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Spearheadonomics: How the ladies caused our economic malaise

These are the awkwardly posed businessladies who wrecked our economy
These are the awkwardly posed businessladies who wrecked our economy

Like a lot of people, when I’m looking for insights on the current economic mess, I turn first to random dudes posting on The Spearhead. Here’s some guy called Poiuyt explaining how ladies and the men who don’t hate them are the source of all our troubles:

Because this god damned genderist society has become so amoral, so degenerate and so bankrupted on account of its genderist pervervions and femaleist subversions, it is going to be exceedingly difficult to grow itself out of the mess it finds itself in. The proverbial golden geese and their precious eggs in male produktivity have been either been killed, eaten, over-exploited, over worked, abused, dis-incentivised, harrased and are now increasingly extinct.

Well, I can’t argue with that, though the whole goose metaphor isn’t working 100% for me, given that I’m pretty sure it’s not the man goose that lays the eggs, but the lady goose. But that’s nitpicking. Poiuyt is on a roll:

You simply cannot get any further male inspired ekonomic growth out of hugely indebted and morally bankrupted societies as ours following genderist statism today, … … because the primary sources of growth potential in male inspired productivity and male entrepreneurship has been cannibalised to the bone. Cannibalised to the point where there is nothing left to base any further ekonomic growth on, consequent of the vicious sexist state ideology of womanism at all costs.

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13 years ago

Here’s a short presentation about that dramatic gender disparity in math that Peter keeps going on about.

Personally, even with my SuperMathAndrogen powers, I’m still pretty terrible at math. Cthulhu only knows how bad I would be if I were a woman–probably a whole 2%!

13 years ago

But hey, why don’t you actually read any of the dozens of studies which shows that visuo-spacial abilities in males outperform those in females, even at age five? But you can’t acknowledge even that because then it ruins all your feminist theories, all predicated on the idea that gender is purely a social construct.

I’m always amused by people who make the profoundly silly argument, “This can’t be caused by cultural influence, because we see it in children! Because, as we all know, children are, um, never exposed to other people like their parents or siblings or relatives or neighbors or peers or TV or radio or movies or music or books, you know, anything that could possibly influence them in any way! That’s kids for you – typically shut in tiny boxes with no human contact throughout their childhoods!”

13 years ago

“NWO, I want to know if you read the link you provided.”

I have Big Daddys pdf file saved in my documents.

But did you read it?

13 years ago

And you’re going to sit here and tell me that the reason math and science are still male dominated are so because they’re not friendly to women?

I majored in computer science and biology in the engineering school of a larger university. I was the only woman to graduate in CS Engineering my year. It’s not that there weren’t talented women at the school; I had them in many of my classes. But the culture of Engineering was one where statements such as “there are fewer women who are really good at math than men” and “men naturally have much better mathematical and spacial abilities” and other evo-psych bullshit were socially acceptable, and where people who called out sexism or racism were mocked for being politically correct, and where some professors of core classes made sexist comments during lecture. I noticed much less of that in my bio classes, which also had a much higher proportion of women.

So, yeah, I think it’s plausible that women not wanting to deal with that shit is a factor in the sex disparity in STEM.

PS, you complained upthread about not being able to find software engineering jobs that weren’t “for the government”. There are plenty of software engineering jobs where I am, so perhaps you’d have better luck if you moved to one of the big tech hubs? (My company has quite enough glibertarians, though, so hands off.)

13 years ago

PPS: Some of the men in my department were kinda bad at math; definitely worse than me. Somehow, they survived. Superhuman Math Skillz are not necessary for undergraduate work in CS.

13 years ago

And you’re going to sit here and tell me that the reason math and science are still male dominated are so because they’re not friendly to women?

I worked at the Computer Science department at my university. Despite the fact that roughly half of undergraduates in that department were women, my impression was that the field is definitely NOT friendly to women. Girls, even straight-A students, are routinely excluded from important extracurricular projects, less likely to be taken on as research assistants, less likely to be informed of attractive graduate or research opportunities beyond college. People often think that universities are these massive factory-like facilities that act as mere grading machines, but in fact, much in one’s academic career depends on personal relationships, word-of-mouth, and how the professor chooses which lucky undergraduate should get first dibs on that graduate school spot that opened up at Princeton. I remember how girls who were CS majors would cut their hair short and wear men’s suits (not just pant suits — men’s suits) to interviews with graduate schools and industry recruiters.

