antifeminism crackpottery evil women I'm totally being sarcastic idiocy men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA oppressed men reactionary bullshit the spearhead

Spearheadonomics: How the ladies caused our economic malaise

These are the awkwardly posed businessladies who wrecked our economy
These are the awkwardly posed businessladies who wrecked our economy

Like a lot of people, when I’m looking for insights on the current economic mess, I turn first to random dudes posting on The Spearhead. Here’s some guy called Poiuyt explaining how ladies and the men who don’t hate them are the source of all our troubles:

Because this god damned genderist society has become so amoral, so degenerate and so bankrupted on account of its genderist pervervions and femaleist subversions, it is going to be exceedingly difficult to grow itself out of the mess it finds itself in. The proverbial golden geese and their precious eggs in male produktivity have been either been killed, eaten, over-exploited, over worked, abused, dis-incentivised, harrased and are now increasingly extinct.

Well, I can’t argue with that, though the whole goose metaphor isn’t working 100% for me, given that I’m pretty sure it’s not the man goose that lays the eggs, but the lady goose. But that’s nitpicking. Poiuyt is on a roll:

You simply cannot get any further male inspired ekonomic growth out of hugely indebted and morally bankrupted societies as ours following genderist statism today, … … because the primary sources of growth potential in male inspired productivity and male entrepreneurship has been cannibalised to the bone. Cannibalised to the point where there is nothing left to base any further ekonomic growth on, consequent of the vicious sexist state ideology of womanism at all costs.

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13 years ago

“Genderist statism” WTF? If anyone knows what the in the fresh hell this means, please do NOT explain it to me. If knew what it was it would lose the mystery and the hilarity. For some reason when I read that I got the song “Glory Glory, Hallelujah” in my head and I can’t purge.
@Ozymandias42, Can you re-make that song with your new band?

I really do wish their rants were set to songs.

13 years ago

Okay, so I sort of get why MRAs spell things funny… Like “Women” is “womyn, wimminz, wymyn” and feminist is sometimes “fymynyst” It has something to do with mockery, specifically, mocking women. I’m not sure how spelling things wrong is mocking to women, except maybe I read somewhere that some radfems/second wavers used “womyn” because of the sexim they saw in the word for woman being a derivative of man? So yea I can kind of see where they’re comming from with that…

But why the fuck is he spelling “economics” “ekonomics”? Who is he mocking by changing the “c” to the “k”? Where is the subversion here? I really don’t fuckin get it.

Arielle Shander
13 years ago

Why do some MRAs make up such stupid words?

13 years ago

Arielle Shander: Truly a question for the ages.

13 years ago

His other words are spelled properly*, maybe english is his second language.

*which raises the possibility that he’s a Poe

Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

I think “ekonomics” is like “Amerika,” in that you’re expressing disapproval by using a K instead of a C, because that’s supposedly a more “Russian” spelling, which means that ekonomics is commie economics.

I’m not even joking, I think that’s what he’s getting at.

13 years ago

Holly; My mind can’t accept that level of stupid. Truely

13 years ago

But why the fuck is he spelling “economics” “ekonomics”? Who is he mocking by changing the “c” to the “k”? Where is the subversion here? I really don’t fuckin get it.

It seems like it comes from replacing the c in “America” with a k, making “Amerika” but with a different and negative view of the United States than the former might imply. My impression is that it comes from lefty anarchist types, but of course is not limited to them. The point is reflecting a deeply cynical view of the affected words–Amerika is like totally fascist man, it’s run by ekonomists and rethuglokrats and Bancers. Wikipedia seems to agree with this view.

Interestingly, there is a website called run by a “crunchy conservative.” It defines “Amerika” as “a type of civilization, not a place” and its alternative to Amerika is “Paleoconservatism: traditional values, monarchism, caste and leadership by culture.” Because that worked out so well for Latin America under Spain, amirite?

13 years ago

“ekonomics” sounds like a shitty bookscase from IKEA that comes with an insane pictogram, missing screws, and drives you to drink.

13 years ago

Thanks Meowicus, I’ve learned something new today 🙂
(also learned: if there’s more than one possibility for why MRA does something, it’ll be the stupidest/meanest one.)

13 years ago

Oops, sorry for the misspelling Moewicus 🙁

13 years ago

hellkell, screws loose are definitely part of it.

13 years ago

Wasn’t “male productivity and male entrepreneurship” more thoroughly “cannibalized” back when men were the only ones allowed to be productive and entrepreneurial? Even if women suck compared to men, surely a workforce of men and women working together will use up that precious male energy less quickly than an all-male workforce.

…Why am I trying to apply logic and two seconds of thought to this?

13 years ago

…Why am I trying to apply logic and two seconds of thought to this?

