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Spearheadonomics: How the ladies caused our economic malaise

These are the awkwardly posed businessladies who wrecked our economy
These are the awkwardly posed businessladies who wrecked our economy

Like a lot of people, when I’m looking for insights on the current economic mess, I turn first to random dudes posting on The Spearhead. Here’s some guy called Poiuyt explaining how ladies and the men who don’t hate them are the source of all our troubles:

Because this god damned genderist society has become so amoral, so degenerate and so bankrupted on account of its genderist pervervions and femaleist subversions, it is going to be exceedingly difficult to grow itself out of the mess it finds itself in. The proverbial golden geese and their precious eggs in male produktivity have been either been killed, eaten, over-exploited, over worked, abused, dis-incentivised, harrased and are now increasingly extinct.

Well, I can’t argue with that, though the whole goose metaphor isn’t working 100% for me, given that I’m pretty sure it’s not the man goose that lays the eggs, but the lady goose. But that’s nitpicking. Poiuyt is on a roll:

You simply cannot get any further male inspired ekonomic growth out of hugely indebted and morally bankrupted societies as ours following genderist statism today, … … because the primary sources of growth potential in male inspired productivity and male entrepreneurship has been cannibalised to the bone. Cannibalised to the point where there is nothing left to base any further ekonomic growth on, consequent of the vicious sexist state ideology of womanism at all costs.

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13 years ago

Also, the behind the scenes IBMer was a man. Cutting off your willy, pumping yourself full of hormones and changing your name doesn’t change anything.

Stay classy, my friend. All sorts of women have contributed to the world technologically, medically and financially, your prurient speculation about their genitals aside. But I am amazed that you followed any of the links at all, to be honest, no matter how little of substance you apparently learned from them. :p

13 years ago

“Stay classy, my friend. All sorts of women have contributed to the world technologically, medically and financially,”

There’s only one sort of woman, that’d be an actual woman. As Austin Powers would say, “that’s no woman, that’s a man, baby!”

13 years ago

“And who started the deadly stereotypes of Barbie’s Toy Mansions for girls, again? Granted, Barbies were made a woman who based them off of their family, but the entire line of Barbies is, in fact, based on patriarchial notions.”

Oh right, the all-powerful Patriarchy bogeyman. You remind me of Soviet communists screeching about the spectre of Counter-Revolutionaries well into the 1960’s.

“But that’s besides the point. The House Bubble came and went. The banks are in trouble and are being protested to boot. Really, it’s funny how you can blame half the world for the economy without even thinking that maybe, just maybe, the way things were run were a little fucked up”.

Actually, the American banks are doing just fine right now. The banks that are in trouble, like Dexia, are the ones with the most exposure to the government debt of oversocialized, unionized, and corrupted to death countries like Greece. And hey look, coincidentally, that’s your model for how a country should be run!

13 years ago

“For every one Oprah you can name off the top of your head, I can give you a Jobs, Gates, Paul Allan, Lucas, Sergei Brin, etc, etc. ”

It’s almost as if you live in a society wherein men are privileged and have an easier time rising to the top.

Oh yeah, male privilege. Tell me, why is it that while the majority of univeristy attendees and graduates are now women (up to 2/3rds) , the STEM subjects are still overwhelming male, and women tend towards chemistry, biology, and away from anything that smacks of mathematics? Anyone? Or, maybe it’s that men naturally have much better mathematical and spacial abilities, and such abilties are directly correlated with prenatal brain testosterone exposure.

As for your supposed male “privilege”, the president of Harvard got railroaded out of his job just for saying the above. So again, get bent.

But when women do it, it doesn’t count? Jobs and Gates would be nowhere without Hopper, who would herself be nowhere without Lovelace and Babbage.

Babbage was a man, Hopper and Lovelace were just two people. Yeah, I’m sure you could go back through the history of technology and find a handful of women who contributed something, but that doesn’t change the reality that 99% of the people who made a difference have been men. So the point that Futrelle so cheerfully mocks stands. Men innovate and generate wealth; societies that discourage men from doing so are shooting themselves in the foot.

