$MONEY$ alpha males atlas shrugged beta males evil women I'm totally being sarcastic marriage strike MGTOW misogyny MRA

Ladies: He’s Going Galt — and it’s all your fault

Screw you, sister! I'm Going Galt!

Ladies! Better move fast if you want to sink your talons into some hard-working, high-earning beta man-wallet! Men’s Rights Redditor ShinShinGogetsuko is on to you ladies and your devious ways, and he’s taking his video games and going home. By which I mean: he’s GOING GALT!

Men are choosing to reject the culture that is being forced upon them which tells them to be anything but MEN. What they want us to be is slaves, to throw away our souls and toil away while women get to do whatever they want in the name of “female empowerment” and with a court system that will side with them. Equality is the ideal, but it’s not about equality–it’s about control. Men are going Galt.

When society takes a stand against the destruction of men’s character, then men will return to being men. Until then, Xbox 720.

See, I wasn’t kidding about the video games bit.


Thanks to tim-buckles on ShitRedditSays for the link (and the screenshot).




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13 years ago

well, at least the 1% are amused….

And that’s the saddest thing of all. The complicity of people who are actually NOT in that 1% and will never BE in that 1%, but who are so deluded into thinking that maybe they might get up there that they are willing to see everyone else around them suffer and get treated like shit.

I literally saw someone in a forums post that all of his friends work on Wall Street, he hopes to work on Wall Street one day, and that he WANTS income disparity to grow even farther, because it will benefit his (unnamed) company.

Now that’s some fucked up shit. When I wrote to him, “Yeah, I got mine, fuck all y’all,” he just wrote, “That’s the way everyone is, even the artists and hippies who are protesting. Just look at Metallica.”

Metallica??? Is that an RIAA reference or something?

Sorry I’m swearing so much. Like Ozy, I’m a bit hopped up right now.

Hershele Ostropoler
13 years ago


I know the Occupy Wall Street movement is hopelessly unfocused, lacking in diversity, and doesn’t have super specific demands or goals.

I agree with the people who say “when you say ‘Occupy Wall Street doesn’t have specific demands,’ you’re toeing the corporate line.” The question “what can we promise you that will make you shut up and go away?” doesn’t deserve an answer.

I’m more put off that there doesn’t seem to be any sort victory condition — not “what will it take to make the protestors go away?” but “what will it take to turn the protest into a celebration?” And I’m not getting that from the MSM, I’m getting it from Angus Johnston and Billy Talen.

I think that’s contributing to the sense I’m getting that the people with serious points are getting drowned out by the people who are shouting for the love of shouting, protesting out of simple contrariness, or seeing the whole thing as a tourist attraction rather than a serious effort. Again, I’m not getting my information directly from the MSM, I’m getting it on FB and Twitter and in lefty/progressive blogs.

Kollege Messerschmitt
13 years ago

I know! And since the large majority of people have chosen to be born into working/lower class families, it must actually be pretty great, right? I mean, living on welfare sounds pretty sweet – how many middle/upper class people can call themselves queens after all?

Kollege Messerschmitt
13 years ago

I think that’s just good old-fashioned taunting. The 99% can protest all they want — we have no power.

I wonder if they had an underpaid secretary make those signs.

Yeah, and they seem to be enjoy the knowledge that they are pretty much secure to the fullest. Or maybe they just have absolutely no idea (and don’t actually care) what problems people face who aren’t as well off as them – I’m just thinking of Natalie “Recession Is Exciting” Portman here.

13 years ago

The goal of nonviolent direct resistance is to create such a crisis that those in power are forced to negotiate with the oppressed group (this is why everyone should read MLK’s “Why We Can’t Wait”, I think a lot of people today have the wrong idea about what nonviolent direct action does to get its goals met). Who are they negotiating with? The actual literal people working on Wallstreet? The Congress? Going into a negotiation without any idea of demands is not the best of ideas, either.

This is not a proper nonviolent direct action protest in the most part at the moment, it is at the moment more of a rally, really. This current habit of confusing the two is messy and intereferes with effectiveness, in my opinion.

13 years ago

“Metallica??? Is that an RIAA reference or something?”

It could be, but it makes no sense. Unless he’s calling them hypocrites for suing Napster after they got famous on tape trading, but even then it’s a mighty big reach. Not to mention, it’s kind of an outdated reference.

What we need to see is someone higher up (Blankfein, Dimon, I’m looking at you) at one of these banks go to jail for their extreme fuckery. Because if it were you or I stealing like that that, we’d die in jail. Or hell, let’s give the SEC some teeth to investigate Wall St. and stop being a revolving door on the way to white shoe law firms. Something, anything. Sorry for the derail, but this makes me rage, and I’m one of the “lucky” ones.


One thing I noticed is that all those who once were in public office on the right leaning side seem to land cushy jobs in the private sector when they leave. It is kind of hard to understand the pain a family goes through when Dad and Mom lose their jobs when they never have to worry about paying their bills.

Same goes for too many members of the media. Like say…Dana Milbank.

Kollege Messerschmitt
13 years ago

I guess if they just watched Rosanne Barr advocate beheading for sufficiently rich people, they might perceive it as a joke. Or the content right below their picture. Guillotines, one big joke, har har.

