antifeminism crackpottery evil women I'm totally being sarcastic idiocy men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA oppressed men reactionary bullshit the spearhead

Spearheadonomics: How the ladies caused our economic malaise

These are the awkwardly posed businessladies who wrecked our economy
These are the awkwardly posed businessladies who wrecked our economy

Like a lot of people, when I’m looking for insights on the current economic mess, I turn first to random dudes posting on The Spearhead. Here’s some guy called Poiuyt explaining how ladies and the men who don’t hate them are the source of all our troubles:

Because this god damned genderist society has become so amoral, so degenerate and so bankrupted on account of its genderist pervervions and femaleist subversions, it is going to be exceedingly difficult to grow itself out of the mess it finds itself in. The proverbial golden geese and their precious eggs in male produktivity have been either been killed, eaten, over-exploited, over worked, abused, dis-incentivised, harrased and are now increasingly extinct.

Well, I can’t argue with that, though the whole goose metaphor isn’t working 100% for me, given that I’m pretty sure it’s not the man goose that lays the eggs, but the lady goose. But that’s nitpicking. Poiuyt is on a roll:

You simply cannot get any further male inspired ekonomic growth out of hugely indebted and morally bankrupted societies as ours following genderist statism today, … … because the primary sources of growth potential in male inspired productivity and male entrepreneurship has been cannibalised to the bone. Cannibalised to the point where there is nothing left to base any further ekonomic growth on, consequent of the vicious sexist state ideology of womanism at all costs.

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13 years ago

And NWO’s reality substitution powers remain undiminished by rain, time, facts or logic. I’d be impressed if I weren’t dry heaving.

13 years ago

All we do is rote memorization.

Maybe you didn’t do well in school because you thought this? And hint: Sally’s perfect scores on homework probably mean she’s acing her tests, too. Double hint: one of those kids is gonna do way better in any field of academia/employment than the other; fucking around acting like an ass and not doing your work isn’t “meritorious.” :p

Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

Title IX

Big Daddy State

wiki knowledge

da crew

men=bad women=good



Oh, well I guess women are perfect and never do anything wrong and men are responsible for all the bad in the universe, huh, that’s what you think isn’t it


Unshakable belief that “patriarchy” means “the fact that men exist”

my job is really hard you guys

Frenzied attack on one word in someone’s comment, totally ignoring the sentence it was in

I don’t really need to read NWO posts individually any more. They’re all made of the same ingredients.

13 years ago

Merit has a meaning. “something that deserves or justifies a reward or commendation; a commendable quality” etc. Like handing assignments in a timely fashion, or not disrupting class with unruly behaviour.

I also aced my tests in school, but failed to hand in assignments on time (because tests were easy, and doing assignments was boring). Guess what. Assignments count toward the total mark. I failed a few classes because, by NOT turning my assignments in on time, I did NOT merit a passing grade. Just like poor wee Billy.

13 years ago


I see. If that’s the case why did shaenon make sure to point out that single women only bought 20% of the houses.

To illustrate that it is quite impossible for the economic crisis to be all the woman’s fault

Did she give us a number on how many houses were bought by single men exclusively?

No, because nobody is blaming economic crises on those silly men.

Quite clearly she was shifting the blame to men.

Quite clearly she was explaining how its ridiculous to shift the blame on women. There is a really, really important difference there.

Who defauled more? Single men or single women? Who suggested buying a bigger house for married couples?

I dunno. And also, I dunno, it was different for everyone I guess.

All the sudden gender is irrelevant? Any other time the finger of blame IS gendered. Funny how that works?

Your firm grasp of the concept of context never ceases to astound me. And also I’d like to hear what you think are other times when the finger of blame is gendered. Schrodinger’s rapist doesn’t count.

13 years ago

“I don’t really need to read NWO posts individually any more. They’re all made of the same ingredients.”

That makes two of us.

13 years ago

“Ah yes, the ever-praised Phyllis Schlafly, who remains ever-blameless for the lack of gender neutrality in child custody cases and child/spousal support cases, etc.”

Feminists on the left and feminists on the right. Communist feminists, liberal feminists, radical feminists, moderate feminists. They all sit in the same tent, arguing on how men can best conform to benefit women.

Phyllis Schlafly…How men should work to support women in the domesic arena.
Hanna Rosin…How men should work to support women in education and employment.
Ozy….How men should support women so they can wear dresses and not be shamed.
The Daly’s and radfems…How men should support reducing male population to save the planet.
The slutwalkers….How men should support women acting like animals in heat.

