kitties off topic video

Off Topic: More proof that kitties are up to something

I mean, come on. That’s pretty spooky. Someone (can’t remember who, alas) posted this in the comments recently, and I felt I needed to share it.

Also, here’s a dog that meows like a cat.

Ok, that one’s fake. But the one with the cat? Seriously, what the fuck are these creatures up to?

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Rutee Katreya
13 years ago

That cat one is like real life Looney Tunes, seriously.

13 years ago


Get ready – the next MRA freakout is here.

I guarantee they will get upset that people are calling this guy out for excessive force, claiming misandry.

13 years ago

I have two questions: When do they start living together, and how long ’til the mass hysteria sets in?

13 years ago

Russian spy cat, trying to infiltrate the Dogoverse. :3

I know you have plenty on your plate, but there’s some smegma-head pretending to be you on reddit, only he’s so bad at it, MRAs don’t even take the bait:

13 years ago

Every time I’ve ever heard my own cats make a barking sound, I scramble to put newspapers under them because they’re about to throw up.

13 years ago

ApeMan, the spearhead already covered it, as you may have already guessed, many of them feel the violence was justified

Should the customers have slapped the cashier? Absolutely not.

Should the cashier have beaten the customers with a metal rod? FUCK NO!!!

Why can’t people tell the difference between a slap and a beating with a metal rod? its funny how MRAs and male supremacists constantly like to remind women how much more biologically superior men are, esp in terms of intelligence, but when it comes to men beating women in self defense they conveniently forget men are usually the physically stronger ones. When someone hits you and you have no choice but to fight back, restraining them is the best option, that or hitting them the same way they hit you.

13 years ago

I almost don’t want to post this here because it’s supposed to be the funny kitty thread, but man that was brutal. Of course they were stupid to start that shit in the first place, I bet they did not see what was coming. No winners there, only a lot of poor judgement.

13 years ago

That Spearhead post and thread are both made of fail. How does one have one’s head so far up the Valley of Darkness that one cannot tell that hitting someone with a metal rod while they’re on the ground is patently not self-defense.

On topic, Kitties! My hypothesis about the cat’s “barking” noise is that it was meant for some other cat and was all about being intimidating, but when it became aware of the human it reverted to learned schema for dealing with humans and couldn’t maintain both purposes in mind at the same time.

Then again, if I learned anything from studying alien visitation proponents, what is really the case is the cat is so unbelievably intelligent that it arranged the situation just so in order not to break the sanity of skeptical people like me. It’s the parsimonious conclusion, given the hypothesis. Yeah.

13 years ago

Broseidon, I love your username lol

and cats barking? dogs meowing? that’s a crime against the natural order of things! just like women leaving the kitchen!!! Fymynysmsm is infecting animals now…OUTRAGE!!

13 years ago

Oh, Lord. I mean, the “he got slapped in the face so obvs he was ALLOWED to fracture some skulls with an iron pole!” is bad enough, but there’s one commenter in that thread who’s reposted some idiot’s essay about how sexism has ruined the UK.

As somebody who was at school in the UK from 2001-2008 (and six of those years at an all-girl’s school, to boot): No. The UK is suffering from a lot of problems, but too little anti-racism and feminism? Not among them. Blaming feminism for the fact that you lost all motivation for your schooling is like blaming the Civil Rights movement for the fact that you’re bad at maths. (Which reminds me, this guy does realise that history is not the only compulsory subject taught to GCSE level, doesn’t he?) God, this world.

13 years ago


NWOSlave has already raised that issue in the comments section of a previous thread here

And yeah, Slavey’s not-too-surprising assessment of the charges that were laid in this incident:

“The MSM is calling him the attacker, he is a man after all. The women are being charged with criminal mischief and battery, the defender, a man, which is what he is, is being charged with felony assault.

Now I had thought you has the right to defend yourself, I could be wrong, I usually am.”

13 years ago

Well, its obvious that none of the posters on this thread have watched the entire video.

If you find the 1minute, 20 second long video, you would see that the assailant was not only slapped, but that he was followed to the back of the restaurant (an action that is in and of itself inexcusable, unless the posters here see nothing wrong with entering the kitchens/back offices/private areas/etc. of businesses that they neither own nor are employed. As someone who had the “fortune” of actually having been there, I’ll enlighten you on the events.

1. The women tries to pay for an order of fries with a (possibly dodgy) $50 bill. Using such a large bill to purchase a cheap item is *always* a red flag, so becoming indignant (and by “indignant”, I mean calling the cashier a “pussy ass, bitch ass Nigger!” and hitting him is already provocation enough for a self-defense case.

