Hey, everybody, here’s another massive list of ridiculous comments from the Reddit’s Men’s Rights subreddit on the subjects of women, feminists and feminism. Some, er, highlights:
Never trust a woman. When you are out and they are around, go the other way. Your life may actually depend on you crossing the street or not taking that elevator or not working late in a office with another lonely woman.
Women are keen to assert all of the benefits that modern society affords them, but at the same time quick to twist their hair into pigtails and play the “I’m just a girl” defense when the traditional benefits of being a woman would suit them better.
Misandrist feminists want gender based apartheid, and the male population culled to lest than 10%
Feminism does NOT create strong women – it creates dependency and a stunted intellect.
In the feminist community, bigotry is met with a groundswell of support, and is very rarely called out.
That last one is just a teensy bit ironic, given that most of the comments above were heavily upvoted – in other words, “met with a groundswell of support.” Further evidence of this irony: oh, just the hundreds of misogynistic statements from MRAs I’ve linked to on this blog.
For links to the original comments in context, see the full list on Reddit. Props to the Redditor known as Squibbling for having the patience to assemble all of this.
magdelyn: Because there are no misogynistic assholes teaching at major colleges? Being paid for by OUR MONEY ZOMFG?! I’m pretty sure you could find some hateful shit being spewed by the evo-psych camp.
Is Daly the new Dworkin?
magdelyn, this whole blog is an exercise in creating outrageous statements attacking MRAs.
Except I assume you also meant “outrageously false” rather than “outrageously hilarious.”
strangely, Mary Daly was a tenured professor, with lots-o-students…
So’s Harvey Mansfield, what’s your point? So are the founders of “male studies,” which is anti-feminist pseudoscience, and so are vast herds of evopsych assholes. But if you really cared about the issues, you’d do more than just snipe and run, as you tirelessly labor on behalf of people who’d really love to make it their business what you do for a living and would gladly see us taken back to a time when you probably wouldn’t have been allowed to rent an apartment without being harassed or evicted! ^_^
“Why on Earth would we want men to be less than 10% of the population? That isn’t nearly enough to financially support all of us and give us babies.”
Hell, women slaughter 25% of them in the womb, the majority if child murder is committed by women, and population is declining wherever the posion of feminism is allowed to fester. I’d say 10% is more than enough.
@Holly Pervocracy
“I am a feminist. I do not believe men should be killed–really, under any circumstances other than “about to commit murder and can only be stopped by being killed”–let alone a 90% gendercide.”
Suddenly feminism is a monolithic block? Amazing how that works. All women are individuals when it’s convenient and a monolithic hive mind when it;s convebient as well.
“Also I’ve never heard of Maureen Dowd before, but I just wiki’d her and found this quote:”
This is wiki central. Yet again I’m amazed. Da crew here claims ultimate knowlege of the universe, but once again these nasty little feminist tidbits slip thru the cracks. But of course you’re not a monolithic block unless it’s convenient.
@Holly Pervocracy
“Which raises the question–if false rape accusations are easy and fun to make, if women make them very often for petty reasons, and if false rape accusations are rarely detected–why haven’t any prominent MRAs who use their real names been investigated for rape?”
Just because you say false accuations are rare doesn’t mean they’re rare. Police stations nationwide have called it an epidemic, (meaning not rare). This would be another example of whatever falls from a womans mouth doesn’t automatically hold value or contain any truth. Your views on rape accusations are well known from your blog, precious. 100% support.
By the way, do any of you actuall read any of the comments here? All of you seemed to have devolved into slobbering idiots.
Kinda tired out here in my white male privileged world. I’d love to dismantle what little sense falls from your yaps, but I’m beat. Hmmm, white male privilege. Sounds sexist and racist. Modern day staple I guess.
Hey, wanna see what the folks at the top of the political pyramid are lying about? Here’s old lefty Biden spewing propaganda. And 70% of his advisors are women ta boot.
Lets see, he says most violence is committed against women. Well, that’s a lie.
He says most violence is committed due to fathers beating children when we know the vast majority of violent offenders comes from single mother homes where the mother is abusive.
He says the greatest travesty of justice is a woman being hurt, when the greatest travesty of justice is State endorsed denial and perversion of justice.
He states exactly what I’ve told you before, that Title IX is now it’s own police force and any college that doesn’t comply is denied funds. All of you called me a liar, or at least in error for that statement. How many times do I have to prove everyone of you wrong?
Are you still going to claim women don’t hold the lions share of political power? Here have a listen.
10% is nowhere near enough to open all the jars and kill all the spiders that need to be dealt with! Plus, how are we going to entrap menz for their child support unless there are more of them? No, 10% simply will not do.
Anyone else tempted to quietly mail the usual trolls copies of Ooku and telling them it’s a secret feminist ‘herstory’ manual?
oh, look. nwo is back. joy.
Yes. Professorship, somehow, does not keep you from being a douchebag who is disconnected from this plane of reality.