Also, re. studies that supposedly demonstrate that women suck at math: wrong. In reality, studies demonstrate that there is no difference in math performance between men and women. The reasons for women’s exclusion from math and sciences, as from women’s exclusion, until very recently, from law (which, I can tell you from personal experience, uses very little math) are cultural.

Your claim, also, that the reason there are few women in “hard” sciences is that women have no aptitude for math is belied by the fact women now earn 48% of undergraduate degrees in mathematics. So the fact that there are few women in physics and engineering CAN’T be explained by the genders’ respective aptitudes for math.

13 years ago

Peter: Babbage was a man, Hopper and Lovelace were just two people.

So, by your “reasoning” Babbage was only one person.

Or does his having balls count for more than them having tits?

To add to the list of those women you ignore, Rosalyn Yallow, who had to fight to get into med school, and then went on to discover the cause of Type II diabetes (which cause the men had refused to consider, it was; so they assured her, impossible that people could develop an immune system reaction to insulin).

Yeppers, that Nobel Prize she got was just affirmative action, right?

Those American you tout (the one’s where the classy men in charge were designing all those, “Can’t lose” CDSs based on the tranches of AAA rated [by other men] morgtgage securities) are doing so well because they got a handout.

BofA seems to be actually trying to focrce customers away, because the costs/profit on small (less than 5,000) checking accounts aren’t enough.

So, about your 13 billion, well, holy crap, that’s a huge amount of money; what with your 76 banks, with a whopping $300 million in assets each. Well holy shit. If my math is correct, that would total almost 23 Billion. Meanwhile, Dexia by itself has assets totalling $567 Billion dollars.

Lessee… 76 * 300,000,000 = 938,000,000… so your math is wrong, by a measly 915 million dollars. Remind me to call you as an advisor the next time I need someone compute the odds for the house when I’m going to Vegas.

Why? Because its troubles were generated by the ideas of people like you. Repeated pro-union governments, high minimum wages, retirement at age 50, free university education, and crushing taxes on anyone stupid enough to not work for the government. But hey, McSmarterson, if you want to believe the economic troubles are all about Wall Street fatcats, go right ahead.

Because the repeal of Glass-Steagal and the lack of oversight on the remaining regulations had nothing to do with the actual cause of the housing bubble/collapse (as Alan Greenspan, the semi-reformed Randian admits). It couldn’t have anything to do with a trillion dollar tax cut, an unfunded mandate (with built in inability to negotiate for lower prices) for prescription drugs right behind (and that drug plan also having a whopping removal of more money from the liquid economy in the form of the, “donut hole”).


It couldn’t possibly be that 1: a lack of actual increase in wages, and a sudden loss of between 9-15 percent of the workforce (depending on which set numbers you are using) has caused the double-barreled problems of 1: smaller tax base, and the drains on the system that keeping those unemployed from falling into the homeless poor.

Looking at all that, I can’t say I’m impressed with your grasp of either the cause of the banking fiasco, nor of the underlying fundamentals of the economy; nor yet your critical thinking.

13 years ago

Peter, have you ever heard of stereotype threat? You’re encouraging it. Stop it.

13 years ago

Babbage was a man, Hopper and Lovelace were just two people.

Hate to break it to you*, bucko, but men and women are all humans, and thus all people. All three that you mention were fucking geniuses. And humans, and people.

*not really

13 years ago

Women were discouraged or even completely barred from STEM education and professions for years, and then their relatively fewer or lesser-known achievements were blamed on inability, not discouragement.

Now men are supposedly being discouraged by not being allowed to be the majority.

Shouldn’t those “unfairly excluded” men just invent and create and produce stuff anyway? Wouldn’t that be the manly and creative and forceful thing to do? Why give them the excuse you don’t even accept from those pathetic talentless women?

