Every day, it seems, I learn a little bit more about the oppression of men. Recently, for example, I learned that men who are working customer service jobs are oppressed because they are prohibited from punching their customers, even when these customers are really, really annoying, and possibly even ladies. At least that’s the lesson I took from a recent Facebook posting by MRA and frequent Spearhead contributor Jack Donovan. Here’s Jack:
Men want to carry their own weight, but to do so, they may have to take a job which requires them to choose “flight” over “fight” as part of their regular duties. All customer service oriented jobs, for instance, require men to take abuse from … someone who is angrily issuing insults and challenge cues … and reply submissively.
Even worse is when some of these poor men, like Jack, are natural “alphas” forced to take these beta-ass jobs because for some reason the people in charge of hiring haven’t recognized their awesome alphaness:
It would be interesting to see someone do a study tracking the testosterone levels of “alpha” type men who would not choose a customer service job, but who were forced to take a position where they had to apologize and beg forgiveness from abusive women and “betas” all day.
It’s almost like you have to act as if the customer is always right!
As a man who had blood in his face for *several hours* after having to hold my tongue while I was screamed at by a neurotic old female customer this week, the physical effects were pretty noticeable in the short term. I was murderously furious for hours and then emotionally exhausted and kind of depressed through the next day.
Wouldn’t it have been better for everyone – with the possible exception of the old lady, of course, and the rest of the customers, and maybe the firm employing Mr. Donovan – if he could have chosen “fight” instead of “flight,” and just popped that old bat in the nose? Problem fucking solved!
Let’s just shut down the economy and the judicial system for a day or two while we work out a way that Mr. Donovan can just punch people without any consequences. Because he’s an alpha, damn it, and he really shouldn’t be hemmed in by petty “laws” and “social conventions” and “moral codes” clearly meant for betas and ladies and other losers.
EDITED TO ADD: Donovan has responded to this post in the comments here. He says he’s not an MRA, so I’ve edited out that part. (I did find his Facebook post through a link on the MR subreddit, FWIW.)
I should clarify that Donovan did not talk directly about punching people; he talked about the “fight or flight” instinct.
It’s not just you, VoiP.
Cuz this might be fun, and cuz I know there’s a billion trolls here who hate me more than life itself, (and they hate life quite a lot) this is your chance to get revenge! 😀
Or participate in some funness! 😀
Hey, if Slavey can go off topic can I do so too? Mine is less depressing.
So, the ex and I rescued a cat this afternoon. We saw her frozen in panic on the off ramp of the freeway, circled back to try to find her, got out of the car, ran out to where she was, and she let us pick her up, so we took her back to his place. I’ve never rescued a cat like this before, I’ve always gotten them from a shelter or from a friend. What’s the protocol in terms of vet checks, how to figure out if it’s OK to introduce her to my cat, etc? She seems healthy other than that she had some gunk in her eye, which might just be dirt from being by the side of the freeway. She hasn’t eaten much so far, though, which worries me a bit. I remembered that someone here had rescued cats before – Kathleen maybe? – so though she might be able to offer some suggestions.
Also, re customer service jobs – mean customers suck no matter who you are. Does anyone actually enjoy having someone yell abuse at them outside of a BSDM context? I’d be willing to bet that anyone who’s ever worked customer service, retail, or anything else that involves dealing with the public must have wanted to punch a customer at some point. If it’s really important to these dudes to do that…OK, go ahead, but recognize that you’re going to get fired. As you should.
Alternatively, you could be a grownup and learn healthier ways to deal with frustration.
What if we had a sex strike and nobody came?
Isolate her right now. If you plan to keep her, I’d have her checked out at the vet before introducing her to other cats. FIV can be asymptomatic, but she could also have parasites, etc.
Cats do that when they’re stressed out. Provide food and water, but i wouldn’t worry yet.
Friend says that kitty is eating now. Of course she will only eat on the sofa, with him sitting next to her and petting her.
She needs to see a vet anyway, so we’ll do that before introducing her to any other cats. Thanks!
Statement assumes facts not in evidence.
Only in an environment designed to only permit men to be.
Funny you should say doctor, because that’s one of the ones that varies the most in prestige and which gender is assigned it, between countries.
Not really.
Oh, you’re from an alternate universe, I see, never mind.
Idiots like you always are, aren’t you?
We don’t seem to have a general conversations thread going at the moment so, speaking of alpha males and the ideas people have about that…did you know Warren Farrell is writing a book with John Gray (the Men are From Mars guy)?
Oh look, two untasty things that taste even more unpleasant together.
Cassandra —
Aww. My kitty is a rescue too.
