Ugh. No jokes this time, just an appalling little exchange on Reddit’s Men’s Rights subreddit. First, a Redditor called xbyiu offers some unsolicited, and pretty pig-ignorant, thoughts about SlutWalks. The basic thesis:
Personally, I think a lot of feminists just don’t care about rape victims. They’d much rather see women as a whole being a victim of the patriarchy and fight against that sort of abstract idea then deal with the reality of rape, which can be fought against with simple tips on how to protect yourself.
Hold on; it gets worse.
To this the r/mr regular EvilPundit replied (in a comment that, last I checked, had gotten three times more upvotes than downvotes):
I’d go even further, and say that many feminists love rape. For them, it’s a perfect way to demonise men in general.
If rape didn’t exist, feminism would invent it. In fact, feminism does invent a lot of rape, with its imaginary statistics such as “1 in 4”, and so on.
In other words, feminists don’t really want to prevent rape. But most rape is imaginary. So feminists are trying to not prevent something that doesn’t much happen anyway. Brilliant.
A note on the “1 in 4” thing: EvilPundit’s insinuation that it’s an “imaginary statistic” is a common MRA talking point. It’s not imaginary, but it’s not quite accurate either. The one-in-four number comes from a study conducted in the 80s by researcher Mary Koss: based on a detailed survey of college women, she found that roughly one in four of her respondent had been a victim of rape or attempted rape since the age of 14. This is often simplified – and distorted – into “one in four female college students are raped while in college.”
In fact, Koss’ survey found that one in eight college women answering her survey, not one in four, had been the victim of completed rape. Other studies have reported numbers not far off from this. The National Violence Against Women Survey, for example, found that roughly one in six of female respondents reported being the victim of rape in their lifetime.
The fact that some people have misrepresented Koss’ study doesn’t mean that her findings are “imaginary.”
I’m not even sure why I’m writing all this, given that as a feminist I presumably don’t care at all about rape.
Pic above taken from here.
EDITED TO ADD: EvilPundit’s comment has gotten some downvotes since I posted this, but it still has more upvotes than downvotes.
Yes, only women who are straight and young and hot are raped.
Meh, trolls aren’t even trying anymore these days.
1/10, nugganu. Old meme is old.
Once again, the MRA subreddit proves that it’s a cesspool of hatred, misogyny and lies. I really fucking hate most MRAs for being like this.
Not trolling, just speaking the truth mate. I wouldn’t shag any of those broads at slutwalk with your dick.
Shorter nugganu: “Rape is a compliment!”
They wouldn’t fuck you either, so…?
That’s nice. Dance, troll, dance!
Not trolling, just speaking the truth mate.
Uh huh. That’s nice, dear. Run along and play now, the grown-ups are talking.
They stay away from you, you stay away from them… sounds like a win/win situation to me! Where’s your problem?
“Yes, only women who are straight and young and hot are raped.”
Still doesn’t change the point that I made, which is that it is always the least likely women to be raped, who parade around half naked at slutwalk, begging for the whole world to notice them sexually.
As for your links, talking about twisted sex offenders and then applying that template to ALL men is pretty brutal.
It’s cute how some guys think that we actually care whether or not they deem us “fuckable.”
You’re still here?
Yeah, nugganu, your boner or lack thereof isn’t our problem. Poor you.
“Actually, if I went to a gay bar in a fishnet tank top and assless leather pants, and got passed-out drunk, I would feel a little responsible if “something” happened…”
Well, maybe you would feel responsible, but you aren’t, in my view.
Forget men, women, feminism, misandry, or anything else.
All men, women, intergendered, transgendered, children, elderly, etc. have a right to bodily integrity. Accidents happen and our bodies get hurt. We fix them as medical technology allows. But the behavior of someone else outside of expressed consent should never at any time mess with our rights to an unviolated body. Aside from cases when we pass out and medical attention has to be rendered without our expressed permission, we should all have the right to say no.
If you want to go to a gay bar naked, you should not get raped. End of story.
How does me pointing out that rape victims are not universally hot and blonde equate to me saying that all men are rapists? MRA reading skills are piss-poor, I’ve noticed.
Yep, nugganu, there are no men at all anywhere who want to fuck goth or otherwise alterna looking women. This is why Suicide Girls exists, and men pay for it.
The troll doth protest too much, methinks.
Doesn’t matter.
You should stick around becase when the MRA’s aren’t apologizing to rapists for people telling them that rape is wrong, they’re complaining that feminists don’t care about male rape.
Hur! Hur! Hur!
Nugganu, why aren’t you telling your mom to bring you more Cheetos and Mt Dew? You’re going to be late for your WoW raid. I realize that taking a shower using some Clearasil and actually leaving the basement to meet people would deny you ph@t l00tz but you might actually meet some real women most of which feel that they deserve equal rights and considerations. Not that you’d have the courage to actually talk to them.
See? you’re not the only one who can use tired old tropes.
At any rate, I agree that for ardent feminists, there’s nothing better than rape. They can gather these tradegies, falsely inflate numbers and use them endlessly to demonise all men. It’s the oldest ploy in their shaming playbook. Isn’t that how Andrea Dworkin, the Josef Mengele of the feminist movement, started out, by crying rape all the time?
No, she’s a woman. She has short hair and small boobs. Still a woman.
If it’s a man, he’s certainly quite petite with delicate features.
WooHoo! More for me!
Wait… oh, you were being sarcastic. 🙁
Petite, young-looking women with pink hair are actually men according to MRAs?
The more you know, etc.
nugganu said
The issues of elderly rape and corrective rape do not apply to all men and nobody argued they did. They don’t even apply to all rapists. They are just proof that the way a person looks is not a protection against rape. We’re trying to make the point that anybody can be raped. It doesn’t matter if you’re a man or a woman, fat or thin, young or old, or LGBT. Also, rape is about power, not sex. Just because you don’t find someone sexually attractive, doesn’t mean a rapist wouldn’t target that person. They might not be attracted to their victim either, but chose the victim because he or she looked vulnerable, like an easy target.