Way to go, NWOSlave. I like how you noticed that the feminist IBM hero was actually born a man. It’d be like me trying to prove that men can give birth by citing the case from a couple of years back of Thomas Beatie, the “man” who have birth.

Anyway, Bagelsan, for any of those examples you cite, I could, with seconds of Wikipedia research, point you to 10 times the men who have done more significant things in all those areas.

Molly Ren
13 years ago


They went to a party, got overstimulated, and now they’re having a tantrum and need to be put down for a nap?

13 years ago

They went to a party, got overstimulated, and now they’re having a tantrum and need to be put down for a nap?

Wow, this reminds me of girls in grade school who would repeatedly drone out “I know you are, but what am I?”, which was apparently the most clever thing they could think of. I see you’ve evolved quite a bit from age 9.

13 years ago

Actually, the American banks are doing just fine right now. The banks that are in trouble, like Dexia, are the ones with the most exposure to the government debt of oversocialized, unionized, and corrupted to death countries like Greece. And hey look, coincidentally, that’s your model for how a country should be run!

76 banks in 2011 gone under and rescued by the FDIC… Move along, nothing to see here. Don’t worry your pretty little heads about this.

Oooohhh! Look at that…! US banks still have about $13 Billion in off-the-books toxic “assets” still officially “not accounted”

Well Peter sure showed us who’s the smarty McSmarterson.

13 years ago

Wow, this reminds me of girls in grade school who would repeatedly drone out “I know you are, but what am I?”, which was apparently the most clever thing they could think of. I see you’ve evolved quite a bit from age 9.

Projection Over-Ruled.

This misogynist is boring. Throw him back and get one that’s more entertaining.
At least our regulars contribute something to The Big Book o’ Larnin or cyberstalk us to keep us entertained.
This Peter guy is just good for using examples of patriarchy to try and prove there’s no patriarchy.

13 years ago

Agree – he is boring. He even uses NWO’s statistics: 99%, 10 times. The least he could do is use different numbers, and maybe throw in a conspiracy we haven’t heard of yet.

13 years ago

Someone make sure to get a money quote from Peter to put in our troll profiles thread.

13 years ago

Projection Over-Ruled.

This misogynist is boring. Throw him back and get one that’s more entertaining.
At least our regulars contribute something to The Big Book o’ Larnin or cyberstalk us to keep us entertained.
This Peter guy is just good for using examples of patriarchy to try and prove there’s no patriarchy.

And, just like the lame, uninspired princesses of my youth, when you get bored and your feel-goods are threatened in any way, you call over the teacher.

13 years ago

Look, it’s very simple. If a man achieves something great, he’s a totally average man, and his achievement is proof that men are awesome. If a woman achieves something great, she’s the rare, weird exception to the rule that women suck, and her achievement is proof that women suck.

Also, if men outperform women in a given field, it’s evidence of natural male superiority, but if women outperform men, it’s evidence that the women cheated somehow.

And…chemistry and biology don’t involve math? Chemistry? Okay, whatever, we’re clearly not dealing with scientists here.

13 years ago

76 banks in 2011 gone under and rescued by the FDIC… Move along, nothing to see here. Don’t worry your pretty little heads about this.

Oooohhh! Look at that…! US banks still have about $13 Billion in off-the-books toxic “assets” still officially “not accounted”

Well Peter sure showed us who’s the smarty McSmarterson.

Yep, because I actually bothered looking at the links you generated like a thoughtless robot from Google. (Are you a bot? It’s be pretty easy to generate a left-bot, just thrown in “privilege”, “social construct” and “patriarchy” into a random wordstream. But, alas, I digress.)

So, about your 13 billion, well, holy crap, that’s a huge amount of money; what with your 76 banks, with a whopping $300 million in assets each. Well holy shit. If my math is correct, that would total almost 23 Billion. Meanwhile, Dexia by itself has assets totalling $567 Billion dollars. But hey, that little French-Belgian giant doesn’t get mentioned, because it doesn’t fit into your narrative.

