creepy douchebaggery men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny pedophiles oh sorry ephebophiles reddit

Good News: Reddit admins take down Jailbait. For reals.

It’s official: Reddit has shut down r/jailbait. The official explanation: “This subreddit has been shut down due to threatening the structural integrity of the greater reddit community.”

There was some confusion about this before: Reddit admins apparently had tried to shut it down earlier, but it was still visible to some users who had turned off custom css; now it’s really down.

And Redditors have reacted, well, just about as predictably as you could imagine.

Violentacrez, the guy who started the Jailbait subreddit (and many other equally horrible ones), responded with an indignant post in his own personal subreddit calling the shutdown “bullshit” – and linking to the various remaining subreddits where pictures of underage girls are still being posted freely.

Meanwhile, the top post on the main Reddit also notes Jailbait’s passing. I didn’t read all 4697 comments, but as you might expect there were more than a few indignant comments about the death of free speech posting pilfered pictures of underage girls for other creeps to wank to; some creepy pedo jokes; and somedecent comments pointing out that, you know, maybe it’s not such a good thing for Reddit to allow a forum devoted to, you know, posting pilfered pictures of underage girls for creeps to wank to, especially after it’s been used to facilitate the trading of actual child porn.

My favorite comments are the ones complaining that r/jailbait is being shut down but r/trees, a subreddit devoted to talking about weed, is still up. DeliriousZeus got 45 upvotes for this idiotic comment:

[T]he two subreddits are celebrations of something frowned upon by others. …  both are places where joy is the aim, but many view them with hostility.

Poor suffering Jailbaiters, whose only sin is that they’re simply trying to share a little bit of joy. Oh, and pornographic pictures of 14-year-old girls. Why would anyone get all hostile about that little bit of innocent fun?

Jailbait, gone but not forgotten. And because there are still a whole mess of other jailbaity subreddits, not even really gone.

But hey, small steps.

PS: In case you haven ‘t yet gotten your fill of Reddit pedo-apologetics, check out this post in ShitRedditSays, with handy screencaps of r/jailbaiters (before Jailbait’s demise) defending their repulsive hobby.

EDITED TO ADD: Check out this ShitRedditSays thread for some more highlights — well, lowlights — from the megathread on Jailbait’s shutdown.

And here are a couple more threads on the subject:

Today, with the shutdown of /r/jailbait, Reddit has entered a new age…

A new age of slight inconvenience to Redditors looking for pics of underage girls?

And this less pretentiously titled one:

/r/jailbait admins officially decide to shut down for good. Opinions?

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Happy Anti-MRA
Happy Anti-MRA
13 years ago

NWO works in miking…

The cobwebs have been removed…

13 years ago

I will fully admit that I’m filled with hate.

I mean, seriously, why would they make Wonder Woman the daughter of Zeus!? I hate that!

Maybe I missed the context of this quote (and I’m certainly not all that up on my superhero canon) but isn’t Wonder Woman supposed to be Athena? That was my assumption, at least. IIRC, her name is Diana, who was the Roman counterpart to the Greek Athena. And Athena was the daughter of Zeus. Pretty much everyone was, really.

13 years ago

Wonder Woman is supposed to be Hippolyta’s (Queen of the Amazons) daughter. There is not reason for her to be Zeus’ daughter, and she certainly isn’t supposed to be Athena.

13 years ago

Where in the hell did he get the idea that Wondie is Zeus’s daughter? She’s Hippolyta’s daughter, born from clay that was brought to life by various female goddesses. There was no man involved in her conception.

God damn, man, don’t bring innocent (and awesome) comic characters into your maddness.

13 years ago

@Pecunium When I said I wasn’t up on my superhero canon, I really meant I know jack squat, haha. Thanks for the info.

Molly Ren
13 years ago

“Where in the hell did he get the idea that Wondie is Zeus’s daughter? She’s Hippolyta’s daughter, born from clay that was brought to life by various female goddesses. There was no man involved in her conception.”

I think they want Zeus to be involved for the reboot?

Rutee Katreya
13 years ago

I was not trying to suggest that the first wave of feminism began as a hate movement.

Then why would you compare them to the MRM? You’re either lying or ignorant in doing so; you either are completely fucking blind to what the majority of it is saying and doing, or you are dissembling and familiar with the rather large differences in reasonability and respectability.

