Hey, everybody, here’s another massive list of ridiculous comments from the Reddit’s Men’s Rights subreddit on the subjects of women, feminists and feminism. Some, er, highlights:
Never trust a woman. When you are out and they are around, go the other way. Your life may actually depend on you crossing the street or not taking that elevator or not working late in a office with another lonely woman.
Women are keen to assert all of the benefits that modern society affords them, but at the same time quick to twist their hair into pigtails and play the “I’m just a girl” defense when the traditional benefits of being a woman would suit them better.
Misandrist feminists want gender based apartheid, and the male population culled to lest than 10%
Feminism does NOT create strong women – it creates dependency and a stunted intellect.
In the feminist community, bigotry is met with a groundswell of support, and is very rarely called out.
That last one is just a teensy bit ironic, given that most of the comments above were heavily upvoted – in other words, “met with a groundswell of support.” Further evidence of this irony: oh, just the hundreds of misogynistic statements from MRAs I’ve linked to on this blog.
For links to the original comments in context, see the full list on Reddit. Props to the Redditor known as Squibbling for having the patience to assemble all of this.
As the proud owner of a vagina, I can guarantee you this isn’t the case, but if it was–then men shouldn’t have practically any sex.
Not-getting-laid isn’t the worst thing. It’s better to not-get-laid than to force yourself on someone, even if it’s only kinda forcing. That kind of sex isn’t even fun anyway.
This is our Earth sarcasm, you see.
Kate Harding’s point is that a lot of guys imagine the situation in the strip, when in fact the girl is just completely uninterested or oblivious (or afraid). And it runs into rape culture when guys think that they ought to impose themselves onto women because of the delusion that they’re secretly yearning like the girl in the strip.
If she goes home with him, she could be in danger. And even on the train, she’s in the slightly less severe danger that he might follow her off at her stop, or he might grope her, or he might lash out if she talks to him and then decides not to date him, or she might give him her number and then he won’t stop calling, and so forth.
These are all things he COULD do. Most guys don’t do these things! But when you approach me on the train, I don’t know if you’re the kind of guy who would or not. I can’t tell, looking at you.
This is the math women have to do. It’s not about hating all men. It’s just about not knowing which guys are the good ones.
Well, certain men might not get any sex if they didn’t behave in rapey ways. Other men would still get plenty of sex without being rapey, as they do right now.
Why women are supposed to feel so incredibly bad about the men who no women are willing to have sex with for whatever reason that we as a group decide to give them a pass on being rapey I am not so sure.
As PortlyDyke says: http://shakespearessister.blogspot.com/2007/10/modest-proposal-thorny-issue-of-sexual.html
Simon, the mentality in question is the implied “but I deserve to have sex even if my partners don’t consent to it.” That’s how I read it, anyway.
Then he shouldn’t be having sex. Full stop.
Why do you believe this? I’d like to hear the reasoning behind it.
But if this guy has had such experiences, that girls simply won’t enthusiastically sleep with him, how can you discount this as “mentality”?
The mentality in question is the bizarre idea that sex that your partner doesn’t want is in any way desirable or enjoyable, and that it is reasonable to pressure someone who doesn’t want sex into letting you have sex with them anyway, rather than finding someone who actually wants to have sex with you or (gasp! horror!) going without sex for a while.
Maybe it’s just the truth, that men wouldn’t practically have any sex when they would refrain from sleeping with women that just “going along with it”.
Yeaaaaaaaaah, no, it’s really not. Plenty of men do just fine sticking solely to enthusiastically consenting partners. For the men who DON’T, the question they should be asking is not, “How can I pressure a woman into having sex she doesn’t want with me?” but rather the far more obvious (and non-sociopathic) “How can I make a woman want to have sex with me?” (Generally, actually caring about what your potential partner wants instead of viewing her enjoyment as unnecessary is a pretty good place to start.)
Simon: I have a fair bit of sex. Hard as it may be for you to believe, I have it with partners who are enthusiastic. A fair bit of the time they are asking for my consent.
This means I am 1: not having sex with people who, “just go along with it” and 2: I am having sex.
