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Spearheadonomics: How the ladies caused our economic malaise

These are the awkwardly posed businessladies who wrecked our economy
These are the awkwardly posed businessladies who wrecked our economy

Like a lot of people, when I’m looking for insights on the current economic mess, I turn first to random dudes posting on The Spearhead. Here’s some guy called Poiuyt explaining how ladies and the men who don’t hate them are the source of all our troubles:

Because this god damned genderist society has become so amoral, so degenerate and so bankrupted on account of its genderist pervervions and femaleist subversions, it is going to be exceedingly difficult to grow itself out of the mess it finds itself in. The proverbial golden geese and their precious eggs in male produktivity have been either been killed, eaten, over-exploited, over worked, abused, dis-incentivised, harrased and are now increasingly extinct.

Well, I can’t argue with that, though the whole goose metaphor isn’t working 100% for me, given that I’m pretty sure it’s not the man goose that lays the eggs, but the lady goose. But that’s nitpicking. Poiuyt is on a roll:

You simply cannot get any further male inspired ekonomic growth out of hugely indebted and morally bankrupted societies as ours following genderist statism today, … … because the primary sources of growth potential in male inspired productivity and male entrepreneurship has been cannibalised to the bone. Cannibalised to the point where there is nothing left to base any further ekonomic growth on, consequent of the vicious sexist state ideology of womanism at all costs.

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13 years ago

Yick. I find this one particularly grating for some reason. Can we get back to music videos?

13 years ago

And again: Infinite growth is not a sustainable model. The world has limits on how many people can operate on it, and there are only so many resources, which we can not perfectly recycle. Economics needs to come to terms with this.

And now you’ve come to something approaching an interesting discussion. I agree, though a lack of infinite growth has consequences that you do not foresee. This guy does, though:

If you ignore the pro-Jesus bits in his article, it makes a lot of sense. Watch:

The technology slowdown threatens not just our financial markets, but the entire modern political order, which is predicated on easy and relentless growth. The give-and-take of Western democracies depends on the idea that we can craft political solutions that enable most people to win most of the time. But in a world without growth, we can expect a loser for every winner. Many will suspect that the winners are involved in some sort of racket, so we can expect an increasingly nasty edge to our politics. We may be witnessing the beginnings of such a zero-sum system in politics in the U.S. and Western Europe, as the risks shift from winning less to losing more, and as our leaders desperately cast about for macroeconomic solutions to problems that have not been primarily about economics for a long time.

Think about it, why is there even a men’s rights movement, when, in general, the concessions and advancements women demand today pale in comparison to those granted in the 20th century?

Because now it’s a zero-sum game. Amanda Marcotte once asked why the 90’s was such a feminist-friendly time, and the 2010’s aren’t. The reasons are simple. Back in the 1990’s, I didn’t care so much if a woman got promoted unfairly to fit some feminist quota because there were other opporunities for me. I was going to become a software engineer and get rich on stock options at Microsoft, who cares about some chick and her cozy government job. I’ll pay the increased taxes out of my growing salary. Now, with a no growth environment, the only employment is with the government, and suddenly this same woman is a competitor. Or, I work for the private sector, my salary is stagnant, and suddenly I have to pay more in taxes to forgive the loans of a 35 year old perpetual grad student. Or, I’m a recently divorced and fired man, who can’t afford the court appointment to get his income reassessed, so I go to jail for nonpayment of child support.

Get it? If you really thought about it you wouldn’t be so enamored with your zero-growth sustainable development politics. The game’s fucking changed.

13 years ago

I’d settle for $12 to $15. It’s hard to make ends meet on less than that where I live… and I don’t mean “It’s hard to go on vacations”. I mean basic things like food and rent.

Is it really that hard to understand that a minimum wage of $15 would also make your food and rent more expensive?

Rutee Katreya
13 years ago

Oh, you just want to masturbate to your script without actually engaging anything anyone says that might challenge it. Then I see no need to involve myself while you play with yourself. Call me when you’re ready to actually respond to points, not before.

13 years ago

Is it really that hard to understand that a minimum wage of $15 would also make your food and rent more expensive?

Ah, free-market crusaders and their inability to distinguish between theory and practice.

Rutee Katreya
13 years ago

Think about it, why is there even a men’s rights movement, when, in general, the concessions and advancements women demand today pale in comparison to those granted in the 20th century?

OH ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho

And here I thought you might take that someplace interesting, someplace relevant. Okay, yeah, enjoy your penis-time.


Tell me, why is it that while the majority of univeristy attendees and graduates are now women (up to 2/3rds) , the STEM subjects are still overwhelming male, and women tend towards chemistry, biology, and away from anything that smacks of mathematics?

Someone had the sense to finally ask women why they were not joining in those kinds of careers-they said it was the constant bad treatment. They could do the job but who wants to work in a atmosphere of endless Peters? I know I do not.

13 years ago

There’s no maths in biology, of course. None whatsofuckingever. Pick up any issue of Am Nat, Genetics, Evolution, Proc Roy Soc, J Zool or any other biology journal, open it at a random page, and count how many equations there aren’t.

