You might assume that those Occupy Wall Street protests (and their various offshoots) you’ve seen so much little of on the news lately are all about, you know, Wall Street, and the economy, and the fact that the very people who got our economy into the mess it’s in are somehow all still richer (a lot richer) than you or me. But apparently that’s not it at all. Nope! Apparently it’s all about hating on the menz.
How so? Let us turn to the good fellows at The Spearhead for guidance. In a recent post titled Occupy Wall Street Is Just Another Vehicle For Misandry, the blogger known only as Pro Male/Anti-Feminist Tech (PMAFT for short) argues that the movement is overrun by dastardly “single mothers and other women demonstrating high levels of entitlement.” His proof: one lady he found posting her story on the We Are the 99 Percent blog who noted that she had “no job, 3 kids and cannot see a med … let the dudes pay my bills.”
You might assume that by “the dudes” the lady in question is referring to extremely rich dudes – you know, the 1 percent that the “we are the 99 percent” movement is focusing its attention on. But apparently PMAFT knows better than we do, declaring that
she is demanding men subsidize her, not rich men or billionaires (which would be questionable enough) but men in general.
Oh, but she’s not the only entitled princess on display on the 99 Percent blog. Here are two other women — chosen from hundreds of examples from the blog — that to PMAFT seem to epitomize the evils of female entitlement and man-hatred:
Imagine, women actually having the chutzpah to want medical insurance for young children! Blatant misandry at its worst!
The commenters whooped it up in typical Spearhead fashion. “Single mums want to fuck with John and expect Harry to support her and her kids,” complained Nico. “New-age gov-mediated cuckoldry.”
To the redoubtable Uncle Elmer, these women’s pleas were
symptomatic of the feminized educational system and media. Without a manly Patriarchy to call BS on a lot of these entitlement notions, we have several generations of women now sailing into the hard rock of reality. … nobody cares.
Finndistan, meanwhile, wrote a screed nearly as long as the OP, laying out his case against shoe-wearing single mothers. A condensed version:
So, single mom? Should’ve kept your legs closed… should’ve chosen a better man….
I am not in America, but my single friends who get laid by one of your friends once every blue moon are already paying for you and your friends shoes and bastards by the insane amount of taxes imposed on them with threat of imprisonment.
If these guys are the 1%; that makes you, the 99%, parasites….
You, found a dipsh%t welfare boy, made a baby, and we, the 1% as defined by you, who actually want to work and create something useful, not bastards, are getting screwed by the real 1% who steal from us to give to you, so you can buy shoes and create bastards.
As a man … more than one third of my earning … go[es] to feed your shoes and your bastards …
Single mom with shoes and bastards, bought and being payed for by my money.
Occupy Wallstreet just shows that the western man is the pinata of the western world. And then he dies.
This comment got 63 upvotes from the locals, but no shoes or bastards.
AfOR, not quite as longwinded, noted that he found the women’s pictures “hilarious,” adding:
Suck it down bitches.
If you blow me PROPERLY I’ll buy you a 99 cent burger.
This got 58 upvotes from the totally non-hateful readers of The Totally Non-Hateful Spearhead.
Speaking of hateful, here’s a comment I somehow missed, from evilwhitemaleempire. Readers of the comments here will recognize him as a dickish dude who posts dickish comments here from time to time. But in this comment he really lets his misogynist flag fly. (TRIGGER WARNING FOR VIOLENT MISOGYNY) Referring to one of the women cited as “entitled” by PMAFT, who had noted that she has “no money to hire a lawyer so I can divorce my abusive husband,” evilshitemaleempire offered this advice:
Heh. If she’s telling the absolute truth about her life on that paper (questionable) then she needs to go back to that abusive husband and start doing some serious dick sucking.
And if he wants anal sex she’d better give it to ‘em.
At last count this comment had 16 upvotes and one downvote. Stay classy, Spearhead.
You all are probably quite young but wait for it. You guys on here, wait til you’re in you mid to late 30’s, and then look at the women you went to highschool with, if you still no them or see them.
I’ve lost count of the girls that used to be good looking that now look like absolute crap, these are all modern ‘liberated’ women who grew up in the 80’s.
A girl I used to Shtupe when I was 21 was quite hot. Nice body, big tits, I’d give her an 8 out of 10. Well, we parted ways and she went on the cock carousel. After years of having cocks stuck in every orifice, she got tired of it and went to extreme lesbianism for awhile.
Then in her 30’s, she decided to switch back to men. Tried to find a man and there were no takers. Fast forward 18 years, and now she, at 37 looks like crap. She’s a 240 lb. radical feminist. She’s so fat her eyelids are fat. She went from a solid 8 to a 0.01 out of 10, and I’m only giving her that out of generosity.
Good job feminism!
I really wish they stop using this “alpha male” bull crap. Makes em sound like the leader of a dog pack.
Pecunium – she was someone whom I was friends with for years, whom I hadn’t seen in a long time. We met again and sparks flew. She wrote me love letters and pursued me. I thought, why not? She seemed genuine and sincere. She was anything but. I was duped, like many other men get duped by lying modern females. That said, she gave me a beautiful child. I spend upwards of 14 grand to get into that child’s life. I pursued the mother legally, and forced child support on HER.