“1) A woman sleeps with a man, consensually.
2) She’s worried someone might call her a slut.
3) She accuses him of rape.
Which, logically, would lead one to think that maybe if sexually active women weren’t afraid of being called sluts, the number of false rape accusations would decrease. And all anyone has to do is stop calling women sluts. It’s win win.
NWO, Hengist — your thoughts?”
I believe the #1 reason for false accusations are an excuse for adultery/cheating, #2 is revenge, and so on. While cheating does make you a slut, the infidelity part is the problem, where the woman not only lies about the rape and falsely accusses, but lies as well to the man she was supposed to be loyal to. And slut shaming is not only acceptable but should be promoted. Acting shamefully deserves to be shamed.
“Amused and Darksidecat, I’ve wondered the same things myself. For MRAs that accuse all women of thinking that all men are rapists, they reinforce that belief by telling women not to dress like sluts because they’ll be more likely to get raped by some guy who can’t control his urges.”
Women dress like sluts to attract men, there is no other reason. You can put any spin you like on it, like you dress that way because it makes you feel good. It makes you feel good because you’re using your sexuality to sexually entice any man within eyeshot, all the while demanding men to restain themselves. How very convenient. Women demand men be in complete control of their sexuality while demanding praise for their total lack of sexual control. You wouldn’t tease a dog with a bone, but you’ll sexually tease all men. Women who act that way scream loud and clear they’d treat an animal better than a man.
Keep building your “rape culture” ladies. Surely even the great minds that reside here can see the fallacy of demanding one gender to have complete control of their sexuality, while the other gender demands praise for their complete lack of sexual control, who in fact, taunt and tease the other gender with their sexuality. I wonder if this situation continues all men will decide they’ll no longer control their sexuality as well? I’d say look at history to find out, but the genius that resides here has rewritten history to fit in with ideology.
” You know, if it helps, there’s a really easy way to make it very nearly certain that you will never be accused of rape (and even more certain that if you are so accused, nothing will come of it) – only have sex with people who clearly want to have sex with you.”
A completely false statement, since excuse for cheating, revenge, excuse for missed homework, lateness, work absense, attention getting are the top reasons. Supercalfragilisticexpealidosous, enthusiastic consent wouldn’t be enough.
“The answer to the second question is also not very much. Why? Because the elements of the case are such that making a plausible explanation requires more than just a woman saying, “I was raped. He did it.”
Well that’s a lie. A man will be arrested on a womans word. If a woman says she was raped the only evidence neccessary are the words that fall from her mouth. It’s kinda hard to deny when it happens over and over every day.
“When all is said and done, an inconvenience, and one most men are never likely to be victim of.”
An inconvenience? Lives ruined, men murdered as women cry out to other men for blood, men living as bums because women still call them rapists even after they’ve been cleared, cause remember, charges dropped, or lacking evidence, or case dismissed doesn’t mean innocent. Right ladies?
And what is the number of men falsely accussed? I mean the CIA keeps those files under wraps. Why can’t we get actual numbers and percentages, instead of hearsay and guesswork. It really shouldn’t be all that hard to get solid number, right? Didnt’t the CIA fund Gloria Steinen and Miss Magazine, and feminism as well?
And what is the number of men falsely accussed? I mean the CIA keeps those files under wraps. Why can’t we get actual numbers and percentages, instead of hearsay and guesswork. It really shouldn’t be all that hard to get solid number, right? Didnt’t the CIA fund Gloria Steinen and Miss Magazine, and feminism as well?
See, this is why NWO is awesome. The rest of this post is the typical boring “it’s so unfair that women are treated as people under the law and I can’t just grab one off the street and rape her without someone complaining” stuff you get from most MRAs, but then you skip to the end and CIA/MS. MAGAZINE CONSPIRACY.
NWO, I thought feminism was invented in the Soviet Union and funded by the United Nations. When did the CIA get involved?
@NWO: It’s not the CIA, who keeps it under wraps and secretly funds feminism, you idiot. It’s the aliens. Also, pixies. And Jewish robots.
You want a longer comment? Here’s a longer comment!
