alpha males bad boys MGTOW misandry misogyny MRA video

Dr. Pepper Ten: A Diet Soda Going its Own Way

Since dudes apparently scoff at diet drinks, the folks behind the new Dr. Pepper Ten soda decided they needed to really butch up their advertising in order to reach the core soda-drinking demographic, which just happens to be teenage boys. The result? An over-the-top, ironically hypermasculine ad campaign touting the new drink as “NOT FOR WOMEN.”

Here’s one of the ads:

Oh, and they’ve also got a Facebook app that’s — get this! — only available to men! I’m not sure the women of the world are going to suffer much from being banned from playing a rudimentary flash game that involves shooting “girly things.”

I know they’re hoping to generate controversy here, but really? This is just too dumb to even get annoyed about, much less angry. It’s not misogynistic; it’s more a parody of misogyny. Is it such a parody – stereotyping guys as macho buffoons — that it’s actually more misandrist than misogynist? You could make an argument for that, but again the ad is so over the top ridiculous, so soaked in irony, it seems silly to get indignant about this either.

So what’s going to happen when the MRAs of the world hear about this ad? Will they, missing the irony, embrace its Diet Soda Going Its Own Way (DSGIOW) mentality? Or will they denounce it as an example of ad world misandry and pretend to be deeply offended?

I’m betting on the latter. I guess we’ll just have to wait and see.

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Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

go to the nearest ER, and get yourself tranquilized!
That’s really not what we do.

“Classism” and “racism” are made-up words that egalitarians concoct when they are confronted with facts (or even with opinions) with which they disagree, and yet can’t think of any arguments against.
Are these facts about the innate inferiority of the Poors and the Browns?

I am just as victimized by the criminal oligarchy of the NWO–Bilderburg group, Federal Reserve, Bank of International Settlements, World Trade Organization, Trilateral Commission, etc. as anyone else on the planet, and my “race’ or “class” has nothing to do with it!
And yet somehow you ended up richer, more comfortable, more represented in public discourse, and more certain of public respect than those other races and classes. How’d that happen?

Maybe the NWO-Bilderburg-Reptilians group isn’t oppressing rich white males quite as hard, is all I’m suggesting.

David K. Meller
David K. Meller
13 years ago

JohnnyBB, Pam, and Kave

Okay, the femininity of “working class” women of very modest means was probably overstated a bit. They may have been a bit homely in real life, but they were very poor and led, even by standards of the time, much less by today, an EXTREMELY HARD LIFE!

What excuse does the pampered, well-set up, overeducated, professional modern woman have–except her own ugliness! I’m talking about today’s RICH women who have every opportunity to be feminine, pleasing, alluring and cute–and reject it in favor of wretched, disgusting unisex feminism! YEECH!!

Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

DKM, how old are you? Because the concept of a hysterical woman having a “nervous breakdown” and receiving tranquilizers is very 1950s.

Did you actually grow up in that era, or are you just pining for it?

(Would it ruin everything if I told you that in the 1950s, one of my grandmothers was an accountant and the other worked in a biology lab? Even then, not everyone was June Cleaver.)

13 years ago

“If it is your time of the month, take some Midol and go to bed!”

A woman speaks her opinion! It must be her time of the month! Yeah cos every other day of the year we are mindless drones >.>

“Feminism is one, and only one, of the ways which those globalist corporate ‘mafiosi’ turn us against each other, and one of the ways we are hobbled by fighting with each other, instead of reclaiming our respective nations, communities, and races!”

You’re one of those paranoid conspiracy nuts aren’t you?

Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

What excuse does the pampered, well-set up, overeducated, professional modern woman have–except her own ugliness!

Power, money, freedom, and more often than not a boyfriend or husband.


13 years ago

You know, for a bit there, the Meller-Toad stopped referencing the “horror” of the female menstrual cycle. Whether it was because I once offered -in light of the evidence of his obsession- to send him a few used feminine hygiened products through the mail (and for the record, Meller, the offer still stands) or because he realized quite on his own that there’s something awfully 13-year old boyish about constantly sniggering “Tee-hee, girls have periods,”… well, we may never know.

If it is your time of the month, take some Midol and go to bed!

At any rate, it was a brief respite.

