What the fuck is wrong with Reddit these days? Today, the denizens of AskReddit are debating the topic: Is it wrong to hit a woman? You can probably figure out what the consensus is. (Hint: Two letter word, starts with N.) What’s especially striking is how, well, gleeful the discussion is. Redditor after Redditor weighs in with the exact same opinion on the subject; others reply with jokey assent; everybody gets upvotes, sometimes hundreds of them. This exchange captures some of the flavor of the, er, “discussion” there:

These aren’t people arguing dispassionately that in the interest of equality we should treat hitting women the same as hitting men, and that ideally no one should be hitting anyone at all. These are guys (mostly) using the topic as an excuse to complain about “bitches” and their rights.
Others, meanwhile, decided to use the topic as masturbation fantasy fodder, suggesting that the original poster had missed his chance for some hot sex with the woman he slapped. As toothsayer put it:
The single slap is disrespectful, shows that you are pissy bitch, and will not get you laid. However, catching up to her as she is walking away, scooping her up, bending her over the knee and repeatedly spanking that ass would have led to some seriously hard core sex.
47 upvotes for that hilarious suggestion.
Perhaps all of the commenters should simply up and move to Topeka, Kansas, where the city council is considering decriminalizing domestic violence in order to save a few bucks. Seriously.
Note: Once again, I have the fine folks (no sarcasm here; they actually are fine) at ShitRedditSays for pointing this discussion out to me. Here’s the SRS discussion of the whole stinky mess.
I pledge: my next post will have nothing to do with Reddit.
Quick thing, while it is not academically viable, Wikipedia is a better source of information then the holocaust denier sites and the Islamic paranoia forums Slavey slums in.
“Than go anywhere and give me the root alphabet of Cryllic. I find this infathomable that none of you can admit you’re wrong. Something so simple as the root of a language. It doesn’t even have anything to do with feminism. That’s how incorrect the stance of feminism is. None of you can admit error in anything, even if it’s non-related and irrelevant.”
Is he kidding me? I know he is are famous for his sissy “Tough day at fake job guys, need my beauty rest” flounce but after he posted the entire “find me the root alphabet” nonsense last time I think a number of people answered him and he could have at least checked his bullshit.
The root alphabet doesn’t have anything to do with stupidly thinking two separate languages based of divergent Greek and Latin linguistic and written systems are identical, Jesus what’s next? Is he going to say Hindi and Celtic are the same language because the Indo-European language tree?
Fucking Cyrillic, how does it work?
*is famous*, god it has been a long week.
@Holly Pervocracy
“Also, NWO, this is a question I want to ask every MRA: why don’t you want to be the better man?
Say (this isn’t true, but say) that feminists really were drooling hellmonsters. Say we really did want to beat men and take all their money and give them flouride.
Wouldn’t you want to be better than that? Wouldn’t you want to demonstrate superiority, instead of being perfectly content to merely be the gender opposite of an evil (fictional) movement? It seems like the gender opposite of evil is evil.
Don’t you have any aspirations to be not evil?”
I already am a better man. I fight in wahtever small way a bottom dweller like myself can against an oppressive State. I’m quite generous for a man who grew up in poverty, since I know the sting of hunger and want.
Feminists are useful idiots who hand power over to the State in a belief they’re getting more bang for their buck. I’ve turned the other cheek more than a few times, but I’ve learned that sometimes that’s the last thing that needs to be done.
Many years ago, in my youth, I was actually foolish enough to believe women never lie about rape, they were good, faithful, compassionate and all that garbage spoon fed to me every second of every day. You can imagine my shock at actual reality that men were actually the ones getting shortshifted.
I’m not evil, I’m against a tyranical State imposed system. Feminism says their fighting it, when in reality they’re building it. Feminists are my enemy, they are aligned with the State against men.
I wish I were a better man. 🙂
“I’m not evil, I’m against a tyranical State imposed system. Feminism says their fighting it, when in reality they’re building it. Feminists are my enemy, they are aligned with the State against men.”
I see the starry eyed beginnings of a sovereign citizen police killing (just kidding, more like more impotent bitching on the internet).
“But I violently hate the correct unarmed civilians” is not how being a better man works.