I know how to make a guillotine out of old pallets and a dumpster lid…

Err… I mean *theoretically*! /whispers, is this ISP secure?

Now, now! Let’s wait until they want us to have cake when we’re out of bread We wouldn’t want anyone to lose their head over this so quickly, after all!

13 years ago

What we need to see is someone higher up (Blankfein, Dimon, I’m looking at you) at one of these banks go to jail for their extreme fuckery. Because if it were you or I stealing like that that, we’d die in jail.

Exactly! We keep finding out more and more evidence that there was some serious fraud going on, they bring us to the brink of a global financial meltdown, and now three years later it’s all business as usual again, like nothing happened!!

13 years ago

it’s all business as usual again, like nothing happened

It’ll probably happen again, since nothing’s being regulated like it should be.

13 years ago

I’m more put off that there doesn’t seem to be any sort victory condition

So, what was the victory condition for the French Revolution?

Honestly, in my opinion, America is spoiled in the fact that the revolution had a tidy little manifesto and the civil war was neatly split between the industrial north and agrarian south.

What were the Victory Condition in the Spanish/American war? Why are we still paying $3/month to finance it? (Hint: look at your phone bill).
How about the Korean War? Vietnam? What were the protestors against the Vietnam war really protesting? The war? Fear of the draft? The price of a war in Asia?

You want a grand statement? How about “We’re still f*cking unemployed!”
Were people demanding Victory Conditions for those living in Hoover-vills? How about the Ludlow coal mine strike?

For crying out loud, why are people who fight for equality nit-picking that UR protesting RONG!?

I realize I don’t often have a point and just snark here, but really people…FOLLOW THE LINK *PLEASE*!

13 years ago

Bah! I’m rambling.

I’m going to kick a libertarian to make myself feel better.


We had cake here at work today. Uh oh…wait, I bought the cake…hmmm…

13 years ago

They only call it class warfare when we fight back.

The rich and powerful declared war on the middle and working classes years ago.

13 years ago

I’m going to kick a libertarian to make myself feel better.

Ha! I just got into a fight with a Paulbot today! Did you know it’s totally not hypocritical for a libertarian to be pro-life?

Arielle Shander
13 years ago

They find a small handful of things to be pissed off about and equate it to “slavery.” MRAs/MGTOWs are such drama kings. Also, I could kick their collective asses in Super Smash Bros. Bring it on!

13 years ago

See you guys on XBL ;D

13 years ago

MRAL: Riiight. Because there are jobs out there that pay a living wage and provide decent benefits just sitting out there, and those of us who are unemployed are just too fucking lazy to get them. Sure. Also, we could all get a free education and a unicorn the farts glitter and rainbows! But again, too fucking lazy.

Have you SEEN the unemployment rate?

13 years ago

We are on strike against self-immolation. We are on strike against the creed of unearned rewards and unrewarded duties. We are on strike against the dogma that the pursuit of one’s happiness is evil. We are on strike against the doctrine that life is guilt. Txt me ur gamertag and we’ll get all the achievements in AC:Brotherhood lol.

13 years ago

Metallica??? Is that an RIAA reference or something?

It’s a reference to Metallica suing Napster back when Napster still existed. More specifically, “South Park” did an episode making fun of Metallica for this, so, thanks to the nuanced analysis of Messrs. Parker and Stone, in the mind of your Internet friend “Metallica” means “spoiled rich people who complain about stuff.”

Man, rich libertarian assholes piss me off. I was having much more fun chuckling at some dork with a Japanese screen name trying to explain how it’s women’s fault he spends 17 hours a day on Halo. If only the Wall Street creeps could be so harmlessly amusing.

13 years ago

If you’re the next Thomas Pynchon, you’ll never resurface!

Holly Pervocracy
13 years ago

I just got back from Occupy Boston and I want to reverse what I said about them not having clear demands.

What they have is way more important: they have a clear conversation. It was as much a protest as a forum–there was less “we’re in bad shape, and this is the remedy we want” and more “we’re in bad shape, and let’s talk about remedies.”

And at the same time there was also one very clear message–99% of the people in this country are eating the crumbs of the other 1%, and fuck that shit.

So yeah. I take back what I said about it being nebulous. It’s actually a very intelligently structured–or at least deliberately and carefully unstructured–movement.

Still could use a lot more people who aren’t middle-class white males in their twenties, though. Part of that is inevitable because privileged kids are the ones who can afford to take the time and the risks, but a lot of it really is a failure on the part of the movement.

13 years ago

MRAL: FUCK YOU. You know who’s really fucked in all this, MRAL? Your generation. The unemployment numbers for teens/early 20’s are not pleasant.

Wait until mom’s not supporting you (or god forbid she loses her job), and you have to go out there with nothing but lifeguarding on your resume and a shit attitude. Maybe then you’ll gain some empathy, because son, life is going to kick you in the nards.

Wake the fuck up.

13 years ago

@Holly, that’s great you went. Tomorrow is Occupy Ausin, and I might be able to go.

And another thing, MRAL, do you have student loans? Because one thing you’ll be dong for a large chunk of time is paying those off. Hope you get a great gig. BU’s not cheap, and one of the major points brought up in We Are 99% is that student loan debt is really crippling a lot of graduates who can’t get decent enough jobs to pay it off.

Getting an education shouldn’t hamstring the rest of your life.