So the cry of feminism isn’t a monolithic block is nothing more than the degree to which women demand how to best divvy up mens actions and resources.

Slap an innocent looking girl on TV and have cry about the wage gap and lets all run to help.
Slap another one on TV about education and we run to help.
Slap another one to talk about only Womens DV and we run to help.
Slap another one on TV to talk about what war to fight because a woman isn’t fully educated in feminist theory in a foreign land and we run to kill and die.
Slap them on TV to scream about STEM.
Slap them on TV to talk about the end of men and we applaud.
Slap them on TV to laugh at men being mutilated and we cheer.
Slap them on TV to close womens prisons to save money and we pour out forgiveness and love and help.
Slap the on TV to increases sentences for men for the same crime and we applaud.
Slap them on TV to talk about their feelings on any issue and we run to hush the delicate snowflakes and soothe their every discomfort.
Laws, laws, laws! We must have more laws and more money and more of everything so no woman, reguardless of her individual preference ever suffers even a slight to her precious feelings.

Feminism is a monolithic block.

13 years ago

Owly, you need to stop slapping innocent girls on TV! 😀

Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

Phyllis Schlafly is my favorite feminist ever, right after the women from “The View” and the United States Congress.

13 years ago

Wow, that logic shield is really great. Everything bounces off of it!

13 years ago

Are we absolutely sure that NWO isn’t TimeCube guy? The similarities in rhetorical style are quite striking.

13 years ago

“Your firm grasp of the concept of context never ceases to astound me. And also I’d like to hear what you think are other times when the finger of blame is gendered. Schrodinger’s rapist doesn’t count.”

Men in power, even though all privilege is afforded to only women!
White, male privilege!
Men are oppressors!
Women are victims!
Women have always been oppressed!
DV is violence against women!
VAWA, men commit violence against women!
Title IX, men oppress women in education!

The list is endless.

Feminism is victimology. Point to a “man” at the top, therefore all women should be up there with him, even though there may only be a few hundred men at the top of education, employment, wealth, ect. All women demand to be at the top as well. Women demand more laws so all women can reside at the top of every aspect of society with those scant few men.

Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

Why did I bother writing out that list above?

NWO just did it for me.

13 years ago

Okay, the lightshow from the LogicShield is getting boring. Next!

13 years ago

Um, NWO, you’re aware that victimology is an actual academic field that has nothing to do with feminism, right? It often looks at questions such as, who gets mugged most often, and why?

13 years ago

Communist feminists, liberal feminists, radical feminists, moderate feminists.

You forgot a category, Slavey, as, according to you, there are now ANTI-feminism feminists. I guess that would make perfect sense when using MRA logic.

13 years ago

“Spam feminists, feminist spams, feminist feminists, spam spams…”


“Fried feminists, feminist gumbo, feminist stew, feminist cocktails…”

13 years ago

@Holly Pervocracy

Your brand of feminism, “I’d rather live in a world where a hundred false accusers are told* “I believe you, I care about you, and I’ll stand up for you,” than where one rape survivor is told “gosh, this story has two sides and I really need to consider him innocent until proven guilty.”

And your little disclaimer, because I wouldn’t want to misquote you in anyway…”not in court, but by their friends, families, and people who figure they have a right to comment because they read about it on the Internet and everything ”

How nice of you to be so willing to ostracize any man on any womans word. Unconditional support of any woman. You are a gem.

13 years ago

/me bursts into song

Spam, spam, spam, spam spam, spam spam, lovely spam, wonderful spam…

Yes, I am a geek.

Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

How nice of you to be so willing to ostracize any man on any womans word. Unconditional support of any woman. You are a gem.

I’ll unconditionally support any person.

Why are you bigoted against male rape survivors, NWO? Why do you think all rapists are men?

You goddamn misandrist.

13 years ago

I see. If that’s the case why did shaenon make sure to point out that single women only bought 20% of the houses.

Because a previous poster was claiming that the housing bubble was caused entirely by women buying houses, and I wanted to point out that this was mathematically impossible. It was a futile effort on my part, as he immediately shifted the goalposts and started claiming that the houses bought by men were also women’s fault. Disappointing.