“Okay, just now Moewicus pointed out that the Cyrillic alphabet is derived from the Greek. This is not the first someone has done this. I’m pretty sure it’s not even the second time. Yet NWOslave keeps asking people to tell him where Cyrillic came from. No disagreement, no citing sources of his own that might be contradictory, just ignores it and asks again. Every single time.”
No, it keeps getting brought up da crew, who can’t admit they’re wrong. I didn’t bring it up.
Reading the Reddit thread, it sounds like the original poster slapped the woman more out of confusion over her weird behavior than anything else (and honestly, I don’t know what I’d do if someone started yanking buttons off my shirt), and is genuinely concerned about whether it was wrong. I also get the impression that everyone involved may have been drinking just a leeettle too much. It’s in the comments that things get vile. But that’s what happens on any unmoderated forum; it gets clogged with dumb kids posting obnoxious crap just for the hell of it, and then the whole place is ruined.
Mock you mercilessly for being an asshat?
NWOslave sez:
Great. Now, do you acknowledge that your accusations of hypocrisy by feminists on the basis that male submission good/female submission bad is comically wrong when you’re talking at least one woman that is both vocally feminist and sexually submissive?
And why does it take so much to get you to acknowledge when you’re wrong rather than focus on the tiny bit of someone’s comment that’s about Cyrillic?
“Gender is also irrelevant. In AG’s Reference (No.24 of 2003) (2003) EWCA Crime 2451, the defendant, who had a low IQ, suffered prolonged taunting from his wife as to his illiteracy and impotency. During an argument, he stabbed her (and his son) and then wounded himself with a knife purchased during a break in the argument to harm himself rather than others. Sentences of three and a half years for each offence to be served concurrently were imposed, the sentencing judge referring to the defendant as having been worn down over months and eventually broken by the cruel taunting of his wife and being forbidden from seeing his children.”
ZOMG the State condones violence by men! BTW Sheehan could also get between three and six years for the guilty verdict on illegal possession of a firearm or whatever it was.
Also, do you lieks my poem yes [ ] no [ ]
Didn’t say you brought it up. You still asked the question. You still ignored the answer.
You said that… was it Spanish and Russian? Anyway, that a romance language and Russian have the same alphabet. You are a dumbfuck among dumbfucks.
“Many years ago, in my youth, I was actually foolish enough to believe women never lie about rape, they were good, faithful, compassionate and all that garbage spoon fed to me every second of every day. You can imagine my shock at actual reality that men were actually the ones getting shortshifted.”
Translation, got spurned by a girl he was creepily mouth breathing on after asking her to play connect the dots between the Kennedy assassination and the Illuminati Belgian super computer in his half a quonset hut.
@Mr. Kobold
“I see the starry eyed beginnings of a sovereign citizen police killing (just kidding, more like more impotent bitching on the internet).”
I’m working on becoming sovereign. A small step by denying my funding of the Federal Reserve.
@Mr. Kobold
“Translation, got spurned by a girl he was creepily mouth breathing on after asking her to play connect the dots between the Kennedy assassination and the Illuminati Belgian super computer in his half a quonset hut.”
How did you know, “lets play connect the dots between the Kennedy assassination and the Illuminati Belgian super computer in his half a quonset hut” was my opening pick-up line?
We’ll miss your postings here. Do remember to thank the State for your free room and board.
“How did you know, “lets play connect the dots between the Kennedy assassination and the Illuminati Belgian super computer in his half a quonset hut” was my opening pick-up line?”
Because lonely deluded pieces of fail such as yourself are a dime a dozen and all think alike.
“I’m working on becoming sovereign. A small step by denying my funding of the Federal Reserve.”
I actually laughed out loud at that. Good luck spouting that line when you get pulled over without a license. Honestly you probably are on Medicaid or something but are to stupid to know it.
Quick question, how are you are jet-setting milk machine technician if you don’t have identification at the airport?
Perhaps you might show me the numbers of successful cases of battered woman defense -vs- battered mens defense. Look at it this way, you can use that number to prove men commit the majority of DV. Kinda like the predominant aggressor laws, where who ever is crying and shows the most fear when the cops arrive is the victim. A win-win situation, or lose-lose depending on which side of State violence you reside.
