antifeminism misogyny rapey reddit that's not funny! violence against men/women woman's suffrage

“Hit her back, she gets to vote.” More wisdom from Reddit.

What the fuck is wrong with Reddit these days? Today, the denizens of AskReddit are debating the topic: Is it wrong to hit a woman? You can probably figure out what the consensus is. (Hint: Two letter word, starts with N.) What’s especially striking is how, well, gleeful the discussion is. Redditor after Redditor weighs in with the exact same opinion on the subject; others reply with jokey assent; everybody gets upvotes, sometimes hundreds of them. This exchange captures some of the flavor of the, er, “discussion” there:

From AskReddit.

These aren’t people arguing dispassionately that in the interest of equality we should treat hitting women the same as hitting men, and that ideally no one should be hitting anyone at all. These are guys (mostly) using the topic as an excuse to complain about “bitches” and their rights.

Others, meanwhile, decided to use the topic as masturbation fantasy fodder, suggesting  that the original poster had missed his chance for some hot sex with the woman he slapped. As toothsayer put it:

The single slap is disrespectful, shows that you are pissy bitch, and will not get you laid. However, catching up to her as she is walking away, scooping her up, bending her over the knee and repeatedly spanking that ass would have led to some seriously hard core sex.

47 upvotes for that hilarious suggestion.

Perhaps all of the commenters should simply up and move to Topeka, Kansas, where the city council is considering decriminalizing domestic violence in order to save a few bucks. Seriously.

Note: Once again, I have the fine folks (no sarcasm here; they actually are fine) at ShitRedditSays for pointing this discussion out to me. Here’s the SRS discussion of the whole stinky mess.

I pledge: my next post will have nothing to do with Reddit.


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Men's Rights Activist Lieutenant
Men's Rights Activist Lieutenant
13 years ago

I’m getting the impression that the fyms here get their wimminz kicking ass fix from the 90s grrrrrrrrrrrrrl power shit. Newsflash: that’s not how it really works.

13 years ago

Oh god, you think every man is Manny Pacquiao? Or even the ‘average m an’?

To be fair, Rutee, MRAL gets his understanding of how physics relates to the human body from DOA.

And if a href doesn’t work I’m going to literally say “oh, balls” out loud. Inside my head.

Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

Also, guns exist.

You can work out all you want, but if things go truly survival-of-the-fittest, I’m not going to try and *punch* people who threaten me. I have a little youth-sized rifle that fits my weak tiny ladyframe just fine.

13 years ago

“The best cure for attitudes like MRAL’s that women are “super weak” is to enroll them in a martial arts class. I know one kung fu teacher who has incoming dudebro students spar with his teenage daughter for exactly this reason – there’s nothing like being knocked on your ass by a petite 13 year old girl to knock the bravado out of a sexist man (and also teach them never to underestimate an opponent, which is a good lesson to learn in order to avoid embarrassing yourself later). Especially when she does it using perfect form and he’s still tripping over his own feet any time he tries to do anything.”

Nah, MRAL would probably shrug the challenge off and say, “Stupid [c-word] would probably beat me up because of my eye. IT’S BECAUSE OF MY EYE ISN’T IT, YOUR HOLY HIGHNESS?! FUcking womynmyn and their fuc4w fucking fuck!*”

*Amount of Fucks only a rough estimate

13 years ago

*Amount of Fucks only a rough estimate

I LOL’d. Loudly.

13 years ago

With excuses, justifications, and weasel words stripped away, that is her position, and ironically the position of a lot of feminists.

Because there are never different circumstances! Every single case of a person getting hit is exactly the same as every other one, and we can judge them equally by a single standard! Christ, MRAL, even for you that’s stupid.

13 years ago

“I LOL’d. Loudly.”

*bows* Thank you, thank you. I’ll be here all week! Try the veal!

Men's Rights Activist Lieutenant
Men's Rights Activist Lieutenant
13 years ago

KathleenB: Right, so hitting women is worse than hitting men, thus women are implicitly worth more, thus you aren’t advocating equality, you’re advocating female privilege and supremacy.

13 years ago

Thanks to manboobz I’ve delved into the world of Reddit, and after much research I have figured it out.

It’s 4chan’s /b/
….if it took itself seriously and had zero creativity.

It’s making me nostalgic for my imageboard trolling days, which is pretty fucked up.
I like the user interface, it’s a pity it’s being used to house clowns.

Rutee Katreya
13 years ago

I knew if I waited long enough the real feminist consensus would come out. Rutee thinks that it’s less wrong to hit a man than a woman. With excuses, justifications, and weasel words stripped away, that is her position, and ironically the position of a lot of feminists.

MRAL’s dreams of being my nemesis are kind of cute, in an obnoxious sort of way. Get a hobby, really; misreading people isn’t a good one.

