Ladies! Better move fast if you want to sink your talons into some hard-working, high-earning beta man-wallet! Men’s Rights Redditor ShinShinGogetsuko is on to you ladies and your devious ways, and he’s taking his video games and going home. By which I mean: he’s GOING GALT!
Men are choosing to reject the culture that is being forced upon them which tells them to be anything but MEN. What they want us to be is slaves, to throw away our souls and toil away while women get to do whatever they want in the name of “female empowerment” and with a court system that will side with them. Equality is the ideal, but it’s not about equality–it’s about control. Men are going Galt.
When society takes a stand against the destruction of men’s character, then men will return to being men. Until then, Xbox 720.
See, I wasn’t kidding about the video games bit.
Thanks to tim-buckles on ShitRedditSays for the link (and the screenshot).
Well, the unicorn thing is ’cause the unemployed are all too slutty, but yes the rest is accurate. ;p
(I’m thankful every damn day to be in grad school right now. Unless I epically fuck up — or my meds stop working — I’m set for the next few years.This is a rare and privileged situation, of course, and I don’t forget that for a second.)
Maybe those 99 percent fucks should stop bitching on the Internet. That’s time better spent building skills or looking for a job. No sympathy.
Most of them are looking for jobs. That’s why they’re so angry.
Some of them already have jobs, and they’re still broke. They’re even angrier.
The “everyone who’s motivated enough can work 40 hours a week, and everyone who works 40 hours can have a decent standard of living” deal is just not on any more, and that’s what this is about.
See, that is generally a privileged bunch of people already, relatively speaking. About a third of my classmates from the sixth grade didn’t even make it to a diploma. Centralizing the needs of an additional 5% of the upperclass is no solution.
Maybe I am just feeling jaded in part because I am writing a paper about transgender access to shelters and the law and have been reading low income queer groups call for a right to shelter, medical care, physical safety, etc., or maybe it is because I grew up poor and know what a privilege being able to attend college is in this country (and for most people in the world), but I am somewhat wary about whether or not the “99%” is truly meant to include me and mine.
I mean, I am hopeful that they will move forward well, and build something good, and this is not a general condemnation, but I just can’t quite make myself feel all “rah rah” enthused at this point.
I find it ironic that Bioshock’s gotten involved, since the second game starts out as an MRA’s wet dream. You’re a large, powerful man fighting for his daughter against a cruel, demented, power-hungry woman who controls the city and has taken your child away.
On the other hand, everything you do is orchestrated by your now-teenage daughter and towards the end she opens a violent box of whoop-ass on the entire fucking room. So they might still object.
(I maintain that Bioshock 2 would have been much cooler if you were playing as a prototype Big Mommy.)
@darksidecat – what I found powerful about the message (which is a lot about college-educated people, as you say) is that even when you do everything *right*, go to college and then work hard, you won’t even necessarily have a roof over your head or food to eat. My head goes ‘then the system is messed up, because clearly no-one can get ahead and this is wrong’.
It seems to me that the idea that if you work hard you can look after your needs is a really important myth to liberal democracies, given their emphasis on individualism and whatnot. And it does need to be challenged such that people recognise that homeless and/or unemployed people are not subhuman lazy beasts, but probably just unlucky. I’m not trying to say that no-one has agency, but I think that most of us make unwise decisions at some point, and whether or not that messes up your life has a lot to do with luck.
My reservations about it are that this might not actually challenge the demonisation of the poor and unemployed, that it’s more about saying EVEN white college educated people (who, it’s implied, SHOULD have job security and health insurance) don’t have it and that this is wrong. Those are the limits of my enthusiasm 🙁
While people in college/graduated from college are privileged, I don’t think it’s a super tiny percentage of the population. This page is kinda out of date, but by 2004 ~28% of people over age 25 had BA’s or higher: http://nces.ed.gov/programs/digest/d04/tables/dt04_011.asp
So obviously recent/current college kids would be a smaller number than that, but that age group also is facing really high unemployment. Going to college is a privilege but it’s also a mechanism for social mobility, and one that requires a pretty huge financial investment, and I’d hate to totally discount the needs of people with a lot of school debt.
