Hey, everybody, here’s another massive list of ridiculous comments from the Reddit’s Men’s Rights subreddit on the subjects of women, feminists and feminism. Some, er, highlights:
Never trust a woman. When you are out and they are around, go the other way. Your life may actually depend on you crossing the street or not taking that elevator or not working late in a office with another lonely woman.
Women are keen to assert all of the benefits that modern society affords them, but at the same time quick to twist their hair into pigtails and play the “I’m just a girl” defense when the traditional benefits of being a woman would suit them better.
Misandrist feminists want gender based apartheid, and the male population culled to lest than 10%
Feminism does NOT create strong women – it creates dependency and a stunted intellect.
In the feminist community, bigotry is met with a groundswell of support, and is very rarely called out.
That last one is just a teensy bit ironic, given that most of the comments above were heavily upvoted – in other words, “met with a groundswell of support.” Further evidence of this irony: oh, just the hundreds of misogynistic statements from MRAs I’ve linked to on this blog.
For links to the original comments in context, see the full list on Reddit. Props to the Redditor known as Squibbling for having the patience to assemble all of this.
Also I’ve never heard of Maureen Dowd before, but I just wiki’d her and found this quote:
“Al Gore is so feminized and diversified and ecologically correct that he’s practically lactating”
that doesn’t sound like something a feminist would say :S I don’t think so anyway..
I love it when people are scared of me. I put my index fingers up on my head and wiggle them like little devil horns and then I laugh and laugh.
Dear MRAs,
Can I have a blood oath that you will indeed go your own way and not cross my street, get in my elevator or work in my office late at night. Please? It sounds like paradise, really.
Tell you what, MRA folks. You go right ahead and cower in your tree forts or whatever you have, quaking with fear at the nightmarish prospect of talking to a woman, and I’ll just keep right on enjoying the rich, diverse and fulfilling world of human interaction. Sound good?
Dear MGTOWs – how can we miss you if you won’t go away?
What exactly is he afraid of, here? I don’t think it’s physical violence. I think even MRAs are dimly aware that the odds of a woman just up and murdering a man (and even moreso for a man she’s not intimate with) are extremely low.
So I assume it’s our old friend False Rape Accusations.
Which raises the question–if false rape accusations are easy and fun to make, if women make them very often for petty reasons, and if false rape accusations are rarely detected–why haven’t any prominent MRAs who use their real names been investigated for rape? I hate to say this in a way that sounds threatening (it’s actually the opposite), but if it was as easy as all that, you’d think some vindictive radical feminist would have gone to the courts with “[MRA] raped me” by now.
I feel like the mere fact that MRAs haven’t been rounded up proves that either false rape accusations aren’t so easy to make, or feminists aren’t so stop-at-nothing evil after all.
Or, you know, both.
Ugh, I don’t mean that to discredit a victim if one does come forward. (And really, who has more interest than a rapist in spreading the story “false rape accusations are everywhere”?)
I just mean the fact that every MRA who’s appeared in public under his real name hasn’t been accused proves that either false accusations aren’t so easy or feminists aren’t so evil. Otherwise it would be trivial to put the lot of them in jail.
As Quackers pointed out, Dowd’s primary tactic when talking about male politicians she disagrees with is to insinuate or outright state that they’re too effeminate. Not terribly feminist of her.
Oh man, I’m thinking too small here.
If feminists want a gendercide, and feminists are both omnipotent and omnimalevolent, why are 90% of men still alive?
That made me laugh. Loudly.
In before conspiracy theories from the MRAs that it’s actually already happening, but feminists are just super subtle about it. Those theories will probably include men’s lower life expectancies, more men than women being in the military (with a mention of the nonexistent draft), and more men working dangerous jobs, and that these things are all somehow caused by feminism.
Ha ha, that’s just what the feminists want you to think! >:D
Or something.
The more over the top MRA statements I see the more it strikes me that most of their claims are basically just their idea of what feminists think/say about men with the genders reversed. The whole thing kind of reads like “I know you are but what am I?”.
“If feminists want a gendercide, and feminists are both omnipotent and omnimalevolent, why are 90% of men still alive?”
The amount of men alive now is actually 10% of what the population used to be. We Evil Feminists have already killed off most of them. And we’re so omnipotent (read: awesome hypnotists) that we’ve made everyone believe this is how many men there have always been.
I just… none of this makes sense. Go your own way, dudes, no one’s stopping you.
OK, wait. In the first paragraph, how does he know she’s lonely? Project much?
::: sigh::: These guys are like nasty stray dogs that follow you, barking and growling. They don’t like you, you don’t want them to follow you, because they’re freaking creepy, but they seem inexplicably drawn to follow. As CassandraSays: We can’t miss you if you don’t go the fuck away.
@ Hellkell: If she’s working a job, rather than making a Nice Guy™ meatloaf or washing his underwear, she must be a lonely old hag feminist who goes home to her 3,000 cats every night.
Judging by old movies…and new movies, for that matter…
katz: Tell me about it. I was forced to sit through “Fast Five” a few weeks ago. There were like, three women in it? And they never even fucking talked to each other. Oh, my mistake. There was one conversation between two of them. It went like this:
*Girl puking into toilet in totally-subtle-THIS-IS-MORNING-SICKNESS way*
*other woman approaches*
Other Woman: *knowing look* Does he know?
Woman Who Puked: *shakes head*
Other Woman: *slightly different knowing look* *also may have offered one line of advice but it was so unimportant that I can’t remember at all*
Because that’s how life is/is supposed to be, right? One woman for every five men, and they don’t even bother talking to each other because OBVZ the dudes are the centre of their focus.
In conclusion: I concur.
Technically Mary Daly did want the male population culled to 10% of its current size… but in that case I’m not sure why “misandrist feminist” is plural. Also, there is no social movement without people disconnected from this plane of reality in it.
And I call out bigotry all the fucking time.
Remember, when Mary Daly does it, it’s misandry. When a MGTOW does it, it’s perfectly okay because I don’t even know, blah blah Ameriskanks.
Also I enjoy how they said feminism “creates dependency and a stunted intellect.”
I thought that’s what they considered the natural state of womanhood and that it should be kept that way?
When are you going to do a list of outrageous comments (including regular contributors here) attacking MRA’s? Oh never. Okay. Isn’t it because you want to “dismantle the MRM?”
magdelyn: you could make your own list if you want it so badly.
strangely, Mary Daly was a tenured professor, with lots-o-students (female ones) that took her classes. Her work, “…continues to influence feminism…” http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mary_Daly
I don’t think she was too marginalized. Especially for all those students of hers with financial aid the me and others paid for to subsidize her obvious distain of men.
I love it! It’s the Problem of [Women Not Actually Being] Evil!
Now we just need to rephrase Pascal’s Wager and the Kalam Cosmological Argument as MRA axioms and we’ll have a full apologetics/counter-apologetics set.