antifeminism false accusations misogyny MRA reddit

“Feminists don’t even think of men as human,” and other insights from Reddit’s Men’s Rights subreddit.

This, oddly, was one of the first results in a Google image search for "hatred of women." So I'm going with it.

Hey, everybody, here’s another massive list of ridiculous comments from the  Reddit’s Men’s Rights subreddit on the subjects of women, feminists and feminism. Some, er, highlights:

Never trust a woman. When you are out and they are around, go the other way. Your life may actually depend on you crossing the street or not taking that elevator or not working late in a office with another lonely woman.

Women are keen to assert all of the benefits that modern society affords them, but at the same time quick to twist their hair into pigtails and play the “I’m just a girl” defense when the traditional benefits of being a woman would suit them better.

Misandrist feminists want gender based apartheid, and the male population culled to lest than 10%



Feminism does NOT create strong women – it creates dependency and a stunted intellect.

In the feminist community, bigotry is met with a groundswell of support, and is very rarely called out.

That last one is just a teensy bit ironic, given that most of the comments above were heavily upvoted – in other words, “met with a groundswell of support.” Further evidence of this irony: oh, just the hundreds of misogynistic statements from MRAs I’ve linked to on this blog.

For links to the original comments in context, see the full list on Reddit. Props to the Redditor known as Squibbling for having the patience to assemble all of this.

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Captain Bathrobe
13 years ago

How about: I don’t have a right to kidnap a champion swimmer at gun point and force him to go swimming with me…even if he’s walking down the street wearing a Speedo?

13 years ago

Ami, I totally didn’t realize Escher Girls was you! I just thought it was a cool blog! XD

13 years ago

No one is currently engaged in a mock sword fight with me right now. Clearly, my rights are being violated.

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

@Captain Bathrobe or punch a boxer in the head if he doesn’t consent to a fight…

13 years ago

Fail again NWO

“Sexual frustration doesn’t harm anyone? It makes violent rapists, doesn’t it? Nobody becomes a violent rapist out of boredom. Unless feminists say they do.”

Proof please.

“Yes sluts coerce, drunk man a little cleavage, short skirt=coercion. She couldn’t control herself. She lacked sexual control. PUA get girl drunk, talks her up=coercion. Ya see men and women are different, if they didn’t think differently we wouldn’t be having this discussion.”

So the woman’s cleavage and short skirt just sprouted hands and just took his dick out of his pants and forced it into her vagina then? the man had absolutely no choice in doing this? really? Since when does clothing force someone to do something? since when does clothing actively make a guy decide to forgo all his common sense, decency and humanity? Why is it so hard to just fucking ASK if she’s interested in having sex and if the answer is no, just walk away?

PUAs knowingly get women drunk because they know alcohol clouds their judgement so they have an easier time getting in her pants. That is manipulative and creepy (oh no there I go with that shaming language again!) not to mention also the PUAs dont always rely on alcohol either.

And explain women who get raped in burkas. Explain women who get raped wearing baggy clothes. Explain women who get raped in their own homes. I suppose its her fault if she’s dressed like a slut in her own home too right?

“So heres the deal, if men can’t tell women what they consider sexual harrassment is, than women can’t tell men what sexual teasing and frustration is.

Womens total lack of sexual self control will always lead to mens total lack of sexual control. One is just as damaging as the other.”

I don’t care what sexual teasing and frustration is, it doesn’t excuse rape- the choice to force yourself on someone who didn’t give consent is fucked up and no decent human being would do so regardless of how sexually frustrated they are. You’re sexually frustrated? jack off. Look at porn. Use a fleshlight. There are ways to get release without raping. Most men are capable of not raping, why do you excuse the ones that do?

And like Captain Bathrobe said, women dressing sexy is no where near the equivalent to rape and harassment. Sexual frustration is not the equivalent of rape and harassment either.

13 years ago

How about this? When I was talking back from the store just now I smelled that someone was making pizza. I rather like pizza. In fact I’d like some right now. How dare that bastard/bitch throw their pizza making skills in my face like that? Don’t they have any sense of responsibility? I would be totally justified in forcing my way into their apartment, holding a knife to their throat, and making them cook me one too.

Right? I mean, if they didn’t WANT random people to force them to make pizza for anyone who wants some they shouldn’t have made it smell so good.

13 years ago

Ami, the boxer one would be a good one for “it’s not rape if she’s a sex worker”, too.

13 years ago

“…currently…right now.” Accidental redundancy = embarrassment.

Captain Bathrobe
13 years ago


Exactly. Try telling that to the judge and see how far it gets you! If I were to whack Mike Tyson with a 2-by-4 (and he didn’t kill me subsequently) I could be rightly charged with assault, even it was my lifelong ambition to whack him with a 2-by-4 and he was just sitting there looking whackable. It’s insane! But somehow we’ve been taught that women, by virtue of being an attractive sexual being, can provoke a justifiable rape.

Ah, well, on that note I’m off to bed. G’night all!

13 years ago

Cassandra, do you live near me? Because I was just making pizza…

And I totally have leftovers so you actually could have some!

13 years ago

Mock sword fighter for Dracula

13 years ago

See? If you’re not a loathsome human being sometimes other people will just blatantly OFFER you pizza! Without coercion or anything. In fact, you may even be able to enjoy eating it together!

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

@CassandraSays People enjoying doing things together?

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

@CassandraSays People enjoy doing things together?

Ami Angelwings
13 years ago

>_> ignore the first one xD

13 years ago

Damn slutty pirates with their puffy shirts and feathery swords! Who do they think they are?

13 years ago

Dracula, they’re doing it just to sexually frustrate you more. I think you should boycott pirates and date ninjas instead. They cover it all up unlike slutty pirates too.

13 years ago

Crazy, isn’t it? I’ve heard some of them even have these things called “parties” where they gather for no other reason than to enjoy each other’s company.

It’s OK if this is a shock, NWO. No one will judge you if you need a moment to take in this startling new information.

13 years ago

I think you should boycott pirates and date ninjas instead.

You can never see ninjas, though. As far as I know I’m dating one right now!

13 years ago

I dunno, those ninja outfits are a bit snug sometimes. I think the only solution is to give the Telletubbies swords.

13 years ago

Bagelsan, I think you’ve discovered the perfect cover story for people who are tired of being asked why they aren’t married yet.

13 years ago

Slutty pirates, prim ninjas, duelling teletubbies ….. all is right with the world (contented sigh)

13 years ago

Dracula, what did I just watch?

13 years ago

I’m fairly certain that’s a kid’s show from Australia called “The Wiggles”.

13 years ago

Bagelsan, I think you’ve discovered the perfect cover story for people who are tired of being asked why they aren’t married yet.

Good point! And no one’s gonna risk possibly offending a possibly-real ninja boy/girlfriend: “Aunty, ninjas cannot be observed, so for all you know I have an irritated jealous ninja boyfriend clinging to the ceiling above your head and ready to jump down on you if you ask me about men again!”