NWO, you need to stop pretending you’re against state violence. You just want to decide who it’s against.
I’ll wait with bated breath for you to show anything but cheering approval when cops beat or sexually assault women.
@Mr. Kobold
“Because lonely deluded pieces of fail such as yourself are a dime a dozen and all think alike.”
Whoa, we all think alike. We’re not a monolithic block ya know. That means you don’t see me as human. Deluded piece of fail, thats really not seeing me as human. I thought feminism was about everyone being an individual?
Is it time again? Oh, all right, but I can’t be doing this all the time…
The Book of Learnin’
Indispensable Facts About the Universe from NWO
New and Revised Edition
Evolution is impossible, because otherwise we’d be able to watch dogs evolve into super-dogs. Unless anyone can produce evidence of dogs with super-powers, evolution is a myth.
The theory of evolution claims that life came from rocks. It also states that evolution doesn’t occur anymore because rocks are no longer in make-life mode.
The theory of evolution is the same as the Big Bang theory, which is also impossible.
Female animals cannot feed themselves and rely on males to support them. Even in cases where this seems untrue, the males are still tougher. For example, female lions do all the hunting in the pride, but if they come across a really tough enemy, like a hyena, they run and get the male lion to fight for them.
Feminists claim that one in four women is raped in college. But since college lasts for four years, you have to multiply that by four. Therefore, feminists are really saying that 100% of women are raped in college, which is obviously untrue, not to mention proof that women are bad at math.
There are only three percentages in statistics: 0%, 99%, and 100%. In statistical analysis, all numbers should be rounded to one of these three. COROLLARY: If people notice this and start suggesting that you’re just making your statistics up, it is mathematically acceptable to add some other really high numbers at random.
Children are lined up and injected with a dangerous chemical called flouride to make them stupid.
Mammmograms cause breast cancer. Doctors advise women to get mammograms at least once a week until they develop cancer from it.
Many hospitals are open only to women and children. They’re not maternity/pediatric hospitals, just regular hospitals run by people who refuse to treat men for no reason.
Reading is not taught in American public schools.
Public schools offer two kinds of math: traditional arithmetic and New Math. Children are allowed to choose which one to learn.
Before feminism, children were not required to do homework or pay attention in class.
How-to courses on homosexuality are taught in public schools. This is the only way people become gay.
Men are not permitted to work as teachers in the U.S.
University of California schools have gotten rid of all their engineering and computer science departments and replaced them with women’s studies and gender studies. The University of Cincinnati has cut its computer science department for the same reason.
Thanks to the all-pervasive power of Title IX (see Law), all but two colleges in the U.S. are assembling Sex Police Forces made up of female students and faculty, dedicated solely to falsely accusing male students of rape and throwing them in prison. There are plans to extend this program to grade schools.
Ancient Greece, Rome, Persia, and China under the Ming Dynasty were extremely progressive, feminist societies. That’s why they collapsed.
Before modern feminism, rape was a rare occurrence and almost unheard-of.
Lynchings in the American South consisted of women accusing men of rape because they were man-hating feminists. Race had nothing to do with it; it was easy for a black woman to get a white man lynched. In cases where the man was lynched on an accusation from another man, the lynchings were justified.
The Russian Communists massacred Christians for their religion and invented feminism.
In 1919, women took control of all levels of government and law enforcement. Since then, every law in the U.S. has been written and enacted by women. There have been no male politicians, judges, or police officers for over 90 years.
The CIA imported feminism from the Soviet Union by publishing Ms. magazine (and another publication called Miss Mag) and channeling funds to a woman named Gloria Steinen.
The first war in history was the U.S. invasion of Libya, spearheaded by Hillary Clinton as a plot to kill men.
The word “suffrage” is derived from the verb “to suffer,” because voting is hard.
Spanish and Russian use the same alphabet. The Russians just have a funny kind of handwriting called cryillic script.
The classical Greek play The Bacchae is a celebration of the roving lesbian gang that murdered the musician Orpheus. It is based on a true story.
The musical Chicago is a polemic about how men should be shot to death. It was written by a female college student last year.
Most girls and women over the age of twelve wear transparent shirts and micro-miniskirts at all times. Although their skirts are so short their genitals hang out, they do not wear underwear.
