Hey, everybody, here’s another massive list of ridiculous comments from the Reddit’s Men’s Rights subreddit on the subjects of women, feminists and feminism. Some, er, highlights:
Never trust a woman. When you are out and they are around, go the other way. Your life may actually depend on you crossing the street or not taking that elevator or not working late in a office with another lonely woman.
Women are keen to assert all of the benefits that modern society affords them, but at the same time quick to twist their hair into pigtails and play the “I’m just a girl” defense when the traditional benefits of being a woman would suit them better.
Misandrist feminists want gender based apartheid, and the male population culled to lest than 10%
Feminism does NOT create strong women – it creates dependency and a stunted intellect.
In the feminist community, bigotry is met with a groundswell of support, and is very rarely called out.
That last one is just a teensy bit ironic, given that most of the comments above were heavily upvoted – in other words, “met with a groundswell of support.” Further evidence of this irony: oh, just the hundreds of misogynistic statements from MRAs I’ve linked to on this blog.
For links to the original comments in context, see the full list on Reddit. Props to the Redditor known as Squibbling for having the patience to assemble all of this.
Those false accusation rates are being worked on by top men.
Their bottoms are helping, too.
I am endlessly baffled by people who complain about misandry and then follow it up with “also, men are basically sub-human animals who cannot control their instinct to rape any scantily-clad woman in their path!” I mean, geez, I’m not sure how any of us nasty ol’ feminists are supposed to top that when it comes to man-hate. Me, I oh-so-viciously think men are actual people and can reasonably be expected to act like it. I’m terrible like that.
Also, in the midst of all the silliness, I’m not sure why this line particularly amused me, but:
Women dress like sluts to attract men, there is no other reason.
I feel that “Lesbians literally do not exist” needs to be added to the Book o’ Learning. I mean, even ignoring the roughly ten squintillion reasons why someone might pick a particular outfit that don’t involve attracting ANY generalized group of people, apparently no woman in the history of the world has ever dressed sexily to attract women.
“Also, I am currently dressed in a way myself and my partners find attractive. I’m wearing skinny jeans, a long-sleeved buttondown shirt and glasses. Am I dressed like a slut? Do I deserve to be raped? Isn’t everything I wear dressing like a slut, because I am a slut? What does that imply about virgins in Darth Vader shirts?”
Do men deserved to be sexually frustrated by womens actions? By your actions? Is teasing good? Because, by your actions, that’s what you’re doing? Keep building your rape culture. There really is only one outcome to this continued social norm of womens animalistic behavior of a complete lack of sexual control, while demanding men to complete control their sexuality.
If you think there’s no harm in womens actions of sexual teasing and taunting while demanding State violence to contol mens natural reaction to women action, continue with business as usual. As I said, try a little history and you’ll know what a true rape culture is. Coming soon will be a repeat of history, and it won’t be your little buyers remorse date rape culture.
The CIA funded feminism for definitions of funded that mean “infiltrated the movement and planted extremist people to say stupid shit and discredit the movement.”
Too funny! The CIA did fund Gloria, did /does fund Miss Mag, did/does feminism, and you give me conspiracies, yet I’m constantly called a conspiracy theorist for giving facts. How is it all those “extemists” managed to create so many laws of they were merely plants? Nice try, they were/are feminists thru and thru. A hate movement can never be anything other than a hate movement. Or are women oppressed by the State?
“Now you’re just being stupid. Try rereading the piece. It’s about being approached by strange men and not knowing their intentions.”
If that’s the case it’d be called the man in the box, not the rapist in the box.
“Schrodingers lying whore.” What’s in the box?
Seriously, NWO, you see nothing at all misandric about pretty much stating that men’s natural sexuality is to be rapey?
Also, I’m a woman; Do I deserve to be sexually frustrated by men who tease me? Every day at work I see some cute guy with a delicious body wearing nothing but a tank top that shows off all those lovely muscles. Obviously, he’s only dressing like that to tease me personally.
Seriously, I have a sex drive higher than most men I know. By your logic if I drugged and raped him, well, he shouldn’t have pushed me, should he of?
Dude, my source is Betty Friedan’s damn memoir. CIA plants in the feminist movement were common knowledge at the time; in fact, declassified records have shown that intelligence agencies regularly infiltrated leftist groups. What’s your source?
Also, I am glad to know that long-sleeve buttondown shirts and skinny jeans officially count as teasing men with my body. Another one for the Book of Larnin.
