What the fuck is wrong with Reddit these days? Today, the denizens of AskReddit are debating the topic: Is it wrong to hit a woman? You can probably figure out what the consensus is. (Hint: Two letter word, starts with N.) What’s especially striking is how, well, gleeful the discussion is. Redditor after Redditor weighs in with the exact same opinion on the subject; others reply with jokey assent; everybody gets upvotes, sometimes hundreds of them. This exchange captures some of the flavor of the, er, “discussion” there:

These aren’t people arguing dispassionately that in the interest of equality we should treat hitting women the same as hitting men, and that ideally no one should be hitting anyone at all. These are guys (mostly) using the topic as an excuse to complain about “bitches” and their rights.
Others, meanwhile, decided to use the topic as masturbation fantasy fodder, suggesting that the original poster had missed his chance for some hot sex with the woman he slapped. As toothsayer put it:
The single slap is disrespectful, shows that you are pissy bitch, and will not get you laid. However, catching up to her as she is walking away, scooping her up, bending her over the knee and repeatedly spanking that ass would have led to some seriously hard core sex.
47 upvotes for that hilarious suggestion.
Perhaps all of the commenters should simply up and move to Topeka, Kansas, where the city council is considering decriminalizing domestic violence in order to save a few bucks. Seriously.
Note: Once again, I have the fine folks (no sarcasm here; they actually are fine) at ShitRedditSays for pointing this discussion out to me. Here’s the SRS discussion of the whole stinky mess.
I pledge: my next post will have nothing to do with Reddit.
“(To be fair, though, these conditions aren’t supposed to be a positive thing, and the girls get saved by another girl and become part of her harem).”
Wait, that makes it *better*? XD
You can also call the cops if the person you are living with has a failure to appear warrant out for them. And all of those things happen. In fact it could be for something simple, like writing a bad check (which can be a criminal offense in my neck of the woods) that you fail to show up for the original arraignment on.
While I don’t condone hitting anyone, male or female, I can understand being pissed off if a drunken woman comes up to you and tears the buttons off your shirt. I’m assuming she must have been trying to rip his shirt open or off, if all the buttons came off. I can’t imagine a sober person just standing there and allowing anyone to rip off one button at a time.
For many people, the cost of replacing a torn shirt is a hardship. I probably would have asked her to pay something to help replace the shirt.
I don’t have a lot of patience for people who do things like this and excuse their jerky behavior because they’re drunk. But I don’t think he had a ‘right’ to slap her.
Molly Ren–8 October 2011@12:01pm
I was writing on the assumption that the girl in the story in question was a normal girl, not a lezzie, Molly Ren. Pardon me for the misunderstanding. I forgot that now in the XXI century, anything can happen, and usually does!
If she is a lezzie then a woman’s harem would be the right place for her. Heck, I understand that lezzies make good feminists, and she could then join you in your sisterhood from hell!
David K. Meller
How many effing times do we have to go through this? I am HAPPILY MARRIED. To a man. For ten years. He got cut open that first year, so unless he’s been getting cybered on the sly, he’s fully human. You are a dumbfuck.
And maybe, DKM, just maybe, you could FUCK RIGHT OFF.
Meller’s just pissed because we feminists can form happy, loving relationships of all stripes, and he’s so far up his own ass he can’t.
If you weren’t such a raging assbag, Meller, I’m sure you could find the sub fluffy bunny woman of your dreams. The problem, however, is YOU.
“I was writing on the assumption that the girl in the story in question was a normal girl, not a lezzie, Molly Ren.”
Have we played the “guess how old DKM is” game yet? I originally guessed 60, but that rant where he talked about feminists wearing “trousers” as if it were still edgy pushed it to about 80.
If you’ve ever seen a dog with porcupine quills stuck in its face, you wouldn’t want a porcupine as a pet, although the one in the video is cute. Same thing for skunks. Getting that skunk smell off a dog is nearly impossible.
So I say no to porcupines and skunks as pets. Dogs and cats, yeah!
Nor did I ever say or imply that all or any of those things justify hitting someone back, but nice try. In your case though, I’d probably make an exception. Hell, any facial rearrangement would probably be an improvement anyway.
If the shoe fits…
While one could probably think that the premise is about demonizing men as a whole (though there are a few who only act abusive because of peer pressure, and who show that they care about the girls), it’s more along the lines of the Stanford Prison Experiment.
The female students, more or less taking role of the “prisoners” here, don’t have any rights or protection against their “owner”, or if they don’t have one, they have no rights or protection at all, which actively dehumanizes them.
Like the guards in the Experiment, many boys abuse their power and authority, and the ones who don’t want to are under immense peer pressure.