I also like how chemistry and biology no longer count as STEM subjects now they’ve got girl cooties!

13 years ago

In any number of cases I have personally known, it has always been the woman in the relationship who has pushed for the bigger/flashier house. Always. More to the point, all the shows like “Sell this House”, “Flip this House”, and other home-reno shows were targeted primarily at women. So yeah, I beg to differ. I remember reading a quote that showed women, even if they earned less in a marriage, made 80% of home purchase decisions. You thing hubby gets a big house if wifey doesn’t want one? Please. Feminists can keep playing the victim but I, and an increasingly larger number of men, don’t buy that shit anymore.

So if a woman buys a house she can’t afford, it’s her fault, because women suck. If a man buys a house he can’t afford, a woman must have forced him to do it with vagina rays, so it’s her fault, because women suck. And if a man and woman buy a house together that they can’t afford, it’s the woman’s fault, because women suck.

And men don’t buy big houses as status symbols. Single male billionaires usually live in modest split-levels. Just check out an episode of “Cribs” (see, I can cite reality TV as if it’s a useful source of information, too!).

Got it.

The only billionaire I know of offhand who lives in a normal-type house is Warren Buffet, who was in a polyamorous relationship with two women until his wife’s death in 2004, after which he married the other woman. He was with TWO women and didn’t buy a mansion! They must not have nagged him hard enough!

13 years ago

There’s no maths in biology, of course. None whatsofuckingever. Pick up any issue of Am Nat, Genetics, Evolution, Proc Roy Soc, J Zool or any other biology journal, open it at a random page, and count how many equations there aren’t.

Well, duh. Biology journals are just full of women gossiping about boys and talking about their feelings. Why do you think they call them “journals”?

13 years ago

Well, at the grad school and professorship level chemistry at least is still male dominated, but getting more equal. Physics has a longer ways to go (I’m a physicist and both my undergrad and grad classes were 20% women, professors are only 11% women according to the latest survey), but as PosterformerlyknownasElizabeth pointed out it’s partially due to treatment.

I was lucky enough to not experience bad treatment in undergrad and grad school, though back in high school I was actually discouraged enough from pursuing a science degree because I “wasn’t smart enough” that I actually started undergrad as an architect major (not that architects aren’t as smart as physicists, they just use less math) before switching to math and physics. I was much happier after I switched and that teacher was clearly an idiot and/or prejudiced.

However, I have heard some horror stories about either fellow students or even professors making sexist comments to or unwelcome advances on some female physicists I know. Plus academia is very unfriendly to starting a family, first grad school then postdoc(s) then getting tenure…you often have to wait til you’re 35 to be considered secure enough in your position to take maternity leave with no adverse career consequences (almost never an issue for male physicists).

13 years ago

Ssh, don’t distract me, Shaenon! I’m working on my latest biology paper “Pikas are NOT cuter than kinkajous and you only said they are to make me cry and anyway your haircut is nasty”

comrade svilova
comrade svilova
13 years ago

I gave you the Governments pdf file clearly stating Title IX has it’s own police force

yeah, that’s actually not what it says. 🙂

13 years ago

Rutee, I’m amazed by your stamina. Not many people can spend that much time trying to reach a child with his fingers plugging his ears as he sings, “Can’t hear you, lalalalalalalalala!”

Only a libertarian has the nerve to rail against the tax dollars that are “wasted” on the poor while corporations are sucking up billions in subsidies and entitlements. The middle class is vanishing. The top 400 people in this country make more than the bottom 155 million people. But that’s all through “hard work” and boot-strappiness, I’m sure. Those 155 million are totally lazy. Keep pretending we live in a meritocracy if it’s the only thing that keeps you from weeping into your pillow at night. The rest of us know that it’s a flat out lie.

13 years ago

If a man achieves something great, he’s a totally average man, and his achievement is proof that men are awesome. If a woman achieves something great, she’s the rare, weird exception to the rule that women suck, and her achievement is proof that women suck.

And don’t forget that she’s not a “Real” woman, but a mutant, and one that needs to be exterminated in order to cultivate more fluffy, mindless, servile kewpie dolls that all men are entitled to and deserve due to their innate and inherent awesomeness.

13 years ago

Peter should never come to Canada if he thinks a minimum wage of $12 would make everything Oh So Expensive. Minimum wage in Ontario has been $10/hour for several years now and society hasn’t collapsed. Food prices have gone up, as they have pretty much world-wide (that happened in mid-2008 if I recall correctly – all of the sudden I was spending $50/week at the grocery store instead of $35, and I was not happy), and rents have been rising steadily in Toronto since the real estate market took off again after the 2008/2009 slump, but not so elsewhere.

Clothes cost the same, electronics cost the same (or less), cell phones and cell service have dropped in price drastically, and services (everything from sports programs and music lessons to hair cuts and skate sharpening) have stayed about the same or kept in line with inflation.

But even if that weren’t so, call me crazy, but it only seems right that if a job requires the full-time attention of an adult human being, it should pay a reasonable living wage. Even if it’s a boring shitty low-status job that only a stupid uneducated person would do. Because stupid uneducated people deserve good food and decent shelter and a little time to do things they enjoy, too.

