Every day, it seems, I learn a little bit more about the oppression of men. Recently, for example, I learned that men who are working customer service jobs are oppressed because they are prohibited from punching their customers, even when these customers are really, really annoying, and possibly even ladies. At least that’s the lesson I took from a recent Facebook posting by MRA and frequent Spearhead contributor Jack Donovan. Here’s Jack:
Men want to carry their own weight, but to do so, they may have to take a job which requires them to choose “flight” over “fight” as part of their regular duties. All customer service oriented jobs, for instance, require men to take abuse from … someone who is angrily issuing insults and challenge cues … and reply submissively.
Even worse is when some of these poor men, like Jack, are natural “alphas” forced to take these beta-ass jobs because for some reason the people in charge of hiring haven’t recognized their awesome alphaness:
It would be interesting to see someone do a study tracking the testosterone levels of “alpha” type men who would not choose a customer service job, but who were forced to take a position where they had to apologize and beg forgiveness from abusive women and “betas” all day.
It’s almost like you have to act as if the customer is always right!
As a man who had blood in his face for *several hours* after having to hold my tongue while I was screamed at by a neurotic old female customer this week, the physical effects were pretty noticeable in the short term. I was murderously furious for hours and then emotionally exhausted and kind of depressed through the next day.
Wouldn’t it have been better for everyone – with the possible exception of the old lady, of course, and the rest of the customers, and maybe the firm employing Mr. Donovan – if he could have chosen “fight” instead of “flight,” and just popped that old bat in the nose? Problem fucking solved!
Let’s just shut down the economy and the judicial system for a day or two while we work out a way that Mr. Donovan can just punch people without any consequences. Because he’s an alpha, damn it, and he really shouldn’t be hemmed in by petty “laws” and “social conventions” and “moral codes” clearly meant for betas and ladies and other losers.
EDITED TO ADD: Donovan has responded to this post in the comments here. He says he’s not an MRA, so I’ve edited out that part. (I did find his Facebook post through a link on the MR subreddit, FWIW.)
I should clarify that Donovan did not talk directly about punching people; he talked about the “fight or flight” instinct.
Dad 2 Boys is not Ami or Captain Bathrobe. Dad 2 does have one thing in common with Captain Bathrobe though.
Is D2B maybe Pecunium?
/me really enjoys the fun direction this thread has taken
He is not Eoghan?
Not Pecinium or Eoghan. But he is a he.
(But that’s not the thing he has in common with Captain Bathrobe.)
It can’t be Antz as a sock right? Even if Dad 2 Boys plays off of Antz statements of trying to raise two sons in an extremely shitty manner.
Slavey? Hengist? Toy Soldier?
That dude who had a habit of quoting anything Kirby said to him and following it with nothing more than, “said the feminist sodomite shill”?
Jesus Tap-dancing Christ. Learn to speak English, moron. If you want to use a “fancy” word like “belie”, look it up first. It doesn’t mean what you think it means. (You just said that men are narrow-minded.)
Inventiveness? What inventiveness?
The Holocaust: put people into a small, windowless room, pump poisonous gas in until everyone is dead. Repeat. It’s perverted, sick and evil, but I don’t see in what way this is supposed to be innovative. Or do you mean Dr. Mengele? Doesn’t take much brain power to cut out someone’s vital organ just to see what happens. Future serial killers do that to animals all the time, and they are not known for benefiting society in any way, shape or form You MRA cretins insinuate that Mengele and Jack the Ripper epitomize the male sex, but accuse feminists of misandry. It’s pure comedy gold.
The Dark Ages: there was no such thing. Learn your history, you miserable incurious pedestrian. Even accepting the simplistic junior high school narrative — oh yeah, it took “men” only a thousand years or so to get around to creating half-way decent art, architecture and weaponry. As for medicine, that had to wait another five hundred years. Gobs of inventiveness right there! Amazing, you are right, how so many men, over such a long time, can create so little.