Yeah, between nugganu and the frustrated customer service guy, I’m starting to get mixed messages. I thought alphas were supposed to be socially dominant, not, well, the opposite of that.
I wouldn’t describe myself as socially dominant alpha, more like a higher beta, with good looks. I’ve always relied on my looks more than needing to ‘game’ women.
Anyway, it’s women like that who turned me into the misogynist I am today. I didn’t start out like this, women made me into this. Modern females are turning more and more of us into MRAs, misogynists, MGTOWs, men who frequent hookers, or even less malevolent as white guys simply going to Asian women, which is happening in ever increasing numbers.
I guess, nugganu, that if the mother of your child is making you pay her child support but also not letting you see the child and telling Welfare that she doesn’t know who the child’s father is, you probably have a few legal remedies open to you.
Similarly, if the mother of your (or whoever’s) child is being neglected while hir mother lies in a drunken state on the couch every afternoon, as you imply, you probably have a few options you can employ to help the child as well.
The rest of the list seems like things that annoy you because you hate her in general, but are really none of your business (including her state of employment; dude, she has two kids she’s presumably taking care of). The fact that you’re not doing what you can to ensure that you have access to your child and that your child is being tended to by a sober, loving caretaker strikes me as odd and probably an indication that you’re not giving us the whole story here.
Effectively, the same reason patents are given. Setting up mass production of any product has a high capital investment. The costs of switching over existing pharmaceutical production, or starting from scratch, is weighted against the projected profits within a given timeframe.
If their sales projections don’t have the product returning the capital investment in the “acceptable” timeframe, it’s not set into production.
Currently there is a huge social back-lash against birth control in any form in the US.
Additionally, because women are the people who typically get pregnant, they are assumed to bear the burden of contraception. This drives the projected demand down even further.
Wiki- In the US, drug patents give 20 years of protection, but they are applied for before clinical trials begin, so the “effective” life of a drug patent tends to be between seven and 12 years.
fuckin’ tag fail. that last part’s not a quote.
“…if sales projections do not have product returning the capital investment within the ‘acceptable’ timeframe, it is not set into production.”
and “in the US, drug patents give 20 years of protection, but they are applied for before clinical trials begin, so that the “effective life” of a drug patent turns out to be between 7 and 12 years”.
Two more excellent reasons to consider alternative medical and dental therapeutic paradigms, since the ‘patent medicines’ are often useless as actual cures and end up only being used for symptom abatement, with many serious side effects, anyhow!
Add to this, could you imagine the progress once even a small fraction of the billions of $$$$ which is today tied into pharmatoxin (and agritoxin–artificial and processed food) development and marketing is released into the real investment of patent free alternatives?
This would not guarantee the availability of cheap, highly reliable, and safe contraceptives for men (or women), of course, still less the returned sovereignty of the family, but at least there would be ample opportunity and incentives around the world…
David K. Meller
I guess Nugganu has never considered the possibility that some women are just fat, sluts or feminists or not. Do virgins tend to be skinny because… what, the unbroken hymen has magical calorie burning powers?
DKM: My father survived to sixty-six thanks to modern medicine – bypass surgery first, then chemo and blood transfusions, then the palliative care the Hospice offered. I am not a gibbering anxiety ridden wreck thanks to SSRIs. My annual sinus infection o’DOOM hasn’t mutated and killed me thanks to the wonders of modern antibiotics, and I don’t wake up with blinding headaches because of muscle relaxants. I’ll take modern medicine over just about anything else on the market right now, thanks.
Although Rescue Remedy is the shit – no clue how or why it works, but it just stops panic attacks in their tracks. Amazing stuff.
VoiP–October 14, 2011@ 2:24am
Oh, I mentioned a FEW other peoples victimized by genocide in the past wretched century!
Let’s see…Armenians, Chechens, other Crimean Tartars, Japanese, Ukrainians, Russians (who escaped from Soviet hell and were returned on orders of FDR, Truman, and Churchill).
It was probably early morning, VoiP. You need your sleep!
Each of the millions of these people–not to say the survivors–suffered just as grievously at the hands of their murderers as the Jews did at the hands of the Nazis in their holocaust!
Who is being cavalier about innocent human lives now??
I would kind of like one day where we didn’t talk about the Holocaust or rape on Man Boobz Prime. But then what would we talk about?
I guess Nugganu has never considered the possibility that some women are just fat, sluts or feminists or not. Do virgins tend to be skinny because… what, the unbroken hymen has magical calorie burning powers?
Suddenly, those creepy hymen restoration surgeries make a lot more sense.
KathleenB–October 14, 2011, @9:54pm
I’m,glad that modern medicine, and its reliance on pharmatoxins and surgery gives you relief from your symptoms, but, firstly, why wasn’t your father cured of his cardiovascular problems? Why was his surgery followed by little more than ‘managed decline”? When are you going to be free of the requirements of taking pills–in other words, restored to normal health after being cured of the underlying pathologies? Are your distressing symptoms resulting from an inability to handle toxins in your environment (including food, water, or furniture) and what kind of help does your body need in either adapting to them or defending against them?
