What the fuck is wrong with Reddit these days? Today, the denizens of AskReddit are debating the topic: Is it wrong to hit a woman? You can probably figure out what the consensus is. (Hint: Two letter word, starts with N.) What’s especially striking is how, well, gleeful the discussion is. Redditor after Redditor weighs in with the exact same opinion on the subject; others reply with jokey assent; everybody gets upvotes, sometimes hundreds of them. This exchange captures some of the flavor of the, er, “discussion” there:

These aren’t people arguing dispassionately that in the interest of equality we should treat hitting women the same as hitting men, and that ideally no one should be hitting anyone at all. These are guys (mostly) using the topic as an excuse to complain about “bitches” and their rights.
Others, meanwhile, decided to use the topic as masturbation fantasy fodder, suggesting that the original poster had missed his chance for some hot sex with the woman he slapped. As toothsayer put it:
The single slap is disrespectful, shows that you are pissy bitch, and will not get you laid. However, catching up to her as she is walking away, scooping her up, bending her over the knee and repeatedly spanking that ass would have led to some seriously hard core sex.
47 upvotes for that hilarious suggestion.
Perhaps all of the commenters should simply up and move to Topeka, Kansas, where the city council is considering decriminalizing domestic violence in order to save a few bucks. Seriously.
Note: Once again, I have the fine folks (no sarcasm here; they actually are fine) at ShitRedditSays for pointing this discussion out to me. Here’s the SRS discussion of the whole stinky mess.
I pledge: my next post will have nothing to do with Reddit.
OK, I’m sorry, David HAS to be a troll. Fluffy bunnies with vaginas?
Well at least both MRAs are consistent in their desire to freely beat up those they are in relationships with.
I guess the move to Kansas will be on for both of them.
Shoter DKM: People pointing out violence upsets the old order in which violence was acceptable. A percentage pulled out of my bottom, and a quote from Abraham Lincoln.
NWO: A phone call is made, Will I be physically dragged from my home? Since I can’t refuse or I’ll be physically dragged away, that’s physical violence. Will I be physically incarcerated? Since I can’t refuse or I’ll physically dragged into a cell, that’s physical violence. Will I be physically processed? Since I can’t refuse or they’ll simply keep my physically incarcerated until I submit to processing, that’s physical violence, Will I be physically given a court order? If I refuse to obey the court order I will be physically hauled off to prison, that’s physical violence. When/If I lose, I will be forced to comply with whatever punishment the State doles out, if I refuse or even convicted, violence against me has occured.
No, it’s not violence. It’s power, backed with the threat of violence, but it’s not violence.
The difference is subtle, but important. If one could just be harmful to other people, and the state didn’t act to deal with it, there would be a lot more real violence, as opposed to the sophistic nonsense you are pretending is actual violence.
As usual, you aren’t even managing to rise to the level of wrong, just clueless.
“As I’ve said to far smarter journalists, politicians, and meddling reformers (who have come to grief) than you:”
Professional note to self – David may be in the habit of killing journalists (and also ‘reformers”, whatever those are – I assume he doesn’t mean the Pilates machine).
I apologize for misleading you there: that is my parody of DKM’s previous comment. He has, however, explicitly recommended that women be softer like bunnies etc, contemporaneously with the fluffy animals discussion, which is why I made that joke.
@Holly Pervocracy
“That’s what happens when you’re accused of a crime. Any other course of action would require the police to just ignore crime.”
For theft there must be a stolen item and some evidence that you are even a suspect. That evidence must be gathered, processed and so forth. For murder you need a body, court order and whatever evidence you can gather. For other crimes you need due process. For DV, all you need is a phone call. There is no due process for DV.
DKM: I’ve been in a stable and happy relationship for over ten years. I want others to be in stable and happy relationships if that’s what they want. I even want you to be in a stable and happy relationship, provided you can find the absolute perfect sub out there. (best of luck with that, btw) Spousal abuse and rape existed long before the feminist movement.
Shorter DKM: ” I keep trying to fool all of the people, all of the time, and they catch me in my fantasies of beating women who offend me by not being appropriately compliant, and who want to be be beaten, but I can’t fool them.”
Remember, this is the guy who says women are beaten because they “know all the right buttons to push” to make their partners hit them.
