creepy douchebaggery men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny pedophiles oh sorry ephebophiles reddit

Good News: Reddit admins take down Jailbait. For reals.

It’s official: Reddit has shut down r/jailbait. The official explanation: “This subreddit has been shut down due to threatening the structural integrity of the greater reddit community.”

There was some confusion about this before: Reddit admins apparently had tried to shut it down earlier, but it was still visible to some users who had turned off custom css; now it’s really down.

And Redditors have reacted, well, just about as predictably as you could imagine.

Violentacrez, the guy who started the Jailbait subreddit (and many other equally horrible ones), responded with an indignant post in his own personal subreddit calling the shutdown “bullshit” – and linking to the various remaining subreddits where pictures of underage girls are still being posted freely.

Meanwhile, the top post on the main Reddit also notes Jailbait’s passing. I didn’t read all 4697 comments, but as you might expect there were more than a few indignant comments about the death of free speech posting pilfered pictures of underage girls for other creeps to wank to; some creepy pedo jokes; and somedecent comments pointing out that, you know, maybe it’s not such a good thing for Reddit to allow a forum devoted to, you know, posting pilfered pictures of underage girls for creeps to wank to, especially after it’s been used to facilitate the trading of actual child porn.

My favorite comments are the ones complaining that r/jailbait is being shut down but r/trees, a subreddit devoted to talking about weed, is still up. DeliriousZeus got 45 upvotes for this idiotic comment:

[T]he two subreddits are celebrations of something frowned upon by others. …  both are places where joy is the aim, but many view them with hostility.

Poor suffering Jailbaiters, whose only sin is that they’re simply trying to share a little bit of joy. Oh, and pornographic pictures of 14-year-old girls. Why would anyone get all hostile about that little bit of innocent fun?

Jailbait, gone but not forgotten. And because there are still a whole mess of other jailbaity subreddits, not even really gone.

But hey, small steps.

PS: In case you haven ‘t yet gotten your fill of Reddit pedo-apologetics, check out this post in ShitRedditSays, with handy screencaps of r/jailbaiters (before Jailbait’s demise) defending their repulsive hobby.

EDITED TO ADD: Check out this ShitRedditSays thread for some more highlights — well, lowlights — from the megathread on Jailbait’s shutdown.

And here are a couple more threads on the subject:

Today, with the shutdown of /r/jailbait, Reddit has entered a new age…

A new age of slight inconvenience to Redditors looking for pics of underage girls?

And this less pretentiously titled one:

/r/jailbait admins officially decide to shut down for good. Opinions?

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Rutee Katreya
13 years ago


Took ’em long enough to figure this one out. I award you a half-point for eventually reaching a slightly more decent state.

13 years ago

There really is no comparison between pedos and epebos. Many Teens are sexually active already. None of this Romeo & Juliet Law nonsense. Lets lock up the sexually active teens while were at it.

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

I keep thinking of Star Trek w/ the “structural integrity” thing o_o

Structural integrity failing… remove… problematic… subreddit…

13 years ago

The admins in a Scotty voice claiming they’ll need need two weeks to take it down…

13 years ago

But is the weed not similarly traumatized when we pick it for our use? I don’t see why pictures of 14 year old girls are any different given that…oh, wait.

13 years ago

Yeah, once it was confirmed that those morons were actively transferring CP, the Reddit admins didn’t really have any choice in the matter.

However, The one good thing about /r/jailbait was that it kept everything fairly centralized and it was well known to everyone. It’s not like the pedos are going to just up and leave. Now there are going to be a ton of new jailbait subreddits in the next 24 hours with basically no moderation. Eventually there will be a new main jailbait reddit and we’ll probably have this discussion again at some-point.

I don’t think this ban is going to change anything unfortunately 🙁 It will probably make the problem worse.

Also, this is my first post on Manboobz. I don’t want to completely derail the thread, but I just wanted to say that I identify as both a feminist and a MRA. I have some unconscious prejudices that I have to work on against different people but I try my absolute best to not be a misogynist or misandrist, I promise! I’ll be posting here often I think. Great blog David!

Rutee Katreya
13 years ago

There really is no comparison between pedos and epebos.

You raise a good point; pedophilia is probably not controllable. I’m not familiar with any evidence that ‘ephebophilia’ is actually anything but “I like having women who are less capable of making decisions but still have adult bodies”.

Lets lock up the sexually active teens while were at it.

It’s not that teens are having sex, but that teens’ idiocy is being manipulated by adults for sexual reasons.

13 years ago

Can we also lock up the people who are native English speakers and have yet to master the basic structural components of the language? Because stuff like this is like nails on a chalkboard to me.

“Lets lock up the sexually active teens while were at it.”

13 years ago

Ephebophilia is most out of control with the shocking proliferation of female teachers committing statutory rape of their young male students, largely being ignored my the MSM because it seriously undermines their MO of portraying only males as rapists.

Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

Ah yes, Romeo and Juliet, the age-old tale of the star-crossed lovers wherein Romeo masturbates over photos of Juliet distributed without her knowledge or consent. It’s so fucking romantic.

Happy Anti-MRA
Happy Anti-MRA
13 years ago


You are a feminist and an MRA? Could you please define what you mean by both of those terms?

In my opinion, self identified MRAs are Anti-feminists/outright Misogynists and therefore, obviously, can’t be feminists.

A few charlatans have popped up on the ‘net claiming to be both – but are, basically, just typical MRA woman/feminist haters with a James Bond fetish. They view themselves as infiltrators but are just transparent fools.