(To be clear, I think that recent college grads still have better employment chances than their no-post-secondary-or-less peers. I was comparing that age bracket to older folks.)
This. While I do appreciate that the less educated have it the worst of all and that low education/low income is a vicious cycle, I think the largest problem is that there is no breaking out, even with an education. There’s no way into the 1% except to already be in the 1%.
And the whole bootstrap mentality certain people have is the biggest pantload ever. You’re either born with access or luck. Hard work seems to have very little to do with who gets ahead these days.
I’m not saying it can’t happen, just that chances are slim.
Hm. So Rev Billy is misrepresenting it (not sarcasm).
I wish there were something I could do other than just joining, since I have responsibilities I can’t walk away from even temporarily (also not sarcasm). Like, if I could flack or something. I’d go down to Zucotti Park tomorrow morning and offer, if I thought I’d be able to interact with someone who could take me up on it.
That said, I think my third para still holds: there are almost certainly tourists and random malcontents who have no relevant strong opinions down there.
That said, I don’t plan to read We Are the 99% for the same reason I don’t plan to watch Schindler’s List
Also, from a different comment: MRAL goes/went to BU? That explains a lot.
BU or BC, now that I think of it, can’t remember exactly.
Wait until mom’s not supporting you (or god forbid she loses her job), and you have to go out there with nothing but lifeguarding on your resume and a shit attitude. Maybe then you’ll gain some empathy, because son, life is going to kick you in the nards.
Oh no no no. When he has trouble making ends meet, it will be proof that he, and he alone, is unfairly oppressed. Every day he sits in his mom’s house playing video games, waiting for a job, will be one more day he was discriminated against by the Greek system and the feminist conspiracy for being half an inch shorter than average (evening height). Nothing will ever be his fault.
Misfortunes that befall other people, however, will be entirely their fault.
Given enough time, he may start incorporating other perceived foes into the great conspiracy against MRAL, and by the time he’s in his fifties he’ll be telling people he’s unhappily single and in a dead-end job because of the combined power of the feminists, the Jews, the United Nations, the CIA, and the DMV. Then, at least, he will provide some entertainment value.
Or he could stop being an asshole to people. But that’s kind of hard (SPOILERS: it is not actually hard) and I’m increasingly doubtful he’ll give it a try.
Once again I’m completely baffled as to why guys like this think that women, or indeed most men, are going to care if they do go Galt. Have at it, dude – what do I care if you want to sulk in your room and play games all day? As long as I don’t have to pay your rent it’s no skin off my nose.
@Lyn: It’s not even a screw up that can leave people destroyed. One hit and run car accident, one heart attack, one layoff and an entire family can be on the street. And things have gotten so bad out there that the organizations that used to be able to help people are out of time and money. It’s extremely hard to even find space in a homeless shelter, in my neck of the woods.
But, what can the average family, that’s had a bad turn of luck, really do about it? Corporations don’t care and they’re the ones that own your lease/ mortgage, car loan, credit card account, etc. In the current economic system, they have no reason to care about the individual, because the stockholders are so much more important. Your mortgage company doesn’t care why you can’t pay your mortgage. Your insirance company doesn’t really care if they make you whole, after a claim is filed. These companies are thriving, because they extract as much money as possible and give the least amount of product or service that they can get away with. The moment you stop giving them money, they’ll either drop you for someone who can, or use the methods at their disposal (and they have MANY) to forcefully take it from you.
At this point, more than ever, the individual is nothing more than a support system for large corporations and the people who control them. If a person unable or unwilling to contribute to the health of the almighty corporation, they are worthless. The problems that this country faces are much bigger than men against women, whites against blacks. Those are merely designed to distract people, so they don’t see the marionette strings that are binding them. Corporate America is in charge and they have no problem sticking it to one or all of those 99%, if it suits them.