2. If you watch the entire video, you’ll see that the cashier *removed himself* from the area without acting violently. Although it can’t be heard on the video, the trigger for the first woman’s leap over the counter (during which, she continued to verbally harass the cashier *and* took a shot at opening the cash register) was hearing that the *retreating* cashier was going to get the manager. He didn’t remain in a tense situation or inflame the situation by talking back, he did what McDonald’s employees are trained to do (namely, remove yourself from a tense situation and get the manager.)

3. When the cashier was returning to the register (with the manager directly behind him!), they were greeted with the sight of two customers in an area *in which the customers didn’t belong*, with both women screaming about how they were going to “fuck him up. Imma fuck you up, nigga!” After the first woman begins punching him, *then* he grabs the metal rod and starts hitting them. For emphasis, the section of the prep area that they were in has a limited amount of space, so his swings were nowhere near as potent as theirs. On top of that, they were heading to the vault area before they were hit (which means that *even if* there had been space enough to dodge, they would have been able to rob the store blind if they could have gotten past them. That being said, given the fact that they’d both started fighting him when they didn’t see the rod in his hand and that they jumped the counter to confront him in the first place, the pay roll was probably safe.)

4. Despite repeatedly telling them to stay down, both women repeatedly tried to get up to continue the assault. Ask any of the witnesses, we’ll tell you that the manager told them that the authorities were on the way, that the assailant struck the intruders *after* they continued to press an offense (and not because they were “uppity”/”stupid” “pitches who didn’t know their place.”{For some reason, non-New Yorkers who see the truncated video seem to jump to the conclusion that he was attacking them for no good reason. Except for feminists, who seem to go for the latter interpretation of events.})

In summation, the assailant was verbally assaulted, physically assaulted, then FOLLOWED INTO A NARROW SPACE (excuse the caps, but that fact needs more emphasis) by people-plural who were threatening to “fuck him up” and who STARTED PUNCHING HIM *AGAIN* AS SOON AS THEY SAW HIM EMERGE INTO VIEW (again, excuse the yelling), but he’s the bad guy for not allowing himself to be beaten (I guess, according to the posters on this thread.) As someone who has teenaged relatives who work at McDonald’s, I’d rather them attempt to protect themselves from violent customers (especially if those customers jump the counter and run after them through an area with dozens of cutting implements at hand) than tell them to stand there and take the beating until the cops show up.

Rutee Katreya
13 years ago

The first video? You mean the cat barking?

Look, idiot; maybe, MAYBE you could get a self defense claim for the first hit with the rod. The second, the third? AFTER THEY WENT DOWN? That’s not self defense, ever. And I’m not sure whether the women started to try to run after he got the metal rod; if they did, he NEVER had a valid self defense claim to beat them, because the threat was passed. I agree that two women threatening him is a valid threat; this is a question of appropriate force, and his was inappropriate *BECAUSE HE WAS HITTING THEM WHEN THEY WERE DOWN*. Utterly inappropriate.

David K. Meller
David K. Meller
13 years ago

I think that EVERY manboobzer should treat herself to not only to the Spearhead article in question: Entitlement mentality encourages women to put themselves in harm’s way 10/15/2011 but also treat themselves to reading the posts on it as well.

If you treat men from earliest boyhood, in a truly vicious way, denying any chance of male dignity and self-development while humiliating them at the claws of women at every opportunity; as happened to some, and perhaps even most of the posters on that Spearhead, article, and similar experiences may have victimized that cashier in the fast food place as well.

it is expecting the impossible for men to do anything but silently cheer on some level when the source(s) of their humiliation is itself (or themselves) given a taste of some very nasty medicine!

Real men don’t attack women–when women don’t attack men’s dignity and self possession from early childhood on! If feminists dehumanize boys and men, don’t be too surprised when it comes back to them in a most unpleasant and dangerous way!

Even most Spearhead ers felt that the women beatdown–in retrospect–was excessive and regrettable, but you raise a generation of men with no pride, no future, no sense of–and perhaps no ability for–CONSTRUCTIVE manhood, and endlessly unfavorably compare boys with girls as early as primary school, you are unleashing some very nasty and powerful forces indeed. We certainly have a long way to go before this climaxes, either in the USA or in Europe. Feminism has –and will have–a lot of blood on its hands! The police can’t protect you! They can’t put–and keep–49% of the population in prison! You feminists have got to cool this down, by firstly, placing blame for incidents squarely and publically where it belongs–The women!!