Put it this way- I’m not going to be calling the slapped a “victim”, and neither would I if she was male. You make an aggressive gesture, you need to be prepared for a retaliation.

It was some buttons on a shirt. The only justification for violence is the threat of actual violence.

Everyone applauded her, naturally. Is this not the same thing, except less severe in the retaliation?

If that’s how it happened, then yeah, she’s an overly violent jackass too. It’s a form of sexual assault, but by my understanding, a non violent one.

13 years ago

Been hit by women in the past, the statistics for women committing domestic violence is astonishingly high actually

13 years ago

MRAL: I’m saying the EVERY SITUATION IS DIFFERENT. There are times when, yes, hitting another person is justified – man or woman. There are other times when hitting another person is NOT justified – man or woman. Jesus, is this really so difficult, or are you just determined to twist everything women say to fit your own agenda?

13 years ago

We’re talking “last ten years of the 30 Years’ War” bad.

Incidentally, in the process of reading for my quals, I just this minute (Parker’s The Thirty Years’ War, p. 200) came across a mention of how, much of the time, Gustavus Adolphus tried to keep a lid on the oppression of civilians:

“At least five men in [one] regiment were executed by firing squad, and several others were condemned to death by the military provost for the maltreatment of the civilian population: the army could not afford to alienate those who supplied labor, guides, and intelligence of the enemy, as well as food and quarters.”

“The strong” aren’t shit without the contributions of “the weak.” Not to mention that even the strongest of them still has to sleep at some point, or go off into the woods to take a piss, and then it’s his ass. That same regiment has accounts of peasants cutting off the hands and feet of plundering soldiers, or pulling out their eyes.

13 years ago

VoiP, there is basically one script that everyone should be following. Since western Europe, Australia, and the US are better than the rest of the world, and said countries share distinct similarities, they should be the sole ideal.

USians aren’t the standard of what’s good, honey.

13 years ago

Trust me, I could kick the shit out of a 5’10 woman.

I thought you were 5’8″? Wait…is this in the morning or the evening?

13 years ago

Oh god, you think every man is Manny Pacquiao?

Hey, that’s my husband! Not really, but he gets stopped and told he looks like/is asked if he’s him all the time.

MRAL, you talk a lot of shit, but I doubt you could fight your way out of a wet paper bag.

13 years ago

Trust me, I could kick the shit out of a 5’10 woman.

I’m a little under six feet and built like a linebacker (or possibly a defensive back). There is no way on god’s green earth that you would kick my ass. I have reach, I have really god reflexes, and I fight dirty. Even with my fuckleg.

And I know women who barely clear five feet who would kick you around the list like a cheap football. And they aren’t bodybuilders.

Men's Rights Activist Lieutenant
Men's Rights Activist Lieutenant
13 years ago

KathleenB, you don’t even know what the fuck I look like. In addition to having a high IQ I have high strength.

13 years ago

Lord and Lady. Substitute ‘good reflexes’ for ‘god reflexes.’ I’m not quite that fast!

13 years ago

“Trust me, I could kick the shit out of a 5’10 woman.”

And you want to do it so badly, don’t you? Would it soothe your wounded ego to hit a woman, MRAL? Would it make you feel better about the girl in the elevator who didn’t say hi to you nicely enough?

13 years ago

I don’t know why this has to be so gendered. Shouldn’t the basic understanding be that a person who obviously has greater strength has, as it were, the burden of being the “bigger person” in a situation? This would apply to average man v. average woman — but also to big man v. small, trained woman v. untrained, adult v. child, TAB v. PWD.

Also, I’ve always been skittish of “proportionate force” arguments when they are applied equally to both parties, if both parties have a disproportionate level of strength. Often, a weaker party can only escape/defend him or herself by doing something rather nasty. If I attacked a 6′ man, he could easily defend himself without hurting me. If he attacked me, I’d have to go for his eyes or other important squishy bits.

Rutee Katreya
13 years ago

[quote]VoiP, there is basically one script that everyone should be following. Since western Europe, Australia, and the US are better than the rest of the world, and said countries share distinct similarities, they should be the sole ideal.[/quote]


Acting like Europe, on its own, followed one single script, let alone the US, or other white-dominated anglophones did, is remarkably idiotic. It also ignores that the Chinese and the various Muslim nations were doing substantially better than Europe for pretty fair chunks of time. And even now, that dominance is sorely challenged by places like China, Korea, and Japan. Really, MRAL, read a fucking book. Learn something.

13 years ago

MRAL would love to hit a woman. Hell, maybe he should join a boxing club, then he could get all that “bitch, gash, holy-highness alpha fuck” nonsense beat out of him.

13 years ago

Acting like Europe, on its own, followed one single script, let alone the US, or other white-dominated anglophones did, is remarkably idiotic.

Hey MRAL, could you define “modernization”?

13 years ago

He didn’t even say “doing better.” He just said “better.”

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