antifeminism cock blockade evil women marriage strike men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misandry misogyny MRA MRA paradox precious bodily fluids sex

Baby denial is not just a baby river in Egypt

Screw you lady, no babies for you!

Hey, fellas! Do you hate feminists but also hate doing things? Our good friend over at the Pro-Male/Anti-Feminist Technology blog has an idea for you: strike at the heart of the feminazi matriarchy by “denying marriage and denying children to women.” This, PMAFT (for short) argues, will effectively transfer “the costs of misandry … back on to women.” And all you have to do is: nothing!

Apparently, feminist ladies have an insatiable need to marry and make babies with men who hate them. All you need to do to thwart this evil plan is to not have sex with them. But wait a minute, you say, don’t ladies make the babies themselves, in their bellies? Well, yes they do. But unfortunately for them they also need a little something from you as well. No, not  your money – that comes later. You know that white stuff that comes out of your penis when you masturbate? Ladies actually need that in order to make babies. And you control the supply! Cut them off! Embargo that shit.

Also, if you ever find yourself in a chapel with one of these ladies, and some religious looking dude starts asking you all sorts of questions, do not – I repeat, do not – answer any of them with the phrase “I do.” That’s how they get you.

The great thing about denying ladies your babies is that it also helps you to strike back at your parents – by denying them grandchildren! Ha HA! As PMAFT helpfully explains:

Our parents’ generation had one foot in the old system and one foot in the feminist system.  This meant that many of them have completely avoided the consequences of supporting feminism.  I see this with my own parents who don’t particularly think of themselves as “feminists” but have effectively supported feminism all the same.  They have experienced absolutely no consequences from their support of feminism.  This goes for both my mom and my dad.  …

Most of our parents want grandchildren so denying them grandchildren really forces the cost of misandry back on to them.  This is particularly effective when done by only children or by men who have only brothers.  Even for men who have sisters, this can still be effective if it prevents the “family name” from being passed on.

In your face! No babies for you!

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13 years ago

Just yesterday, I saw a woman at the mall. I could have had her several times. She made that very clear.

I’m suddenly reminded of the villain in From the Corner of His Eye. Cain thought shit like that often. It’s gross.

13 years ago

MGTOW ManWell, this source says the fertility rate in the U.S. was 2.05 in 2009. The trend of the graph is clearly down. I think 2.05 may be below replacement level.

Let’s see.

The replacement level would be 1 child per adult. If the population were split 50:50 the equation would be

2/2.05 =1.025

1.025 > 1 = more than replacement.

But… the female percentage of the population is 50.9, so we can round up to 51 (because it makes the numbers a bit tidier)

51 x 2 = 102*2.05/2 = 104.55/100 = 1.04 > 1 = more than replacement. (I rounded down, to adjust for the rounding up at the beginning).

Ah… I am sorry, but you need to engage your brain before you call someone a moron, bitch.

The rational arguments come forth.

You do know that the CIA world fact book is giving the average? That as such it factors for people who have 5 kids, and those who have 0? In such a breakdown 2 = replacement, and any number greater than 2 = more than replacement rate.

If that were a more fertility related term, and so subject to more granularity, you would have grounds to say she was wrong, if you could show the operational terms in use defined the replacement rate as being greater than that. That. of course, would require a little bit of work (maybe even as much as a load of laundry), to which you couldn’t be arsed.

Instead, you thickheaded, slab-witted, moron, you decided it was time to call to call someone a bitch. If what you were trying to do was show that she was unable to reason, you failed. It’s not that getting angry is unacceptable, but you didn’t express it well. Worse, you let on just how much she got under your skin. You didn’t like it that a woman had the gumption to point out your error; and in public.

Well, me bucko, if you can’t stand the heat, stay out of the kitchen.

13 years ago

Which actor do you imagine reading this in his most dramatic voice?

Bobcat Goldthwait, Pauly Shore(has to do “the weasel” voice), or Gilbert Gottfired.

Does MGTOW Man not know that there are married couples that are also on welfare?

13 years ago

but you can’t really say Total War is a new invention on that scale either, since it got its kickstart in the USian civil war (Bear in mind elements of it have been around for a fairly long time, just not on the same level).

I don’t know Genghis Khan did a pretty close approximation in his conquest of the Indus sub-continent…

13 years ago

You know what. You know what if you are just going to make up nonsensical untrue insults out of thin air which is of course a common feminist argument tactic, I will fight fire with fire.

You are just saying such stupid things because you have a really small ugly tits. So there. Further, you are a man hating ugly fat bitch who can’t get laid even at a party of drunken sailors. So, there. You sold your children in exchange for crack fix. So, there.

