kitties off topic video

Off Topic: More proof that kitties are up to something

I mean, come on. That’s pretty spooky. Someone (can’t remember who, alas) posted this in the comments recently, and I felt I needed to share it.

Also, here’s a dog that meows like a cat.

Ok, that one’s fake. But the one with the cat? Seriously, what the fuck are these creatures up to?

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David K. Meller
David K. Meller
13 years ago

manboobz is a feminist (woman oriented) website, I know that not every poster is a “she” but insofar as male posters agree with the woman’s perspective here, agree with women on feminism, attack men who are sceptical of feminism in a way indistinguishable from women and their posts, and often sound like women without giving readers any sign of whether they are men and women, and most importantly, I am NOT going to go into pronoun psychosis, with transposing he and she, she and he, s/he, himselfandherself, and Lord knows what else, I calls ’em as I sees ’em!

If it looks like a feminist, sounds like a feminist, and writes like a feminist, unless I know differently, I am assuming it is a woman posting! I apologise for any mistakes on my part, but I am not a mind-reader, and given the subject matter of manboobz, and the content of sympathetic posts of manboobzers, my assumption of the womanhood of favorable posters is understandable and excuable. I hope that clears up any problems, Dracula.

13 years ago

pps: This is not PMS. Do not even imply that it is. This is me being fucking pissed off at what a presumptuous wankstain you are. This is also ‘my fuckleg is acting up and fall allergies gave me a migraine,’ but mostly it’s ‘DKM is a fucking wankstain.’

13 years ago

Well, it confirms you’re a willfully ignorant, intellectually lazy pathological liar, but everyone here knows that already, Meller. So no, it clears nothing up. But you knew that.

13 years ago

And on that joyful note, I’m going to go lie down on my heated mattress pad and try to pretend that fall isn’t an evil, horrible season that hates me. Soon to be followed by winter, which is evil, horrible, and does truly hate me.

David K. Meller
David K. Meller
13 years ago

darksidecat-17October 2011@7:24pm

“the good news is that the vast majority of men are better human beings than you , Meller, so that is something that need never be done.

Dont’ count on it, darksidecat! The breakdown of civilization is often a long time coming, but once it happens, it occurs overnight! Look at, for a few contemporary examples, the killing fields of Kampuchea after Pol Pot’s takeover in 1975, the genocidal massacre in Rwanda in 1994, and the wholesale genocides that followed the breakup of Yugoslavia, also in the early 1990’s.

And none of those people had feminism breaking down the rules, both biological and social, of sex roles and gender identity, corrupting the way men and women relate to each other, to boot! We have!

13 years ago

When women act in a way that disengages the male from every constructive manner of his gender and personal identity, advance women at the expense of , and the disadvantage of men, and set the stage for maniacal loss of control as demonic psychological and sexual forces are suddenly unleashed in what may have otherwise been perfectly normal young people, yes, it is past time, PFKAE, for wiser heads to prevail! If that means women giving up some “rights” , for their–and everyone else’s–well being, maybe than so be it! It is you feminists, by needlessly and pointlessly degrading men and masculinity, that is starting to unleash slaughter, not me (Gor books, Pecunium’s gabble, or otherwise)

DKM, do me a favor and go outside and observe some people. The vast majority of us aren’t on the verge of “maniacal loss of control” due to “demonic psychological and sexual forces”.

Also, please cut it out with the run on sentences.

I am NOT going to go into pronoun psychosis, with transposing he and she, she and he, s/he, himselfandherself, and Lord knows what else, I calls ‘em as I sees ‘em!

Personally, I go with “they” if I don’t know which pronoun someone uses. ‘They’ is kinda ugly if you’re referring to a single person, but it covers all the contingencies I can think of right now.

13 years ago

So what DKM is telling us is that he dreams of the day when a Killing Fields-type event happens again? Because that’s what the MRM aspires to?

Wow, I didn’t have a very good opinion of you guys before, but apparently that opinion wasn’t nearly negative enough. That’s some sick shit.

13 years ago

What you are saying is that regardless of what women want, they WILL be forced to a second class citizenship or less status.

And you would be perfectly okay slaughtering those of us who refuse to force anyone to such a level.

13 years ago

Meller thinks so poorly of men. He thinks that if people do not worship them and act as their slaves, men will go out of control with rampant violence. I actually think far more highly of men than you do, Meller. I think they are human beings with perfectly ordinary abilities to engage in self control and ethical behavior.

