What the fuck is wrong with Reddit these days? Today, the denizens of AskReddit are debating the topic: Is it wrong to hit a woman? You can probably figure out what the consensus is. (Hint: Two letter word, starts with N.) What’s especially striking is how, well, gleeful the discussion is. Redditor after Redditor weighs in with the exact same opinion on the subject; others reply with jokey assent; everybody gets upvotes, sometimes hundreds of them. This exchange captures some of the flavor of the, er, “discussion” there:

These aren’t people arguing dispassionately that in the interest of equality we should treat hitting women the same as hitting men, and that ideally no one should be hitting anyone at all. These are guys (mostly) using the topic as an excuse to complain about “bitches” and their rights.
Others, meanwhile, decided to use the topic as masturbation fantasy fodder, suggesting that the original poster had missed his chance for some hot sex with the woman he slapped. As toothsayer put it:
The single slap is disrespectful, shows that you are pissy bitch, and will not get you laid. However, catching up to her as she is walking away, scooping her up, bending her over the knee and repeatedly spanking that ass would have led to some seriously hard core sex.
47 upvotes for that hilarious suggestion.
Perhaps all of the commenters should simply up and move to Topeka, Kansas, where the city council is considering decriminalizing domestic violence in order to save a few bucks. Seriously.
Note: Once again, I have the fine folks (no sarcasm here; they actually are fine) at ShitRedditSays for pointing this discussion out to me. Here’s the SRS discussion of the whole stinky mess.
I pledge: my next post will have nothing to do with Reddit.
DKM thinks women should be beaten, and should be like fluffy kittens. DKM keeps fluffy kittens (I think, from the fluffy kitten thread. Does DKM beat fluffy kittens?
Also, given his belief that women should be more like fluffy kittens so that they’re cute and harmless, does DMK get his kittens declawed? If so then I am not amused.
I think he should write his own! It’d be like Gor for furries. So fucking kawaii desu. 😀
Hmm, I’m trying to think of something he might like but mostly I read stuff that he’d find hugely offensive, with female characters that have speaking parts and brains and whatnot… He could try Chobits? DKM’s also the one who wants to bang roboladies, right?
I think I understand what NWO is getting at with the arrest = violence thing. I must be coming down with something. 🙁
I think even the characters in Chobits are too empowered for his liking. There was one I remember that the boy and I turned off after a scene of the trained killer alien girl rubbing her boobs up against the gormless boy’s hand and making mewing noises. Elfen Lied, maybe? I would say that one would be perfect for him, except for the bit where the sexy alien girls who make kitty noises kill people.
@Holly Pervocracy
“I don’t even need to edit this to put in the Big Book.”
Here, put this in your big book. State by state mandatory arrest in DV, and state by state primary aggressor laws.
A few favorites for determining the primary aggressor.
“The severity of injuries”
How can “severity” possibly indicate initiator?
“Likelyhood of future injury”
How can this possibly be determined?
“threats creating fear of physical injury”
I was just told by the white knight, “threat of violence” isn’t violence.
“wether one party acted in self defense”
That means a man can actually be physically hurt, the woman undamaged as long as she claims self defense.
“evidence from persons involved in dispute”
This is the person making the phone call as the evidence.
So slap this crap in your big book. Talk about an abuse of power. Remember, women aren’t a monolithic block, and some women will use these laws to maliciously commit State violence against men. These are your laws, you are soley to blame.
Or cyborg ladies, I forget.
Yes, of course I am the only browser on manboobz who likes soft, cute, fluffy things. That is why I gave three posts to the kitten and hamster feature which had 41 in total. Where did the other 38 come from?
As far as calling them “pettables”, I really don’t know why I chose such a ridiculous descriptive for them. I tried to call them “scratchies”, “pricklies”, and barbedwire animals, among other terms for harsh, prickly things, but it never went over too well!
“Pettables” and “furries” it is, however objectionable they may be to some people around here! As far as women go, I think that soft, cuddly, pleasing, and affectionate women are preferable to the human porcupines that characterise too many of the women(?) on manboobz.com
Doesn’t the girl from Elfen Lied have a tendency to murder the shit out of people? Not tame enough for Meller, I think.
“Pricklies” can be a perfectly accurate name for kittens, sometimes. 🙂
Magpie: Our Kamikaze Crazypants (aka HellBeast) left me with multiple visible scars. She’s an unpredictable little brat.
It’s like a horrifying MRA version of “Does it blend?” :p
(Alternative meme: is it a fluffy kitten? No, Chuck Testa.)
