antifeminism crackpottery evil women I'm totally being sarcastic idiocy men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA oppressed men reactionary bullshit the spearhead

Spearheadonomics: How the ladies caused our economic malaise

These are the awkwardly posed businessladies who wrecked our economy
These are the awkwardly posed businessladies who wrecked our economy

Like a lot of people, when I’m looking for insights on the current economic mess, I turn first to random dudes posting on The Spearhead. Here’s some guy called Poiuyt explaining how ladies and the men who don’t hate them are the source of all our troubles:

Because this god damned genderist society has become so amoral, so degenerate and so bankrupted on account of its genderist pervervions and femaleist subversions, it is going to be exceedingly difficult to grow itself out of the mess it finds itself in. The proverbial golden geese and their precious eggs in male produktivity have been either been killed, eaten, over-exploited, over worked, abused, dis-incentivised, harrased and are now increasingly extinct.

Well, I can’t argue with that, though the whole goose metaphor isn’t working 100% for me, given that I’m pretty sure it’s not the man goose that lays the eggs, but the lady goose. But that’s nitpicking. Poiuyt is on a roll:

You simply cannot get any further male inspired ekonomic growth out of hugely indebted and morally bankrupted societies as ours following genderist statism today, … … because the primary sources of growth potential in male inspired productivity and male entrepreneurship has been cannibalised to the bone. Cannibalised to the point where there is nothing left to base any further ekonomic growth on, consequent of the vicious sexist state ideology of womanism at all costs.

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13 years ago

Ya know, I’ve never actually “identified” myself as a man.

Straight men, such as myself

Of course you didn’t.

13 years ago

/me seconds Molly Ren. Seriously, had I but known you id as owl, I wouldn’t have made such toxic assumptions about your gender and sexuality. Many apologies.

13 years ago

If you wanna identify as an owl, I’ll call you that from now on.

Look out, DKM, NWO’s gonna eat all your pettables and turn them into pellets! DX

13 years ago

“I’m sure NWO could find some way to be just a little bit more passive-aggressive if he put some effort into it…”

And I’m sure you could find a way to be a tish more condecending as well. Talking about me in the third peson is always a good start. Do you feel superior now?

Molly Ren
13 years ago

*offers NWO some mice* 😀

13 years ago

Wow, Slavey’s getting rowdy tonight.

13 years ago

NWO: The simple fact that you hang around a feminist space and act all shocked when we don’t worship the Mighty Peen makes me feel superior to you. Nothing else required.

13 years ago

Cool, another bird on Manboobz 🙂 O,O <meant to be an owl face

Molly Ren
13 years ago

( V )
" "

^ totally looks like an owl, rite?

13 years ago

I dunno about owls, but this is my penguin:

13 years ago


13 years ago

Pretend the ” – “s are ” > “s… -(^v^)-

Molly Ren
13 years ago

Ah, posting owl emoticons at 10 at night on Man Boobz. Truly, this is living. 😛

13 years ago

“Do you feel superior now?”

I’m pretty sure that my cat feels superior to you.

(Granted that this is in part because she is a cat and thus feeling superior to other creatures is her natural state.)

13 years ago

Molly, your owl looks high as balls. 😀

13 years ago

I hate it when people put pointless and inconsistent affectations in their writing. It makes me take them far less seriously.

13 years ago

“NWO: The simple fact that you hang around a feminist space and act all shocked when we don’t worship the Mighty Peen makes me feel superior to you. Nothing else required.”

That feeling of superiority has been indoctrinated into you since birth. The “feminist space” just reinforces your indoctrination.

Are women oppressed because there aren’t as many in IT?
Will Big Daddy remedy the situation?
How much will it cost for Big Daddy to remedy the situation?
Will men need to give up slots in education for Big Daddy’s remedy?
Will men need to give up slots in employment for Big Daddy’s remedy?
Will there eventually be more women than men in IT after the remedy?
Will women then claim how women are superior at IT after the remedy?
Hasn’t this been the model used whenever women cry oppression?

Molly Ren
13 years ago

Bagelsan, he must have been sharing joints with OWLslave.

13 years ago

Nah, in order to make as little sense as Slavey you need acid. In order to be as angry as MRAL I think PCP would be required.

13 years ago

I dunno, Molly, NWO smoking weed would probably increase his paranoia, which is already redlining.

13 years ago

Your owl is a sweetheart; I’ll bet OWLslave is a terrible buzzkill to be around.

13 years ago

NWO did say that “joints” are the only medication he trusts. So yeeeah.

13 years ago

I’ve heard they help with migraines.

13 years ago

You know how sometimes one really bad trip can knock a person’s brain askew from reality permanently? I wonder if the same thing might work in reverse in Slavey’s case. It’s worth a shot.

13 years ago

I think ‘shrooms would be more his speed. Not too overtly trippy and would blow a lot of the bad shit in his head out.