What the fuck is wrong with Reddit these days? Today, the denizens of AskReddit are debating the topic: Is it wrong to hit a woman? You can probably figure out what the consensus is. (Hint: Two letter word, starts with N.) What’s especially striking is how, well, gleeful the discussion is. Redditor after Redditor weighs in with the exact same opinion on the subject; others reply with jokey assent; everybody gets upvotes, sometimes hundreds of them. This exchange captures some of the flavor of the, er, “discussion” there:

These aren’t people arguing dispassionately that in the interest of equality we should treat hitting women the same as hitting men, and that ideally no one should be hitting anyone at all. These are guys (mostly) using the topic as an excuse to complain about “bitches” and their rights.
Others, meanwhile, decided to use the topic as masturbation fantasy fodder, suggesting that the original poster had missed his chance for some hot sex with the woman he slapped. As toothsayer put it:
The single slap is disrespectful, shows that you are pissy bitch, and will not get you laid. However, catching up to her as she is walking away, scooping her up, bending her over the knee and repeatedly spanking that ass would have led to some seriously hard core sex.
47 upvotes for that hilarious suggestion.
Perhaps all of the commenters should simply up and move to Topeka, Kansas, where the city council is considering decriminalizing domestic violence in order to save a few bucks. Seriously.
Note: Once again, I have the fine folks (no sarcasm here; they actually are fine) at ShitRedditSays for pointing this discussion out to me. Here’s the SRS discussion of the whole stinky mess.
I pledge: my next post will have nothing to do with Reddit.
Yes. The pudding of your doom.
TWEWY quotes aside, that was directly referring to ‘the pudding’ of those countries. They’re not really that similar, ESPECIALLY in history. The routes taken to get where they are? They’re very different. Current structures are only super similar at a superficial level (Compare Italy to Denmark to Australia to the USA). There *are* similarities, sure, but not enough to claim there’s only one structure that can possibly ever lead to economic supremacy.
Shit, you completely ignored the fact that europe and a lot of the places you call shit share a lot of history that *Europe* doesn’t with itself.
Keep skating right over Korea, kid. Just keep on keeping on.
They’ve been doing well for *most of their history post 1000 CE*. They copied a fair amount of Germany for the era of first contact, but even during and post-westernization they had an extremely different culture, and a lot of fairly important differences in execution. Your ‘one script’ bullshit is at best superficial.
Shit, son, do you even know US history? Can you explain to me some key differences between USian and British history over the past 100 years, even?
Ah, I see, MRAL is just feeling sexually inadequate.
DKM, I’m also married! And pregnant! And frequently cuddly! And I may just be a dumb, insufficiently submissive broad, but I’m fairly sure my husband is happy with me, since he frequently says so and I have no reason to doubt him.
And if he’s a cyborg, well, hats off to Toyota or whoever made him. Great job!
DKM: MrB and I got a good laugh out of that diatribe. Really, you should go into comedy.
Yes, I freely admit that I’m coarse. I swear like a sailor, I can hold my own when telling dirty jokes, and can cogently discuss fencing technique in movies. Ignorant, not so much. I don’t know everything (a girl can dream ,though…), but I know a lot. Probably a lot more than you, no matter what crap you like to pretend is serious reading material. Dull? Heh, fuck no. There’s a line in the Hairspray musical that my husband says mostly applies to me: “You’re fat and old, but baby, boring you ain’t!”
How is your neverending quest for the perfect furry sub going?
Also bring a spray bottle with water, and then anytime he starts mentioning penises you can just walk over, squirt him and firmly say “NO” and then resume your lecture. Repeat that often enough and maybe he’d shut up? 😀
I’m going to quote him, he says
Notice the “walk off” part of the sentence there. Now if you wouldn’t mind quoting the part where he said he slapped her immediately, because I can’t seem to find it.
Surely the refutation was that feminists have wildly successful heterosexual relationships all the time? The “dumbfuck” was a bonus observation.
That’s pretty much how we trained Gus to stop scent-vocalizing in the backyard. If it worked on a slightly brain-damaged Basset Hound/Beagle it should work on MRAs.
Or are MRAs like cats – you can only train them so far, because they don’t really care about your approval?
I resent the implication that cats are anything like MRAs.
(Except for David, who as previously mentioned is the newly defrosted Mr Bigglesworth.)
“Or are MRAs like cats – you can only train them so far, because they don’t really care about your approval?”
Hey, at least cats are pettable.
Bagelsan–8 October@9:51 pm
“Surely the refutation was that feminists have wildly successful heterosexual relationships ALL the time?…”
Bagelson, all that shows is that the American male has been severely damaged in the years since the early ’70s, by feminists polluting his social environment, from the schools, to television and movies, to the courts and legislative chambers, even to childrens activities after school etc. If “men” can now successful mate with, and even love, feminoids who hate us; who want to demean, if not castrate us in the name of “equality”, there clearly is something badly wrong with most modern men, isn’t there?
