Every day, it seems, I learn a little bit more about the oppression of men. Recently, for example, I learned that men who are working customer service jobs are oppressed because they are prohibited from punching their customers, even when these customers are really, really annoying, and possibly even ladies. At least that’s the lesson I took from a recent Facebook posting by MRA and frequent Spearhead contributor Jack Donovan. Here’s Jack:
Men want to carry their own weight, but to do so, they may have to take a job which requires them to choose “flight” over “fight” as part of their regular duties. All customer service oriented jobs, for instance, require men to take abuse from … someone who is angrily issuing insults and challenge cues … and reply submissively.
Even worse is when some of these poor men, like Jack, are natural “alphas” forced to take these beta-ass jobs because for some reason the people in charge of hiring haven’t recognized their awesome alphaness:
It would be interesting to see someone do a study tracking the testosterone levels of “alpha” type men who would not choose a customer service job, but who were forced to take a position where they had to apologize and beg forgiveness from abusive women and “betas” all day.
It’s almost like you have to act as if the customer is always right!
As a man who had blood in his face for *several hours* after having to hold my tongue while I was screamed at by a neurotic old female customer this week, the physical effects were pretty noticeable in the short term. I was murderously furious for hours and then emotionally exhausted and kind of depressed through the next day.
Wouldn’t it have been better for everyone – with the possible exception of the old lady, of course, and the rest of the customers, and maybe the firm employing Mr. Donovan – if he could have chosen “fight” instead of “flight,” and just popped that old bat in the nose? Problem fucking solved!
Let’s just shut down the economy and the judicial system for a day or two while we work out a way that Mr. Donovan can just punch people without any consequences. Because he’s an alpha, damn it, and he really shouldn’t be hemmed in by petty “laws” and “social conventions” and “moral codes” clearly meant for betas and ladies and other losers.
EDITED TO ADD: Donovan has responded to this post in the comments here. He says he’s not an MRA, so I’ve edited out that part. (I did find his Facebook post through a link on the MR subreddit, FWIW.)
I should clarify that Donovan did not talk directly about punching people; he talked about the “fight or flight” instinct.
@Molly Ren
Yeah, it wasn’t very nice and pretty low of them to protest a corrupt government’s years of empty promises of fixing the treacherous road, while that same government’s officials lined their own pockets with misappropriated funds. But hell, those government officials were probably enjoying acts of intimacy instead of seeing to it that the road was repaired and paved, so that makes it A-Okay.
“I knew I could count on the crew to excuse such deplorable behavior.”
You are really a sheltered little man.
Sir – in regards to the sex strike, you must understand that while the intentions may have been noble, the means are beyond discussion. Sex is not something to be trifled with, it is an Ancient Rite of God that males require in order to maintain their focus and discipline. For women to voluntarily withhold sex is, quite frankly, tantamount to terrorism.
In fact, this case is a microcosm of the ruin and degeneracy that Matriarchy has brought upon the Western World, more specifically Good Old USA!
@Dad 2 Boys
To play the POE is to become like the POE. Include misspellings and several complete non-relevant reference (Biblical, Godwin-esque, Rothschilds, white birth rates, etc.) in your stance so your internet Wushu may grow strong.
The teacher shall humble himself, four hour sleep cycles do not a forum commentator make.
Sir – I’m unsure of what you’re referring to.
And it clears up acne, too, right?
Actually, probably yes? :p
I would also request the Webmaster of this Blog to remove my previous comment from Moderation Hell (little joke). It’s a manifesto of sorts, and I’m quite proud of it.
Yes, why not just build a road themselves right? I’m sure the women of a rural village in a nation with a poor human rights record have access to all the necessary tools to build a road, right!
Also: Dad 2 Boys. Try harder, you haven’t convinced anyone you’re in earnest yet.
Likely the only reason my will is not broken is because the hand has taken all the not-sex into itself and become like Dumbledore’s hand, rotting away. Dark magic, it always leaves traces…
Holy fuck, it’s the Hand of Vecna!
Is anyone else getting a distinctly “don’t feel like studying for midterms lol” vibe off our newer trolls?
Molly: IIRC, a sex strike was actually one of the tactics used by Leymah Gbowee of the Liberian peace movement, who just won a Nobel Peace Prize. I bet that really grinds NWO’s gears. Damn those dirty whores and their nasty, evil success in ending a bloody civil war through non-violent protests!
“Waaah! I work a job I detest, in order to make ends meet, and I’m not allowed to punch out my customers! BEING A MAN IS UNFAIRLY DIFFICULT.”
Just… WOW. I despise cubicle jobs as much as the next person who has had multiple nightmares about working every day in the coffin in which they will be buried, but wow. That’s fuckin’ whiny. Like, “thank goodness he’s not working fast food, otherwise the universe would have imploded in on itself from the force of his resulting whining”-whiny.
When times are thin, even lions eat garbage, dumbass.
It’s all right to hate your job, that’s part of having limited options for feeding yourself and keeping a roof over your head — you often end up having to take crappy jobs. The part I can’t stomach is where you hate your job because you think you’re too good for it, and no one else there will recognize the “fact” that you are also better then THEM. I’ve worked alongside people like you, Jack, and can say from experience that people always pick up on it eventually. I hope for your sake that you’re not a contracted employee.
@Polliwog: I read about that, yeah. I was honestly surprised that such a thing would work, but more power to them that it did!
NWOslave tried a sex strike once, but nobody noticed.
@NWO: Wow dude.
Do you know what you do with women that you are sleeping with and have stopped? You break up with them if it doesn’t change after the “I want sex more often” talk.
There is a difference between “I don’t want to have sex tonight” and then it picks up again to she is withholding sex consistently. The latter is a power play while the former is not.
So if she is not sleeping with you enough, go find a woman that shares your same sex drive.
Some men just linger in sexless relationships and they stay there because they don’t think they have any other options…but they do. That is the message…not friggin roads and manual labor.
Is Boyz II Men running through anyone else’s head or am I just old?
He hasn’t called an end to it yet, so the battle still rages … and so does he
Fight the power, slavey! Don’t give in til the NWO crumbles!
I’ll be over here. Living life.
“Wives/girlfriends coercing men so viciously that the men were forced to starve themselves just so those angelic creatures would pretend to love them.”
Isn’t this some gender reversed version of the feminist-anorexia strawman that I’m pretty sure NWO would a) make and b) debunk after making it. XD
I’ll make love to you
Like you want me to
When you fix the damn light
So I don’t trip in the night