This is the man who believes that women who don’t agree with his view of gender relations deserve to have painful cancers and die in agony; while he chortles in his joy.
This is the man who thinks women must either submit to the loving attentions of men like him, or be wiped out when those loving paragons of tender manliness can’t take it any more and kill them; so that women can be safe, and loved, and cherished.
I’ll say it correctly, Meller.
“I want to beat women who don’t obey me without question, and I’d like to have anyone who tries to stop me murdered, all while lying my ass off about how awful violence is.
DKM – I saw a person stabbed once over taking the last chicken wing.
Do you really have the cojones to say this is all about the victim’s actions, and they should have known not to try and eat that wing? Do you think that person would have been totally safe in that home if they hadn’t taken the wing? Do you think it’s natural or okay that the person with the knife can dictate whatever they want in that home?
(By the way, for all MRAs like to pretend to care about male victims, discourse like this makes it pretty clear that DKM, at least, only sees himself in the role of potential aggressor.)
Oh, so he didn’t reference, what did he call them, petables maybe, this time? Eh, he’ll be back in I want a woman who’s like a kitten mode soon enough.
Where’s Bagelsan when I need her? I think we need to introduce David to the wonderful world of catgirl manga. Maybe he could use it to work of some of that negative energy. OTOH if he were to follow links and stumble across Kimi Wa Petto we might never hear the end of it.
I don’t even need to edit this to put in the Big Book.
NWO: For theft there must be a stolen item and some evidence that you are even a suspect. That evidence must be gathered, processed and so forth. For murder you need a body, court order and whatever evidence you can gather. For other crimes you need due process. For DV, all you need is a phone call. There is no due process for DV.
Again with the clueless. Arrest is part of due process.
Someone shot at my neighbors house. I was accused. I was arrested. That’s all there was to the situation.
I got my bail reduced, I made bail. I showed that I wasn’t home at the time the offense took place, ergo I was not guilty.
That’s due process.
Arrest is part of the process.
For theft, all you need is someone who says the thing was stolen, and that you did it. The cops don’t know if you owned it in the first place, just that you say it’s gone now.
Again, NWO shows his amazing ability to be wrong in a Mandelbrotian way.
Ahh, Topeka, Kansas. Home of the Westboro Baptist Church. DKM and NWO will fit right in.
“No, it’s not violence. It’s power, backed with the threat of violence, but it’s not violence.”
A call is made the cops come, I refuse to leave my home. Will I be violently taken from my home? When you can’t refuse under threat of violence, that’s violence. If I tell a woman to do as I say or I’ll commit violence against her, or the cops tell me to do as they say or they’ll commit violence against me. I’m not really seeing the difference. Both are cases of do as I say or you’ll be on the recieving end of violence.
Just to make sure I’ve untangled DKM’s verbal knot, he’s saying that violence is unacceptable under any circumstances, but IF a person gets beat up for pushing someone else’s buttons, it’s actually shiny?
Or if not shiny, at least understandable?
NWO: In your example paying for food (even with gold) is violence. If you don’t pay the vendor will call the cops, and you will be arrested.
It’s violence all the way down.
Again, not even wrong, that’s just stupid.
Pecunium – Hell, in that scenario, telling someone not to be violent is violent.
KathleenB: It’s understandable, and deserved, if it was a woman who pushed the buttons
A man isn’t pushing buttons, but offering loving correction to the soft and caressable treasure that is his beloved and submissive spouse; who should be adoring him and making his life one of ease and pleasure, because her happiness is his happiness.
Wait, when did the turtles get replaced? Nobody ever tells me anything!
KathleenB: What I got from it is that violence in completely unacceptable under any circumstances that involve David K. Meller getting his way.
Holly: It’s a stripe of libertarianism. Anything the state does which isn’t enforcing a contract is violence.
Contracts are sacred. Like gold, they are magic; they remove all possibility of cheating other people,and one could never be built in a way that exploits people, because in the ideal world all actors will be rational and realise that cheating people can’t work, in the long run, and so they will be fair and honest in all their dealings in the short run.
We used to have this, and that’s why the 1890s was called “The Gilded Age” because everyone was free, since the evil regulations hadn’t ruined everything and created the modern hellhole we all live in.