13 years ago

Shorter Peter: Everything good comes from men, everything bad comes from women. The fact that people need food to eat is an intolerable burden upon society.

Sexism? Check.
Classism? Check.
Racism? Very likely.

So, Peter, how do you think people with disabilities should be dealt with?

13 years ago

So, shorter Trolly McTrollerson;

I’m ignoring your citations because I ignore all FYMYNYST points!

Troll: American banks are fine!
Answer: No they’re not, they still have toxic assets and are still going under at the largest rate since the 1920’s
Troll: What about Europe!?

Troll: “Unions!” “Early Retirements!” “Allowing Education!” “Taxes!”

(Are you a bot? It’s be pretty easy to generate a wingnut-bot, just thrown in “gold standard”, “illegals” and “fascism” into a random wordstream. But, alas, I digress.)

13 years ago

The only billionaire I know of offhand who lives in a normal-type house is Warren Buffet, who was in a polyamorous relationship with two women until his wife’s death in 2004, after which he married the other woman.

Did he really? Cool for them!

However, I have heard some horror stories about either fellow students or even professors making sexist comments to or unwelcome advances on some female physicists I know.

Girlfriend was a Chem Major on the west coast, I should ask her about it sometime. Not sure how much it differs between departments and college location. Her best friend was a physiscs major, but lower upper class and earned her doctorate by 22 so she’s a definite outlier.

13 years ago

the STEM subjects are still overwhelming male, and women tend towards chemistry, biology, and away from anything that smacks of mathematics?

Aw, it’s gonna be fun in a decade or so when guys like this are reduced to arguing something like “oh yeah? Well, women tend towards everything except the use of genetic algorithms for optimization programs*, so explain that! Obviously men are better at everything!”

For people who think they’re teh awesomez at shit like math and science, these bros sure aren’t keen at looking at things like trends or systems are they? Women have made huge strides forward in both STEM subjects and post-secondary education alike in the last few decades, but that’s probably not evidence that women aren’t stupid and terrible, amiright? Nor is it evidence that something in our environment has changed (like increased access to education and STEM fields.) Nope, it’s a fluke and testosterone/genes/the-having-of-dicks explain everything! :p

*insert whatever specific thing men might still significantly outnumber women in

13 years ago

I haven’t encountered/heard of any horror stories personally (well, not based on gender — race, yes*) but I’m in biology so it’s comparatively woman-friendly. But there is certainly the specter of sexism ever-present, from the giggling grown-ass professors who tried to teach us how to identify a slide of a menstruating uterus, to the postdoc whose PI whined (in a I’m-just-kidding-but-kind-of-not-really) about her taking maternity leave.

If I had to deal with the kind of crap I’ve heard about in computer science or even physics I’d probably rage out or quit (and move to a friendly science) — biology seems to avoid a little of the “boy territory, stay out, cooties!” vibe that those have.

*I’m sure it’s totally coincidence that my lily-white ass has never been stopped by campus security, despite trotting around at bizarre hours of the early morning, but my black peer has been questioned repeatedly by security and office workers alike during the middle of the afternoon, right?

13 years ago

There’s no maths in biology, of course. None whatsofuckingever. Pick up any issue of Am Nat, Genetics, Evolution, Proc Roy Soc, J Zool or any other biology journal, open it at a random page, and count how many equations there aren’t.

I also like how chemistry and biology no longer count as STEM subjects now they’ve got girl cooties!

Physics, engineering, and hard math obviously have more math in them. Biology and Chemistry have relatively less. Therefore, even among those interested in science, women have tended towards science topics which have less math. Does a grad career in biology give women more time to be with their families than a physics career? Come on. So the conclusion is obvious: there are fewer women who are really good at math than men.

But hey, why don’t you actually read any of the dozens of studies which shows that visuo-spacial abilities in males outperform those in females, even at age five? But you can’t acknowledge even that because then it ruins all your feminist theories, all predicated on the idea that gender is purely a social construct.

Really, you people are exactly like the creationists, who fight tooth and nail against any study of evolution, because it threatens their core value, which is that the bible is a pure source of truth. Your pathetic fights against science are no different.

13 years ago

Okay Peter, I’ll bite: which field of science are you in?

13 years ago

If I had to deal with the kind of crap I’ve heard about in computer science or even physics I’d probably rage out or quit (and move to a friendly science) — biology seems to avoid a little of the “boy territory, stay out, cooties!” vibe that those have.

Yep, it’s all about the sexism. You totally need to put in place artificial quotas to make sure women are represented in physics at a rate of 50%.

What you may fail to realize is that every subject of study at university used to be a boys’ club. Every one. And now most of them are majority-female. Are you going to tell me that classes full of male law students in the 60’s and 70’s were feminist utopias? And you’re going to sit here and tell me that the reason math and science are still male dominated are so because they’re not friendly to women?

13 years ago

(Also, what’s “soft” math? Is that the kind women do? XD)

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