creepy douchebaggery men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny pedophiles oh sorry ephebophiles reddit

Good News: Reddit admins take down Jailbait. For reals.

It’s official: Reddit has shut down r/jailbait. The official explanation: “This subreddit has been shut down due to threatening the structural integrity of the greater reddit community.”

There was some confusion about this before: Reddit admins apparently had tried to shut it down earlier, but it was still visible to some users who had turned off custom css; now it’s really down.

And Redditors have reacted, well, just about as predictably as you could imagine.

Violentacrez, the guy who started the Jailbait subreddit (and many other equally horrible ones), responded with an indignant post in his own personal subreddit calling the shutdown “bullshit” – and linking to the various remaining subreddits where pictures of underage girls are still being posted freely.

Meanwhile, the top post on the main Reddit also notes Jailbait’s passing. I didn’t read all 4697 comments, but as you might expect there were more than a few indignant comments about the death of free speech posting pilfered pictures of underage girls for other creeps to wank to; some creepy pedo jokes; and somedecent comments pointing out that, you know, maybe it’s not such a good thing for Reddit to allow a forum devoted to, you know, posting pilfered pictures of underage girls for creeps to wank to, especially after it’s been used to facilitate the trading of actual child porn.

My favorite comments are the ones complaining that r/jailbait is being shut down but r/trees, a subreddit devoted to talking about weed, is still up. DeliriousZeus got 45 upvotes for this idiotic comment:

[T]he two subreddits are celebrations of something frowned upon by others. …  both are places where joy is the aim, but many view them with hostility.

Poor suffering Jailbaiters, whose only sin is that they’re simply trying to share a little bit of joy. Oh, and pornographic pictures of 14-year-old girls. Why would anyone get all hostile about that little bit of innocent fun?

Jailbait, gone but not forgotten. And because there are still a whole mess of other jailbaity subreddits, not even really gone.

But hey, small steps.

PS: In case you haven ‘t yet gotten your fill of Reddit pedo-apologetics, check out this post in ShitRedditSays, with handy screencaps of r/jailbaiters (before Jailbait’s demise) defending their repulsive hobby.

EDITED TO ADD: Check out this ShitRedditSays thread for some more highlights — well, lowlights — from the megathread on Jailbait’s shutdown.

And here are a couple more threads on the subject:

Today, with the shutdown of /r/jailbait, Reddit has entered a new age…

A new age of slight inconvenience to Redditors looking for pics of underage girls?

And this less pretentiously titled one:

/r/jailbait admins officially decide to shut down for good. Opinions?

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13 years ago

I will fully admit that I’m filled with hate.

I mean, seriously, why would they make Wonder Woman the daughter of Zeus!? I hate that!

13 years ago

Haha. Well I wasn’t delusional enough to think that everyone was going to like me. But oh well. I do what I can to make things right. I don’t speak for other people and they don’t speak for me.

13 years ago

The femmes are the hateful ones. They are the misandrists, the man-haters, the hate mongers, the Her Holy Highnesses. They ARE, and the sooner you recognize that, the sooner we can move forward into a better world, a world in which bitches will no longer be permitted to use men as objects.This is the most important fight in the Western world, in my opinion, and I have a high IQ.

MRAL, unbowed, stares across the wreckage of the recent conflict and sheds a single glittery tear. Behind him, the Blue Angels scatter flaming roses from their jet engines…exhaust-thingies…you know what, let’s just move past that, I’m not sure what those things are. But anyway, there are roses. And they are on fire. Like MRAL’s heart, with love. Love for America and its men, manly alpha men, men who flame (as it were) with love just like he does, men who hate femmes, men who’ve never been near a vagina, as the design flaws repulsed them: no engines… exhaust ports…Jefferies tubes — you know what, just forget this. You know what I mean, things that stick out.


Mr. Kobold
Mr. Kobold
13 years ago

Gosh, remember the days when so many people on this site tried to talk MRAL through his massive yet solvable social and body dysmorphic issues?

He doesn’t, and he has a high IQ.

13 years ago

Ridiculous. The femmes are the hateful ones. They are the misandrists, the man-haters, the hate mongers, the Her Holy Highnesses. They ARE, and the sooner you recognize that, the sooner we can move forward into a better world, a world in which bitches will no longer be permitted to use men as objects. This is the most important fight in the Western world, in my opinion, and I have a high IQ.

As Men’s Rights Space Pope, I decree that “and I have a high IQ” be MRAL’s sign out.

MRAL = and I have a high IQ.
NWOslave =

Hm. I don’t remember what NWOslave’s was supposed to be. It’s hard being a Space Pope sometimes.