So, apart from his absurd assertions about the appropriate manner for men and women to interact within relationships and constant contradictions about how he doesn’t want to “subjugate” women he merely wants to “dominate” them, what new batch of stupid is he peddling, here? Artists renditions of women in past centuries prove, empirically, that women used to be prettier and more feminine? Really?

That’s like someone looking at mainstream porn and saying that modern women always wear fake eyelashes and stiletto heels but, very rarely do they wear underwear. Oh, wait… I think we’ve just explained NWO.

Molly Ren
13 years ago

My mind was blown when DKM listed Rubens as someone who painted his ideal lady. Chubby/fat women with blonde hair and good skin definitely still exist, but they’re not often represented as a beauty ideal in the media.

Does DKM’s list of “tomboy rich ladies” include actresses? They definitely have money, but you hardly ever see them wearing pants. Oprah is pretty darn femme too.

13 years ago

I’m talking about today’s RICH women who have every opportunity to be feminine, pleasing, alluring and cute–and reject it in favor of wretched, disgusting unisex feminism! YEECH!!

Well according to many MRAs and MRM sympathizers women who attempt to look alluring are in fact committing a form of sexual assault and coercion. We’re also, according to these same people, at least slightly complicit should we experience sexual assault if we cannot guarantee that we did not dress in as unattractive a manner as possible. So there’s that.

Okay, the femininity of “working class” women of very modest means was probably overstated a bit.

It’s interesting to note that you can acknowledge when you’ve overstated. You are capable. You’re a lonely, deluded, lying gas-bag without so much as a single genuinely reedeming quality of character or intellect. But you can acknowledge that the poor women who have always worked outside of the home throughout history, may have been less inclined -or simply unable- to worry about things such as cuddliness, fluffiness, little veils and general mincing. Generally, you fail to even acknowledget the existence of these women.

I consider this progress.

13 years ago

Oh, what a surprise, you don’t believe in classicism and racism… I guess you don’t believe in parkings as well.

13 years ago

What excuse does the pampered, well-set up, overeducated, professional modern woman have–except her own ugliness! I’m talking about today’s RICH women who have every opportunity to be feminine, pleasing, alluring and cute

Perhaps she would like to avail herself of other opportunities, rather than play sycophant to some man’s already overblown ego.

13 years ago

Wait, how did this get overlooked…


I don’t know what modern women look like

I think we found the problem.
DKM is typing his little screeds on a TI 286, ASCI green-screen down in his nuclear bunker.
He *doesn’t know what modern women look like*


David K. Meller
David K. Meller
13 years ago

Holly Pervocrazy–

I don’t know where I gave you–or anyone-the impression that I am in the same ballpark as Soros, Rockefeller, Wolfowitz, Rothschild, Koch, et al… but I assure you that I am not!

More represented in public discourse? When was Ron Paul (MY choice for President) given the same attention by their media or press as e.g. little miss Palin (a girlycandidate) or President Afroman? When did I have ANY more say about which laws would be passed, enforced, or overlooked than any other helot subject to the USSA and its ‘government’ in DC (District of Criminals)? When an American “citizen”, Al-Alawi, was murdered in Pakistan,on Presidential order, I had no more to say about it than any vagina on this website. So much for either race or gender “privilege”. I assure you that if my (very modest) livelihood fails for any reason, or for no reason at all, I will NOT get a bailout courtesy of Bernanke and Co. Inc.

Do (many) nonwhites and women have it bad in today’s world of government/corporate kleptocracy run amok? Absolutely! Is it my fault, least of all for my being a white man? NO WAY!!

As a woman, Holly Pervocracy, we both would be far stronger if you were TOGETHER with me on this, not fighting over your silly feminism that doesn’t mean s**t in today’s New World Order anyhow!

David K. Meller

Molly Ren
13 years ago

“I’m talking about today’s RICH women who have every opportunity to be feminine, pleasing, alluring and cute–and reject it in favor of wretched, disgusting unisex feminism!”

If I was actually rich…like, if the money fell in my lap, and I wasn’t an actress who wasn’t required to look a certain way for my money? I’d say “Screw you” to almost all the beauty standards I’m expected to meet. I’ve wanted a blue mohawk for years and I never got one because I was afraid I’d never get hired if I did, most makeup makes me break out, and shaving makes me itch.