Why? Because its troubles were generated by the ideas of people like you. Repeated pro-union governments, high minimum wages, retirement at age 50, free university education, and crushing taxes on anyone stupid enough to not work for the government. But hey, McSmarterson, if you want to believe the economic troubles are all about Wall Street fatcats, go right ahead.

13 years ago

Oh, and a quick reality check: although women are buying homes in much greater numbers than they’ve done in the past, they still make up only about 20% of home buyers. The subprime crisis was not caused by Barbies going on real-estate shopping sprees (those girls can’t get enough shopping, amirite?).

13 years ago

Damn, the trolls can’t even be bothered to be original anymore. Yawn.

13 years ago

Who the fuck can retire at 50 anymore? My grandma retired a 60-something, and that was in the eighties. My dad worked until he lost his job at… 64?

13 years ago

Or, maybe it’s that men naturally have much better mathematical and spacial abilities, and such abilties are directly correlated with prenatal brain testosterone exposure.

Don’t you just love how you can change the natural testosterone effects on infant brains with ease across national and cultural boundaries?

Typical US centric evopsych bullshit fail.

On a similar note, correlation does not prove causation.

13 years ago

Unless trollboy is talking about Greece? idk, his reply makes little sense.

Rutee Katreya
13 years ago

You think you can scare us with Greece? Greece’s effects on the populace happened every 10 years in the US when we had an unregulated banking industry. The only reason it’s being deeper-felt now is that the global economy is more interconnected.

You also missed the word “unaccounted for”. As in, “That isn’t the whole of it”. Not the brightest little right winger in the box, but your kind don’t actually value intelligence. That’s why you can only point at Greece, not say, Sweden, Norway, Germany, Canadia, Japan, Korea, which not only have higher standards of living than the US and better social safety nets, but *aren’t* really in any serious danger of failing due to government management (Falling birth rates may be a long term problem in some, but frankly it’s the correct thing to do and we need to stop pretending infinite growth is a sustainable economic model).

You also didn’t mention China as a model of what US-style economics do to the populace, or any failures in the Phillipinnes, or some of the rather horrific events that befall South America. But then, they’re not white and delightsome, they *never* count.

13 years ago

That’s why you can only point at Greece, not say, Sweden, Norway, Germany, Canadia, Japan, Korea, which not only have higher standards of living than the US and better social safety nets, but *aren’t* really in any serious danger of failing due to government management (Falling birth rates may be a long term problem in some, but frankly it’s the correct thing to do and we need to stop pretending infinite growth is a sustainable economic model).

Well, let’s see here. “Canadia” and Norway have oil; that is the reason those two countries are successful. Sweden is falling apart as a society, whether you acknowledge it or not. Germany too. Germany and Sweden face a day of reckoning with their large Muslim underclasses. Japan and Korea are basketcases; Japan hasn’t experienced economic growth in 20 years, and its population is aging.

China is still more a command-and-control economy than a truly capitalist one. And as for the horrific events that have befallen South America, you can blame communist revolutionaries for many of those, including socialist idiots like Chavez who can run even an oil-rich country into the ground.

Rutee Katreya
13 years ago

Well, let’s see here. “Canadia” and Norway have oil; that is the reason those two countries are successful.

You do realize that the US has substantial oil reserves within its borders, solely counting what is already being tapped, right?

Sweden is falling apart as a society, whether you acknowledge it or not. Germany too. Germany and Sweden face a day of reckoning with their large Muslim underclasses.

Patent lies by islamophobic idiots. Let me guess, you think they’re actually contending with Sharia Law too, right? They’re seeing some more nationalists rise up, but that isn’t really the same as a day of reckoning coming from immigrants.

Japan and Korea are basketcases; Japan hasn’t experienced economic growth in 20 years,

Are you even capable of looking shit up?

Now, it’s true that it could crash again, but it’s certainly higher than it was before.