13 years ago

The complete feminization of our education and university systems has ensured that both men and women remain brainwashed, unskilled boat anchors of society. People are getting useless gender studies majors and liberal arts degrees faster than McDonald’s and Starbucks can hire them. Any of the other formerly useful programs like engineering have been dumbed down to accommodate various special interest groups and affirmative action programs for minority groups.

13 years ago

I’m really surprised no one’s linked this yet. Seems pertinent…

13 years ago

I work in IT. There are practically no women in the industry, even though it is begging for more participation. Now, IT as it is today is a relatively new field that came along long after female ’emancipation’, so you can’t really cry foul, lack of female participation in the computer industry is solely because of females, you can’t blame the mean old white patriarchy for that.

13 years ago

Oh, look, another boring troll. How many times has the bullshit Delta’s spouting been eviscerated?

13 years ago

“Don’t you just love how you can change the natural testosterone effects on infant brains with ease across national and cultural boundaries?”

So changing a “natural” effect is good? The link you provided was by 3 feminists socially engineering “change.”

Here is a direct quote from their so-called, laughable study.
“The gender stratification hypothesis proposes that in
patriarchal cultures, male students link their achievement to future
opportunities and outcomes.”

The entire “study” goes on in this fashion. Since the patriarchy is to blame for women not achieving in equal numbers as men in any given field, the patriarchy, (Bid Daddy) must change things and invest tons of money to achieve, at the bare minimum, equality for women. After our wealth has been stripped, and only women are given opportunity in any given field, we can all say, “See, women are not only as good as men, but better!”
Go to any State/Corporate/UN site and type in feminism/women, and a myriad of agencies are at your disposal in every walk of life. What every individual man must achieve on his own, women will be given help, resources, time, counsuling, money, everything.
“On a similar note, correlation does not prove causation.”

Funny how correlation with the patriarchy is always causation.
“Oh, and a quick reality check: although women are buying homes in much greater numbers than they’ve done in the past, they still make up only about 20% of home buyers.”

Did women have no input when jointly buying a home with a man? Are women independent, strong, and have minds of their own only when it’s convenient? Nice. Women are blameless again!
“Also, if men outperform women in a given field, it’s evidence of natural male superiority, but if women outperform men, it’s evidence that the women cheated somehow.”

An extra trillion dollars, slots reserved for women, help, help, and more help, only for women. All in the name of equality. If there’s a 100 slots open in any given field and women must occupy at least 50, merit has no meaning. Is it fair or equitable to give an opportunity to a woman over a man because of gender instead of merit?
“The middle class is vanishing. The top 400 people in this country make more than the bottom 155 million people.”

Yet you side with those very people to further widen the gap between the ultra-rich and the poor and vanishing middle class. The State/bank/corporate/MSM/military complex are all good buddies at the top. They love the cash-cow of women running to Big Daddy.
“Someone had the sense to finally ask women why they were not joining in those kinds of careers-they said it was the constant bad treatment.”

Yet when men tell you State mandated bad treatment of men/boys in school is harmful women laugh it off. Suddenly, it’s poor baby, waaa, waaa, waaa. What’s worse? A few bad apples making fun of a few girls, or State mandated discrimination that women have either lobbied for, or ignore? Does correlation/causation only work for women? We went from #1 in reading, math and sciences to third world status. The only thing to change was teaching style and grading for behavior/homework over merit. Both men’s and women’s base scores have dropped over the last 40 years due to these policies, but they’re more “equal” now.
@Molly Ren
“I’d settle for $12 to $15. It’s hard to make ends meet on less than that where I live… and I don’t mean “It’s hard to go on vacations”. I mean basic things like food and rent.”

You can ask Big Daddy for $100.00 an hour minimum wage and he’ll be glad to oblige. Inflation will run rampant, businesses will fail, (They’re all good buddies at the top of the pyramid, they’ll buy all those failed businesses for pennies on the dollar).

Women will cry out for more handouts, Big Daddy’ll say yes, yes, yes, tax, tax, tax. Women will cry out for more security as things get really bad, Big Daddy’ll say yes, yes, yes, tax, tax, tax. How Big Daddy loves his little cash cows! In the end, those same few hundred folks at the top will own everything, and all of you fine folks who ran to Big Daddy will own nothing. Oh they’re very good buddies at the top. They sing such a sweet song, don’t they? Now go run to Big Daddy to write laws to strip individual men of every right and what little power they have left. Enjoy the world you’ve created.