David K. Meller
David K. Meller
13 years ago

I Don’t “dream of a killing fields event”! I am pointing out that uncontrolled violence is what happens when people lose their humanity, and gender specificity and sex identity are an indispensible part of the human being. It isn’t the most important part, of course, but it plays such an important part in how we see each other that if suppressed or even downgraded, so that theimportance of the female is exaggerated, and the male is unwelcome and ridiculed, social bonds will deteriorate to the point where, in conjuction with other problems, e.g. economic difficulties (sound familiar), the loss of national social cohesion, (sound familiar) or the decline and delegitimation of political, religious, and family authority (sound even more familar?) the bonds of civilized behavior evaporate. That will come about, if at all, as a result of feminism and feminists (among certain other people and forces) NOT critics like myself! Spearheaders are the opposition to what happened at McDonalds that dreadful day, and manboobzers are the cause, or at least the precurser of the cause, of it, and of worse to come!

You’re NOT laying this on our hands, darksidecat, Cassandra, and PFKAE et al !You gender egalitarians and unisexists advocated a sex war, and the beginnings are now occuring! It is YOUR doing, not your critics or opponents.

Molly Ren
13 years ago

I like the term “unisexist”, but I dunno where DKM got the idea I was going around *forcing* people to be androgynous. It’s hard enough just being queer myself…

Rutee Katreya
13 years ago

Spearheaders are the opposition to what happened at McDonalds that dreadful day, and manboobzers are the cause, or at least the precurser of the cause, of it, and of worse to come!

Feminists are the cause of a violent prison system that doesn’t reform criminals, focusing instead on leaving them in brutal conditions where they have to behave like hardened criminals to survive?

Because that’s the actual cause of this incident. The women are the proximate cause; I hope they get their battery charges too, but if you want the social movement responsible, it’s the one that says criminals don’t deserve to be treated like humans.

13 years ago

When are you going to get it into your head that no one here is stupid enough to believe you when you pretend you don’t condone violence, Meller?

13 years ago

That’s funny, because none of the men I know are on the verge of going all Pol Pot. Just you and a few other weirdos on the Internet.

13 years ago

I don’t advocate a sex war. I advocate a sexy war. ba-dum-TISH!

13 years ago

Ah, the good old abuser’s handbook lines “she made me beat her”, “I couldn’t help it”, “it is her fault for not [being my slave]” etc.

You know what, Meller, you have the option of not violently and horrifically attacking people when they refuse to be your slave/don’t listen to you/refuse to agree with you. Most of us do this every day without considerable problems.

13 years ago

I advocate a sexy war.

War is hard on everyone. 😉

13 years ago

Ozy Sex wars are good. DKM sex wars are bad.

I vote for Ozy Sex Wars.

13 years ago


13 years ago

OK, I understand now.
If a person is being threatened and stalked, that person should only hit her or his assailant *once* and only *once*, because criminals only need to be hit one time and they’ll back off and leave you alone. Or is it, when a man has been assaulted by a woman, he should continue to allow her to physically attack him because of her sex?

Let’s put it like this: if the incident took place in the exact, same way (drunk and belligerent customers, physical assault of the cashier, *cashier retreats*, customers jump over the counter and follow cashier while waving their fists and yelling that they were going to “fuck you {the cashier} up, you bitch ass Nigger!”, *then* the cashier uses a shelving rod to beat his attackers) , would all of you still say that the force was excessive if the triggering assailants were named Dennis Darbeau and Richard Edwards (instead of Denise Darbeau and Rachel Edwards?) Ignoring tut fact that the size differential between the cashier and the primary assailants was minimal when the assailants were female, would his actions against drunk aggressors become more acceptable if they had dangly parts?

I’ll add some more info: that specific McDonald’s is directly between NYU and Christopher Street (yes, *that* Christopher Street.) If you walk four blocks north and one block west from that establishment, you’re officially in New York City’s original gay Mecca. Prior to his employment at that McDonald’s, gay people would be assaulted with regularity in the business (with the last assault taking place the week before he got the job.) Rayon McIntosh, despite his urban, lower-class, homophobic background, had no problem with standing up to anti-gay bullies in the neighbourhood (even though any physical action on his part would have guaranteed a return to jail, as took place at this time.) Until this occasion (in which he was attacked and then stalked by his assailants), he never physically harmed anyone. Yet, without having any sort of background information, the posters on this site see no problem with vilifying him and patting the triggering aggressors on the head? Vaya se perago con esta mierda! If he were the “danger to society” or “loose cannon” that is being implied in this thread, he would have had plenty of gay bashers/drunken students/privileged out of towners/etc to vent upon. Instead, he used a limited amount of force (while TELLING them to stay down and only STRIKING them when they tried to get up.)

And for everyone who’s commenting about calling the cops, well, I called the cops as soon as the first woman jumped over the counter and the other McDonald’s workers called the cops as soon as the first person was struck. I know for a fact that the only person in that restaurant who *didn’t* call the cops was the woman who was (AFAICT) enjoying the festivities until she saw the shelving rod (oh yeah, and the guy who recorded the whole thing.) And, I will admit, I wouldn’t have been on his side if I hadn’t been there. If I’d just walked across the street for macaroni (instead of walking around the corner from the comedy shack for a post comedy show snack of mcnuggets), I would have missed the entire scene. But, I just had to have mcnuggets, so I had the “fun” of being a witness. Hooray me /sarcastic.