I don’t see what sluts do that’s so shameful. When I have sex with someone, I’m bringing joy to myself and them: a net utilitarian good. I am not a Kantian or other deontological moralist, but as I understand it most deontological moralities have no problem with “have safe, emotionally healthy, honest and enthusiastic sex” as a rule.
My rule is entirely consistent. Everyone is allowed to dress in an attractive and appropriate way; no one is allowed to rape or harass people. Unless you’re suggesting that I’m allowed to molest that hot guy who keeps walking around with his shirt off…? I mean, he’s TAUNTING me. With all that HOT SEXY MANFLESH.
Also, I am currently dressed in a way myself and my partners find attractive. I’m wearing skinny jeans, a long-sleeved buttondown shirt and glasses. Am I dressed like a slut? Do I deserve to be raped? Isn’t everything I wear dressing like a slut, because I am a slut? What does that imply about virgins in Darth Vader shirts?
The CIA funded feminism for definitions of funded that mean “infiltrated the movement and planted extremist people to say stupid shit and discredit the movement.”
…Work absence?
Good old NWOslave.
Missed homework? Lateness? [CITATION NEEDED]
Hm, late for work again. What should I do? Tell my boss there was traffic? Feign sickness? I’ve got it! It’s perfect. I’ll accuse someone of rape.
And yet only roughly half of all rape cases result in convictions. Evidently more evidence really is needed. Protip: when you’re running a police force, you arrest people accused of crimes so they don’t run away after they’re accused of crimes.
I find this offensive. Men aren’t dogs. (Let’s see if Hengist shows up to berate NWOslave for his rampant sexism for this remark.)
I find it interesting that you claim that for women “uncontrolled” sexuality is dressing in a revealing manner, but for men it’s engaging in rape. Unless of course you mean men will start dressing sluttily if women keep doing it. Which, more power to them I guess. I’ll just leave it at this: your conception of male sexuality as essentially rapacious and female sexuality as essentially passive is sexist, offensive to both genders, and supportive of rape culture.
BTW, for those following along at home, this makes two veiled references by our MRAtrolls to some vague violent event in the future perpetrated by men in “response” to the actions of women/feminists in one night. DKM, Owlslave, it’s pretty clear to us that you actually want these things to happen. Just come on out and say it.
I for one am in favor of men dressing sluttily. I am not, however, in favor of anyone’s “uncontrolled” sexuality if it involves raping people.
Bless Moewicus for trying to explain how these are very different things, but I suspect that it’s rather like trying to explain chaos theory to a fish.
NWO, the original proponent of stuffing his fingers in his ears and screaming ‘I CAN’T HEAR YOU!!!!!’ rather than make an actual point. How sad.
“I confess, back in the mid-’80s, when “date rape” was being talked about, I was worried.”
Ahhh. buyers remorse rape. A lotta men spend a lotta time in prison due to buyers remorse.
“Even moreso, how about speaking out against PUAs, whom many don’t believe that “no means no” and use predatory and manipulative tactics to obtain sex?”
PUAs are the filp side of sluts. If you’re gonna praise sluts, ya gotta praise PUAs.
” Are we really back to the “feminists think all men are rapists and the Schrodinger’s Rapist blog post proves it” thing.”
We know there’s a rapist in the box, hence the term rapist. The question is still the same. Instead of, ” is the cat dead or alive, the question is, “is the man dead or alive.” He is already known to be a rapist.
“Now, show me the ideologic (as opposed to the individuals) who are publishing this as the formal doctrine of “Feminism”.”
All those foul beings were/are feminists. This is a fact. This must be one of those cases where all women are individuals, because it’s convenient. How special that feminism is blameless due to women being individuals within feminism. Haven’t individuals from every every political movement of mass murder, genocide and destruction said the same thing? Didn’t individuals within the Nazi party say the same about Jews. Or individuals in Communist USSR say the same about Christian peasants. Or the individuals in communist China? Or the individuals in Japan against the Chinese in WWII? And so on and so forth?
So if there’s 50 brands of feminism, and everyone is dictating mens actions, it’s still women of feminism dictating mens actions.