What I was trying to convey was that all movements and protests begin with anger, frustration, and even hate sometimes.

You’re still trying to weasel it in.

Anti-MRAs: He got enough rope, he chose to hang himself rather than crawl out of the pit he dug. I’m glad he’s doing useful work but it ain’t gonna be enough given the intersection fail.

13 years ago


I think they want Zeus to be involved for the reboot?

DC has been ordering up an extra truckload of FAIL on their reboot of many of their female characters.

13 years ago

@HAMRA. I am thrilled at your response actually. I figure as long as I’m honest and transparent as possible without being retaliatory than people should accept me and my beliefs as non-contradictory, like many feminists and MRAs argue.

I debate other MRAs on occasion. I’ve changed a few minds about what and who is to blame. Some feminists say some troubling things, as most know. But I understand that they are a minority. Most feminists are just like me, trying to help people who have been wronged or unfairly treated do to sexism. My biggest problem that some people have pointed out to me in the past is that my definition of equal treatment is just treating everyone how I would treat “the guys”. Or that I try to be completely genderblind. Some argue that that is problematic as well, but I am doing my best.

I also identify as a masculinist, gender egalitarian, equal rights activist. Whatever, in the end we are all working towards the same goal. I can’t stop the vitriol and misogyny in the MRA boards through debate. I can only work to change one mind at a time by being and example to others.

I don’t follow a ton of blogs, I have a busy schedule and spend most of my free time either on steam or derping on reddit. I follow No, Seriously, What about the menz? , Danny’s Corner, Toy Soldier’s blog, and Shakesville. I should probably note that I don’t agree with everything I see on all of those blogs. Well except maybe NSWATM.. that place is awesomesauce. Particular writers? Not really no. My personal theory about mainstream gender politics blogs is that nobody is going to write agreeable, non-controversial things. Because it’s boring! Controversy means more hits. It’s the way it works unfortunately.

If I had a blog myself it would be so lame. “Hey I think everyone should be treated equally! No it’s no ones fault really. We should just work little by little to make the world a better place. Oh and feminist’s aren’t the problem. ok? oook.”
Totally gonna get a million followers with that.

13 years ago

I follow No, Seriously, What about the menz?

Cool, is that what brought you here? (You know that Ozy hangs around here a lot?)

Rutee Katreya
13 years ago

Yeah, it figures you follow Toy Soldier, with the dissembling.

And, idiot, it’s not that it’s technically impossible to work on men’s issues and not be a feminist. The contradiction is because you identify as part of a hate movement. I’ve seen TED talks by a number of feminists who try to help with men’s issues. They just don’t identify as a shit movement that isn’t worth redeeming. It’s too much trouble to reclaim a shitty movement. Just find a new name and gather under that banner. It’s not useful to pretend the MRA as it exists is realistically ‘redeemable’.

Happy Anti-MRA
Happy Anti-MRA
13 years ago

#Rutee Katreya

Chill out.. Yes, “MRAs” are totally and absolutely unable (and unwilling) to be anything other than an immature, ineffectual hate movement – but don’t write someone off so quickly.

Let’s put some questions to him first.


Which MRA sites/blogs do you consider to promote hate?

Which feminist sites/blogs do you consider to promote hate?

What do you consider an MRA to be? What do you think they acually are, in practise (in the overwhelming majority of cases)?

What do you consider a feminist to be? What do you think they acually are, in practise (in the overwhelming majority of cases)?

Rutee Katreya
13 years ago

“Give him a chance”? He’s had time to equate the MRA as it is now to early feminism and the suffragettes, keeps trying to downplay the jackassitude of the MRM, and already said he follows Toy Fucking Soldier, who’s on the Feminism or Death thread in case you forgot what a rabid asshole, anti-feminist, and useless jackass he is. Where, pray tell, is the line? Do I wait for a glowing appraisal of Breivik?

13 years ago

I’m going to go with Happy Anti-MRA’s on this one. Maybe this is a case where at least starting out less combative could lead to a more fruitful discussion than is the usual fare here at manboobz 😛

Molly Ren
13 years ago

Cwiles704, if you follow Toy Soldier’s blog, can you go over to the “Feminism or Death?” thread and explain to the rest of us what the eff he means?

13 years ago

^I second this.

