You might assume that those Occupy Wall Street protests (and their various offshoots) you’ve seen so much little of on the news lately are all about, you know, Wall Street, and the economy, and the fact that the very people who got our economy into the mess it’s in are somehow all still richer (a lot richer) than you or me. But apparently that’s not it at all. Nope! Apparently it’s all about hating on the menz.
How so? Let us turn to the good fellows at The Spearhead for guidance. In a recent post titled Occupy Wall Street Is Just Another Vehicle For Misandry, the blogger known only as Pro Male/Anti-Feminist Tech (PMAFT for short) argues that the movement is overrun by dastardly “single mothers and other women demonstrating high levels of entitlement.” His proof: one lady he found posting her story on the We Are the 99 Percent blog who noted that she had “no job, 3 kids and cannot see a med … let the dudes pay my bills.”
You might assume that by “the dudes” the lady in question is referring to extremely rich dudes – you know, the 1 percent that the “we are the 99 percent” movement is focusing its attention on. But apparently PMAFT knows better than we do, declaring that
she is demanding men subsidize her, not rich men or billionaires (which would be questionable enough) but men in general.
Oh, but she’s not the only entitled princess on display on the 99 Percent blog. Here are two other women — chosen from hundreds of examples from the blog — that to PMAFT seem to epitomize the evils of female entitlement and man-hatred:
Imagine, women actually having the chutzpah to want medical insurance for young children! Blatant misandry at its worst!
The commenters whooped it up in typical Spearhead fashion. “Single mums want to fuck with John and expect Harry to support her and her kids,” complained Nico. “New-age gov-mediated cuckoldry.”
To the redoubtable Uncle Elmer, these women’s pleas were
symptomatic of the feminized educational system and media. Without a manly Patriarchy to call BS on a lot of these entitlement notions, we have several generations of women now sailing into the hard rock of reality. … nobody cares.
Finndistan, meanwhile, wrote a screed nearly as long as the OP, laying out his case against shoe-wearing single mothers. A condensed version:
So, single mom? Should’ve kept your legs closed… should’ve chosen a better man….
I am not in America, but my single friends who get laid by one of your friends once every blue moon are already paying for you and your friends shoes and bastards by the insane amount of taxes imposed on them with threat of imprisonment.
If these guys are the 1%; that makes you, the 99%, parasites….
You, found a dipsh%t welfare boy, made a baby, and we, the 1% as defined by you, who actually want to work and create something useful, not bastards, are getting screwed by the real 1% who steal from us to give to you, so you can buy shoes and create bastards.
As a man … more than one third of my earning … go[es] to feed your shoes and your bastards …
Single mom with shoes and bastards, bought and being payed for by my money.
Occupy Wallstreet just shows that the western man is the pinata of the western world. And then he dies.
This comment got 63 upvotes from the locals, but no shoes or bastards.
AfOR, not quite as longwinded, noted that he found the women’s pictures “hilarious,” adding:
Suck it down bitches.
If you blow me PROPERLY I’ll buy you a 99 cent burger.
This got 58 upvotes from the totally non-hateful readers of The Totally Non-Hateful Spearhead.
Speaking of hateful, here’s a comment I somehow missed, from evilwhitemaleempire. Readers of the comments here will recognize him as a dickish dude who posts dickish comments here from time to time. But in this comment he really lets his misogynist flag fly. (TRIGGER WARNING FOR VIOLENT MISOGYNY) Referring to one of the women cited as “entitled” by PMAFT, who had noted that she has “no money to hire a lawyer so I can divorce my abusive husband,” evilshitemaleempire offered this advice:
Heh. If she’s telling the absolute truth about her life on that paper (questionable) then she needs to go back to that abusive husband and start doing some serious dick sucking.
And if he wants anal sex she’d better give it to ‘em.
At last count this comment had 16 upvotes and one downvote. Stay classy, Spearhead.
Feminists were secretly given billions of dollars by Nixon, Presidents don’t have term limits, women are like the CIA and try to castrate all men (but I guess are really ineffectual at this?), Jerry Springer and Dr. Phil are hardcore feminists, Abraham Lincoln is the reason “criminal elements” have taken over our society, the richest 1% are non-racial, men are a “race” (an entrepreneurial — except for non-white men, I guess? — race no less), and something something Ancient Rome something, women are terrible at emergency response, but seriously no offense ladies, I don’t hate you!
Seems totally coherent and reasonable, y’all!
Wall Street was a railroad lobbyist before becoming President?
1. Wall Street is not a person.
2. Wall Street was never a railroad lobbyist.
3. Wall Street was never President.
4. Wall Street is neither male nor female, it is a street.
5. Wall Street is named after the street that ran along the inside of the wall of New Amsterdam, which is now New York.
6. Hell, I’m pretty sure you’re talking about Abraham Lincoln, but I’m going to act like you were talking about Wall Street for the lulz. Did you copy-paste this incorrectly or did you seriously forget to type out half a sentence there? Was the connection to hard to make?
7. 1-5 are void if in fact you were talking about someone named or nicknamed Wall Street who was a railroad lobbyist and later President and was male. 6 is still true.
Wall Street is DKM’s porn name.