13 years ago

You mean the guy convicted of manslaughter never hurt anyone? How did he get convicted of manslaughter then?

Rutee Katreya
13 years ago

If a person is being threatened and stalked, that person should only hit her or his assailant *once* and only *once*, because criminals only need to be hit one time and they’ll back off and leave you alone. Or is it, when a man has been assaulted by a woman, he should continue to allow her to physically attack him because of her sex?

I don’t know if you actually watched the video you claim to have watched, but once was enough in that case. The women clearly changed from any sort of position to attack, to fleeing or being a complete non-threat. Plus, the second and third hits? They came *AFTER THE WOMEN HAD GONE DOWN*. It’s not about only getting one hit, you illiterate twit. Its about only using the force appropriate to the situation; if one hit is all that’s necessary to remove the threat, you only get one hit.

excessive if the triggering assailants were named Dennis Darbeau and Richard Edwards (instead of Denise Darbeau and Rachel Edwards?)

If Dennis goes down on the first swing and Richard starts running away, and the female cashier swung a second time, then yeah, it’s still excessive. If Dennis and Richard start running away the second the shelving rod comes out, then even that first swing is excessive.

Yet, without having any sort of background information,

No background excuses beating people after they’re down. None whatsoever.

the posters on this site see no problem with … patting the triggering aggressors on the head?

Who did that? We want them convicted of battery too, AFAIK.

he never physically harmed anyone.

How does this square with his previous conviction being for manslaughter? Was that accidental death done solely with the power of his mind, thus excusing it from the category of physical harm?

13 years ago


Way to ignore the fact that, ahem, I WAS IN THE BUILDING! Both of the aggressors were out for blood, but you’re *assuming* that they were running away (they weren’t, they were backing off.)

Please, do me a favor and check your privilege at the door for this case. Yes, I said “Check your privilege.” Unless you’ve actually been in such a situation (in a narrow corridor, flanked by multiple targets who have made their intentions to harm you as clear as day), you have no right to judge anyone’s response. I was raised in Flatbush, Brooklyn during the 80’s (which means that I’ve experienced the joy of writhing in pain in a nurse’s office or an ER on multiple occasions. You’ve listened to Biggie Smalls and Jay-Z rap about criminality, I lived it. I endured enough beatings at the fists of enraged ghetto people to know that they won’t back off just because you pick up a brick or one of their dropped knives. When I turned 23, I enlisted in the USAF. During my first check-up, my doctor told me that my ribs (lower right) had healed incorrectly. Guess what? I never knew that those ribs had been broken (because, like him, I wasn’t raised with health insurance. We went to the ER for stitches, not bruises, in my family.) Should *he* have taken the risk to his health and well-being and *allowed* them to assault him without defending himself? Last I checked, McDonald’s doesn’t offer insurance of any type to any employee short of manager status.
Or do you *honestly* think that they cornered him in that pathway with closed fists while yelling obscenities at him be side they *really, really* wanted to apologise?

But you, having neither experienced life among ghetto people nor having been in the same room as those 2 lunatics, honestly *believe* that you know better than me about what we have to do to defend ourselves against thugs? Read all the books you like, watch any videos that you like, but don’t bring that shit into a conversation when you’re arguing with someone from the thorough borough.

P.S. Seriously, check that privilege. It’s not a good look, at all. And if you want to know how I know that you’re talking through the veil of privilege: no one earning under six figures has taken the side of those women in New York. I’m sitting in Queens right now, a woman who tried to pay for her food with a $50 bill started laughing at the cashier when he ducked back. The dudes on my block who sell weed *and* the old men who stepped off the boat and walked immediately into a civil rights protest said that McIntosh did the right thing. I know that the people in that neighbourhood have set up Facebook pages for him, and that you have to the Central Park area to meet anyone who feels anything resembling sympathy for those women/derision for the guy.

Really, put the privilege back in the privilege box and try to see things through the eyes of the people who have dealt with this foolishness for years, long before you.

Rutee Katreya
13 years ago

Way to ignore the fact that, ahem, I WAS IN THE BUILDING!

Fun fact: Eyewitness testimony is nearly useless at getting to the truth of the case! That’s why we have videotape.

Both of the aggressors were out for blood, but you’re *assuming* that they were running away (they weren’t, they were backing off.)
The second one turned her back after the first one went down, cringing all the while.

Please, do me a favor and check your privilege at the door for this case. Yes, I said “Check your privilege.” Unless you’ve actually been in such a situation (in a narrow corridor, flanked by multiple targets who have made their intentions to harm you as clear as day), you have no right to judge anyone’s response.