Haec Dixit Spatio Papa

Rutee Katreya
13 years ago

I couldn’t care less about you, specifically, CWiles. I care that you managed to do the same jackass thing privileged people always do, and added some novel jackassery.

It is a weird kind of appropriation to not only try to claim the struggles of others’ as your own, but to insult them in doing so. This isn’t me not liking you because you were an MRA; that raised a red flag, but I said nothing to see if you would actually not be an asshole. Then you said that feminism was born as a hate movement, and all doubt was lost. Who the fuck do you think you are, that you think anyone should accept you after that?

I mean, that’s putting aside your erasing the shit we still have to worry about because of Men’s Right’s Idiots. Seriously, this?

I don’t speak for other people and they don’t speak for me.

Oh. Fucking. Really?

Feminism as the original suffrage movement started off with a whole lot of hate and anger. I think this is how most movements are born.

This is speaking for a lot of people here, and as it happens those people made their opinions known.

13 years ago

I’m proud to say I don’t know my IQ.

And I have a high IQ.

Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

Voip – Afterburners?

13 years ago

MRAL = and I have a high IQ.
NWOslave =

I think Mr Slave had men=bad women=good as a sig for a while

13 years ago

@Rutee If that is your biggest beef than I’ll try and elaborate and rephrase my thoughts it to see if it helps at all. I was not trying to suggest that the first wave of feminism began as a hate movement. What I was trying to convey was that all movements and protests begin with anger, frustration, and even hate sometimes. That does not make it a hate movement or illegitimate at all. To suggest so would be a tone argument.

And yes this is a generalization. Not every individual joins a movement because they are angry or pissed off. I think it is common knowledge or at least pretty sensible that movements are born though frustration. Saying so does not equate to me speaking for other people.

13 years ago

Full circle.

I assume this means that MRAL’s IQ is so high it has wrapped back around to 0.

(Cwiles, MRAL is one of our regulars; if you read his comments you’ll see why we’re skeptical of arguments in the vein of “MRAs aren’t any more angry than any other movement.”)

Oh, and I, too, am filled with anger. I can’t believe that Sherlock Season 2 *and* Game of Thrones Season 2 have been pushed back until spring.

13 years ago

The fact that winter is fast approaching and there is less sunshine makes me angry. Not to worry though, men who are scared of women – once it starts to get really dark and cold I’ll be too severely afflicted by SAD to be a danger to anyone.

13 years ago

We just had a nice 75 degree weekend here in northern Pennsylvania. I fear it’s the last nice weekend we’re going to have until may 🙁

13 years ago

Hey everybody! I’m back in good old Utah for a 21 day stint, I hope anyway.

Seen a bunch of comments about what feminism is, so I just thought I’d remind that if you the right to life, freedom, property and vote, you’re equal. That’s all there is there ain’t no more. So everything else Big Daddy gives ya is a privilege/entitlement above anything any man gets. So if ya lobbied for any of those perks or you’re silent about having them, you’re complicent in passive hatred of men.

On topic, I must reiterate. If ya don’t want 14 year old girls pictures floating about, you should teach girls to be responsible for their own actions. I could see if those pictures were taken clandestinly that’d be a problem. However, if the girl took the pictures herself, or posed for them, she’s the problem.

I mean age aside, didn’t Weiner send pictures of himself out on the old internet, or those pictures at least got on the internet? Did we blame the women who looked at those pics? Of course not, he was held responsible for his actions. I don’t care if you’re 14 or 40, you need to be held accountable for your own actions. If she didn’t do her homework, or snuck out at night, or did anything she wasn’t supposed to do, you’d hold her accountable.

Since women already have the right to life, freedom, property and vote, maybe feminism should turn it’s attention towards personal responsibilty. In other words, if a woman/girl can’t or refuses to control her animal instincts. Don’t blame men for your shortcomings.

13 years ago

“So if ya lobbied for any of those perks or you’re silent about having them, you’re complicent in passive hatred of men.”

I’m going to need a crazy to English translation here. “Complicent”? Is that meant to be complicit or complacent? Or are you just making up hybrid words now?

13 years ago

Seen a bunch of comments about what feminism is, so I just thought I’d remind that if you the right to life, freedom, property and vote, you’re equal. That’s all there is there ain’t no more.

Bollocks. And I say that not being a British person, so you know I mean it.

At the very minimum there is stereotype threat.

I don’t care if you’re 14 or 40, you need to be held accountable for your own actions. If she didn’t do her homework, or snuck out at night, or did anything she wasn’t supposed to do, you’d hold her accountable.