But as always, there are people (like you, I guess) who think this would be a good thing.
I think they are called sociopaths or something.
Seriously, this?
Wanting women to be stripped of their rights IN THE FIRST PLACE is not exactly a sign of love and gentleness, dude. You can’t stab someone in the face, gently nurse them back to health, and then expect them to be grateful.
And, I dunno, I find it easier to believe that they would rather follow a girl than someone who belongs to the people who have systematically dehumanized and abused them.
Molly Ren:
Well, better in the sense that they actually have human rights in their rescuer’s harem, and they joined of their own free will (probably because of those rights,and a bit of Stockholm Syndrome).
So, I guess a more appropriate word would be “less horrible”, though they do seem rather happy :p
She is actually bisexual, if that makes any difference to you (:
Oh, DKM, keep up the gaybashing. When the Pink Helicopters come around, you’ll pay~
I’m really only considering looking into this series because pokemon was mentioned.
Well, pet skunks usually have the scent gland removed, but I can see the problem with porcupines. But one can always wear a hazmat suit while cuddling with them!
As a brief aside, Mr. Meller, you do realize that if you live long enough to see cyborgs become commonplace, that just means you’ll have to contend with cyborg feminists, don’t you?
Hengist: Have you missed all the Eddie Izzard clips I’ve posted? Monty Python? They’re fucking hilarious. Feminists have a sense of humor – it’s just not the same as yours.
“Pussy with Claws” is the closest we can come to Vagina Dentata, I s’pose. ;p
To actually address the topic (for the first time so far on this thread): if someone is ripping off your buttons couldn’t you just gently smack away their hands? I can’t imagine why someone’s first impulse would be to full on slap them instead of just remove them from the buttons in question. Like… did she literally start picking at this guy’s “rage buttons” or something? She’s drunk; just remove her hands, or even try using your words or removing yourself.
It’s like that guy who slapped his young daughter’s face when she put her mouth on his hands — this guy is blatantly reveling in getting to hit someone (particularly a girl/woman someone), rather than just trying to resolve the situation.
Hadn’t she walked away already when he hit her? Only someone looking for excuses would call that self-defense.
I knew if I waited long enough the real feminist consensus would come out. Rutee thinks that it’s less wrong to hit a man than a woman. With excuses, justifications, and weasel words stripped away, that is her position, and ironically the position of a lot of feminists.
…What? What does this have to do with anything?
I know it is REALLY hard for you to get this but here is what happens when you have a criminal act take place-this REALLY happened:
Wife leaves husband.
Wife later comes back to the residence and has a fight with spouse.
Wife calls the cops.
The cops come.
The original issue is resolved with no arrests.
The wife then claims the husband has drugs.
The Officer asks permission to enter residence to search.
The wife grants permission and the husband denies permission.
Officer searches residence, gets some evidence of drug use.
Wife later revokes permission but the officer is able to get a warrant on the first evidence.
Officer arrests husband.
Husband is convicted and sentenced.
Husband appeals his case and the United States Supreme Court reverses conviction.
Also, you can and do get murder convictions without the body. It is really hard to do but it is possible. In fact, this is what happened here.
Oh and in the case of DV, you still have to have a gathering of evidence, a probable cause for arrest, a charge filed and a trial/plea.
You could, but most people take a person ripping apart their clothes as a hostile, threatening gesture. A gentle hand-smacking would not mount much of a defense.
Yes, I am sure that if a drunk man walked up to a woman, ripped her shirt open, and gave the woman a “Oh hello there, oop, guess your shit is ripped now, hahaha, walk off” look you could never imagine why that woman’s first impulse would be to full on slap the man.
@toysoldier, there is an element of sexual assualt to ripping open a woman’s shirt that there isn’t for a man’s due to the way we as a culture sexualize women’s breasts. However, if he has left, it would not be warranted for her to chase him down to hit him. Still, you could imagine the situation with two men (so without the sexual assualt edge angle), it would not be okay to chase down a man to slap him for ripping your shirt either.
Jesus Christ DSC, it’s like, of course it’s not OKAY, but I don’t think we can call his reaction entirely out of the realm of understanding either. It’s a threatening gesture, maybe not physically if it’s a weak ass woman, but it’s still demeaning, startling, and arrogant, and that’s still threatening.
Put it this way- I’m not going to be calling the slapped a “victim”, and neither would I if she was male. You make an aggressive gesture, you need to be prepared for a retaliation.
I also recall, a long time ago, someone recalled a situation where a man touched her breast at a concert, and then she chased after him and kicked him in the balls. Everyone applauded her, naturally. Is this not the same thing, except less severe in the retaliation?