13 years ago

I really don’t get it.
WHY should any woman do that?
Because this is the moment I am kind of fuzzy about.
Why should any woman lose any time to make herself “feminine, pleazing, alluring and cute”. Feminine… because feminity is treated so positively and not 10 posts ago women trying to be feminine weren’t accused by some MRA dude that they use is to mislead men’.
Pleasing… because pleasing people is what women are supposed to do, despite them not wanting to do it and having better things to do with their lives and time?
Alluring… I think feminine included this bit as well.
Cute are puppies and the occasional kid. However simplying a grown person to be a little more than a statue to be observer for your please is wrong and a comple waste of that person’s skills, intellect and personality.

P.S. I am not menstruating, I have a steady partner and I am not in need for a tranquilizer…
Seriosly… is this the way you argue yourself around here, ignoring other people’s words and making very dumb remarks based on your opinion for their assumed gender/sexuality?
Aren’t you a keeper.

13 years ago

I had no more to say about it than any vagina on this website.

My vagina was suspiciously silent on the issue.

Molly Ren
13 years ago

“Seriosly… is this the way you argue yourself around here, ignoring other people’s words and making very dumb remarks based on your opinion for their assumed gender/sexuality?”


Hershele Ostropoler
13 years ago


Nothing that occurred pre-modern-day-feminism need be considered anymore, because those people are dead now
Of course the above is not applicable when MRAs regale us with their tales of men having hunted the woolly mammoth in order to feed women

What are you talking about? I hunted woolly mammoth last week!

Of course, I didn’t find any…

13 years ago

Oh, good heavens, Nizumi, don’t pull a Pecunium on me! I don’t suggest and I don’t want the subjugation of women! Women, I suggest, should be dominated by men through and with thoughtfulness, kindliness, and love, not brutality, not beatings, and not slavery! I empahsize whenever and wherever possible, the harmony and complementarity between the sexes, not mere “equality”. When men and women reinforce each other’s characters and abilities, when they complement each other’s strengths and weaknesses, they do far better together than either does alone!

Bullshit, bullshit, BULLSHIT. Do I need to go back to old threads and show where you’ve said the opposite, you lying, deluded, wannabe-wife-beating, sad-sack, dinosaur, gasbag of an old man? Puh-leeze.

And no, I’m not PMSing and it’s not my time of the month. You piss me off.

David K. Meller
David K. Meller
13 years ago

Molly Ren-October 12, 2011@10:43 AM

Plump women are sometimes VERY alluring, especially when they present themselves well! I NEVER go on what the corporate media says about ANYTHING, least of all to do with women! Why do you think I have such resistance to feminism?

Anothier problem is the fact that the noisemedia is to the extent that it has a male presence, is one that is disproportionately gay! Hey, whatever turns you on,, but I am not gay, have no interest in homosexuality or homos (male or female) and their aesthetic perspective is not mine. I want women to look like women, curvy, voluptuous, and cuddlesome, not like boys! I have no ill will toward gays or lezzies,, if they want to get married to each other, let ’em, but it isn’t my thing, never was, and never will be!

David K Meller

13 years ago

Uh… not to sound mean towards plus sized people or anything, but shouldn’t the media represent and promote good health before anything else? I know there’s a “need to be skinny” obsession alright. There should not be a glorification of fat or skinny. People end up looking soooo much better when they look after themselves properly.

13 years ago

The fact that DKM supports Ron Paul surprises me not at all. Paul and his supporters are some of the dumbest, most ignorant motherfuckers on the planet.

David K. Meller
David K. Meller
13 years ago

Molly Ren—October12,2011@11:06pm

Not all, or even most fat women are beautiful, at least not on the Rubens level! It isn’t only if a woman is plump,or thin, for that matter. It is her general presentation and psychology; her overall beauty (or want of it).

Feminist fat women would probably be as mannish, unisex, and just plain ugly as feminist thin women usually are, and for much the same reasons. Their resentments of sex, men, and I suspect, plain, old fashioned heterosexuality, creep out, and then ugliness is as ugliness does. Fat or thin has nothing to do with it!

13 years ago

Meller: If it is your time of life take some Seconal and go to bed! If you are sexually frustrated, get a lover. If you are having a nervous breakdown, go to the nearest ER, and get yourself tranquilized!


I suggest you take your own advice; it being spoken from such a font of wisdom.

Go buy a sportscar, get out a bit, live a little. I meand mid-life crises are a pain, but most people do get over them.

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