Hey, everybody, here’s another massive list of ridiculous comments from the Reddit’s Men’s Rights subreddit on the subjects of women, feminists and feminism. Some, er, highlights:
Never trust a woman. When you are out and they are around, go the other way. Your life may actually depend on you crossing the street or not taking that elevator or not working late in a office with another lonely woman.
Women are keen to assert all of the benefits that modern society affords them, but at the same time quick to twist their hair into pigtails and play the “I’m just a girl” defense when the traditional benefits of being a woman would suit them better.
Misandrist feminists want gender based apartheid, and the male population culled to lest than 10%
Feminism does NOT create strong women – it creates dependency and a stunted intellect.
In the feminist community, bigotry is met with a groundswell of support, and is very rarely called out.
That last one is just a teensy bit ironic, given that most of the comments above were heavily upvoted – in other words, “met with a groundswell of support.” Further evidence of this irony: oh, just the hundreds of misogynistic statements from MRAs I’ve linked to on this blog.
For links to the original comments in context, see the full list on Reddit. Props to the Redditor known as Squibbling for having the patience to assemble all of this.
@Captain Bathrobe
“Except that dressing sexy is in no way equivalent to rape or harassment. Repeatedly saying that they are does not make them so.”
And repeatedly saying it isn’t just as damaging also doesn’t make it so, but continue building your rape culture. Enjoy!
There were no ‘bad men’ in this story, NWO.
Never mind that, tell me a bit about your job. I gather you install and repair equipment for dairies, is that right? Is this at the dairy, or the processing plant? Do you work for the manufacturer, or do all brands? Is it mainly installing, or mainly repairs? Is the equipment manufactured in the US or imported?
Shora: remember, they’re only rapey because bitches make them that way! With their teasing!
Seriously, this guy isn’t even funny anymore.
“Also, do you really find nothing misandric about saying that men’s natural sexuality is rapey?”
It’s not rapey, it’s again the flip side of the same coin. If women cannot control their sexuality, which is damaging, eventually neither will men. Common sense really. Build away.
I notice he’s avoiding my questions again xD
Why so shy NWO? xD That was an interesting gap… I’m still here xD
Sexual frustration doesn’t harm anyone? It makes violent rapists, doesn’t it? Nobody becomes a violent rapist out of boredom.
It does?
Have you ever been sexually frustrated NWO? o:
Have I?
Who here has ever been sexually frustrated? Raise your hand! 😀
And repeatedly saying it isn’t just as damaging also doesn’t make it so, but continue building your rape culture. Enjoy!
Burden of proof is on you, Sparky. How is a woman dressing sexy just as damaging to you as being harassed/raped is to someone else. Please show your work.
Are you damaged when you watch the Dallas Cowboy cheerleaders? Why or why not?
If women cannot control their sexuality, which is damaging, eventually neither will men.
What do you mean by “control their sexuality”?
What ways do you think I’m not controlling my sexuality? In what ways should I?
You’re always so vague NWO and yet you expect to exact change but you won’t even tell us what you want changed XD
NWO I’d really like for you to answer my question. I know my sexuality is so different from you’re worldview that you’d like to pretend I don’t exist, but here I am, going right on existing. I know life is so hard for you, poor dear, what with the complaining about feminists being misandric and then turning around and saying men are sexual beasts whose urges can only be controlled with extreme difficulty and self sacrifice.
Common sense tells me that dressing like a “slut” and raping/harassing someone are not in any way equivalent. I think that’s obvious to anyone with a functioning brain.
@Shora NWO doesn’t like answering questions xD Mostly b/c he doesn’t have any answers… that or he knows he’ll hang himself if he does xD
Oh dear god have I been sexually frustrated. Do you know what I didn’t do? Rape anyone. Do you know what damage that did? None.
I have another question for NWO when he shows up again… but I need to first see if he answers nething else I said xD
I’ve been wondering this about NWO for a while tho….
Again, NWO:
How, specifically, do you suffer harm from seeing an attractive woman on the street?
*raises hand*
CB, it’s got something to do with coins, I just know it. And has anyone else noticed how studiously NWO avoids addressing anything I say? AREN’T I GOOD ENOUGH, OWLY?
NWO was posting in rapid 3 minute intervals again… we’re at about 10 minutes and counting now… xD
I’ll answer my own question: there’s no harm or “damage” that ensues from desiring someone sexually that one cannot have, unless you are also willing to agree that my not owning a Ferrari–even though I may really, really want one–is also harmful. It sucks that you can’t have what you want, but harmful? Damaging? Please. That’s just called “life.”
Your desiring an attractive women no more gives you the right to rape or harass her than my desiring a Ferrari gives me the right to steal or vandalize it…nor to harass or assault the owner for making me want it.
I’m disturbed by how NWOslave paints me as a uncontrollable beast who takes out their sexual frustration on women.
Yes, that’s what he implied, even outright stated, multiple times before, but to see him go back to that same conclusion, to basically PREACH it, even…
That’s fucked up, and I won’t stand for it.
than my desiring a Ferrari gives me the right to steal or vandalize it…nor to harass or assault the owner for making me want it.
That’s cuz you’re a man CB. xD If you were a woman, you could just take it and the state would back you up! XD
“Your desiring an attractive women no more gives you the right to rape or harass her than my desiring a Ferrari gives me the right to steal or vandalize it…nor to harass or assault the owner for making me want it.”
“That’s cuz you’re a man CB. xD If you were a woman, you could just take it and the state would back you up! XD”
Wait, the state creates it’s own crime rate? I’m surprised NWO hasn’t come up with THAT conspiracy theory yet.
That’s cuz you’re a man CB. xD If you were a woman, you could just take it and the state would back you up! XD
I thought that I could just sit in the middle of the street and cry, and then someone would give me one.
Hmmm…(strokes beard thoughtfully). Hey, Ami, could you do me a favor? How good are you at crying on cue?
The Ferrari analogy is a good one, but maybe could be improved cos a Ferrari is a thing, and sex is an action. Also, you could steal a Ferrari while the owner is absent, not so much with rape. :]
@CB pretty good! 😀 After all, where do you think my computer and clothes and everything came from? 😀
Actually, I don’t like using the Ferrari analogy because women are not objects, after all. I can imagine circumstances in which excess wealth can and should be confiscated for the public good (heck, that’s the rationale behind progressive taxation). I cannot imagine any circumstance in which rape would be justified or deserved.