What the fuck is wrong with Reddit these days? Today, the denizens of AskReddit are debating the topic: Is it wrong to hit a woman? You can probably figure out what the consensus is. (Hint: Two letter word, starts with N.) What’s especially striking is how, well, gleeful the discussion is. Redditor after Redditor weighs in with the exact same opinion on the subject; others reply with jokey assent; everybody gets upvotes, sometimes hundreds of them. This exchange captures some of the flavor of the, er, “discussion” there:

These aren’t people arguing dispassionately that in the interest of equality we should treat hitting women the same as hitting men, and that ideally no one should be hitting anyone at all. These are guys (mostly) using the topic as an excuse to complain about “bitches” and their rights.
Others, meanwhile, decided to use the topic as masturbation fantasy fodder, suggesting that the original poster had missed his chance for some hot sex with the woman he slapped. As toothsayer put it:
The single slap is disrespectful, shows that you are pissy bitch, and will not get you laid. However, catching up to her as she is walking away, scooping her up, bending her over the knee and repeatedly spanking that ass would have led to some seriously hard core sex.
47 upvotes for that hilarious suggestion.
Perhaps all of the commenters should simply up and move to Topeka, Kansas, where the city council is considering decriminalizing domestic violence in order to save a few bucks. Seriously.
Note: Once again, I have the fine folks (no sarcasm here; they actually are fine) at ShitRedditSays for pointing this discussion out to me. Here’s the SRS discussion of the whole stinky mess.
I pledge: my next post will have nothing to do with Reddit.
No, it keeps getting brought up da crew, who can’t admit they’re wrong. I didn’t bring it up.
You lie. You lie in your teeth.
You said Spanish and Cyrillic use the same alphabet. People mention it to remind you of the foolish crap you believe, and which (in the face of evidence) you repeat.
Please tell me the root alphabet for Cyrillic.
How quickly you pretend to forget. We did this already. The “root” alphabet for Cyrillic is Old Church Slavonic. The (rough) basis for that alphabet is the Greek alphabet. The root alphabet for Spanish is the Latin alphabet.
@Holly Pervocracy
Ok Holly, seriously, no lizards no bullshit. If you want me to take you seriously you need to act it. OK?
Heres the two questions.
#1) A man and woman are verbally fighting, who starts it is irrelevant, but the man hits the woman. This is physical violence, correct?
#2) A man and woman are verbally fighting, again, who starts it is irrelevant, but this time the woman calls the cops, cries when they arrive, the whole bit and the man is hauled off and given the whole nine yards. Do you consider this phsysical violence as well?
“Whoa, we all think alike. We’re not a monolithic block ya know. That means you don’t see me as human. Deluded piece of fail, thats really not seeing me as human. I thought feminism was about everyone being an individual?”
I love this adorable passive aggressive thing Slavey tries and do thinking it’s an intellectual game changer, but to answer his question this honestly has nothing to do with feminism and more to do with my personal criteria of assigning certain people in the category of utter pieces of shit, who will die unloved and alone. For example, this category includes the like of impotently wrathful young misogynists (MRAL), anti-korean pedophile apologists with nazi fashion adorations (Juandelacruz), and utterly moronic and socially incompotent losers from Texas whose negative traits see-saw between either baffingly ignorance (Jews as evangelical religion), to utterly reprehension (desire to sleep with 15 years olds, demanding details of a woman’s rape).
AKA, you know who.
So when did “da crew” replace “Big Daddy” as NWO’s latest nonsensical feminist conspiracy group thing or whatever the hell he’s always on about?
You can answer my above question as well, Ozy. And as far as you acedemic career, I guessed as much as you can tell.
Yes. (It would be if the woman hit the man, as well.)
No. That’s law enforcement. If they’re doing their job correctly–and I freely admit lots of cops don’t–the man shouldn’t be physically harmed unless he physically resists. But placing someone in police custody is not, in itself, an act of violence.
Lauralot – “Da crew” is sort of vaguely racist, I think? But mostly nonsensical.
Holly, I can’t say I know how it works for Sovereign Lunatics, but to Smugertarians, the police doing ANYTHING is violence. So expect some weird gotchas, I guess, Sovereign Lunatics seem to overlap heavily with smugertarianism.
Not really. You did a vague guess that hits about half of the non art majors. That’s not really a solid prediction. You don’t really get credit if, when asked, “I’m thinking of a number between 1 through 10, what is it?” you answer “1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 10”
Shaenon, I love your sheer dedication to this silliness XD
@Holly Pervocracy
” No. That’s law enforcement. If they’re doing their job correctly–and I freely admit lots of cops don’t–the man shouldn’t be physically harmed unless he physically resists. But placing someone in police custody is not, in itself, an act of violence.”
We apparently have a different view of physical violence. The State comes into your house uninvited, hauls you away, locks you up, fingerprints you, takes a mug shot, hands you a court order to appear in court, gives you a criminal record and whatever else goes with the fun process. And all this is done from a mere phonecall. I find that violent. If an individual did the same thing it would be kidnapping and a whole host of other violent charges.
Now imagine if the rules were reversed, mandatory arrest laws for any DV report along with predominant aggressor laws. and women were prediminantly arrested as the predominant aggressor. Would you then find it to be physical violence?
Few activities are more repellent than domestic violence or spousal abuse of ANY sort–female on male violence is about as common, and often as dangerous, as the FAR more frequently cited male on female, but I still think that an “ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure”!