Women only dress to attract men—all men. If a woman leaves the house in clothes, it’s a signal that she wants to have sex with any man she meets. Men, on the other hand, never dress to look attractive.
All U.S. law, from the Constitution down, has been supplanted by the extremely powerful Title IX, a law requiring that all educational, government, and private institutions be 100% female.
If the names on contracts are in all caps, those people are legally corporations. If they’re in mixed case, the contract is invalid.
Requiring people to take a vision test to get a driver’s license is an atrocity on the level of the Holocaust, Pol Pot’s genocide, and the Communist massacre of Christians (see History).
The United States is a communist dictatorship. If it were a free country, people wouldn’t have to pay taxes or get licenses to drive.
False reporting of rape is the most serious and widespread crime in the U.S. The most common reasons for a woman to make up a rape accusation are cheating, revenge, excuse for missed homework, lateness, work absence, and attention-getting.
Men are falsely accused of rape and thrown into prison without trial on a daily basis. Available statistics say otherwise because the true numbers are kept under wraps by the CIA.
If an accused person is found not guilty of a crime, it should be assumed that the accuser was lying, and the accuser should receive the maximum sentence possible for the crime in question.
All financial crises are caused by the Federal Reserve, which is run by the Rothchild family. Before them, economies never fluctuated.
All the real-estate speculators who caused the housing bubble were women.
Maternity/paternity leave is the single biggest drain on the economy. If companies got rid of parental leave, it would create enough wealth that all women would be able to quit their jobs and be full-time mothers, like they’re supposed to.
There are no poor women. Whenever a woman needs anything, she sits in the middle of the street and cries, and passerby throw food and money at her for free.
Women control 80% of the world’s wealth, thanks to all the crying.
Because of Title IX (see Law), all businesses with government contracts are required to hire only women to meet gender quotas.
It’s common for large corporations to call job applicants to tell them why they weren’t hired and the identity of the person hired in their place.
Everyone takes orders from the U.N. and the Jews.
Without government, homosexuality would not exist.
Foreign Relations
All wars are caused by women acting as “cheerleaders” for both sides at once, goading otherwise peaceful men to fight. These women have no political goals or opinions; they just like watching men die.
Russia is the “deathplace capital of the world” for men because feminism was invented there (see Feminism). It is the most feminist country on earth.
All taxes in Scandinavian countries go toward women’s causes. Scandinavian grade schools have a holiday where girls are given cookies and ice cream, while boys are given stale matzo. Men in Scandinavian countries are imprisoned for farting.
Marriage and Family
Somewhere in the U.S. is a place called The Ghetto, where between 70% and 99% of households consist of unemployed single mothers living entirely off welfare. Also, everyone in The Ghetto is black. Sociologists are still struggling to determine why women in The Ghetto don’t support themselves as other women do, by sitting in the street and crying until people throw stuff at them (see Economics).
99% of feminist marriages end in divorce.
The vast majority of violent rapists come from female-led households, because the feminist indoctrination boys receive in such households makes them so angry they have to go out and rape people to let off steam.
Judaism is the most aggressively evangelical religion on earth. Less than 5% of Jews are ethnically Jewish, while the rest are recruited from the tireless Jewish recruitment efforts.
Catholics worship the Virgin Mary.
In the story of Jesus saving the adulteress from stoning, the moral is that sinners deserve to be stoned. Especially the gays.
All child molesters are either women or gay men. Straight men never molest girls.
Prepubescent girls who wear swimsuits to the beach desperately want to have sex with middle-aged milking-machine technicians.
Feminism is a highly organized international movement created in the Soviet Union and currently funded by the United Nations.
Predictions of the Future
Someday a straight white man will beat up a lesbian for molesting a five-year-old. Everyone in the world will sympathize with the lesbian and immediately legalize child molestation.
In 100 years, white people will have gone extinct because white women didn’t reproduce enough. Western culture will be wiped from the face of the earth. Archeologists discovering the remains of Western culture will laugh at us for letting women have rights.
*a jet-setting milk machine technician*
Okay time to hibernate.
NWO: I’m a sociology major and a psychology minor, thank you for asking.
Holly: I laughed at physical violence on the Internet. 🙂 Well played, ma’am, well played.