What the fuck is wrong with Reddit these days? Today, the denizens of AskReddit are debating the topic: Is it wrong to hit a woman? You can probably figure out what the consensus is. (Hint: Two letter word, starts with N.) What’s especially striking is how, well, gleeful the discussion is. Redditor after Redditor weighs in with the exact same opinion on the subject; others reply with jokey assent; everybody gets upvotes, sometimes hundreds of them. This exchange captures some of the flavor of the, er, “discussion” there:

These aren’t people arguing dispassionately that in the interest of equality we should treat hitting women the same as hitting men, and that ideally no one should be hitting anyone at all. These are guys (mostly) using the topic as an excuse to complain about “bitches” and their rights.
Others, meanwhile, decided to use the topic as masturbation fantasy fodder, suggesting that the original poster had missed his chance for some hot sex with the woman he slapped. As toothsayer put it:
The single slap is disrespectful, shows that you are pissy bitch, and will not get you laid. However, catching up to her as she is walking away, scooping her up, bending her over the knee and repeatedly spanking that ass would have led to some seriously hard core sex.
47 upvotes for that hilarious suggestion.
Perhaps all of the commenters should simply up and move to Topeka, Kansas, where the city council is considering decriminalizing domestic violence in order to save a few bucks. Seriously.
Note: Once again, I have the fine folks (no sarcasm here; they actually are fine) at ShitRedditSays for pointing this discussion out to me. Here’s the SRS discussion of the whole stinky mess.
I pledge: my next post will have nothing to do with Reddit.
But no, really, NWO.
Say a woman gives you a whole lotta lip (she says “I’m a human being” or some other fighting words) but doesn’t lay a finger on you and doesn’t threaten to. She makes you super angry but gives you no reason to fear for your safety.
Would you hit her?
(This game is always fun because he won’t say “no.” He thinks it’s a trap to make him say “no,” but it’s actually a trap to make him avoid conceding the simplest bits of human decency, and he falls for it every time.)
@Holly Pervocracy
“NWO, if you said this shit to my face, I wouldn’t hit you.
I can’t be honest here and pretend I wouldn’t think about it, but I wouldn’t lay a finger on you.
Can you say the same to me?”
No, I’d laugh in your face. Violence against women act is gender neutral? Title IX is gender neutral? Primary aggressor law is gender neutral? On and on it goes. How couldn’t anyone laugh?
“Apparently you understand just about nothing of what you read, except when it’s in Cyrillic”
Please tell me the root alphabet for Cyrillic. Use your wiki-smarts. Just copy and paste it.
Hey, NWO actually said he wouldn’t hit someone for no reason!
I am so proud.
I don’t really give a shit if you laugh (you have kind of a track record of laughing at anything involving knowledge, ho ho, people learning things they didn’t know before, haw haw those suckers), but I’m honestly happy that you said something halfway decent.
You could try substance and evidence, when you weren’t feeling lazy. You usually assert your case, are presented counter arguments with actual evidence and substance to them, and continue to assert your case. I don’t generally waste that much of my time with you, but if you wanted to begin to approach my level, that’d be a start. Also use correct grammar; for the love of truth and beauty, an ellipsis is correctly done with three periods. “…” No more, and no less. It’s one thing to make a typo, which is why I don’t make fun of the MRA 2 dot ellipsis much, but 6 periods? Fail less.
Basically, fucking learn something. Hell, I know you have 28 hour days, but real colleges (Not Beck Parody U) do offer course materials for free. Read a god damn book, study the materials. ANYTHING. It’s a better use of your time than your jackassery for both you and us.
Um… why exactly would Wikipedia (and, you know, Russian people) lie about the Cyrillic alphabet?
If you want to say they’re unreliable about the JFK assassination or the moon landing or whatever, that is your right as a person who thinks he’s so damn smart he can get the same information as everyone else (er, or much less) and come to radically different conclusions. But why do the Rothchilds need the sheeple to be blinkered about alphabets?
@Holly Pervocracy
“But no, really, NWO.
Say a woman gives you a whole lotta lip (she says “I’m a human being” or some other fighting words) but doesn’t lay a finger on you and doesn’t threaten to. She makes you super angry but gives you no reason to fear for your safety.
Would you hit her?
(This game is always fun because he won’t say “no.” He thinks it’s a trap to make him say “no,” but it’s actually a trap to make him avoid conceding the simplest bits of human decency, and he falls for it every time.)”
First off I wouldn’t need to worry about a man acting that way towards me, because even the strongest man has better manners, and even the strongest man could win the fight and still get pretty damned injured. As to hitting a woman who got up in my face and kept it up, I just might crack her a good one. Happy now?
That would be Greek. “Cyrillic is derived from the Ancient Greek uncial script, augmented by ligatures and consonants from the older Glagolitic alphabet for sounds not found in Ancient Greek.” Here’s what wiki says about the Spanish alphabet:
Wiki smarts: being curious and learning about things using the Internet. A trait that brings great shame to those who exhibit it.
This all makes a sick kind of sense.
After all, we are put on earth to hurt each other and to be hurt. Any joy we happen to experience is lagniappe.
@Holly Pervocracy
“Um… why exactly would Wikipedia (and, you know, Russian people) lie about the Cyrillic alphabet?
If you want to say they’re unreliable about the JFK assassination or the moon landing or whatever, that is your right as a person who thinks he’s so damn smart he can get the same information as everyone else (er, or much less) and come to radically different conclusions. But why do the Rothchilds need the sheeple to be blinkered about alphabets”
Than go anywhere and give me the root alphabet of Cryllic. I find this infathomable that none of you can admit you’re wrong. Something so simple as the root of a language. It doesn’t even have anything to do with feminism. That’s how incorrect the stance of feminism is. None of you can admit error in anything, even if it’s non-related and irrelevant.