I’m extremely fortunate in two ways. The first being that I own my business, so I have a lot more flexibility, as I have multiple clients and some avenues to come up with money pretty quickly. If that fails, I can go back home and ride out the storm. And I’m starting to think that I’m going to be making that trip, one of these days. Things are so deregulated and so corporate oriented that it’s looking like it’s a matter of when, rather than if.
Note to MRAL: if you want me to let your comments through, tone it down, way down.
What’s he up to, David?
“But, power to the people! Back in February when we were protesting Walker’s union-busting bill, people from all over the world ordered Ian’s Pizza to feed us.”
What you’ve actually done by protesting for State run unions is handed more power to the State. 22 million State workers producing debt. How can debt, taken from the population produce wealth?
@Holly Pervocracy
“I know the Occupy Wall Street movement is hopelessly unfocused, lacking in diversity, and doesn’t have super specific demands or goals.”
What does diversity have to do with prosperity? After decades of diversity training in your public education system are we better off? Wealthier? Happier? More secure? Make no mistake, the gang at the top of the pyramid is unified. They love promoting diversity.
“I think the demands and goals of OWS are fairly easy to formulate, even if they are only instinctive to most people:”
What you need to understand is, for the past 40 or 50 years everyone has cried out for laws and regulations as you’ve suggested. If these laws work as you believe they would how has the gap between the rich and poor increased with every new law? Until we return to the original financing of the State we are all slaves to a false monetary system.
#1) Abolish the Federal Reserve.
#2) The federal Government is financed exclusively by capital gains tax and import excise tax.
#3) The State prints only as much money needed for the transportation of goods.
This is how the system was originally set up. There was no inflation, unemployment. Every crash and all inflation, any economic hardship is cause willfully and with full knowlege by the international bankers.
Everyone should watch this video and learn how your financial system works and who is really running the show.
“One thing I noticed is that all those who once were in public office on the right leaning side seem to land cushy jobs in the private sector when they leave.”
There is no right and left at the top. They work in unison to steal your wealth. Fearmongering on both sides. Imposing laws. Stealing freedom. They can only promise what they can borrow at interest and bill to the public.
“Exactly! We keep finding out more and more evidence that there was some serious fraud going on, they bring us to the brink of a global financial meltdown, and now three years later it’s all business as usual again, like nothing happened!!”
That fraud is a nothing, a drop in the bucket. Will they throw a few token embezzelers to appease you? They are nobodys.
” It’ll probably happen again, since nothing’s being regulated like it should be.”
Have the regulations helped so far? The regulations increase the wealth of the ultra-wealthy at everyones expense. Ask for more regulations and I’m sure Burnanke and Geithner will be extatic, and rush to comply with more regulations.
“Have you SEEN the unemployment rate?”
Right here in real time
@Holly Pervocracy
“Still could use a lot more people who aren’t middle-class white males in their twenties, though.”
Racist and sexist remark. The same people who promote feminism and the justification of your casual, accepted racist, misandric remarks are your true enemy. Do you really think white men will care after your flippant remarks? Since the State caters to womens every demand, the balls in your court.
MRAL, honey: It’s easy to be so tough when you are a college sophomore. No wonder Ayn Rand is especially popular among people under 25. Or are you a junior? Doesn’t matter — college students lead a fairly sheltered existence, and the campus provides a warm, cozy cocoon; and because you are not in your final year, you aren’t yet feeling the dread, but trust me, it is coming. You are where, Boston U? The college I went to is one of the highest rated by … well, any rating system you can find. You would think that graduating from a school like that, one would be all set. But no: in the first couple of years after graduation, I discovered that for most of my former classmates, the only jobs they could find were as secretaries or administrative assistants, for $10 an hour with no benefits.* That, or tending bar. Just for the record, they weren’t all Comparative Literature majors; there were economists, journalists and poli-sci graduates in there too. And this was when the economy was much better than now. So before you go bask in your own superiority, perhaps you should ask yourself what YOU are going to do when you grow up.
