What the fuck is wrong with Reddit these days? Today, the denizens of AskReddit are debating the topic: Is it wrong to hit a woman? You can probably figure out what the consensus is. (Hint: Two letter word, starts with N.) What’s especially striking is how, well, gleeful the discussion is. Redditor after Redditor weighs in with the exact same opinion on the subject; others reply with jokey assent; everybody gets upvotes, sometimes hundreds of them. This exchange captures some of the flavor of the, er, “discussion” there:

These aren’t people arguing dispassionately that in the interest of equality we should treat hitting women the same as hitting men, and that ideally no one should be hitting anyone at all. These are guys (mostly) using the topic as an excuse to complain about “bitches” and their rights.
Others, meanwhile, decided to use the topic as masturbation fantasy fodder, suggesting that the original poster had missed his chance for some hot sex with the woman he slapped. As toothsayer put it:
The single slap is disrespectful, shows that you are pissy bitch, and will not get you laid. However, catching up to her as she is walking away, scooping her up, bending her over the knee and repeatedly spanking that ass would have led to some seriously hard core sex.
47 upvotes for that hilarious suggestion.
Perhaps all of the commenters should simply up and move to Topeka, Kansas, where the city council is considering decriminalizing domestic violence in order to save a few bucks. Seriously.
Note: Once again, I have the fine folks (no sarcasm here; they actually are fine) at ShitRedditSays for pointing this discussion out to me. Here’s the SRS discussion of the whole stinky mess.
I pledge: my next post will have nothing to do with Reddit.
CassandraSays: That’s brilliant! I wonder what unknowing insult boyfriend perpetrated on kitty to earn the 5am wakeup. 🙂
That wasn’t even close to the worst thing the cat ever did to a boyfriend. There was one ex long ago who decided to go pee in the middle of the night and didn’t bother to turn on the light, or put any clothes on, and then I woke up to the sound of him shrieking.
Want to guess what the cat lunged for?
(It’s because I’m an evil feminist. I totally trained him to do that.)
Dangly things are so tempting, aren’t they? Brother once did it doggie style with a cat in the room. Only ever the once.
This must be where the MRA fear of women with cats comes from 🙂
Magpie: That’s what I’d think – both of ours are strictly indoor cats. If you have any in your area, a grooming salon would be able to clip/grind you cat’s nails pretty cheaply.
Good idea. He’s going to stay at the pet motel for a week while I go on hols, they do grooming so I could ask them if they’d do it.
I think people are making a mountain out of a molehill at this point. If this had been a story of a guy punching out another bloke for ripping his shirt, it would’ve been a non-issue, with – at best – a short debate about whether violence was right or wrong in this case. But because the initiator was a woman, it’s suddenly a huge deal. If sexes are equal and everything, why is it so much worse to hit a woman than it is to hit a man?
(btw, I’ve known several women who liked to pull the “I can tease you/provoke you/hit you and you can’t do anything to me because I’m a girl, tee hee!” thing. Didn’t think it was funny or cute).
Oh, and I agree with whoever said that if it’d been a man who tore a woman’s dress, he’d have likely been arrested for sexual assault.
So you agree with David, then. The Redditor commenters wouldn’t have carried on so much if it was a man hitting a man?
Aye, there wouldn’t have been nearly as much hullaballoo from either side.
Guys who punch each other out in bars get arrested for disorderly conduct. It’s pathetically common, as I can attest to as someone who conducts background investigations on people — well, okay, lawyers. At any rate, after MIP citations, disorderly conduct is the most common one you see.
And the OP of the original thread had every right to call the police after she ripped the buttons off his shirt. Women get charged with disorderly conduct, too. Many of my female applications have such a citation in their history, as well as urinating in public and minor in possession. The commonality between all of it is the abuse of alcohol, and not gender.
I do find it interesting that when presenting a gender flip, Hengist doesn’t leave the description at a ripped button, but describes it as tearing her dress, which obviously evokes quite a different image.
The whole discussion about whether the woman deserved to be slapped for ripping someone’s button off is a red herring. It’s clear that the MRA morons there don’t care about the ripped button; it’s women’s right to vote that callings for a slapping, in their view. Because god knows, every man gets savagely beaten as soon as he comes out of the voting booth, as a matter of course; without any consequences!!
It would still be both illegal and wrong.
The debate takes about 2 seconds regardless of gender.
“Someone used violence on someone just being a nuisance. That’s not okay.”