13 years ago

Ah, “feminization of our educational systems”. Back in the old days, tasks like being able to sit still and read, rote memorization, and respectful and cooperative behavior in class were all considered inherent boy traits. Girls were thought far too flighty and distractable to be properly taught. And now, it seems that those above qualities are now inherent in girls! Boys are rowdy, hands-on! They can’t be expected to sit still and memorize stuff like a GIRL!

13 years ago

NWO, just a small thing, because I can only take so much of your walls of txt at a time

Did women have no input when jointly buying a home with a man? Are women independent, strong, and have minds of their own only when it’s convenient? Nice. Women are blameless again!

You do know that there is a middle ground between “Women are completely to blame!” and “Women are blameless!” Right? It’s something like “Gender in this case is irrelevant, some people made some bad decisions and those decisions fucked with the economy a bit.

“People” In this context means “some amount of men, and some amount of women, but the exact amounts don’t really matter because wanting to own a house isn’t gendered”

Rutee Katreya
13 years ago

There are practically no women in the industry, even though it is begging for more participation.

Not from women, it’s not.

Now, IT as it is today is a relatively new field that came along long after female ‘emancipation’,

>”Post female ’emancipation'”

Your grasp of history is as solid as your grasp on gender relations.

lack of female participation in the computer industry is solely because of females,

Actually, the shit women get from other women for entering academics *is* understated by a lot of people, but it doesn’t mean that patriarchy isn’t ultimately responsible; women propagate it too.

People are getting useless gender studies majors and liberal arts degrees faster than McDonald’s and Starbucks can hire them.

Fun Factoid:
Business Schools want liberal arts majors more than they want business majors. The economics of the world are becoming increasingly more multicultural. Liberal Arts majors have a stronger grounding in what other people are like, and how not ot piss them off. The business school can’t teach you how not to be an America-centric fuckup, but it can teach you business. A lot of corporations follow similar advice. And really, unless you specifically have an engineering or compsci degree, there’s a good chance the only reason a corporation cares that you have a degree is that it means you can ultimately work hard. Your job will have to train you regardless. Even lawyers get on the job training.

Any of the other formerly useful programs like engineering have been dumbed down to accommodate various special interest groups and affirmative action programs for minority groups.


Hilarious, and untrue.

13 years ago

I work in IT. There are more and more women in the industry every year, but they’re still not involved at equal levels, though I meet and work with smart new women professionals all the time.

IT is an established field that came along when women’s and men’s jobs were listed separately in the Help Wanted section, boys played with guns and girls played with dolls, and the Equal Rights Amendment was being denied because of a fear of shared bathrooms.

It’s pretty obvious that the lag in female participation in the computer industry is not an accident and not separate from the patriarchal thinking that still infects our society.


13 years ago

Those American you tout (the one’s where the classy men in charge were designing all those, “Can’t lose” CDSs based on the tranches of AAA rated [by other men] morgtgage securities) are doing so well because they got a handout.

Don’t forget that those tranches CDS’s, SIV’s, and SIVV’s are all AAA rated again while the US Treasury, which gave $2.7 trillion to the banks had their bonds down-graded to AA+.
Because MEN are so awesome they deserve to AAA rated while “just people” are a risky investment.


Yet when men tell you State mandated bad treatment of men/boys in school is harmful women laugh it off.

The mandated bad treatment of “do not hit people, do not rape people, do not break the law?” THAT mandated bad treatment? Oh noes, what will the men ever do without the ability to beat up the person they just raped? Oh right, not spend decades in jail since it is against the law

A few bad apples making fun of a few girls, or State mandated discrimination that women have either lobbied for, or ignore?

This is not a few bad apples little one…this is an entire culture of being ignored, dismissed, belittled and otherwise not treated the way you would expect to be treated after making the effort to learn a difficult area of expertise.