(*This, of course, creates a vicious trend: the more insanely overqualified people take jobs answering phones and making copies, the more demanding employers become. They come to expect that anyone who wants to work for them as a secretary must speak several languages and have a university degree. And this further displaces highly skilled people who don’t quite meet those qualifications.)
How is it that individual people can have liberty and freedom when there are so many people ready to deny that freedom by discriminating against someone for race/sex/religion/sexual orientation/class and with no government to make that discrimination illegal?
Libertarianism is unrealistic, selfish and just plain dumb. And I love the irony of all these MRA misogynists who worship Ayn Rand even though she’s a woman. I suppose teh wimminz can only be smart and write books only if they completely agree with these idiots opinions and ideas. I actually own The Fountainhead. Bought it from a used bookstore cuz I was curious what all the fuss was about Rand. But the more I learned about objectivism and libertarianism (especially with encounters with self professed online libertarians) the more I just want to trash the book. I might still read it since I believe in listening to opposing viewpoints (eg I agree with some of the MRMs claims on the sexism males face, the majority are assholes though) but the garbage I hear from online libertarians and Randroids turns me off to it completely. Its especially hypocritical to hear all these libertarian dudes cry for their freedom until it involves women. Suddenly women belong in the home and abortion is murder and family values blah blah blah. I suppose freedom is only allowed for the men then? idiots.
Unless selfishness and greed is fought against (like Occupy Wall Street is so diligently doing) and society makes equity a forefront important goal, then things will only get worse.
And like everyone else already said, fucking go Galt/your own way already. Don’t let the door hit you on the way out!
@Nova – you’re totally right, I didn’t mean to imply that it’s just bad decision-making! I agree so much of it is up to luck – and getting in a car accident, getting sick is just stuff that happens that you have relatively little control over.
I was trying to say that the underlying idea behind the ‘I was responsible with my money and am fine’, ‘personal responsibility is all!’ logic is that people who don’t make great decisions somehow deserve to go without food or housing. Really? I mean, I get that I’m a bit left of center and everything, but I just don’t think people should be penalized for investing in a bad company with starvation, just as I don’t think people who are in an accident deserve to freeze or live in their cars. I don’t think that anyone in the world should be without decent food and shelter and health care. No ifs, buts or maybes. Idealist, perhaps, but it’s a morally sound position!
He’s gonna run out his parents’ health insurance all the way up to the age limit, then… I dunno. As a snotty naive little baby graduate without basic social skills I’m not sure he’ll get one of the few jobs out there. And I suspect he wouldn’t be able to marry up or stay-at-home dad it either, ’cause he’s no good with women to boot.
Quackers, members of Teh Wimminz are occasionally admitted into the boys’ club if they renounce all their womanliness and admit that boys rule and girls drool.
@ Quackers – If you do attempt to read the Rand book, make sure you have a full pot of coffee before sitting down with it, because it’s boring enough to put you right to sleep. A former friend had that book on his coffee table, so I read bits of it on multiple occasions. The prose is so leaden that it makes Last of the Mohicans seem light and airy. Rand was quite the pedant.
katz- yep I noticed this with some female MRA/PUA bloggers. If they agree that women are inferior and agree with everything the MRA/PUAs say they’ll take them in, or at least converse with them without throwing the usual ad hominem attacks. One must have incredibly low self esteem and identity issues to label themselves and their entire sex as inferior.
CassandraSays- will do. Not sure how long I’ll last though, I need to be thoroughly immersed in a book to finish it, or else I’ll just end up doing something else.
Lyn, I definitely agree. Obviously totally innocent people shouldn’t get punished by the system, but I think that even if people do things that are clearly wrongheaded, there’s a limit to how much they should be punished for that. I would rather have a system that helps them, especially since their being productive members of society helps everyone else, too.