I do, however, want to get away from the notion that the housing crisis was the fault of home buyers. It wasn’t. It was the fault of government deregulation allowing lenders to take advantage of buyers with sleazy mortgage deals. All the buyers were guilty of was trusting that the people they went to for home loans knew what they were talking about and could be trusted, which turned out to be untrue.

Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

Not that NWO would listen (he’s too busy being misandrist), but supporting a survivor isn’t the same thing as attacking their assailant, anyway.

“I’m here for you” doesn’t mean “I’ll kill that guy!”, and that’s why it doesn’t need to be held to a standard of proof.

13 years ago

Have you wondered why there are so many women in chemistry and biology? I mean, those are kind of random fields for women to be good at, aren’t they? Women especially dominate in genetics and biochemistry, which rank at the “hard science” end of biology research.

Back in the 1970s, a biochemist named Joseph Gall made a point of encouraging his female students and assistants, mentoring them in the same way male science students were typically mentored. Gall’s lone efforts produced a generation of gifted female microbiologists, a group sometimes jokingly referred to as “Gall’s Girls.” The 2009 Nobel Prize in Medicine, the first science Nobel awarded to a woman-headed team, went to Elizabeth Blackburn, Carol Greider, and Jack Szostak. Blackburn was one of “Gall’s Girls,” and Greider was one of her students. (The work that won them the Nobel: “immortalizing” cells through manipulation of the telomeres on the ends of DNA strands.)

And that’s why there are so many female biochemists.

13 years ago

I read a nifty article recently on the history of UNIVAC. In the early ’50s, the team that developed UNIVAC hooked up with the Remington Typewriter Company to promote their computer to the public. Remington delivered on the advertising, most memorably using UNIVAC to predict the outcome of the 1952 presidential election in a televised stunt. But Remington also brought in a lot of entrenched corporate sexism, and the female programmers were so badly treated by Remington that they jumped ship for rival IBM. This group included Grace Hopper, developer of the first compiler and the first programmer to realize that computers would become advanced enough to require languages rather than simple numeric punchcodes.

And that’s why you’re probably reading this on an IBM computer rather than a Remington.

13 years ago

@Holly Pervocracy
“Why are you bigoted against male rape survivors, NWO? Why do you think all rapists are men?
You goddamn misandrist.”

Holy reverse psycology batman! You must be joking. Try that little speech on someone else. Why not go the entire nine yards and say, “see how the patriarchy hurts men too!”
“Not that NWO would listen (he’s too busy being misandrist), but supporting a survivor isn’t the same thing as attacking their assailant, anyway.”

“I’m here for you” doesn’t mean “I’ll kill that guy!”, and that’s why it doesn’t need to be held to a standard of proof.”

What it says quite clearly is you’ll take any womans word as gospel. That would be “alleged” attacker, by the way.

“I’m here for you,” means you don’t care if “that guy” loses his job, ends up a bum, and dies of starvation on a steaming grate due to a womans lie. Passive violence can be far more detrimental than active violence.
“Have you wondered why there are so many women in chemistry and biology? I mean, those are kind of random fields for women to be good at, aren’t they? Women especially dominate in genetics and biochemistry, which rank at the “hard science” end of biology research.”

Well wonder no longer ladies. Big Daddy to the rescue. This is just one of so very many State agencies for women, although this one tosses in the token minority word as a gesture of good will. As you can tell, women are the prime target. I wonder where that 75k to 300k comes from? Could it be Big Daddy borrows the money from the bank at interest and passes the bill to the general population? There’s an economy stimulant. Plus of course we have to pay to employ the The National Institute of Agriculture and whatever other agencies that work hand in hand. All billed to the general population at interest.

You can go to any field of eduaction and there will be a womans only club like this one billed to the general population. There will also be the old equality quota system in place, which will be overseen by another agency, and another, and another. Mandatory she fears you classes. So when theres more women in any particular field due to outright discrimination, monitarily, educationally, socially and every possible way. Women will say, “see, women are ‘better’ than men when given, (haha) equal opportunity.”

Passive hatred. Giving every benefit and loads of extras to women, while taxing men to do it. Women are taxed as well, but since the money goes back to women as a collective, they still benefit.

“The National Institute of Agriculture offers a grant to research projects and organizations devoted to increasing the number of women and minorities from rural areas engaged in science, technology, engineering and mathematics fields deemed relevant to USDA priorities. These grants may be highly beneficial to furthering biology education for women and underrepresented minority students. Awards may be as much as $300,000, but will not be less than $75,000 each.”

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