Hit. Them. While. They. Were. Down. I have every right, no matter who I am.

That puts aside that you have no fucking idea where I’ve been, and maybe you should shut the fuck up.

You’ve listened to Biggie Smalls and Jay-Z rap about criminality

Why would you even think that?

Or do you *honestly* think that they cornered him in that pathway with closed fists while yelling obscenities at him be side they *really, really* wanted to apologise?

If he had raised the rod and threatened them with it if they didn’t leave, I’d laugh in the face of any jackass who wanted to offer an assault charge. But that’s not what he did. I’m willing to grant that first hit, because there’s reasonable doubt that he was engaged in self defense. The second, after the girl was trying to get out? The third, the fourth, all the other hits that came on people who were down? Not in a million years.

P.S. Seriously, check that privilege. It’s not a good look, at all. And if you want to know how I know that you’re talking through the veil of privilege: no one earning under six figures has taken the side of those women in New York.

I didn’t take the side of those women; they were violent assholes. They deserve the battery charges they’re going to get. I said this dude committed battery himself; this isn’t taking the side of anyone but the prosecutor’s office. Why don’t you read for comprehension, you jackass?

The dudes on my block who sell weed *and* the old men who stepped off the boat and walked immediately into a civil rights protest said that McIntosh did the right thing.

Okay. And I’ve done work for the hispanic communities of my area, and I say he was a violent jackass. This is a shitty argument from authority, since it doesn’t even offer an authority. Shit, son, you do realize that the civil rights movement was plagued by misogyny, right, just as feminism has had seriously huge problems with race, right? Working on one axis isn’t really a guarantor of your ability to recognize other people’s problems, that’s why we have kyriarchy.

I know that the people in that neighbourhood have set up Facebook pages for him, and that you have to the Central Park area to meet anyone who feels anything resembling sympathy for those women/derision for the guy.

I don’t feel sympathy or derision for anyone involved in this case. Every jackass involved needs fucking help.

Really, put the privilege back in the privilege box and try to see things through the eyes of the people who have dealt with this foolishness for years, long before you.

This is solid-fucking-gold from someone who can only refer to the opinions of men as important, and seems to think the feminists are all white (and presumably, rich cis heteros as well).

13 years ago


Nothing that comes out of your mouth will change my opinion.
I grew up in NYC, you did not.
I grew up being bullied by thugs, you did not (if you were bullied, it was by people who only needed to be threatened to back down)
I didn’t bring any political gender conflict into this situation (barring my assertion that people wouldn’t be so eager to defend the aggressors if they were men), you did.

And, because I’m done with this, I’ll clarify my “privilege” statement: the fact that you’ve never been shot at, the fact that you’ve never lived somewhere in which bullets in the air were even a regular occurrence, the fact that you conflate *your* marginal experiences with minorities in your section of America under a universal blanket and the fact that your last post fell back upon political jargon clearly demonstrates that your life has been far easier than mine. That’s privilege, whether you like it or not. Your inability (or unwillingness) to even imagine what a person could possibly be feeling when they’ve been confronted by violent thugs with similar builds to their own speaks volumes. I’m sure that your life circumstances will prevent such an incident from ever happening to you, so enjoy your privilege in that regard. And since you *obviously* know more about life in new York that someone who’s lived here for 23 years of his life (and who had plenty of relatives living here to fill in the details during the 15 years living out of the city), I’ll give you a warning: if you want to live a life in which criminals of any stripe are as easy to handle as a naughty puppy (just bop them on the nose, they’ll drop their weapons and immediately apologise for their classless behaviour), don’t come here. Thugs in New York City aren’t after-school special types, they’re like Tonka trucks. Read our newspapers (online), rarely does more than a week pass without someone DYING at the hands of a person who they thought was subdued (cops, fellow thugs, children, women in a nightclub, the elderly, a whole gamut). A few days prior to this incident, a 3-year old was shot and killed because his father got into an altercation with some crims and they ran away before the father could call the cops. It isn’t sweet here, it isn’t nice, and no one who’s willing to hurt you gives a damning about kyriarchies or privileges or any of the buzzwords that we handy about on sites like this, they just. Want. To. Hurt. You. And those of us who would rather not spend our days in a hospital bed (or worse, underground) don’t really appreciate it when suburbanites click their tongues, wag their fingers and look down their noses at us.

P.S. I’m serious. If the idea of having to strike an aggressor more than once is not to your liking, don’t come here (unless you’re only going to stay outside during daylight hours.) It’s safer than it was when I was a child, but the same ignorant thugs that have me saying “Stop being stereotypical!” are still here. They don’t care, they weren’t raised to care and they will not rest until everyone is as pathetic as they are. Rayon McIntosh shouldn’t have had to worry about being beaten at his place of work, but he was. Do you think that those two women would have overlooked *you* if you crossed their path when they were drunk and mad? Think about that for a while.