Two can play at the game of just making up insulting nonsense. I bet you don’t even know what a man is because you never had one. You obviously suffer penis envy.

So, you think “you don’t have a penis” is supposed to be insulting. That’s just precious. Yeah, that’ll show those (cis) women! They don’t have cocks!

Meanwhile, you’re not only wrong, you’re malicious. And I’d much rather be ugly than be a son-of-a-bitch like you.

Your raving idiocy pertains to your argument, which is wrong. Whether or not Amused “have a really small ugly tits,” as you so eloquently put it, or indeed an Almighty Penis, has nothing to do with whether or not she’s correct.

You have no idea how funny you are and, in the scheme of world events, how very, very small.

13 years ago

This doesn’t bode well for the patriarchy = peace theory. I decided to look up the most peaceful countries in the world. Apparently there is a Global Peace Index

#1 for 2011 is Iceland. Teh feminisms, they gotz it.

13 years ago

MGTOW Man, what kind of response did you expect to get here? This is a website with feminist commenters that mock misogyny. You show up to explain that you are a MGHOW and that women aren’t submissive enough for you. Of course we aren’t going to respond too favorably to that idea around here. You might as well go to a Mormon discussion board and talk crap about Joseph Smith, and then wonder why people don’t roll out a red carpet for you.

If you really want a woman that is very traditional and submissive, there are plenty of them out there. Join a Quiverfull church and you can find women that want to cook, clean, raise your children, and wait on you hand and foot. Traditionally conservative women already are the way you want women to be. Why do you need to come here and tell us feminists about how you’re going your own way? We’re not going to change, so you’re just wasting your time.

Captain Bathrobe
13 years ago

Well, she invited me to spend the night with her. She bought several packs of “wine cooler.” She sat on the back porch and removed her clothing (among other things).

“Dear Penthouse,

I never thought this would happen to me, but…”

13 years ago

Wow, what a shitstorm.

I’d take an hour and respond to this, but I have to get into the car and brave the scary, horrible traffic and go to my physically demanding job.

Maybe after I get home and do all of my administrative work, clean my own house, do the laundry and cook my dinner, I’ll have time to sit down and point out all of the ways that MGTOW man is totally wrong.

But, I have a feeling I just partially did…

13 years ago

Well, she invited me to spend the night with her. She bought several packs of “wine cooler.” She sat on the back porch and removed her clothing (among other things).

“Dear Penthouse,

I never thought this would happen to me, but…”

Alternatively: “…and then I woke up.”

13 years ago

“You have men climbing electrical poles during storms.”

First of all, not during storms. Second — it’s a job, not charity. A job these men actually get real honest-to-goodness money, a job that has limited hours, vacations, weekends and hours off. Third — I very much want women to climb those electrical poles with the same salary and benefits as men.

Quick derail here…
Yes, it’s during storms. Yes, it’s male dominated.
There are dozens of people working to de-energize circuits and rerouting them to ensure that live wires are never handled.
There are women out there restringing lines. I know of one who has burns on 20% of her body where she was electricuted.
These jobs are union in most cases so any wage gap is due to lack of advancement opportunities. (Being forced to take time off to care for children drops you to the bottom of the work queue, hours worked = progress to journeyman, foremen levels, women are a lot less likely to be able to leave children at home to work overtime)

No one climbs poles. We have this thing called Bucket Trucks.
Have had them for 30+ years. Also radios to de-energize circuits, grounding wires, volt meters to check to see if the line is energized, etc.

The greatest reason for gender gaps in the infrastructure in the field operations is that there is a lack of education for vocational skills. We’re desperate for line workers and will take anyone who wants to work long hours in shitty conditions.

13 years ago

You know what. You know what if you are just going to make up nonsensical untrue insults out of thin air which is of course a common feminist argument tactic, I will fight fire with fire.

MGTOW, given the hilarious spate of non-sequiturs that you followed that up with — had I been a raging sexist like you, I’d say you “fight” like a girl. Since I’m an egalitarian and know that girls can kick an MGTOW’s ass any day of the week, I’ll merely point out that your intellectual “muscle” is so weak, you can’t even insult properly.

You are just saying such stupid things because you have a really small ugly tits. So there.

The size of my tits has no effect on anyone but me. Your ludicrous beliefs about sex, however — that a “good” woman “gives” sex that the husband “takes” in exchange for paying half the mortgage — go a long way towards explaining why she first withheld it from you, then dumped you.

Further, you are a man hating ugly fat bitch who can’t get laid even at a party of drunken sailors. So, there.

What difference does it make? According to you, women don’t enjoy sex, anyway. We are only after material goods, and I’ve got that covered, thanks to a job I stole from a “good” man who is probably bagging groceries somewhere because of it.