13 years ago

It doesn’t matter if the original pics weren’t child porn, these creepos were using them as child porn. Intent often matters in deciding whether a nude or semi-nude image of a child is porn or not. These creepers were using these images for sexual purposes, that pushes them far closer to the porn line.

Let me give an example, my mom has a picture from when I was little of me and my sister in the tub, covered in chicken pox. To her, it is just a picture of that time both of her kids were covered in chicken pox. However, if someone else had a picture of two naked little kids and used it for sexual purposes, that would be child porn. It is not child nudity or non-nudity per se that determines whether something is child porn.

Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

Delta – If there were women reading the jailbait posts, I am equally glad to see them gone.

white knight
white knight
13 years ago

It probably won’t make a significant difference as there are a several other jailbait related subreddits. But the crying and pedo-apologism is both amusing and sad to watch.

Free The Paedos
Free The Paedos
13 years ago

Chalk up another one for censorship. Now men who just look at pictures of clothed females are criminals.

13 years ago

You know, Delta, you do have one point: our society as a whole doesn’t take female sexual predators as seriously as it should, especially when they prey on teenage boys. Want to know the solution?


The belief that teenage boys take no harm from – and are in fact lucky to have – a sexual relationship with a woman who prefers her partners naive and vulnerable is a clear case of Patriarchy Hurts Men Too. Moar Feminism will help to clear that up.

The patriarchal image of women as powerless creatures (sexually speaking, mere receptacles), no threat to strapping teenage boys and certainly incapable of sexual aggression, can also be cured by Moar Feminism. Acknowledge women as people, with the same range as men, and you realize they can be: 1) dangerous; and 2) as sexually twisted as any man.

I know you consider feminists to be your enemies, but it is not us who brush off sexual abuse just because it’s a woman who does it.

13 years ago

But is the weed not similarly traumatized when we pick it for our use? I don’t see why pictures of 14 year old girls are any different given that…oh, wait.

You seem to be going somewhere with this, but I don’t follow…? Are you suggesting that there are significant differences between plants and teenage girls?

13 years ago

Well, to be fair, the MRAs have a very different definition of “feminist” than we probably do. From what I can understand, almost every American woman is a “feminist”, therefore anything American women do is part of the “feminist agenda.”

Tell that to an actual feminist, and they’ll laugh, considering the right has made such an effort to turn “feminist” into a dirty word that even people who identify with feminist positions wont embrace the word.

13 years ago

There really is no comparison between pedos and epebos. Many Teens are sexually active already.

Toddlers and young children often touch themselves, too; so adults screwing 2-year-olds is totally legit amiright? There’s no real difference I guess!

(I’m tickled at someone named “Delta” being in so much “de Nile”… badum tish! :D)

13 years ago

Ephebophilia is most out of control with the shocking proliferation of female teachers committing statutory rape of their young male students, largely being ignored my the MSM because it seriously undermines their MO of portraying only males as rapists.

So you agree that it’s flat out wrong and that this group of Redditors are criminals. Thank you.

13 years ago

I’m glad the people that run Reddit have finally come to their senses. They do not have to give a platform to everyone, and by giving a platform to the Jailbait people, they seemed to be condoning what they do. It’s also annoying to see Jailbait Redditors portraying themselves to be champions of free speech. I’m pretty liberal as far as free speech issues go, but obviously I draw the line at criminal behavior.

13 years ago

As someone pointed out upthread, there are other “jailbait” themed subreddits that still exist. Someone on another blog wrote out a list of names, but I refuse to go searching for them on Reddit. At any rate, I think one was called “teenbait” or something.

13 years ago

Yuck. Well, at least this one got shut down, and hopefully reddit will be more willing to shut down whatever other ones are still out there in the future the way other places like facebook or wherever do when they find some gross content like that.

13 years ago

@HAMRA Well there’s probably not a lot I can say that will convince you. But I’m an active reader and follower of the /r/mensrights on Reddit, I’m one of the two men volunteers at my local DV Shelter. I work with mostly the few men that we see go through there. We got an unusual surge of men victims a year or two ago and I helped them set up a single men’s only space.
I don’t follow many of the blogs or forums that David often covers, like spearhead or the mgtow forums. They seem to be pretty nasty places.

I did hate feminism for many years. My mother used feminism as a tool of child abuse when I was very young. It took a lot of years of growing up and some therapy to see that it was my mother that was the problem, not feminism (at least the 3rd wave brand. No comment on the 2nd wave “stuff”)

I don’t have a set definition of feminism for myself. Most people look at it in either of two ways: feminism as a women’s rights movement, or as the egalitarian gender equality movement. I prefer to think as feminism as the women’s rights movement. I don’t expect feminism to cater to men, I just think that men are allowed to have their own movement to deal with their own problems.

I fully acknowledge that there are some and haters in the the MRA movement. If I didn’t I sure wouldn’t be here, lol. But, maybe David will agree with me, but at least with /r/mensrights, things seem to be getting a lot better. I see the misogynists getting debated and shunned a whole lot more the past month than in the recent years.
I look at it in the same way as how feminism started off, although I’m sure I’ll be disagreed with here. Feminism as the original suffrage movement started off with a whole lot of hate and anger. I think this is how most movements are born.

Sorry about the derail. 🙁

13 years ago

Cwiles, it’s good to hear that you are working with male DV victims; it’s a major underaddressed problem, and I’m sure most feminists support that work (I’m quite sure that all our regulars do).

One of our major beefs with the MRM is that it seems like most of them don’t actually care about advancing men’s issues so much as tearing down women’s issues–they don’t seem to care that men don’t have access to many domestic-violence resources so much as they care that women do. It’s great to meet a counterexample.

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