And again: Infinite growth is not a sustainable model. The world has limits on how many people can operate on it, and there are only so many resources, which we can not perfectly recycle. Economics needs to come to terms with this. What matters is that their people live with a higher standard of living, and the evidence indicates that they will continue to do so for quite some time. Even if what you said were strictly true, it’s not really the proof you want, especially not while their population is falling.

China is still more a command-and-control economy than a truly capitalist one.

Not really at all, actually. This is a common misconception by idiots like you. Their economy is pretty fucking free market. It’s kind of ridiculous how much we still pretend they’re the most communist people on the planet.

And as for the horrific events that have befallen South America, you can blame communist revolutionaries for many of those,

Some, but hardly many. Most of those banana republics were fascist… and.. well, you probably don’t want me reminding you of when Chicago Economists were invited to South America.

But yes, it’s true that some of that is Capitalism. And a great deal of the suffering, especially right now, is being felt because of free marketeers. Farmers are being absolutely killed by competing with American farmers, who would *still* be capable of doing this without subsidies because they’re industrialized, have capital, etc, and the South American farmers are primarily not. Not to even mention the effects of drug lords.

including socialist idiots like Chavez who can run even an oil-rich country into the ground.

What do you base this on, exactly? I don’t have data from his third presidential term onwards, so maybe I’m behind, but a cursory glance at economic indicators show that in his first two, things got substantially better.

Rutee Katreya
13 years ago

Sorry, should be “But yes, it’s true that some of that is Communism”. I mean yes, capitalism is causing the great majority of the damage, but I should concede that it’s by no means responsible for all them. And Imperialism plays a heavy hand too, which perhaps shouldn’t strictly be placed on Capitalism.

Rutee Katreya
13 years ago

I’m also not clear on what you mean by ‘basketcases’. Exceptions? Insane? I mean, the latter makes zero sense applied to South Korea.

13 years ago

You think you can scare us with Greece?

Greece can’t even be scared with Greece. Look at any story covering the crisis; all the idiot Greek union leaders are out there protesting for more of the same, as if bringing the country to its knees with strikes will magically create the wealth necessary for their 6 weeks of vacation and entitled lifestyles.

Nice change of subject though. Back to reality. A major French-Belgian bank with assets over a half-trillion is being bailed out by French and German taxpayers because the Greeks, in addition to inventing democracy, figured out how to break it. The way you do it is for a segment of the population to keep voting itself a larger and larger share of government money. Once that segment reaches critical mass, there’s no going back. And honestly, that’s what all these “Occupy X” protests are for. A minimum wage of $20 per hour. Free university. Single payer health care. “Stimulus” projects to keep gorging the unions. It’s meant to create a broad coalition of interested parties who can keep fattening themselves on government money. If they have their way, you’re straight on the path to Greeceville, only there’s no Germany to bail you out when you screw yourselves.

Oh, and a quick reality check: although women are buying homes in much greater numbers than they’ve done in the past, they still make up only about 20% of home buyers. The subprime crisis was not caused by Barbies going on real-estate shopping sprees

In any number of cases I have personally known, it has always been the woman in the relationship who has pushed for the bigger/flashier house. Always. More to the point, all the shows like “Sell this House”, “Flip this House”, and other home-reno shows were targeted primarily at women. So yeah, I beg to differ. I remember reading a quote that showed women, even if they earned less in a marriage, made 80% of home purchase decisions. You thing hubby gets a big house if wifey doesn’t want one? Please. Feminists can keep playing the victim but I, and an increasingly larger number of men, don’t buy that shit anymore.

Molly Ren
13 years ago

“And honestly, that’s what all these ‘Occupy X’ protests are for. A minimum wage of $20 per hour. Free university. Single payer health care. “Stimulus” projects to keep gorging the unions.”

I’d settle for $12 to $15. It’s hard to make ends meet on less than that where I live… and I don’t mean “It’s hard to go on vacations”. I mean basic things like food and rent.

I’d agree on universal health care and free university, but I think many of them are *against* more stimulus. They think the banks just ate it and didn’t leave any for us.