How thoroughly has your body been cleansed of various toxins? Are you protected from ambient microwave and other electromagnetic radiation, and if so, how effective is your protection? I am no expert, but these questions are certainly among the first you–and your father–ought to ask.
Are there energy (Qi) blockages, disruptions, or distortions in your bodily meridians, organs, or even your aura? I don’t know, but it is certainly worth asking about? If your life energy was normalized, the underlying disorder(s) would disappear!
I don’t know if there is anything wrong with your breathing but an experienced ayurvedic and yogic master healer may well find something, perhaps quite a few somethings, and upon correcting it, you would be cured, not merely suppressing localized symptoms.
You are, whether you appreciate it or not, an amazingly FORTUNATE patient. Medicines, even when administered most carefully, react with the body, and react with each other in unpredictable, and often undesirable ways, sometimes producing side effects whose symptoms rival in virulence the diseases being treated! If you have been spared this, you are incredibly lucky!
Drugs, surgery, and radiation (mostly for various forms of cancer–when are we going to see safe, reliable and inexpensive cures for THAT)–are unfortunately all that most people have, courtesy of the pharmatoxin–and processed food agritoxin monopolies, along with their pals in the AMA , FDA, and CDC–but it certainly isn’t the best that is available even today, much less the future! there is a large and growing universe of alternatives out there. If we don’t avail ourselves, nobody else will!
Once again, alternative medicine and for starters, http://www.naturalcures.com.
David K. Meller
Why the living fuck is that an argument? Do you seriously believe that the only genocide I care about is the Holocaust?
This is a crude hand-made copy of Diablo in which your character can be swallowed by every monster you encounter, gradually digested and then shat out. It also serves as a high-quality rip off of both “Terminator” AND “Back to the Future”.
It opens with the deceptively peaceful imagery of computer-generated birds taking flight above computer-generated landscapes. A swallow soars over vineyards. A woman is thrust into the giant stomach-maw of a female spider centaur while a huge-breasted harpy creature swoops in to join. I wish I did not know this, but the female centaur creatures are known as “Kari” and they secrete some sort of paralyzing honey from their breasts. “I nourish you,” I imagine them saying to one another.
You enter the game being birthed, nude, out of a weird egg. Once your naked character falls out of the amniotic fluid you enter the game’s awkward isometric view. Player movement is controlled by the number pad, which is cumbersome and cramped. Somewhere pus issues from a teat into the mouth of a babe, rancid and sour, corrupting what it touches. This taint spreads of its own accord.
Be at peace and without fear, while it is still possible.
DKM: My chi and aura are shiny, not that it’s any of your business. My meds are regularly checked and I track possible interactions – in fact, I’ve cut dosages and tinkered with intervals to try to get things working, which drives my doc rather nuts, but she can’t argue with the results.
“When are you going to be free of the requirements of taking pills–in other words, restored to normal health after being cured of the underlying pathologies? Are your distressing symptoms resulting from an inability to handle toxins in your environment (including food, water, or furniture) and what kind of help does your body need in either adapting to them or defending against them?”
DKM seems to think cancer is the same as an allergy?
Also, he believes in auras. I dunno why this is surprising.
Both most types of allegies and many manifestations of cancer are the results of immune system dysfunction. Thy also often manifest themselves as pronounced deviations in the energy flows in and through the body, as well as being responses to exposure to toxins as mentioned before.
Auras exists, whether you “believe in” them or not! Properly photographed and understood,. they are an invaluable diagnostic tool.
II am NOT an expert in these areas, and it is important, if not imperative, for best results to be obtained, to assume responsibility for your well-being and your life, to obtain advice of wellness professionals specializing in the appropriate areas, and working outside the badly defective paradigm of corporate/government/ media dominated “medicine”. The most which I can do is remind you that better alternatives exist, and take it from there!
If, like KathleenB, you are satisfied with, if not actually grateful to, the status quo. then continue with what you are doing!
DKM, how can you be such a hippie and then tell us teaching a woman to read is like teaching a cat to play table tennis?
YOU broached the subject! I simply reminded people, not only you, that I was not a “holocaust denier’ the way YOU accused me of being! I reminded you–and other viewers of manboobz.com–that “the holocaust” is hardly the only event worth talking about, that I was indeed concerned about other people and their circumstances, and that I was also interested in events that involved far more people,and it is hardly unreasonable for me to give a stiff rebuttal to such slander from you, and some people here who are inclined to agree with you!
I would just as soon confine my criticism to feminism and feminists here! I think that the Holocaust, the veracity of source materials, and the extent of genocide during the dreadful XX century is material best left to other websites and blogs, including some of my favorites cited above. I would agree that manboobz. com is hardly the place to discuss it intelligently or fairly.
The above holds true whether you cite video games or not!
Seriously. I didn’t think fascists went in for that shit.