According to Owlyslave, a teenager’s brain is the same as an adult’s. Sorry, bub, that’s demonstrably wrong and has played a role in some court cases. Judgement in teenagers is inhibited.

I could see if those pictures were taken clandestinly that’d be a problem. However, if the girl took the pictures herself, or posed for them, she’s the problem.

Damn those teenage girls, compelling men with their uncontrolled animal sexuality to distribute naked photographs of them on the internet! Where’s the personal responsibility these days, I asks ya!

13 years ago

“Complicent”? Is that meant to be complicit or complacent?


13 years ago

I thought it meant “complimentary centinarian.” Not that that would make sense in context, but there you go.

13 years ago

“Not that that would make sense in context, but there you go.”

Going on my prior observations of Slavey this means that your interpretation is probably the correct one. If any translation offered results in a sentence that makes sense then we can pretty much assume that we’re translating the word incorrectly.

13 years ago

Maybe you should not be trying to fuck someone whose parents can still ground them for not doing there homework. Please, pause and reflect on that notion for a moment.

13 years ago

This is the most important fight in the Western world, in my opinion, and I have a high IQ.

This is so cute.

13 years ago

My IQ has the munchies, and really really wants you to listen to this one song because it is so super deep and meaningful. And my IQ’s eyes are a little bloodshot…

Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

Seen a bunch of comments about what feminism is, so I just thought I’d remind that if you the right to life, freedom, property and vote, you’re equal. That’s all there is there ain’t no more. So everything else Big Daddy gives ya is a privilege/entitlement above anything any man gets.

Yes, because men have no right to go to school, be protected from crime, receive healthcare, be represented in government, seek employment, walk on public streets, form or dissolve a marriage…

Either you’re posting from the Mad Max universe, NWO, or you’re just extraordinarily dense.

(There is the issue that men aren’t often the recipients of “equal rights” legislation, but that’s just because in practice it generally means equal to men, and men are already equal to men.)

Happy Anti-MRA
Happy Anti-MRA
13 years ago

The words and (admittedly limited) deeds of self proclaimed MRAs have led to the term having a very specific meaning. There is so much overlap with “anti-feminist” that there isn’t much distinguishable. This is the reasons why I asked you for clarity. The misplaced, incoherent and visceral anger, hatred and crudeness of the overwhelming majority of MRAs mean that the term is toxic to any right-thinking person, at least without a firm caveat. If you are genuine, and I have no reason to doubt this, then I apologize for this generalization but I hope that you accept my reasons for asking?

Feminists, except for a very few celebrated (by MRAs) examples are committed to rights for all and to equality. MRAs are committed only to constantly iterating their perceived victimhood and, bizarrely, proclaiming great victories in combating “feminist governance” etc
As a proud feminist, I applaud and support your work with victims of DV – the gender of the victim, or perpetrator, is of no interest to me. However, MRAs want there to be as little support for female victims of DV as possible – this is unacceptable and that is why MRAs are the enemy.

You noted, then rephrased, that Suffragettes were motivated by anger, hatred,and frustration etc – the makings of a rational point. The difference is that they were angry at legislation denying them suffrage. MRAs are angry at (white, western) women in general (they don’t know what a feminist is, if they did I would say ‘feminists in particular’). MRAs are almost exclusively misogynists, often racist and, as many of David’s posts show, they have highly questionable (and immature) attitudes to sex and sexuality. I think that all of these are linked.

David Futrelle treats MRAs as they should be treated – with derision, humor and scorn.

Might I ask if there are any MRA bloggers/writers that you support?

To those who have been suspicious of CW – give him a chance – he deserves one.

13 years ago

Once again NWO shows that he has no sense of shame.

However, if the girl took the pictures herself, or posed for them, she’s the problem.

Because a 14 year old girl could never be manipulated. The 20 something man involved had no agency.

Nope, she “posed” for those pictures, so he 1: Had to take them (maybe she was so desperate to have naked pictures of herself posted on the intarwebz that she sat down and cried in the street until some man came up and was required to do as she asked), and 2: then had to post them on reddit.

Because you know, it’s always the woman’s fault, and anyone who has curves is a woman, not a child.

don’t care if you’re 14 or 40, you need to be held accountable for your own actions. If she didn’t do her homework, or snuck out at night, or did anything she wasn’t supposed to do, you’d hold her accountable.

And for those I would, but there is another actor in this, and you are absolving him completely. Why? Because he’s a a man, and you don’t blame men for anything; even exploiting children, if those children are female.

I begin to think you work in milking because you like it. You like hooking females up to machines and strapping suction pumps to their breasts, so you can force them to give you milk because they were forced to have calves.

You’d rather it was human women you had that much control over, but in a pinch cows will do.