Men are never rude and men never start shit? I’m not being sarcastic or hyperbolic.
I’m just being flabbergasted.
No. Because that makes you a bad and dangerous person. It’s nothing to be proud of. It means you’re a crap-ass human being who is being treated better by others than he would treat them, and whose presence makes the world, on whole, worse and more dangerous.
There’s really nothing more elementally wrong than initiating violence against a nonviolent person, and if you’d do that, anything else you say about right and wrong really doesn’t matter. You either don’t know or don’t care.
But do you liek my poem Owly
Happy, no. Sort of impressed one of you MRA jackholes told the truth about something, finally? Yes.
NWOslave sez:
So do you admit you’re wrong about the “battered woman defense” being a law?
What’s funny is that although it only presents surface depth and not a suitable academic source, provided you aren’t getting information on a current political issue, a product or corporation, or a celebrity, Wikipedia is amazingly accurate. I mean, double check it’s sources, sure, but it’s not bad for basics. This is the sword NWO would like to fall on; a site he could learn from if he could just read.
I mean, it doesn’t even have to be important. I don’t want him to read about the Lunar Landings, or Iluminati conspiracy theories (Of which there are many). It’d be nice if, I don’t know, he learns about the Capybara. Or maybe the history of the Ottoman Empire, or hell, about Ottomans, the furniture. Yi Sun-Sin is neat, or maybe Victorian fashion… hell, if you really wanna learn about something, click the little blue links at the bottom and see the original source the data came from; it’s more in depth! You may *actually enjoy* learning about something! Just pick something that doesn’t make you angry and read!
@Holly Pervocracy
“There’s really nothing more elementally wrong than initiating violence against a nonviolent person, and if you’d do that, anything else you say about right and wrong really doesn’t matter. You either don’t know or don’t care.”
Yelling, screaming and so on is not being non-violent. In fact VAWA describes these actions as DV. Suddenly now it’s OK. Dave bans people for harsh language, why? They’ve committed no actual violence.
Is yelling, screaming and so on violence or not?
I’ve answered more than enough questions Holly, now it’s your turn.
Geez Holly how is he supposed to make the 16 year olds lay down if he cannot beat them into submission?
I’m pretty sure website bans have nothing to do with “violence.” (Physical violence on websites being rather rare and all that.) Mostly they have to do with his tolerance for complete bullshit. And frankly, your brand of complete bullshit would get anyone else banned but with you it’s kind of funny how stubborn and stupid you are.
Yelling at someone can be emotional abuse (although this is more “demeaning and intimidating someone emotionally bonded to you” yelling, not “got all up in my face” yelling–it’s not any time anyone says something you don’t like), but it’s not violence.
I’ll never get why you wank off to the question game. Seems to me when you’re answering questions you’re speaking your point of view, and asking them is creating an opening for mine.
But if you were good at reasoning we would not be speaking here today.
OK, now I’m truly lost. Slavey thinks that there’s some sort of conspiracy to hide the true origins of Cyrillic? What, did the lizard people give it to the Rothchilds as a weapon to use against men or something?
Also, NWO, this is a question I want to ask every MRA: why don’t you want to be the better man?
Say (this isn’t true, but say) that feminists really were drooling hellmonsters. Say we really did want to beat men and take all their money and give them flouride.
Wouldn’t you want to be better than that? Wouldn’t you want to demonstrate superiority, instead of being perfectly content to merely be the gender opposite of an evil (fictional) movement? It seems like the gender opposite of evil is evil.
Don’t you have any aspirations to be not evil?
So do you admit you’re wrong about the “battered woman defense” being a law?
I do indeed admit when I’m wrong, apparently it “isn’t” a law. What it is as your beloved wiki describes, “The battered woman defense is a defense used in court that the person accused of an assault / murder was suffering from battered person syndrome at the material time. Because the defense is most commonly used by women, it is usually characterised in court as battered woman syndrome or battered wife syndrome.”
But doesn’t that really amount to the same thing, even if it isn’t law? A defense used by women to justify acts of violence, even murder? And the courts, as I’ve provided a very recent link, abide by this non-law defense. In the end, violence by women is condoned by the State.
@Holly Pervocracy
I’ve never hit a woman, but if a woman did, “get all up in my face, I just might.” What am I gonna call the cops? That only works for women. If a man yells at a woman she calls the cops, (state violence) What else could you call it? When a woman yells at a man he might use individual violence, (his own). Either way, it’s violence. Someone used violence to stop the verbal violence. Women use the State, men don’t have that option.
” What, did the lizard people give it to the Rothchilds as a weapon to use against men or something?”
Excellent, we’ve moved onto lizards. I find this so intellectually stimulating!
Even I will admit that the tread is aweful. Maybe these guys should jack-off before they start posting…
Okay, just now Moewicus pointed out that the Cyrillic alphabet is derived from the Greek. This is not the first someone has done this. I’m pretty sure it’s not even the second time. Yet NWOslave keeps asking people to tell him where Cyrillic came from. No disagreement, no citing sources of his own that might be contradictory, just ignores it and asks again. Every single time.
But you’re AGAINST “state violence,” right? So you wouldn’t WANT to call the cops on her anyway. How can you be angry that you don’t get to use “state violence,” if you think that’s an evil force? Why would you want the use of an evil force?
Anyway, why choose between state violence and individual violence? Walk away.