I’ve never seen a cat with skidmarks on its underwear, so they aren’t like MRAs.
I used to be a teaching fellow at Boston University, where MRAL attends. Yeah, I drank.
(Oh, and also: chalk me up as another happily married feminist. My husband mentioned on our first date how much he prefers independent women and that he didn’t want “to be married to an appendage.” Tenth anniversary coming up in a few months.)
Wait, I thought that the robogirls had yet to arrive and that’s why the MGTOWs had yet to actually go their own way as promised. Now David is telling us that the feminoids have already been here for years? Is this the part of the horror movie where we learn that the killer is already inside the house?
Hahaha. What’s your department? Any anecdotes about the sort of people who go there? Is MRAL in any way representative? If so, I’m so sorry.
Maybe the average American male likes the average American female. They have successful relationships and are happy. On the other hand, you’re single, you don’t like most women and you’re not in a happy, satisfying relationship. Perhaps it’s you with the problem, David. Everyone else seems to have figured it out.
Fun history note, the shogunate was extremely and obsessively isolationist. Westerners were not allowed to step foot on Japanese soil for almost the entire shoganate (there was an artificial island through which Japan conducted its small amount of trade with Europe, said island being artificial because filthy foreigners were not permitted to touch Japan, in a very literal sense). Japan had almost no contact with anyone for several hundred years under the shoganate. The opening of Japan to the west is arguably the cause of the downfall of the shoganate (in any case, the shoganate ended very quickly). Meiji was not, however, explicitly copying the west, Japan remained a very culturally distinct and in many ways isolationist country. Contact with Russia and territorial expansions into what is now northern China caused cultural changes during the pre-WW2 era, but they were not westernization per se. Most USian culture that has seeped into Japan did so post WW2, because of the whole, you know, occupation business.
The Middle East and Africa were also the centers of culture and learning for centuries. The damage done by colonialization is not the fault of the victims, it is the fault of the brutal imperialist nations that have dominated recently. Those gains of the “civilized west” were made by wading through blood and corpses of everyone else and exploiting the labor of the survivors.
DKM: Okay, I am going to go slowly, in hopes that this will penetrate your thick skull: No matter what you may have heard, feminists DO NOT hate men. /me gives this a second to sink in Repeat: Feminists DO NOT hate men. There is no fucking evidence that American law or power structures are in any way biased toward women – how can this be if something like 90% of political offices are held by men? You are a gigantic dumbfuck. Okay, that’s a personal opinion, but I think the evidence supports me in this.
And yes, that last bit is an insult. I don’t care what you call me, but my husband – a truly amazing man who has devoted his life to helping people with mental disabilities and who GAVE A FUCKING KIDNEY to his sister – deserves to be treated better. Fuck off.
My doctorate’s in psychology. I liked BU undergrads, overall, but it’s a huge school, and the survey classes are big. So, yes, every semester there would be one or two cranks in my classes just due to the law of averages. And psychology being what it is, they would tend to wear their issues on their sleeves.
MRAL is highly representative of a certain type of BU student: ridiculously privileged, yet utterly convinced that s/he is being treated unfairly and that never, never in the history of humanity, has anyone ever been so tragically misunderstood. Sort of like when my completely spoiled dog does his “Nobody has ever loved or petted or fed me in my entire life” schtick with a houseguest.
Except my dog’s rent-seeking tendencies are the result of thousands of years of co-evolution with humans. I never figured out what the undergraduates’ excuse was.
Change the topic to microeconomics! *rimshot*
Awesome. Mean, but awesome. Well played.
Niiiice… 😀
All you said was that feminists are “unsuitable” for heterosexual relationships — but clearly we are well suited for them, if only because we brainwashed all the men (yourself excepted) into liking sentient human partners, right?
I mean, you’re also wrong about all the things you said here too, but even if you were right about all the castrating and whatnot the refutation still stands. 🙂
Yeah, clearly when the evidence points to the opposite of the thing you said was true, that just means it’s even more truer, right?
DKM, just shut the fuck up. You clearly do not understand that the problem is you. Not feminists, other men,kittens, porcupines, or whatever; just you.
Go back to your white-supremacist, wife-beating, robo-babe loving fantasy world.
What is this castration fixation many MRAs have? I don’t have hard statistics, but I can’t imagine that many more men get involuntarily castrated than get attacked by pit bulls. Yet MRAs seem totally convinced the EVERY SINGLE WOMAN is out to cut off their junk. I’m thinking it’s some kind repressed fetish.