If you want to test the user agreement, then submit the complaint to a reddit staff member and not some forum moderator. Only then will we actually know if it does break the user agreement.

3) David crying about this is rather funny. So AnnArchist didn’t do what you wanted…what next? Oh…let me make fun of him on my blog. That will show him! No it makes you look like a whiny little brat.

13 years ago

Bagelsan: precisely. Brandon, however, is defining “impersonate” as meaning, “exact”, and so that gives AnnArchist (in Brandon’s view) the high ground when he decides to let his animus to Dave override his contractual obligations to reddit to enforce the reddit ToS.

What, one wonders, would be the reaction if someone posted mockery of AnnArchist under the handle, “AnnArchit_”

If the reactions were the same, then the consistency would lend credence to the, “good faith” argument Brandon is proposing, otherwise, it’s AnnArchist letting someone else’s bad intent stand because he’s irked at Dave.

Which is a bad faith behavior.

13 years ago

Brandon: What does Prince’s, “talent” have to do with the specificity of the contract he was able to break with a legal name change? What does it have to with what you termed it’s “own class of stupidity?”

13 years ago

Sorry, “its”

Men's Rights Activist Lieutenant
Men's Rights Activist Lieutenant
13 years ago

Hugo Schwyzer is a total douche.

13 years ago

@Pecunium: To the best of my understanding, Reddit doesn’t allow duplicate usernames. Hence, your first point is rather moot since there can’t be exact matches.

I would feel the same way if David and AnnArchist were reversed.

13 years ago

What’s funny to me is that you, who has in the past argued for the ease of writing “simple” contracts to force society to recognise some pretty complex things; some of which a lot of people want to do anything they can to prevent being recognised at all, is saying that someone being public about someone else breaking a contract is being “whiny”, and making fun of them for it.

I thought contracts were all powerful, and all important, and that no one could ever get away with violating them.

Yet here you are, making a big deal about how a simple agreement, forbidding impersonation, is open to all sorts of questions of interpretation; implying that it may not; in practical terms, be enforceable.

Makes me think maybe contracts aren’t as simple as you make them out to be.

13 years ago

Hugo Schwyzer is a total douche.

Vegan Broccoli Quiche

1-2 tablespoons olive oil
1 small onion, minced – about 6 ounces/1 cup
1/3 cup minced carrot – about 2 ounces
1 medium broccoli crown, cut into small pieces – about 8 ounces/2 cups
1/2 cup raw cashews
14-16 ounces firm or extra-firm tofu
1 teaspoon prepared mustard
a pinch saffron, crushed between your fingers
1/2 teaspoon thyme
1/2 teaspoon sage
1/2 teaspoon dried rosemary, crushed between your fingers
1 teaspoon salt
a few grindings of black pepper
3/4 cup (about 5 oz) diced tofurkey
1 9-inch deep dish pie crust

Preheat oven to 350 F. In a large skillet, heat the olive oil. Sauté the onion, carrot and broccoli until very tender, about 10 minutes.

Grind the cashews to a powder in a food processor or blender. Press some of the water out of the tofu. Cut tofu into chunks and add to the food processor or blender. (If you’re using a blender, remove the powdered cashews to a medium bowl first.) Process or blend the tofu until creamy. Transfer to a medium bowl. Stir in saffron, thyme, sage, rosemary, salt and pepper. Stir in tofurkey and broccoli mixture.

Transfer mixture to the pie crust and smooth out the top. Bake for 40 minutes or until top is golden. Vegan Brunch suggests letting this sit for 20 minutes or more before serving and I agree, although I like this warmer than room temperature.

Serves 6

Matthew Cline
13 years ago

You are responsible for what you say, and if their is someone impersonating you, then you inform people about it without making demands.

What, if someone was impersonating you on the Internet, you wouldn’t even demand of the impersonator that s/he stop impersonating you?

Dad 2 Boys
Dad 2 Boys
13 years ago

Men’s Rights Activist Lieutenant – Sir – I must agree with you. I have indeed found Professor Schwyzer to be most Insufferable. He is Pompous and Arrogant, as well as quite Misandrist. Quite frankly, Professor Schwyzer can go Fuck Himself.

13 years ago

@Pecunium: I don’t really see it as that much more complicated. Instead of:

You may not impersonate, imitate or pretend to be somebody else when using the Website.


You may not impersonate, imitate or pretend to be somebody else when using the Website either with your legal name or your Reddit username.

13 years ago

I would feel the same way if David and AnnArchist were reversed.

I didn’t propose them, “reversed” (which would be someone here impersonating AnnArchist). I said the test would be were AnnArchist, being impersonated in the same way, on Reddit, how AnnArchist dealt with that.

Changing the subject to what Dave might do, if someone were impersonating an MRA here* isn’t addressing the situation at hand, which is how AnnArchist is fulfilling, or failing to fulfill, his duties as mod on redddi, i.e. is he being an honorable man.

The evidence argues against it.

*btw, thought it’s not relevant, when someone was pretending to be an MRA Dave had written about (and who had said unkind things about Dave, elseweb), complained that someone had used a handle meant to look as if he was posting here, Dave yanked it, and made a post explaining that it had not been that MRA,

13 years ago

Men’s Rights Activist Lieutenant – Sir – I must agree with you. I have indeed found Professor Schwyzer to be most Insufferable. He is Pompous and Arrogant, as well as quite Misandrist. Quite frankly, Professor Schwyzer can go Fuck Himself.

13 years ago

@Pecunium: I don’t really see it as that much more complicated. Instead of:

You may not impersonate, imitate or pretend to be somebody else when using the Website.


You may not impersonate, imitate or pretend to be somebody else when using the Website either with your legal name or your Reddit username.

1: How do you define the first.
1a: Why is someone adding an underscore, which is hard to notice in a reddit screename, not a violation of the first.

2: What difference do you think the second makes.
2a: How does that difference make the addition of an underscore no longer a non-violation of the first.

13 years ago

@Pecunium: Again, I would feel the same way regardless of who is in the position. If David ran r/manboobz and Someone there was posting as AnnArchist_. And AnnArchist ran a website named “womandickz” and he wrote the same article mocking David for not banning AnnArchist_ …I would think the same thing about AnnArchist

13 years ago

@Pencunim: The issue isn’t the underscore. The issue is that the wording doesn’t specify what has to be impersonated. And ambiguity in contracts typically favors the signee not the creator.

13 years ago

Brandon: If Dave ran r/manboobz the issue would be, does he treat those who impersonate him, as he treats those who impersonate others.

Care to define, “impersonate”.

13 years ago

MRAL has really gotten hopeless. Once upon a time, when he got caught sockpuppeting, he’d claim that he wasn’t and he’d just decided to change his handle. Once upon a time, he realized that mentioning his high IQ all the time made him sound stupid. Nowadays he’s doing things even he used to think made him look like an ass.

13 years ago

katz: He did, however, apply his reason to this question: with what seems to be a fair bit of impartial thought.

Mr. Kobold
Mr. Kobold
13 years ago

Damn MRAL has circumnavigated the whole “to toxic of a personality to make friends thing” by inventing some fake online ones.

This would be sad if it wasn’t so hilariously pathetic.

13 years ago

My god, we need to attract a more creative class of trolls. Ours are getting… boring. And stupid, but they’re trolls, that’s kind of a given.

13 years ago

Lesbianism is natural.
Heterosexuality is abomination.