Will it take another Marc Lepin, next time perhaps armed with a few grenades, or a rapid-fire automatic assault weapon, to finally get the message across to dense, stupid, selfish feminists? I hope not, but there are lots more where he came from, rest assured…

David K. Meller

David K. Meller
David K. Meller
13 years ago

I really feel badly that I had to post a message like the above on an article that featured, of all things, pretty kitties. Nevertheless, the truth will out.

13 years ago

For the love of fluffy kittens, DKM, please learn how to use punctuation. It wouldn’t make your rants any more sensible, but it sure would make them easier to read.

13 years ago

So it’s never okay to hurt a woman, unless she pisses you off, in which case it’s a free pass? Seriously, DKM, this is what you’re saying, and I want to know if it’s what you mean. Or, you know, if you’re just a braying jackass.


So to have women act the way you assume they should, you would not only strip them of their rights but slaughter anyone who does not adhere to your rigid standard of behavior.

And then you whine that we think you are violent.

13 years ago

>>Will it take another Marc Lepin

Cheering on domestic terrorist Marc Lépine: check.

This Montrealer wishes you fuck you very much DKM.

13 years ago

Meller: Not every Manboobzer is a “her”, you twit. You fucking know this. And for the record, I have plenty of pride. For example, I pride myself on not being a useless lying asshole like you.

13 years ago

Meller, you don’t feel bad about posting that mess on this thread–you were probably typing it one handed.

13 years ago

They can’t put–and keep–49% of the population in prison!

Well, the good news is that the vast majority of men are better human beings than you, Meller, so it isn’t something that would ever need to be done.

David K. Meller
David K. Meller
13 years ago

I’m not cheering on the likes of Marc Lepin, Blackbloc, you are! By your unwillingness to understand the substance of the messages at the Spearhead article-and the posts!

Feminists, like the ones on manboobz. but certainly not limited to here, have been playing with some very dangerous fire, with men, women, and primal human nature. The lines of self-possession and decency are starting to blur, the beast is breaking out, and the first victims are going to be women! Traditional gender specific identities and sex roles (both in and out of the bedroom) had their flaws and shortcomings, but they prevented a war of the sexes. You feminists have done your part to open pandora’s box. The results, even at the beginning, are not a pretty sight!

KathleenB–that was NOT what I was saying, in fact it was almost the opposite of what I was saying, I was saying that feminists, by denying the dignity and value of the male principle, by denigrating manhood and masculinity at every opportunity, and by setting up the man-evil, woman-victim paradigm are unleashing forces which have the potential to destroy civilization.

After a senseless assault where three young peoples’ lives were senselessly damaged , perhaps irreparably ( as well as an entire restaurant (Okay, a McDonalds) had their meal disrupted, largely because of the ideas and politics which YOU–and cretins like you–hold as a model of justice and equity, look in the mirror the next time you want to see a braying jackass! The roots of this unhappy tragedy were instigated by feminists–NOT their critics!

When women act in a way that disengages the male from every constructive manner of his gender and personal identity, advance women at the expense of , and the disadvantage of men, and set the stage for maniacal loss of control as demonic psychological and sexual forces are suddenly unleashed in what may have otherwise been perfectly normal young people, yes, it is past time, PFKAE, for wiser heads to prevail! If that means women giving up some “rights” , for their–and everyone else’s–well being, maybe than so be it! It is you feminists, by needlessly and pointlessly degrading men and masculinity, that is starting to unleash slaughter, not me (Gor books, Pecunium’s gabble, or otherwise). Cassandra, I use punctuation as well as anyone else on manboobz, yourself included. End of story!

By the way, KathleenB, if you paid more attention to baking, and less to microscopes and computer repair, maybe your cupcakes would have turned out better! Just a thought.

13 years ago

By the way, KathleenB, if you paid more attention to baking, and less to microscopes and computer repair, maybe your cupcakes would have turned out better! Just a thought.

Jesus wept, you are a raging asshole. Seriously, do I tell you how to treat your hypothetical Perfect Furry Sub? Do I even give a rat’s ass? Fuck no. Yet you think it’s PERFECTLY FUCKING OKAY to come in here and lecture me on what I do in my free time. For your fucking information, I am an excellent baker, I have no clue why my COOKIES and TOFFEE BARS didn’t come out. Maybe if you paid some fucking attention to something other than your dick, you’d realize that, since I said it at least twice. In conclusion, FUCK RIGHT OFF.

ps: i swear to all the gods, if you tell me to take a fucking tranquilizer, i will use my mutant female brain and figure out how to slap you through my computer screen.

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