I love your work, Meller. I mean, Mr. Street.
Racist dogwhistle. Incidentally, the idea that only production, not trade, makes value is very common among the racist right. Congratulations, DKM, that belief is Marxist.
Racist dogwhistle
Not even bothering to hide it
These shadowy conspirators — who will not be named, of course — are not exactly feminine, although they’re not masculine, but they are trying to feminize (White) men. Everything they put out in the media is
Did I say “love of country”? How about a racist dogwhistle instead:
And a final fanfare of [racist dogwhistle]:
Identification of the (nudge-nudge, wink-wink) enemy as raceless, nationless, or in some way opposed to fixed racial boundaries. CLASSIC.
And neither is this post.
This is some of what Meller believes about women:
Where there are no men, or no true men, to protect them, feminine women will, in a grotesque perversion of nature, be controlled, exploited and dominated by more masculine women, sometimes monsters and mere caricatures of men. Yet even such grosser women, sometimes little more than surrogates for males, can upon occasion, in the hands of a strong uncompromising master, be forced to manifest and fulfill, realizing then for the first time, the depths of their long-denied, long-suppressed womanless.
While Free Women, technically, are priceless, they are usually, in bed, worthless. They are not worthy of kneeling and humbly holding candles within a thousand pasangs of a slave. To be sure, they commonly hold an inflated opinion of their expertise and desirability.
The National Lawyer’s Guild, a nonprofit group, is giving pro bono representation to Occupy Wallstreet Protesters. Here’s a bit on their history http://www.nlg.org/about/history/ They are traditionally anything but a pro-capitalist organization. “Human rights should be regarded as more sacred than property rights” yeah, that sounds like a pro-corporate greed org to me right there. I suspect Meller’s objections to the NLG have more to do with its history of working a variety of civil rights issues, fighting anti-communist panics, allowing women, Jews, and POC to be members before the ABA and pressuring the ABA to discriminate less in membership.
Also, the thing about Jerry Springer as proof of feminist social control made me laugh so hard I could hardly breathe.
Calm your tits, darksidecat.
MRAL: Calm your hand MRAL… wanking like that is gonna chafe.
It’s like a toddler who just learned a new word. His mom’s gonna be sooo embarrassed the next time she has friends over and he blurts that out! 😀
Pecunium, are we playing “which one is Meller and which one is Gor” with those quotes?
Yeah. mister High IQ is stuck repeating someone else’s insults. One might think he can’t come up with his own.
It’s probably because of the paucity of opportunity for mocking speech in the English Language, which leaves him bereft of possibility for invention.
o, u pwned me pecunium
That was a lot of complicated words Pecunium. If you’re gonna make fun of these guys at least dumb it down a little =)
Bagelsan: The sad part is… with those it’s sort of hard to tell that all is Gor. It seems he has internalised the ideas at the heart of Norman’s fantastic ideas of human nature to the point of almost parody.
Right down to some of the exterminationist lunacies. Having slogged though it (a few thousand words, all found on “Gorean” websites, run by people who use names like, “Tarn Erlis, and Fangobar, without any apparent irony) I figure I am entitled to take some amusement from it.
I must say it seems more rational than Meller. No more consistent, all sorts of statements about how beloved slaves are, mixed with explanations of how to keep them terrorised, beat them when they fail to amuse/show any spark of agency, and lending them out for “disciplinary rapes”, as opposed to merely casual fucktoys… it’s pathologically incoherent, but we have it on his authority that Meller thinks them valuable as insight to the female psyche.
So I’ll keep using apposite examples when he tries to tell us how the world is, that we may see what he thinks it ought to be.
I figure him to end up the property of some “Panther Girl”, in pretty short order.
Joanna: The worst part of it is, I’ve come to the realisation that MRAL, like NWO, and EWME is bringing his A-Game.
Moewicus: “Wall street is neither male or female, it is a street” made me laugh for two minutes straight. I’m still giggling.
DKM: Man, I wish the NWO agreed with feminism. It’d be a lot easier to get shit done if it was.
I bind them, trust me, they are very well restrained, and will be terminated at the first opportunity regardless. XD
“with a degree no one seems to hire”
Didn’t you know that beforehand? I think that’s completely your own fault.
btw, the US will never change, so forget it! They desperately need desperate people for their armed forces (to terrorize the world).
Make no mistake: I am STAUNCHLY pro-choice, despite not being a feminist whatsoever. Even so, the infusion of gender politics and MRA regarding single moms and their relationship to the Occupy movement is fawking ridiculous. But I still stand by the mantra: CAN’T FEED EM? DON’T BREED EM! I honestly wonder WHY that 21-year-old woman didn’t get an abortion, or better yet(assuming that the sex that got her knocked up was consensual)why she didn’t insist that he use birth control since she obviously lacks the means to support the child she’s about to have. I suppose some peeps here might call me a “misogynist” for pointing out that she made some poor choices in life but aren’t women adults too?
And BlackBloc:
Skynet is MISANTHROPIC. Which means that the terminators will eliminate the mothers too and not the MRA fathers because their objective is to render humans extinct. 😉
It’s a wild thread necromancer!