What actions? She’s wearing “skinny jeans, a long-sleeved buttondown shirt and glasses” while female. How the fuck is that teasing?
PROTIP: “Don’t call me a rapist or I will rape you” is not really a great rhetorical move.
Christ in heaven, at least DKM likes hanging out with animals and cares about their well-being. NWOSlave, it’s just one Shoop Da Whoop of sickening rage after another, and nothing else. NWO, do you hang out? Go drinking? Read? Anything? Or do you just hate?
NWO fail again.
People are tempted by things all the time. I’m tempted by junk food when I go grocery shopping, but if I buy it its my responsibility to accept the consequences of bad health should I chose to buy and eat it just because I’m “tempted”. People are tempted by nice products at the mall, doesn’t mean we steal them. The cops will laugh in your face if you say “but it’s not my fault, it was on display and I was tempted, it shouldn’t have been on display if it wasn’t to be stolen!!”
I HATE that I had to compare things to actual human women. That’s what makes this so fucked up. That we accept that we can’t just take things because we were tempted, yet people like you still don’t accept that its WRONG to rape regardless if you’re tempted or if you feel she is “flaunting her sexuality.” It’s always the rapists fault for taking someone’s choice away. Fuck. Why is this such a hard concept to grasp? How little do you think of men that you constantly imply that all control is lost when they see a sexy woman? Have you no concept of free will and self control? Stop being such a misandrist NWO.
and forcing yourself on someone without consent and wearing sexy clothes are 2 different things. The first is actively taking away someone’s choice and causing physical and mental harm. The second doesn’t.
And PUAs are not like “sluts” (assuming your definition of slut is a woman who simply enjoys sex with more partners deemed socially acceptable for a woman) PUAs are one step away from being psychopaths in that they will use any tactic whatsoever to get their dicks wet at the expense of women’s feelings/choices/etc. They manipulate and purposely try to lower a woman’s self esteem so she’ll do whatever they please. Some of these tactics advocate not taking no for an answer. “Sluts” just go out and enjoy consensual sex without coercion. Or in your definition, are simply women who wear mini skirts and show cleavage. You can’t compare the two. The equivalent of a PUA would be a woman who employs these same tactics on men. I praise neither.
NWO, what is a mens [sic] natural reaction to “women action” [sic]?
(Assuming NWO has never been raped – apologies in advance if this is not true)
1. No man has raped NWO
2. Therefore, NWO does not dress slutty.
3. We can all avoid rape by dressing like NWO.
What does NWO wear?
“What does NWO wear?”
The chains of the straight white man’s oppression, according to his icon.
(Which still makes me laugh every time I see it btw.)
I’m not sure wearing handcuffs around is a great way to avoid sexual attention.
What actions? She’s wearing “skinny jeans, a long-sleeved buttondown shirt and glasses” while female. How the fuck is that teasing?
I’m pretty sure in NWO’s universe, it really doesn’t matter what description precedes “while female.” Taking a nap while female? Slut! Eating a cheeseburger while female? Skank! Joining a convent while female? Whore!
I’m not sure that NWO is aware of the existence of consensual BSDM.
How does NWO manage to put his fingers in his ears while he sings “lalala” with those sexy, alluring shackles on?
NWO, what is a mens [sic] natural reaction to “women action” [sic]?
Posting passive-aggressive whiny bullshit on other people’s blogs.
Some MRAs seem to have a problem with the concept of being alone with a woman because she might accuse them of rape.
Which is extra-dumb because, you know, if she’s willing to lie about rape, she’s going to draw the line at lying about being alone with them?
Moewicus, maybe its a long chain…it must be long enough for him to type all the idiocy he posts here
I wonder if this situation continues all men will decide they’ll no longer control their sexuality as well?
What do you mean by this? What will men do if they “no longer control their sexuality”? Are you controlling your sexuality right now? What does it mean if you do not? :3
A completely false statement, since excuse for cheating, revenge, excuse for missed homework, lateness, work absense, attention getting are the top reasons. Supercalfragilisticexpealidosous, enthusiastic consent wouldn’t be enough.
