alpha males bad boys MGTOW misandry misogyny MRA video

Dr. Pepper Ten: A Diet Soda Going its Own Way

Since dudes apparently scoff at diet drinks, the folks behind the new Dr. Pepper Ten soda decided they needed to really butch up their advertising in order to reach the core soda-drinking demographic, which just happens to be teenage boys. The result? An over-the-top, ironically hypermasculine ad campaign touting the new drink as “NOT FOR WOMEN.”

Here’s one of the ads:

Oh, and they’ve also got a Facebook app that’s — get this! — only available to men! I’m not sure the women of the world are going to suffer much from being banned from playing a rudimentary flash game that involves shooting “girly things.”

I know they’re hoping to generate controversy here, but really? This is just too dumb to even get annoyed about, much less angry. It’s not misogynistic; it’s more a parody of misogyny. Is it such a parody – stereotyping guys as macho buffoons — that it’s actually more misandrist than misogynist? You could make an argument for that, but again the ad is so over the top ridiculous, so soaked in irony, it seems silly to get indignant about this either.

So what’s going to happen when the MRAs of the world hear about this ad? Will they, missing the irony, embrace its Diet Soda Going Its Own Way (DSGIOW) mentality? Or will they denounce it as an example of ad world misandry and pretend to be deeply offended?

I’m betting on the latter. I guess we’ll just have to wait and see.

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13 years ago

“And yes, “liberation” has turned a lot of women into ugly hags! If you should doubt that, look at women as they were in previous centuries, e.g. paintings of Rubens and Rembrandt to paintings of Renoir and Monet. Women then looked like flowers. I don’t know what modern women look like, but weeds wouldn’t be too far off the track!”

So what DKM is saying is that he’d like women to be sort of soft and pleasantly chubby, and he thinks that no modern women look like that because he never leaves his bunker, so all he sees are professional actresses and models, who are generally rather thin.

David, love, I know you’re a bit elderly and your hip is probably acting up, but really, you should still get outside and walk around sometimes. I’m starting to wonder if your poor mental health is related to a deficiency of vitamin D.

13 years ago

Eneya: Well, you hit the nail on the button, as DKM likes to say. When he can’t refute what we say (which is most of the time), he falls back on PMS, hysteria, and ‘women should be moar feminine!’ The fact that I have very short hair (easier to deal with) and regularly wear skirts and other feminine clothes would probably make his teeny little mind explode.

13 years ago

your hip is probably acting up

Oi! I have a bad hip*, and I resent being lumped in with the likes of DKM!

* Part of the ‘fuckleg package’ – arthritis in the ankle and bursitis in the hip.

13 years ago

Also, I knew the MRAs were hypocrites, but still, there’s something hilarious about DKM referring to other people as excitable. Again – David, love, do you need some valium? Or maybe some camomile tea if you’re worried that the drug companies are part of the evil feminist conspiracy?



13 years ago

WTF is up with DKM’s x3 twitch? Every time he wants to emphasize something, he repeats three synonyms. It’s a little freaky.

13 years ago

Wisteria, yeah it’s funny to hear my dad talking about how he saw Jennie Garth on a movie and then describe a complex plot involving a love triangle, murder mystery, and missing baby. He loves the melodrama. I’m sorry for you losing your dad. It sounds like he was a good person.

Captain Bathrobe
13 years ago


Apparently, I’m both a Communist and a woman. Who knew?

Ron Paul and his supporters are still idiots. They don’t know the slightest thing about what government actually does, but they hate it with a passion. Liking Ron Paul is a good litmus test for proud, willful ignorance, not to mention sociopathy.

Also, the gold standard? Need I say more?

Captain Bathrobe
13 years ago

Nevertheless, it is one of my most enduring regrets in life that, while attending a certain coastal California public university known for its gastropod mascot, I graduated without taking a class from either Angela Davis or Tom Lehrer, both of whom taught there at the time. Ah, missed opportunities!

13 years ago

Speaking of older relations and non-gender-conforming tastes, I have an 83-year-old aunt who is totally obsessed with the Tour de France. I was visiting her this year while it was on, and every morning at breakfast she would tell me all about what had happened the day before. (She wakes up around 4 AM anyway, so she would watch it then.)

I watched some of the coverage once with her, and it occured to me that advertisers are seriously missing out on the elderly lady demographic. Every ad was for beer, trucks, or bikes, and most were of the “no girls (let alone elderly women) allowed!” variety.

13 years ago

I miss SC, and the ride down Old San Jose to Old Soquel (much nicer, esp. on a motorcycle, than HWY 17)

13 years ago

I know it occurred on the last page of comments and so it might as well have been a thousand years ago, but can I take partial credit for helping to get David K. Meller to admit that he had engaged in hyperbole?

13 years ago

Because sometimes the dog had a grievance.

OK, I LOL’ed.

I was totally not kidding. Supposedly there’s a case on the books where a dog had a grudge against the man who killed its master, and would bark and attack the guy whenever it saw him. So the town council decided to let the dog duel the man, using the same rules for a woman dueling a man: the man was buried up to his waist and given a weapon to defend himself, and the dog was unleashed on him.

Things did not go well for Team Human.

13 years ago

@Shaenon: I kind of love that!* My childhood dog totally would’ve done that if someone messed with my mom — she was a Border Collie mutt, so she was a smart loyal bitchy lady. Don’t mess with dogs’ people, y’all. 😀

*Aside from not approving of the death penalty/torture, etc… >_>

13 years ago

Am I missing something? I’ve been reading (with glee) the site for a bit now, and I’m honestly flabbergasted why anyone is responding to Mr. Meller. Are we opening a petting zoo for Trolls? ‘Cause counterproductive = blech.

The obvious posters, the ones who come to a site to deliberately argue in the most blatantly obtuse dialogue over the site’s premise, the ones who delight over ramping up the cliche dialogues, doesn’t response from the community = success?

13 years ago

@Captain Bathrobe:

“Also, the gold standard? Need I say more?”

Yes, please do! Because the current system of just printing money on demand and fueling inflation isn’t working. So how should the US deal with monetary policy?

13 years ago


Some trolls around here don’t get fed, but certain ones get fed in the hopes they pop. Epic meltdowns and lulz ensue.

Have you seen NWO yet? He and Meller are godawful, but entertaining in a very trainwreck sort of way.


Bird seed. I think it is the best option for money.

13 years ago

Chumash shell beads.

Slight downside that you can mint your own, but you can mine your own gold, too.

13 years ago

Or delicious bacon! Except then you might eat the economy. Hmm


Bacon flavored bird seed.

13 years ago

I played poker once with M&Ms instead of chips; different denominations represented by different colors. The problem was that everyone wants to make change just before the game ends.

13 years ago

I think you’ve solved it!

13 years ago

I’m honestly flabbergasted why anyone is responding to Mr. Meller. Are we opening a petting zoo for Trolls?

More like a batting cage.

I’m more flabbergasted at why Meller, in his quest for the unreal “Real Woman” is choosing to hang out at a site that’s mostly inhabited by feminists, the bane of his existence.

13 years ago

Brandon, please enlighten us on how a limited commodity can be used to manage a growing economy?

Trivia Questions 1: which countries were the quickest to recover in the Great Depression, and what did they have in common.

2: What did Switzerland and the USSR have in common?

13 years ago

I do think Meller is a poe, personally. He’s never shown any signs of being a real person as opposed to simply a character.