Because men and women aren’t equal yet, you stupid twit. We still live in a massively misogynist society that still thinks hitting women is okay when it’s not pretending it’s so not-misogynist. God, what’s next? “If hispanics are equal to white people why can’t I just throw around ‘wetback’?”
That is the only thing on this list that can remotely justify hitting to begin with, dimwit.
Predictions: Rutee will be accused of personal attacks (probably while receiving a personal attack) and making up strawmen. We will then learn that women who are annoying a man deserve to be hit because feminism locks keys links which will be discredited by other links that MRAs won’t read because the source is feminist.
We should make a MRA comment gameshow. Easiest win ever.
Lauralot: Don’t forget that this all feminists fault for noticing that something which, “would have been two seconds if if were two dudes” was a big deal in a forum of dudes who were all explaining how great it is to hit women.
You’re right. I also forgot the part in which we have no sense of humor and no lives.
I like soft, fluffy things, like kittens, gerbils, bunnies, sweet old fashioned girls, etc. Youall like porcupines, and I’m supposedly the crazy one!
Go to bed with your porcupines for all I could care less. Have fun! Maybe you could invite some man’o’war stinging jellyfish, cobras, and pufferfish additionally to really liven up the party. Have an orgy. You feminists will all feel right at home, You may even remind each other, while you’re all pulling spines out of yourselves and suffering from venom reactions, how “creepy” MY interest in soft fluffy fur is!
I’ll take fur, and soft, playful, lovable women anytime. And NO, I won’t beat them. I ‘ll be as gentle as can be. Feminists had BETTER exploit the robotic technology developed almost exclusively by men (sorry, Gracie Hopper and Ada Lovelace) because a male cyborg is the only man who would have one of you.
And yet there are married feminists, DKM. Care to explain that?
because a male cyborg is the only man who would have one of you.
That’s funny, because I checked my boyfriend for wires just last night.
[looks in pants… nope, no wires, battery compartments or power jacks]
[looks at feminist girlfriend]
[looks at feminist fianceée]
[looks at feminist fianceée’s other primary partner]
[double checks… still has penis]
[determines MadMan Meller is still wrong, and mad, and angry too]
MellerI like soft, fluffy things, like kittens, gerbils, bunnies, sweet old fashioned girls, etc. Youall like porcupines, and I’m supposedly the crazy one!
We love the whole world*as it is, will all it’s wonders, and all the people in it. You don’t. That’s what makes you the crazy one.
Even if that were true, and judging by my past, it’s demonstrably not, I like women better anyway, so…. not the punishment you think it is 😀
Those are lovely looking kitties, KathleenB and CassandraSays ♥!
Though the porcupine is pretty adorable as well. Skunks make cute pets as well, it seems.
As for animu that MRAs might find interesting, I guess Shitsurakuen would be worth a try.
It has been described as The Handmaid’s Tale meets Pokemon on TVTropes.
From the synopsis: “Girls in Utopia Gakuen are nothing but objects to be hoarded, fought over, abused and discarded at leisure by the boys”.
(To be fair, though, these conditions aren’t supposed to be a positive thing, and the girls get saved by another girl and become part of her harem).
Now if the girl was saved by a MAN and became a part of her rescuer’s harem, there to be well cared for and treated with love and gentleness, THAT would be something that I could live with. Shitsurakuen would be a good story then.
See, I care for the well being of women after all. I detest stories where men are playing second fiddle to girls. It should be a man who rescues them, and then gets his reward! I’m not going to look at a show that makes men out to be villains, least of all a Japanese one. Japanese, of all people, should know the absurdity of putting females as #1! I get enough of this media and literary feminist slop here in the USSA!
David K. Meller
Assault is against the law, the self defense defense is available for people of all genders.
The only reason the battered woman’s defense, a subset of either the insanity plea or self defense defense, arose is because juries were refusing to consider abused women’s situations and to take abuse victims who acted in self defense seriously.
We did a “battered woman’s defense” case in crim law, and people made all kinds of bullshit excuses, then the professor suggested a hypothetical, the same situation (the victim was being kept in the house, beaten when she tried to leave, threatened with her death and death and assault of the small children who were also in the house, had called the police before and not received results, etc.) but to imagine that the perp and victim were roomates or strangers rather than lovers. Yeah, it would be a fucking slam dunk self defense case for anyone but a beaten spouse.
Note to give further evidence to this: abusers very often kill their victim for trying to leave/leaving, so it is not irrational at all for victims to suspect their abusers might do so.