We went from #1 in reading, math and sciences to third world status. The only thing to change was teaching style and grading for behavior/homework over merit. Both men’s and women’s base scores have dropped over the last 40 years due to these policies, but they’re more “equal” now.

Did you know people have been complaining about the way Americans are educated since before the 1850s? Especially since we have never been number one in any educational measurement ever. Not once. In fact, we have been slightly improving since the 1964 start of measuring.

here is the actual study of our scores

People like you seem to assume that Americans are stupid morons. Well you are but not the rest of us. We have been improving since we started using the more “feminine” style of teaching. (Which just means we actually pay attention to the way humans learn rather then rote memorization.)


My turn for html fail. 🙂

13 years ago

Amazing how “where’s the meritocracy in that?” is/was not an issue when women are/were legally exluded/barred from non-domesticity-training-only educational systems and non-domestic-help-only occupations. I guess meritocracy can only exist in areas where only men are allowed entry.

13 years ago

…and the Equal Rights Amendment was being denied because of a fear of shared bathrooms

Ah yes, the ever-praised Phyllis Schlafly, who remains ever-blameless for the lack of gender neutrality in child custody cases and child/spousal support cases, etc.

13 years ago

“You do know that there is a middle ground between “Women are completely to blame!” and “Women are blameless!” Right? It’s something like “Gender in this case is irrelevant, some people made some bad decisions and those decisions fucked with the economy a bit.”

“People” In this context means “some amount of men, and some amount of women, but the exact amounts don’t really matter because wanting to own a house isn’t gendered”

I see. If that’s the case why did shaenon make sure to point out that single women only bought 20% of the houses. Did she give us a number on how many houses were bought by single men exclusively? Quite clearly she was shifting the blame to men. Who defauled more? Single men or single women? Who suggested buying a bigger house for married couples? All the sudden gender is irrelevant? Any other time the finger of blame IS gendered. Funny how that works?
@Rutee Katreya
“There are practically no women in the industry, even though it is begging for more participation.”

“Not from women, it’s not.”

Title IX in STEM? Take my wealth, make women equal or better in all fields. Between teaching boys in school that they’re vile filth, grading them on their level of indoctrination, educational funding being a womans only club, all State mandated. I doubt women need to worry all that much. What 6 year old boy wants to be told by his all female teaching staff that he’s vile filth, any grade he achieves means nothing, and he won’t recieve one red cent or any help what-so-ever. Sit still, do as you’re told, admit men’s collective guilt for everything or we’ll pump you full of Ridilin.
“Actually, the shit women get from other women for entering academics *is* understated by a lot of people, but it doesn’t mean that patriarchy isn’t ultimately responsible; women propagate it too.”

Again patriarchy is to blame. If there is this magical patriarchy to blame, women, exclusively have built it. Everytime women lobby for and enact another law, women build the Big Daddy patriarchy. Since there are trillions extra spent exclusively on women for health, education, employment…everything, how can women claim men have all the power? If men have the power, why does everything benefit women? In feminist jargon, does patriarchy mean women always benefit at the expense of men?
“I work in IT. There are more and more women in the industry every year, but they’re still not involved at equal levels, though I meet and work with smart new women professionals all the time.”

Run to Big Daddy. He’ll be more than happy to mandate equality. He did for NASA this year. Thats right, he took our wealth and now trains women only for NASA.
“The mandated bad treatment of “do not hit people, do not rape people, do not break the law?”

What a lovely lie! What Big Dady mandates is never hit a girl, never harrass a girl. Give extra to girls, respect girls, love girls, praise girls. Have you seen any programs for girls to never hit boys, harrass boys, respect boys, help boys, praise boys being forced upon girls to take? Are there any programs telling girls all the nasty things they’ve done over the centuries? If not, that means girls are perfectly wonderful in every way, have never done wrong, and are already treating men as perfect as can be expected.
“Which just means we actually pay attention to the way humans learn rather then rote memorization.”

All we do is rote memorization. When you’re graded on behavior and homework there is no merit. Conformity is all that counts. Sally did her homework and behaves in class, she gets an A for the year. Billy aced his tests but doesn’t complete his assignments in a timely fashion and is unruly in class, he gets a D for the year. Merit has no meaning.

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