You should keep the cats separated for a while — some people say you should keep them physically apart for a week while the old cat deals with a new cat in its territory. (I’m not sure anyone actually does manage to last a week.)
Also, do your best to spend time and give attention to the cat that’s already there; it’s going to need some reassurances.
In completely other news:
Our new friend Dad 2 boyz is actually an old friend. Can any of you guess who?
*laughing out loud*
I sure as hell should stop reading this blog in work hours. I am constantly burtsting into laughter and colleagues stare 🙂
Owl, dear, the MEN were actually striking WITH the women, using different approach. If you have actually read the articles linked, you would have know that.
Also, the phrase you used, viscious coercion is… hillarious. What, penises wither out and die if they are not used regularly? Also, I am tad interested have you ever seen how a road is made, because the way you say it, I have the feeling that 1) you haven’t even checked on the map where is the road in question, how it looks like, how long it is, what kind of problem is with the road 2) have never EVER been in a country in which infrastructure is shit.
I live in a country with a similar problem, regularly roads in housing estates look horrible with huge holes sprinkled here and there. Nothing to the extent of the example in Colombia but deffinitely enough to give trouble, make people trip/fall, cars to break and other unpleasanties all arround.
People have bought and tried to do it. However, some special equipment is required, which is not public property to which one can waltz, grab and use as they see fit.
Roads not working does not mean the citizens should repair them. it means someone is not doind the job they are paid to do and they are expecting people to do their job for them.
Anyway… you ask, why not these women repair the road themselves…
Here are a few rasons:
1) Taxes are being paid to the government to do it. It’s quite insane to have to pay taxes than pay again to buy the products and do something which is out of your scope, because the government is too busy to sit on their heands to do their job.
2) Imagine, the issue is obviously quite huge, so they are unable to resolve it themselves, because their spouses have actually alligned in their protest.
3) paving a road is actually not that cheap, it also requires equipment which is not accessible and randm citizens have no access to. Bying such equipment… quite expensive.
4) I gather that it’s a long road
5) most people have other jobs to attend to. Maybe your advice is a strike where people stop doing any work and go to pave the road? Yeah… what an excellent idea.
I am sorry, did you leave your common sense in your other jeans or you simply need t have EVERY FUCKING ISSUE being about women vs. men?
Good news – people don’t die if they are not having sex. Science says so.
I would love entitled asses like you who have never had any issues with the infrastructure in their country to stop assume their experience is exactly like the experience of everyone else.
For you, the problem seems tiny. The fact that people die because of this road is not working obviously is completely irrelevan because women withold sex from men. Clearly the problem in Colombia is that men don’t have enough sex….
No idea who that is, his manner reminds me of David M. on steroids and double the hillarious.
If I have to be honest, his comments sounds so… insane and over the top, I thought he was actually making fun of that type of thinking and the kind of arguments he was presenting.
Damn, I was sure Dad 2 Boys was a Poe.
And customer service can be truly terrible.
Not AntZ.
And, well, I’m not going to say whether or not Dad is a Poe. When you figure out who it is, you’ll know.
Well, it is not like there is not enough software to compare snippets from his comments and compare with all comments ever made via rss for comments and figure out who this jem is.
Questions is… why bother?
Ave trollo nova, similia trollo seneca 🙂
Rough translation: hello to the new troll, the same as the old one”. 🙂
NWO, maybe if you built a road you’d get laid =D
So I take it you missed the part where Delta discussed a woman’s “sexual market value.” As you’ve been told countless times, the system in which access to a woman’s body is monetized comes courtesy of the Patriarchy, and you whiny MRAs are just pissed that today women are able to participate in the transaction rather than acting only as the goods being passed around between men.
If you don’t like this system, your enemy is the Patriarchy, you dumb little troglodyte.
I second VoiP’s recommendation. Cats who have been outside will usually have ear mites and worms. Both are easily treated. But they could also have other more serious problems, so isolation is a good idea, and try to get him/her to the vet within a few days to get checked over. The vet is going to want a fecal sample that’s less than twelve hours old (I think that’s the time limit — my Mose is 3 now so it’s been awhile since we’ve done the poo test).
“NWO, maybe if you built a road you’d get laid”
Your question exemplifies the modern day womans attitude.
Tell me, after I build a road for a bit of lovin. What task will I need to perform for my next dose of lovin? A hot tub? And after that? A new car? And after that? A new house?
Wasn’t there a play or something written long ago about this? Right before that culture turned to dust?
How is it that you constantly cry bloody murder when women are accused of doing this, screaming that women aren’t like that, yet here you are applauding the exact same action?