What does the wife (or girlfriend) DO to make an otherwise quiet, normal, loving mate turn into a raging lunatic? Is there anything she does, in this age of, and environment favoring, confrontation and rivalry, to repeatedly bring out the worst of him? Is criminalizing DV always the best response? Is sending her–along with his children–to a shelter, facilitating the breakdown of what would otherwise be a troubled, but perhaps salvagable relationship, always the right answer?
I doubt it! There are possibilities that the man can learn to be the authority in the household without cruelty and viciousness, and that the woman could stop bringing out the worst in him by focusing on preventing conflicts and harmonizing resolution of differences rather than turning everything into a power struggle. Of course, if more women learned to do this, and do this well, yielding to the man and male authority on all unimportant issues, especially as they learned to be a man’s “better half” or “nearest and dearest” before their marriage, or their permanent household is set up, the resultant harmony and love means that you feminists would all have absolutely nothing to do, except sit around bitching about men, and the relationships that YOUALL never had, and finding fault with us, when you weren’t twiddling your thumbs, wearing your trousers, and wearing your usual frowns looking (and sounding) foolish!
Is there a symbiotic relationship between ‘domestic violence” and feminism? I don’t know, but it would be interesting to further explore this little tidbit, wouldn’t it? If more women knew how to properly submit to their men, and more men knew how to properly and humanely exercise their authority, you would all be obsolete!
David K. Meller
Jesus fucking god, we’re approaching a troll singularity here. All we need are MRAL and possibly Toysoldier, and the internet will implode under it’s own weight!
NWO: I had just that done (a mere phone call, and then I was arrested). It’s called law enforcement. It wasn’t “violent”. It was unpleasant. It was a pain in the ass to get cleared up. I didn’t get my rifles back for something like six months, but it wasn’t violence.
Speaking as someone who was paid to be violent, violence involves the use of physical force to harm/injure another person.
Cops have been known to be violent (and often without cause), but them doing their jobs, no matter how much you may disagree with the reason, isn’t violence. It’s the anti-violence, because it’s (as much as can be managed) impartial. They have no dog in the fight.
Shorter DKM: I want a slavegirl who will let me beat her if she acts up.
That’s what happens when you’re accused of a crime. Any other course of action would require the police to just ignore crime.
Never mind domestic violence; you couldn’t stop any crime if you required cops to have proof of guilt before arresting someone. That’s not what an arrest is for.
No. That’s not a reversal of laws at all; that’s the exact same laws (in some areas) in an alternate universe where women commit violence more often. So of courses my opinion on the laws isn’t changed.
It’s funny, NWO makes me angry but I can argue with him, but DKM just grosses me out.
I guess it’s because NWO still tries to prove (in his way) that his beliefs aren’t evil, and DKM just never gives a fuck about being completely evil.
Blockquotes. My mortal enemy.
That and the fur thing he’s got. That’s just creepy. And gross.
DKM’s latest masterpiece brings to mind the term “JAQing off.”
e.g. What is it women do to turn men violent? Could it be how shrewish they are and how they strive for a foolish equality when they could be soft like fluffy bunnies with vaginas? I don’t know, but it’s an interesting question!
Remember, ladies, if you get offended it’s probably because you like bad boys. Otherwise you wouldn’t notice.
And once again, Meller is lying about his desire to beat women. Not remotely surprising.
“Now imagine if the rules were reversed, mandatory arrest laws for any DV report along with predominant aggressor laws. and women were prediminantly arrested as the predominant aggressor. Would you then find it to be physical violence?”
“prediminantly”? Also no, that’s not physical violence, unless the cops beat you up during the process.
“Speaking as someone who was paid to be violent, violence involves the use of physical force to harm/injure another person.”
A phone call is made, Will I be physically dragged from my home? Since I can’t refuse or I’ll be physically dragged away, that’s physical violence. Will I be physically incarcerated? Since I can’t refuse or I’ll physically dragged into a cell, that’s physical violence. Will I be physically processed? Since I can’t refuse or they’ll simply keep my physically incarcerated until I submit to processing, that’s physical violence, Will I be physically given a court order? If I refuse to obey the court order I will be physically hauled off to prison, that’s physical violence. When/If I lose, I will be forced to comply with whatever punishment the State doles out, if I refuse or even convicted, violence against me has occured.
KathleenB–October 7, 2011 @10:45pm
For heaven’s sake, at least say it correctly! “Shorter DKM: I want a woman who is so sweet and pretty, so compliant and harmonious with me, that disagreements that may (at their worst) lead to possible violence will never happen!” Violence is a symptom that the relationship is flawed, and I don’t want, and can’t use a flawed relationship!
On the other hand, flawed (perhaps even violent) “relationships” are YOUR bread and butter, aren’t they? You–along with the other manboobzers–wouldn’t know what to do with yourself if you couldn’t condemn us horrid, goddamn, f*****g, MEN for spousal abuse, domestic violence, rape (of all shapes, sizes, and types) and so on…
You and yours are the causes of at least 80% + of the sexual and marital dysfunction in the world, and the rest of us are wiseing up to all of you! As I’ve said to far smarter journalists, politicians, and meddling reformers (who have come to grief) than you:
You can fool SOME of the people ALL of the time.
You can fool ALL of the people SOME of the time.
But you CAN’T fool ALL of the people ALL of the time!!
There ain’t no such thing!!
David K. Meller