Ladies! Better move fast if you want to sink your talons into some hard-working, high-earning beta man-wallet! Men’s Rights Redditor ShinShinGogetsuko is on to you ladies and your devious ways, and he’s taking his video games and going home. By which I mean: he’s GOING GALT!
Men are choosing to reject the culture that is being forced upon them which tells them to be anything but MEN. What they want us to be is slaves, to throw away our souls and toil away while women get to do whatever they want in the name of “female empowerment” and with a court system that will side with them. Equality is the ideal, but it’s not about equality–it’s about control. Men are going Galt.
When society takes a stand against the destruction of men’s character, then men will return to being men. Until then, Xbox 720.
See, I wasn’t kidding about the video games bit.
Thanks to tim-buckles on ShitRedditSays for the link (and the screenshot).
well not completely true women do tend to hit there bf alot during that time of the month at least mine dose but once in a while i pick her up and just kind of slip and well whatever i dont start it but i let it fall where it falls .as for being in school being biten by that one girl yea i had that but i knew i really get in trouble (my dad beat the shit out of me ,he did say if a girl try to kick you down there hit her as hard as you can )for hitting her so i just get piss and walk away .and power ranger well that started most of the fights who want to be the green ranger or red as for kicking i think none of use where gifted enough to kick into each other faces and body shots while they hurt where not that bad .
Re. the supposed boy crisis in school, I hear two mutually exclusive claims from MRA’s: On the other hand, boys are failing in school because lessons are somehow, mysteriously, geared towards girls; on the other hand, boys do so much better than girls in academic work, ’cause men rule!! Sorry, but you have to pick one or the other; you can’t have both. And besides, fighting and rough-housing, even centuries before feminism, were never used as teaching tools.
Re. child birth and PMS: Are you SERIOUSLY comparing a boy’s urge to hit someone just ’cause with the pain of childbirth? Seriously? You know, I suppose it’s true that you can’t judge the amount of pain for yourself because you’ll never be in child birth, but consider the objective manifestations: the pain of child birth makes women lose control of their bowels, many women suffer tears of the perineum (ever experienced what a torn ass-crack feels like?), and you have that whole small matter of something the size of a football squeezing through the opening the size of a tea-spoon. Do boys experience anything like this as a result of being told to spend 6 hours a day without fighting?
And besides, even putting the comparison aside — women don’t give birth in a public place. We don’t normally go into labor in the middle of a classroom, nor are any feminists demanding that something like this should be a right. Instead, we go to the hospital, or stay at home, and have our labor in a place and in a way that does not inconvenience the general public or disrupt anyone’s school or work. If you are the father to the child being born and you think child labor pain is totally BS and annoying, you don’t have to be there.
If you are saying that I can’t opine on boys’ urges to fight and destroy things like men can’t opine on the pain of childbirth — fine. In that case, I suggest that boys in the throws of rage do what women in child birth do — remove themselves from the public eye and go to a special facility where they can duke it out without any cost to anyone else. Childbirth does not prove that boys have the right to do this at school.
As for cramp pain, girls are taught from an early age to control the symptoms of menstruating so that they don’t inconvenience anyone else. I am sure the same can be demanded of boys who feel an “urge” to hurt each other, destroy property, or disrupt other people’s learning.
Holy wall of illiterate text.
Why do kids these days think their asinine ideas will gain validity if they write like they have a half broken keyboard?
UR not e.e. commings KTHNXBYE!!!
It’s harder to argue with something that’s barely legible, I guess.
hellkell: I was drinking tea when I read your comment. Now there’s tea all over my keyboard.
Molly: OMG I totally used to play Power Rangers in school. And I went to an all girls school. The bad guys were imaginary so we must have looked silly punching and kicking the air. I was always the yellow ranger ^_^
@Pecunium: In reference to your comment at:
Clearly, you don’t understand the definition of “practically”. Private companies are required to turn a profit…otherwise they go out of business. Private businesses can stay afloat while in the red, but not forever. Sooner or later, they need to earn a profit.
Government services are in their own category in and of themselves. So while I wouldn’t mind if the USPS earned a profit and stopped taking taxpayer money, I can tolerate them just breaking even.
If the USPS was constantly losing money, it helps make the case as to why they shouldn’t exist. If there is enough demand for something, earning a profit is fairly easy. Only businesses that are finding it difficult to market their services have trouble earning a profit. So maybe, the USPS is outliving it’s usefulness and should be scaled back or they are under regulation they can’t comply with without wasting loads of money.
I am not a fan of the US paying mercenaries like XE (blackwater). If anything the role of government should be law, courts, prisons, military, roads and a few others. The things government is charged with…it should do. There are very few things that only government’s can do and it should do them without contracting it out. (war, courts, prisons).
How does USPS not earning a profit indicate that there’s no demand when FedEx and other equivalent services do earn a profit? There is demand or FedEx wouldn’t be earning anything. You’re flipping back and forth between “We don’t need it!” and “We need it to be done like those guys do it!”
@Katz: That just makes it even more ridiculous. If FedEx and UPS can earn a profit…then why is the USPS losing money? At the bare minimum, they can easily break even.
I am not flipping around. My point is, I don’t really care if the USPS stops operations, but since it does exist…it should not lose money (i.e break even or earn a profit).
Ooh Goody! Brandon is a Laffer Curve fan!
The problem with the Laffer Curve is not that it’s wrong but that it’s trivial. We know exactly three points on the curve: what happens with zero taxes, what happens with 100%, and where we are now. We have no idea the overall shape of the curve, where the maximum is, or how it changes shape from day to day. The curve could very easily have multiple peaks and valleys. Laffer convinced Reagan we were on the far side of the maximum and that reducing taxes would slide us up the curve. In the short run it worked, just like blowing your savings on coke “works.” In the long run it worked just like blowing your savings on coke would, also.
As for the USPS, how do you suppose FedEx and UPS get packages to really remote places? They mail them via USPS. Effectively they’re parasites on the USPS. USPS has tried repeatedly to shut down small and unprofitable post offices and been shot down by Congress. So USPS is required to do something FedEx and UPS can’t possibly do and make a profit – reach every single person in the U.S. Maybe we should ban FedEx and UPS from using the Post Office and require them to service the entire country and see how profitable they are. Also, USPS is required to have its employee pensions fully pre-paid. Now I’d support that plan if it were required of EVERY business, but it’s only a mandate for the USPS. Can you possibly figure out why?