NWO has a problem with… Wikipedia? o.O
Meller: If someone would put her, and horrid women like her, on a desert island, and they were never heard from again, I wouldn’t know the difference, and could care less!
So, let’s look at the logic here (since you have insisted you are a paragon of cogent thought).
1: All feminists are removed from society and placed on a desert island.
2: David K. Meller can’t tell the difference.
3: Said lack of difference bothers him not at all.
From this we conclude that the world, as it is, is not the result of feminists (since their lack wouldn’t be notable), and Meller actually likes the world as it is.
Which means the problem isn’t really feminism, but Meller.
NWO has a problem with… Wikipedia? o.O
I was confused by this for a moment, too, and then I realized that, given his debating style, it makes a certain amount of sense to conclude that he thinks looking facts up rather than, you know, making them up is a strange and novel concept.
Speaking of making things up, I think it’s cool that posters here are supposed to have “ultimate knowledge of the universe.” I’m new enough here that I don’t think I have ultimate knowledge yet – does it come in the mail at some point? Do I have to post a certain number of comments before I receive my ultimate knowledge?
NWO believes that Wikipedia is just a bunch of people making shit up. He especially hates it when we cite it to counter the shit he makes up.
Kind of OT, but every time I see NWO’s white-man-in-chains icon it gives me a little snicker. Are we absolutely sure that he’s not a troll in the “I don’t actually believe anything I’m saying” sense? Surely it’s impossible for anyone to be THAT ridiculous.
Kind of OT, but every time I see NWO’s white-man-in-chains icon it gives me a little snicker. Are we absolutely sure that he’s not a troll in the “I don’t actually believe anything I’m saying” sense? Surely it’s impossible for anyone to be THAT ridiculous.
If so, he’s an extraordinarily dedicated troll. No, I think that sort of commitment only comes from being a true believer.
I haven’t seen him break character at ALL, and to me, he kind of exudes an indefinable aura of ‘I put foil inside my hat to keep the mind control satellites form getting to me.’
So according to NWOslave, when Joe frakking Biden says something dumb it’s representative of most power but when “police stations nationwide” call false rape accusations an epidemic [CITATION NEEDED] suddenly it’s a few brave individuals speaking truth to power. What were you saying about convenience and individuals vs. monolithicity, NWO?
Maggie, you’ve showed up and said you hated women in Computer Science, so tell me why I care about your opinion.. There are a lot of professors who are subsidized by the taxpayers who hate women. Where’s the hate on there?
Oh right, you just don’t like Daly!
Yes, her work has had some influence. She didn’t get handed a diploma for being a minority, or minisotry as the preferred term of bigots though. She did actual academic work, including useful studies that were an influence, and not just for feminists. None of those studies involved man-hating (Though some of them had conclusions that weren’t good for men, and I suspect informed the man hating, rather than the other way around).
God, it’s like talking to an even more powerless version of Al Qaeda. Always with the life or death cosmic struggles. As hilariously stupid as the MRM is, I don’t think anyone here really cares to actually dismantle the faux civil rights movement. Just laugh, and encourage others to. Really, it’s too insignificant to worry about more than the occasional nutbar. I’m not even scared of the MRM influencing policy significantly.
Voip “…But if you really cared about the issues, you’d do more than just snipe and run…”
I’m offended. I never snipe and run. I always stay around a while to get abused. And while I do think this website is offensive, mostly because David touts himself as mocking misogyny, but truth be told, what he really wants to do is dismantle the MRM.
I, as well as anybody, know the stupidity that comes from some MRA’s. Some MRA’s are angry, and they don’t know how to express it without attacking people. Others are frustrated by a world that they believe doesn’t respect their contribution. Others are straight out assholes.
That being said, I love men. I love their company. And even with all their imperfections, I am glad to have known (biblically and otherwise) so many many of them.
@ Rutee, “…Maggie, you’ve showed up and said you hated women in Computer Science…”
I will literally send you $20 to your email through paypal if you can find me support for that proposition. All I ask is that the support be legitimate, and that you state that you received the $20 here on this thread (if you can find any support for that bizare statement.)
You realize you’re saying this to people who have witnessed you sniping and running, right?
So basically we have one resident troll who’s a seething ball of rage convinced that feminism makes people abuse children, another who appears to be a rather loopy elderly gentleman with a fondness for excitable punctuation, and a third who has constructed an entire house out of tinfoil?
What do you mean by running? You mean I don’t sit at the computer for fifteen hours a day? I hate to tell you this, but I have a profoundly active social life…oh, and I do work, so I usually go to bed at about 10pm PST.
Wait. Which one am I?
What do you mean by sticking around? You mean those times you post one or two comments saying the ridiculous gentleman has a point somewhere in all the stupidity that you sit around waiting for our abuse? But okay. You have a profoundly active social life, and also stick around to get abused a lot. Okay.
The tinfoil house sounds somewhat intriguing, actually.