I keep telling DKM that my husband seems to find me cuddly and affectionate enough, but I’m a self admitted feminist, therefore an evil liar.
It doesn’t, but it can, especially when pronounced (person A has a red mark on their cheek and person B has a compound fracture), show who is more badly in need of protection.
It can’t, not exactly. It’s just one of those things you have to eyeball.
It’s not violence. It is, however, both abusive and illegal.
(It’s also one of those things… do you really think there’s a lot of good men out there innocently threatening violence who need you to watch out for them? It’s not a cause I’d choose to stick up for.)
Well, yeah. That’s the case no matter which way you put the genders. The police can come to your house and find you holding a smoking gun in front of a dead person and you’ll be totally off the hook if it’s found to be self-defense.
There’s going to be an investigation and probably trial, though; it’s not like the woman just says “self-defense!” and that’s magic and now the justice system doesn’t happen.
How exactly do you propose to stop crimes–any crimes, not just domestic violence, how would you stop people knocking over donut stands–if you don’t believe in arrests or accusations or evidence? This doesn’t leave the police room to enforce anything on anybody.
Hey, maybe Crazypants left scars because she was pissed off that I’m a feminist? In the MRA verse, where correlation is always causation, maybe.
Call me crazy, but aren’t porcupines only harmful if you approach their quills the wrong way?
About predominant aggressor laws, from stopvaw.org/Determining_the_Predominant_Aggressor.html:
Remember NWOwlyslave, abusers aren’t a monolithic block, and are likely to try to manipulate the legal system to cut their victims off from support. It’s therefore important to take several factors into account in order to focus on, you know, predominant aggressors. Tell me owly, how does crying and play-acting affect your history of assault convictions?
Holly: Now I want timbits, and I have no money. Thanks!
Also, NWO, those are all things for officers to consider on the scene of a DV call when deciding whether to make an arrest. They’re not necessarily factors in a conviction.
If you demand a conviction level of proof before police can make an arrest–like I said, you won’t be able to stop criminals from robbery or property destruction or anything if you hold police to that ridiculous standard.
I was just told by the white knight, “threat of violence” isn’t violence.
I assume he means me, and that I am supposed to be offended by his use of MRA shaming language.
Threat of violence isn’t violence. The state, to function as an arbiter of laws, and supressor of actual violence, has the power to compel.
As I said, by your definition any human interaction, sooner or later, comes up against a law; and that makes it violent.
Ergo your definition isn’t useful.
It’s not OK to hit a woman because it’s not OK to hit anybody outside of self-defense.
Can we as a society please get away from this patriarchal nonsense about how it’s wrong for a man to hit a woman because women, like children, can’t defend themselves? IT’S WRONG TO HIT PEOPLE, OK? DON’T HIT PEOPLE.
Yeah, I’ve heard of Elfen Lied. Not sure there’s enough of any redeeming qualities for me to want to watch it, frankly. Mostly it sounds like it’s intended to shocking, but I’ve seen plenty of shocking stuff that wasn’t all naked psychotic jailbaitastic (like effing traumatizing Here and There, Now and Then in which the characters are all child soldiers and gang-raped and shit. Jeezus.)
Moewicus: Call me crazy, but aren’t porcupines only harmful if you approach their quills the wrong way?
No. If they are upset, they can lift them, or shake them, at which point they are all “the wrong way”.
But they look as if you could pet them, as with petting Meller, I recommend against this behavior.
Holly: If you demand a conviction level of proof before police can make an arrest–like I said, you won’t be able to stop criminals from robbery or property destruction or anything if you hold police to that ridiculous standard.
You begin to see the method in his madness. Recall his desire to become a sovereign citizen, his disdain for age of consent laws, his ideas about who women who arouse him, “by flaunting their uncontrolled sexuality” are being cruel for giving men blue balls, and that makes them sluts who are “asking” to be raped (which they totes brought on themselves, so it’s not really rape).
So making it impossible to enforce laws isn’t a bug, it’s the purpose.
Holy balls, that suggestion. Yeah, hit a woman, then when she walks off, grab her and spank her, and she’ll have wild monkey-sex with you!
Is it any wonder these assholes keep obsessing about rape accusations? Even subconsciously they have got to know this shit is beyond idiotic, and likely to get whoever is stupid enough to try it one.
KathleenB, maybe Crazypants left scars because SHE’S a feminist. Aren’t we all violent harridans?
Kamikaze Crazypants Hellbeast is the ideal name for a kitten. Although, it might faile the catname test: would you be embarrassed to stand in the street at midnight, yelling the name and banging a tin of catfood with a spoon? :3