Proof please? :3 How do you know what the top reasons are? o:
Missed homework? XD
Since we’re playing NWO is the expert on rape… please tell me what benefits I got? Did I get to miss work? Did I get some sort of special gift? o: What happened? 😀
We need more entries in NWO’s big book o learnin’ xD (on shelves in fine bookstores near you! …if the feminazi book police will let it… XD )
C’mon NWO! 😀 Inquiring minds want to know! 😀
Too funny! The CIA did fund Gloria, did /does fund Miss Mag, did/does feminism, and you give me conspiracies, yet I’m constantly called a conspiracy theorist for giving facts. How is it all those “extemists” managed to create so many laws of they were merely plants? Nice try, they were/are feminists thru and thru. A hate movement can never be anything other than a hate movement. Or are women oppressed by the State?
Don’t be coy NWO. You clearly have a full list of all the feminist sites, people, and groups that are funded by the CIA. Can you list them all? 😀 Specifically…
Does the CIA fund me? 😀 Or am I being funded by China? XD
Hey, he likes to talk. Why don’t we take this opportunity to ask him stuff?
NWO, I would like to know what your thoughts are about vegetarianism, dolphins, and Nintendo games.
Ya know, oddly enough, there was a case in a town near here last year where someone falsely claimed rape as an excuse for lateness. Don’t think it worked out the way NWO imagines it would, though. Wanna hear it? Or would that just encourage the twit?
Me and NWO have some catching up to do XD
Oh! And Boobs Don’t Work That Way promoted Escher Girls! 😀 I got like 90 followers today! 😀
Hey NWO, do you like superhero comics? 😀
Simon, I’m really trying to parse your word salad, but so what if guys go with out sex from women who aren’t enthusiastic about it? No one ever died from not having sex.
Of course it’s perfectly possible not to have sex, I once didn’t have any in a period of four years and I barely missed it. But that’s not the point.
The point is that I just see a bunch of people who simply CANNOT stay out of other peoples lives.
Free speech is a human right, but to be able to demand that people listen to you is a privilege – a privilege of special persons in special situations.
It’s definitely not deserved by someone like Keith E. Edwards.
As we have read this stuff about the mission of “She fears you”, we just have ask ourselves what necessary connection there is between “being a rapist” and “not capable of entering caring and emotion-based relationships”. For my knowledge there’s absolutely none, zero.
Why can’t Keith Edwards just be quiet and leave us alone or at the very least just tell his ideas to people who freely WANT to listen to him?
Simon, the mentality in question is the implied “but I deserve to have sex even if my partners don’t consent to it.” That’s how I read it, anyway.
Then say THAT, please. I’m not a mind reader.
@Holly Pervocracy:
Kate Harding’s point is that a lot of guys imagine the situation in the strip, when in fact the girl is just completely uninterested or oblivious (or afraid).
So you think the strip teaches guys that they should assume that a girl is interested in them… ok, but isn’t the message to females not exactly the same? “He’s not ignoring you, he really wants to approach you, he just thinks that he will be rejected anyway.”
It’s sad, but telepathy doesn’t exist and if nobody makes the first move, everybody stays single. So what solution do you propose? Should men never do the approaching?
And it runs into rape culture when guys think that they ought to impose themselves onto women because of the delusion that they’re secretly yearning like the girl in the strip.
Surely this girl is not yearning for sex but she wants to get romantically involved with him. So you understand “rape” in rape culture metaphorically?
These are all things he COULD do. Most guys don’t do these things! But when you approach me on the train, I don’t know if you’re the kind of guy who would or not. I can’t tell, looking at you.
Yes, that could all happen. But I honestly just have some difficulties to understand how a harmless situation suddenly gets scary when a guy says “Nice netbook.”. He could also follow you home and do horrible things to you without approaching you on the train first!
Why do you believe this? I’d like to hear the reasoning behind it.
I don’t believe it, but it could be.
Simon: I have a fair bit of sex. Hard as it may be for you to believe, I have it with partners who are enthusiastic. A fair bit of the time they are asking for my consent.
Why do you think it’s hard for me to believe that might be the case???
I just think you’re not in a position to ridicule views different from your own because you don’t have the evidence to prove anything.
How much men or women want sex is a secret shrouded in mystery for me but everybody seems to think he is an expert on this. It goes from “pretty much equal” to “the difference between shooting and throwing a bullet”. And of course anecdotal evidence does not help.
All this talk about how we live in a rape culture, that could be changed to the better, needs certain assumptions that simply have not been proven. But they have to be proven, this is indispensable. And remember, emotional arguments like “How little do you think of men that you constantly imply that all control is lost when they see a sexy woman?” don’t say anything about the truth.
@ozymandias42: … your last posts… restrain yourself…
@all: It might be the case that I don’t respond to you, I don’t have that much time at the moment, so don’t be upset.