Well, since you claim that only men ever do anything of importance, I am comforted to know that after they finish fucking up the environment, blowing everything up, and making the planet completely unlivable, men will go on to stop the Big Crunch. Indeed, I am relieved.
No one’s got it yet! Perhaps because he’s doing an excellent job of throwing you all off the trail.
Wait, is MRAL pretending to have kids now? See, it wasn’t his eye that was the problem after all!
Ooo! Is it…um…who’s a man here?
Dracula? (Dracula, I think you’re a dude for some reason, but if not my bad)
Honestly, I’m just guessing – throw me a bone here.
Casssandra’s got it! It’s MRAL, Mellering it up.
The thing he’s got in common with Captain Bathrobe is of course military rank.
Oh that MRAL, the fact that he doesn’t have a life just adds the most miniscule smidgin of entertainment to mine.
OK, that was much better socking. MRAL, if you put that kind of effort into getting a non-toxic personality IRL, your life would change dramatically.
Darn. I was thinking Ami because she does an excellent Poe, and this one was so bad–and funny –that it had to be a Poe. United States of Matriarchy? Who built the Grand Canyon? (definitely *man*-made)
And this:
But I am looking forward to the Big Crunch. Sounds like an awesome candy bar.
Sorry if it sounds like I’m bullshitting here, but I was starting to suspect it was MRAL.
krtistenmh: You’re right. I am a dude.
kristinmh: Holy shit did I spell your name wrong. Sorry!
That was pretty good, MRAL.
And David, I must protest. As you know, I am Men’s Rights Space Pope. Maybe you don’t realize this, but that makes Lieutenant an ecclesiastical position.
Haec Dixit Spatio Papa
Wasn’t there a play or something written long ago about this? Right before that culture turned to dust?
Lessee… Aristophanes “Lysistrata” (written in Greek, the root alphabet of Cyrillic) is dated at 411 BC. So if you want to say that, 2,400 years is “right before that culture turned to dust” I guess you NWO is right.
If we look merely to the time of Greek being the dominant culture in it’s area, well the Classical Period ends ca 320 BC, which is about 100 years after the play, but there was a resurgence when Rome moved it’s capital to Greece, and the Greeks took over the Roman Empire, with Byzantium lasting until the 1400s.
So yeah, “right before that culture turned to dust” a guy wrote a satirical play about how to end a war that was destroying the economy, and the culture, and that culture flourished.
AntzOnce again, just astounded. Several of you have looked at the posters. You know, in your hearts, that this is wrong. Why not say so?
I don’t think it’s wrong. I don’t know if it’s the right time, or the best way, but I don’t think it wrong.
My heart of hearts is just fine with it.
If I have sons, I am not at all concerned with them being taught such things, because I intend to teach them such things.
I don’t even know what you’d call it when someone professes slightly exaggerated versions of their own beliefs in a hilarious way… It wasn’t extreme enough to be sarcastic, but it wasn’t insincere enough to be true Poetry either. Huh. Maybe the word I’m looking for is just “inept.” :p
Well, I’m sure MRAL is wheezing with laughter about how he trolled us all!
Wow, that’s a lot funnier and smarter than I would have expected. Nicely done, MRAL!
Anthony, you come to a website in which MRA horrific comments are exposed and mocked but you have never seen this word I used as an example used before? How exactly? You kept your eyes shut while reading this blog, avoiding the examples of misogyny exemplified?
In regards to “men build the world” I am having this picture of half-crying drunk poe saying “it’s true, it’s true”. Say… what have you ever created yourself? Or… you know, gender is somehow assigning you to feel superior because some people from the same gender did some awesome stuff? Then why not burrying your head in shame because of all of the shit that again men did? PEOPLE did awesome studd and horrible stuff as well. Why do you feel the need to deny that?
Also, Anthony agreed only ONE page ago that there actually capable women scientist who have done quite a lot and have been recognised for that.
The world in your head is scary and unpleasant in which people hate each other because of their gender solely…
It actually looks like MRA simply don’t listen to each other if the others say anything that is not ‘women suck’ teritory.