13 years ago

As I’ve said I really don’t consider myself a part of any blogosphere, it’s just not my thing. But even though I’ve never visited them once in my life, it really seems the spearhead and mgtow forums that David features all the time to be pretty pathetic places.

For feminists blogs, well. Even on blogs like shakesville I see problems all the time. I empathize with Melissa though. She’s expected to make 4-5 posts daily. It’s impossible to have every post be quality material. The nastiest blogs I’ve seen are at Radfemhub and Factcheckme. I know they don’t represent mainstream feminism. But I’ve had enough real-life exposure to them that the label is forever tainted to me.

An MRA is one of those self-defining terms. Male’s rights activist. One who is an activist for male’s rights. In practice, most of them spend time on blogs in an eternal circlejerk. They become extremely defensive when provoked, and they are provoked constantly. Much of the anger is outright misogyny. They hate women and love privlidge. I have another personal theory that basically goes “not all MRAs are misogynists, but all misogynists are MRAs. Not all feminists are misandrists, but all misandrists are feminists.” Do I have any proof of that, no of course not.

Many MRAs, like myself, are angry at the many injustices that happen to men get no attention by anyone. It is basically only the Men’s rights movement that notice these injustices and puts them in the spotlight. Many blame feminists that define feminism as “for everyone” while giving only lip-service to men. For this reason I define feminism as a women’s rights movement. And a feminist to be a person who works towards women’s rights. Honestly I’m pretty stubborn on that point, because it makes sense to me. If you are fighting for women’s rights, you’re a feminist. If you’re fighting for equal rights, you’re a gender egalitarian.

I think most of today’s modern feminists, not on the blogosphere but in the real world are both feminists and gender egalitarians. But there are many who aren’t. Some don’t give a single shit about men’s rights. And through anecdotal experience, it is those feminists that are the loudest and in the positions of most influence.

Unfortunately, as much as I would love to stay and defend the weakest points of my argument. I’m afraid I won’t be posting here anymore. It is clear I am unwelcome. I am sorry for invading your space.

13 years ago

all misandrists are feminists

So you’re saying that the MRAs are feminists, then? Because by and large, there’s more misandry in the Manosphere than feminism could ever dream up.

Happy Anti-MRA
Happy Anti-MRA
13 years ago

@Cwiles704 and his critics

OK, give the fellow a break – I don’t agree with him but he has interesting views.

Everyone chill out, OK?

And Cwiles704? Have a bit of a thicker skin!

13 years ago

I’m not inclined to give the fellow a break… he sounds exactly like someone trying to work his anti-feminism in edgewise, sort of the way Toysoldier does.

Rutee Katreya
13 years ago

“not all MRAs are misogynists, but all misogynists are MRAs. Not all feminists are misandrists, but all misandrists are feminists.”

Still not sure if stupid or evil. Not good evidence for either specifically.

Assuming you’re stupid, you are aware that while misandry is not really an extant force on anywhere near the level of misogyny, right? That pretty much everyone puts forth misogynist memes, and that most misogyny doesn’t really relate to the MRM because it’s too pathetic to really have that much influence? You’re aware that most tropes that hurt some men not only aren’t generally misandristic (Because they benefit the whole of men, even while hurting individuals), but that they are enforced by patriarchal notions and people (See the previous point)? Your ‘theory”, such as it is, at no point intersects reality.

t is basically only the Men’s rights movement that notice these injustices and puts them in the spotlight.

Now this is complete bullshit, you just don’t notice because you spend way too much time listening to anti-feminists. Most of the useful work done on the problems of men is *still* done by feminists.

Many blame feminists that define feminism as “for everyone” while giving only lip-service to men.

Completely untrue. IF anything, feminists waste far too much time trying to assuage the fears of men because we have to fight an uphill battle against a culture that enshrines men.

But there are many who aren’t.

Not unlike your idiotic theory, you have presented 0 evidence for this proposition.

OK, give the fellow a break – I don’t agree with him but he has interesting views.

Only if one redefines “interesting” to mean “Shallow and ill-thought out”

13 years ago

This guy is somewhat less interesting than watching paint dry. At least when the paint dries the end result will be pleasing and useful.

Also, about the idea that all misandrists are feminists…some of the nastiest commentary about men coming from women that I’ve ever seen has come from very conservative and traditional women. Seriously, have you heard what those women think of you? It’s not a pretty picture that they paint, overall.