David, look forward to the MRA crowd explaining why it’s actually Scott Dekraai’s ex-wife’s fault that he went into her salon and slaughtered 8 people, even though he actually had joint custody of his son and was the one to initiate their divorce in 2007.
Thank you.
Owl, the MEN in question in that article were actually striking [b]WITH[/b] the women, using different approach. If you have actually read the articles linked, you would have known that.
Also, the phrase you used, [i]”viscious coercion”[/i} is… hillarious. What, penises fall of if they are not used regularly?
Also, I am tad interested have you ever seen how a road is made, because the way you say it, I have the feeling that 1) you haven’t even checked on the map where is the road in question, how it looks like, how long it is, what kind of problem is with the road 2) have never EVER been in a country in which infrastructure is shit.
I live in a country with a similar problem, regularly roads in housing estates look horrible with huge holes sprinkled here and there. Nothing to the extent of the example in Colombia but deffinitely enough to give trouble, make people trip/fall, cars to break and other unpleasanties all arround.
People have bought and tried to do it. However, some special equipment is required, which is not public property to which one can waltz, grab and use as they see fit.
Roads not working does not mean the citizens should repair them. it means someone is not doind the job they are paid to do and they are expecting people to do their job for them.
Anyway… you ask, why not these women repair the road themselves…
Here are a few rasons:
1) Taxes are being paid to the government to do it. It’s quite insane to have to pay taxes than pay again to buy the products and do something which is out of your scope, because the government is too busy to sit on their heands to do their job.
2) Imagine, the issue is obviously quite huge, so they are unable to resolve it themselves, because their spouses have actually alligned in their protest.
3) paving a road is actually not that cheap, it also requires equipment which is not accessible and randm citizens have no access to. Bying such equipment… quite expensive.
4) I gather that it’s a long road
5) most people have other jobs to attend to. Maybe your advice is a strike where people stop doing any work and go to pave the road? Yeah… what an excellent idea.
I am sorry, did you leave your common sense in your other jeans or you simply need t have EVERY FUCKING ISSUE being about women vs. men?
Also,last thing, the reason women cry BLOODY MURDER when sex is demanded is because… well… in our world sex is treated as something expected women should GIVE to men, not something that two (more) people actively engage.
P.S. Women do not share a mother-braing, hive-mind or anything that implies that what one (group) of women thinks/does is true and is believed and done by all women. Else there wouldn’t have been any women with the republicans and their insane politics.
True fact, science supports it as well.
A typical MRA argument is that feminism is a form of cultural Marxism (also an argument used by white supremacists).
I have two theories on MRAs – both are linked and both seek to understand why they are so pathetic. I don’t use the term prejoratively, I mean it as it was originally intended. MRAs are pathetic. They deserve sympathy. That is why I humor them rather than insult them.
MRAs use a cultural Marxist lens to view their own perceived “oppression” through. They are “beta males” (self described) who are discriminated against by women and alpha males. They don’t get the unintended irony – this is why they are so unintentionally funny.
My first theory is basic theoretical fact. My second is subjective
MRAs are the ultimate pseudo cultural-Marxists – they long to be oppressed because then they have a reason for feeling so worthless. MRAs are full of self-loathing and shame for their attitudes and their self reflection as failures. This self loathing manifests in outward anger and an obsession with shaming language. Fellas, you don’t get it. You are a microscopic speck on society as a whole. You take pride in your anger and thrive in your inaccessability. MRAs have a reall preoccupation with this – MRA critics are often told that they “will not shame” an MRA. MRAs teach each other to identify “shaming language”.
MRAs (claim to) believe “Society” see them as a threat and attempts to “shame” them into “manning up”. Guys, no-one cares… Some embittered, overly sensitive men with a vastly inflated sense of their own self worth and utility gather on the web to metaphorically slap each other’s backs and search for things to be outraged about.
But back to shaming – self confessed racists also prepare each other for public debate by claiming “shaming” languge is used to silence them. Incidently, racists and MRAs both think that society is now a “cultural Marxist” entity. In the MRA mindset, this means that women rule the roost, in the racist mindset, this means that minorites do. There is overlap, but there is little evidence that racism is especially ingrained amongst the majority of MRAs.
But MRAs, like racists, are on some level ashamed of their points of view. They thrive on the negative attention that they get from their ridiculous views and they enjoy the security of having a gaggle of other, similarly ashamed, fools to relate to. I also don’t believe that MRAs actually believe what they write in many instances – they see the arguments as a reassurance that their bigotry is justified. They are strange, strange people. Unpleasant and very odd.
-stage whisper- D’you think he know’s she’s joking?