Hope springs eternal?

13 years ago

Rambling: check
Accusations how women ruined the world: check
Ignoring reality and history: check
Logic: missing.
3 out of 4… obviously enough for these guys to think they are saying anything worth listening to.

Ravenous Beast
Ravenous Beast
13 years ago

Holy hand-held remotes! Ozymandias42 is making an album and ithiliana is buying it. Why with all this producing and consuming we just might have the beginnings of an economy ( Pardon, i mean ekconomy). Please, think of the poor golden egg layers of male productivity, please I implore you.

Jill the Spinster
Jill the Spinster
13 years ago

One prominent spearheader likes to declare that only males can create employment, then WHAT ARE THE MENZ DOING???

MEN, you need to create employment!

Forget Obi-Wan Kenobi, MEN are our only hope!!!

13 years ago

“Wait, so the wimmenz are supposed to sit at home and take care of the baybeez, but women aren’t supposed to expect a man to support them? Is this where NWO’s women sitting in the street and crying thing comes into play?”

I’m still trying to reconcile the MRA insistance that their teenaged daughters be totally ‘pure’ with their insistance that men of all ages should be allowed to have sex with any teenager girl they chose.

13 years ago

Hey genderist, myn-hating, malefirstborn-eating, nonsexhaving whores. How’s it going? First time commenter here.

I see the SP have at once titillated and ravished our intellect with their latest release of sophistry. It’s almost as though this is the first economic recession that has ever occurred. And it’s almost as though the banking cartel and fiscal structure isn’t almost entirely engineered and directed by men. Wut? No. It’s the women. It’s always the women. Facts are immaterial.

13 years ago

I know it’s useless to ask (because according to Spearheaders it probably doesn’t exist), but what about women inspired productivity and entrepreneurship? I’m guessing it’s to blame for the current economic crisis, but that’s one of the few part of this rant I can make sense of (as in the string of words actually resembles a sentence), that we’ve apparently cannabilised (how?) any male productivity (sorry, produktivity). Also, way too many k’s.

Oh, and my rationalization animal is that creepy wolf from Neverending Story…he doesn’t do a very good job.

13 years ago

Ravenous Beast: Our currency is the lulz.

13 years ago

“I know it’s useless to ask (because according to Spearheaders it probably doesn’t exist), but what about women inspired productivity and entrepreneurship?”

Ok, I’ll bite. What about the women-inspired productivity and entrepreneurship? For every one Oprah you can name off the top of your head, I can give you a Jobs, Gates, Paul Allan, Lucas, Sergei Brin, etc, etc. These men have helped create new technologies and thus, themselves drive forward new ways to create wealth. Plus there’s the hundreds of thousands of genius level men who work under them and make their ideas real.

Women entrepreneurs, on the other hand, make their buck primarily by selling unnecessary, non-technological consumer goods to people, primarily women. Oprah promotes books and sells modern snake oil and feel-goods, and Martha Stuart pushes pillow casings and $100 fruit baskets and other crap nobody needs. Why don’t you give me an example of a female entrepreneur who has created innovation, and thus real wealth.

“Spearhead KNOWS that men are primarily responsible for our current economic shitscape, and are scrambling to find some she-goats to scape! Sad and Pathetic, but what else do you expect from spearhead scumsuckers?”

Get bent. The economic crisis in 2008 wasn’t some 1980’s junk bond market crash created exclusively by male traders. It was and is primarily a housing bubble crisis and a consumer credit bubble crisis. And who’s dreamed of having Barbie’s Toy Mansion ever since they were little girls? The crisis coincided with an explosion of female home ownership and female consumer debt. Corrupt men on Wall Street had their hands in repackaging crap mortgages as AAA bonds. But again, before you blame men for everything, why don’t you visit your local bank branch down the street? Who staffs the branch, and thus, who sold all these subprime mortgages to people? Make sure you also blame the hundreds of thousands of branch level women bankers who lied to people’s faces about their mortgages.

13 years ago

Well, I can’t argue with that, though the whole goose metaphor isn’t working 100% for me, given that I’m pretty sure it’s not the man goose that lays the eggs, but the lady goose. But that’s nitpicking. Poiuyt is on a roll:


“Forget it, he’s rolling.”

13 years ago

I have a rationalization shrimp.

13 years ago

“What’s the womans rationalization hamster? Can I get one?”

“Moewicus, I think their hamster thing is their way of saying that a woman can’t think like a man. When she tries to address one of the MRA claims, it’s an exercise in futility like a hamster running on a wheel.”

Whaddya mean “futility”? The Woman’s Rationalization Hamster is the hamster which can generate infinite spin!

Don’t know if I’d want to mess around with the Rationalization Shrimp, though. That thing looks like it might bring back the Flood.