Ladies! Better move fast if you want to sink your talons into some hard-working, high-earning beta man-wallet! Men’s Rights Redditor ShinShinGogetsuko is on to you ladies and your devious ways, and he’s taking his video games and going home. By which I mean: he’s GOING GALT!
Men are choosing to reject the culture that is being forced upon them which tells them to be anything but MEN. What they want us to be is slaves, to throw away our souls and toil away while women get to do whatever they want in the name of “female empowerment” and with a court system that will side with them. Equality is the ideal, but it’s not about equality–it’s about control. Men are going Galt.
When society takes a stand against the destruction of men’s character, then men will return to being men. Until then, Xbox 720.
See, I wasn’t kidding about the video games bit.
Thanks to tim-buckles on ShitRedditSays for the link (and the screenshot).
I am totally for assholes ‘going galt’ from the dating pool. I’m sure it’ll be as successful a campaign as going galt from society.
But now who will I have to stay home and raise my babies?
The Xbox will be handling all childcare from now on. 😀
So they’ll be setting up a utopian hamlet in a craftily hidden mountain valley? Okay.
I’m going to echo the sentiments in a previous thread;
Epic plan! Lock yourselves in your man-caves with your xboxes and never concern yourself about women again!
Win-win situation. And if he leaves the workplace, even better; that’s a job opening up for someone who needs it!
I’d be concerned if all the men did this, but data recently received from the planet Earth suggests that my time would be better spent worrying about the government being taken over by zebras.
Fucking zebras. Fuck those fuckers.
You have to admit, though that this is a particularly creative excuse:
“Shigeru, you’re supposed to be doing your homework and taking out the garbage!”
“Screw that, dad. I’m going Galt. Until the national destruction of men’s character happens, I’m withdrawing from this corrupt, female-dominated society. I protest by immersing myself in Xbox games rather than meekly submitting to societal neutering.”
Galt? How fitting to make an Ayn Rand reference. Is it Atlas Shrugged or The Fountainhead in which she teaches us that women want to be raped?
Seriously though, MRAs, go Galt. You’ll be doing the world a service.
^ Fountainhead. Although Atlas Shrugged isn’t much better with the What Ladies Like narrative.
I understand this guy, but I think it’s misguided. What’s to be gained by sitting in front of the box all day? Nothing. What I would suggest, instead, is “going Galt” as a temporary measure, while you hone your skills obsessively at whatever you are best at. Then, in a few years, resurface as the new Thomas Pynchon or Beatles frontman and then the bitches will be sorry.
Not only does The Fountainhead have “women really want to be raped,” (because the will of the individual is all, unless of course that individual is a woman) the main plot of it is “It’s okay to blow up public housing built with other people’s money if they changed your precious design, because your right to absolute narcissism trumps every right every other person has.”
Bye, bye! Make sure to bring an inexhaustible labor force of robots.
Also, isn’t going Galt permanent? Unless I’m badly misremembering, the Mary Sue Squad didn’t go to Galt’s Gulch to wait for society to mend the error of its ways and write an apology note. They were leaving *forever* and creating their own, new society.
So if Mr. I Hate It When Bitches Pwn Me At Halo was serious about going Galt, he’d be suggesting that the menz all go pick up and move to Sealand or “men’s land” or something and start their own society.
Yes. Also, society crumbles with the loss of Galt’s ingenuity. Of course, Galt’s invention is a magical perpetual motion machine that solves the world’s energy problems. Wake me up when someone in real life actually does this and then I’ll be worried about any of these folks going Galt.
Going Galt isn’t something you talk about, it’s something you DO. Just do it already, guys!
It’s almost as if by going Galt they don’t really mean “abandoning a society I no longer care about,” but stomping off and having a tantrum so that society runs after crying about how sorry it is and won’t you please come back. Not quite Rand’s message, but very five-year-old.
Going Galt to these people is like an online forum flounce: the whole point is announcing it then never actually going through with it.
Well hell, I do not even have one!
I propose Reverse Going Galt. All the garbagemen, housekeepers, food service people, farmers, retail workers, teachers and everyone else who’s been fucked over by this economy goes and lives in the mountains, and then let’s see how long the “job creators” can survive without us.
(Ozymandias has been reading We Are the 99% on Tumblr and is very class-warfare-ish at the moment.)
That’s all very well and good, Oz, but what about the zebras? Should they go Galt, too? If so, what would that look like?
ozy: The “Galtians” are class war types too, they just figure the working class deserves to lose.
Ozy, that’s the third reference to that Tumblr I’ve seen today, so I knew I had to check it out. Now I’m going to cry at work.
But, power to the people! Back in February when we were protesting Walker’s union-busting bill, people from all over the world ordered Ian’s Pizza to feed us. People in Egypt who were demonstrating against Mubarak sent us pizza! It made me feel a tiny piece of how powerful we would be if we stopped allowing these divide and conquer tactics to split us.
It’s almost as if by going Galt they don’t really mean “abandoning a society I no longer care about,” but stomping off and having a tantrum so that society runs after crying about how sorry it is and won’t you please come back. Not quite Rand’s message, but very five-year-old.
Actually, that is Rand’s message also. She just hides it in 20 pages of the worst speeches ever, so very few people ever read it.
Don’t worry, PS3 will be introducing babysitting capabilities soon. In the meantime, Apple has an app for that.