@Holly Pervocracy
“This is the math women have to do. It’s not about hating all men. It’s just about not knowing which guys are the good ones.”
Your views are well known
“I’d rather live in a world where a hundred false accusers are told* “I believe you, I care about you, and I’ll stand up for you,” than where one rape survivor is told “gosh, this story has two sides and I really need to consider him innocent until proven guilty.”
Of course you little disclaimer, “not in court, but by their friends, families, and people who figure they have a right to comment because they read about it on the Internet and everything”
Was this added at a later date, or was to intentionally give you an escape so to speak?
Heres a few of your comments for the blog.
” However, I don’t think there should be punishment for making a false report or accusation except maybe in the most egregious of “we are absolutely 100% certain it was both false and malicious” cases.”
So you give “unconditional” support to the woman, the accuser, but the man gets tossed to the wolves, unless it’s 100% certain. And ever then, what’s your suggested punishment. Since women don’t consider the use of State violence, violent. it’s “non-violent” crime, shall we send her to one of the spas now offered non violent female criminals?
Heres from another one of your lovely articles.
“When I had my first sexual encounter, he didn’t ask. We were just friends and we were hanging out in his basement watching movies, and then he put his arm around me and I didn’t object, and then he put his hand on my breast and I didn’t object, and then he started rubbing my vulva and I didn’t object.
I’m making that sound worse than it was. I didn’t object because I had a total crush on him and it felt great and I was happy and excited this was happening. But I didn’t say any of that–I was 15 and extremely socially awkward and had absolutely no idea of how to respond to sexuality, so I was completely silent and frozen. Silent, frozen, and happy, as it turned out. But he had no way of knowing that. All he knew was that I didn’t stop him.
Would he have stopped if I said “no”? Almost certainly. But… almost certainly. Some other factors to bear in mind: I was at his house, which was not close to any bus route and was about ten miles from my home. We were alone in the house. He was much bigger, stronger, and older than me. He owned weapons. He was more or less my only friend at that time in my life. And he was not someone who could maturely talk through conflict–I never saw him get violent or threaten violence, but he tended to go to direct to TantrumVille without stopping in CommunicationTowne.”
So this was non enthusiastic sex? Meaning rape. That’s right, by the modern day womans definition, he is a rapist. In fact, depending on what state you live in you can still charge him. Isn’t that right Holly dearest? The entire tale you’ve spun makes him out to be the boogieman and you an innocent dove. Hey, why not find out what the statute of limitations are in your state. Ya wouldn’t want a rapist walking around, do you? If you “feel” that way now, it was rape then.
You keep saying that the (non existent) feminist trope that all men could be rapists is sooo misandrist, how can we hate men so, you horrible bitches, but then you go around and directly SAY that men cannot control their dicks and all of you would rape women if you could. Do you not see the HOWLING FUCKING HYPOCRISY here?
“PUAs are the filp side of sluts.”
Assuming that NWO actually meant “flip side”, wouldn’t the flip side of sluts be those no sex until marriage Christian folks?
Poor NWO, he’s so confused.
Now you’re just being stupid. Try rereading the piece. It’s about being approached by strange men and not knowing their intentions. A problem many MRAs seem to have, now that I think about it.
Eh, not being clear. Some MRAs seem to have a problem with the concept of being alone with a woman because she might accuse them of rape. But since many, many women are raped on a daily basis and we have no reliable statistics for false accusations of ANYTHING, I’m going to venture to say that women have more to fear.
Feminism was invented by the Soviet Union, and funded by the Rothchilds; who use the UN to hide their involvement.
People are adding this all to the Big Book of Larnin’, right? The CIA funded Gloria Steinen [sic], Miss Magazine, and feminism, and it keeps rape numbers closely under wraps so that women can continue to make false rape accusations.
The tooth fairy is obviously in on it too. In fact I heard that the whole tooth fairy thing was a scam invented by NOW to raise money for a campaign to have all men preemptively convicted of rape at birth.
No, the tooth fairy is behind the fluoridation conspiracy, duh.
Aha, but flouride is actually a secret tool designed to chemically castrate men. Don’t you see how it’s all tied togther?