You sold your children in exchange for crack fix. So, there.

So what? That poor henpecked drug dealer needs to make a living too! After all, the only reason he’s selling crack is because evil bitches make him do it by making it necessary for him to impress them. Every day, he literally has to drag himself out of bed to sell crack again, when all he wants to do is to live like Diogenes (look it up, ignoramus) and contemplate. Had women been kept in their rightful place, cooking and cleaning, with no civil rights or education, he wouldn’t be selling crack; he’d be teaching Comparative Literature at some university in Texas. Or creationism.

Two can play at the game of just making up insulting nonsense. I bet you don’t even know what a man is because you never had one. You obviously suffer penis envy.

While I may be a virgin who sold my children in exchange for a crack fix, at least I am an educated one. You, on the other hand, have not the slightest idea of what is meant by “penis envy”, because you don’t actually read. As in, you know, books. You just hear these fifty-cent words and hang on to them, but because you believe you have the knowledge of everything in the universe housed in the tip of your penis, you don’t give yourself the trouble of actually finding out what terms mean. Penis envy, my poor, intellectually challenged friend, is the state of women lacking their own ambitions, aspirations or accomplishments, instead living vicariously through men. In other words, the kind of life that you advocate — women being confined to the laundry room and the kitchen — is precisely what leads to penis envy. Penis envy doesn’t arise (ha!) from lacking a penis-person to fuck; it arises from making one’s whole existence revolve around the penis that fucks you. So to the extent that penis envy is a disease, feminism is the obvious cure.

13 years ago

We’re desperate for line workers and will take anyone who wants to work long hours in shitty conditions.

Serious question, would I be turned down due to blindness in one eye? The job market in academia is, let’s say…ungood.

Anyway, MGTOW Man, it’s really funny that we got to you so easily. It reminds me of a little child just losing his shit in the back of the car because his sister extends her finger to within a hair’s breadth of his arm and then insists that she is, in fact, not touching him. Please, do say more!

13 years ago

Hengist, I want to know what the big deal about driving in traffic in bad weather is. I survived an F5 tornado four months ago, and even I think you are exaggerating the threat of the weather.

13 years ago

What is it that you would provide the woman with, besides food and shelter — which she can earn elsewhere with minimum skills and a lot less effort? You don’t bring love (a logical inference to be drawn from your view of a “good” marriage as a terse exchange of goods and services). You don’t bring respect (a logical inference to be drawn from your flippant dismissal of women as “illogical” — a well-known pretext to denying legitimacy to any of one’s wife’s needs, wants or problems). You don’t bring sex ( a logical inference from your view of sex as something that women are obligated to perform and men have a right to being that you are lousy in bed). You don’t bring leisure (since you use your employment as a justification to never ever give your wife a moment’s relaxation). You don’t bring caring (since you expect only to be waited on, and never to wait on your partner). You don’t bring safety or support (a logical inference to be drawn from your idea that the wife would owe you every minute of every day and exist solely for your comfort and pleasure is that you wouldn’t care about your partner being in pain, sick or endangered, except to the extent that it affected your own comfort). And on top of that, you would actually expect your wife to work outside the home as well, possibly support you through economic downturns and graduate schools — and to be okay with you not giving her any credit for it. Yeah, you going your own way is kind of like a person who likes to stick needles into people’s eyes going his own way, because people don’t show him enough appreciation for having had needles stuck in their eyeballs. We are all broken up here. Now fuck off.

*slow clap*

13 years ago

The appearance is that this web site is populated by clitorially and G Sport challenged Lesbian Pedophiles probably caused by deep seated penis envy and severe psychosis. I feel threatened and uncomfortable and fear domestic violence in retaliation for my expression of my good faith opinions. I particularly fear the “Bobbit” treatment.

To avoid potential injury or death or sexual mutilation or contagious transmission of obvious lack of logic and mental illness, I must go into hiding for my safety and my family.

13 years ago

MGTOW Man, you have not put forth any good faith opinions as of yet.

13 years ago


13 years ago

Also, you have a remarkably thin skin for a big strong MGTOW type.

13 years ago

Man, I go do some work and find that you’ve all been having fun without me!


You just hear these fifty-cent words and hang on to them, but because you believe you have the knowledge of everything in the universe housed in the tip of your penis, you don’t give yourself the trouble of actually finding out what terms mean.

This seems to be a common features in our trolls. I don’t know what it is, but they all seem to be convinced that they have some unbelievable wisdom to offer based solely on their walking around with penises on. Here’s a hint, guys: YOU DON’T.

13 years ago

clitorially and G Sport challenged Lesbian Pedophiles probably caused by deep seated penis envy and severe psychosis. I feel threatened and uncomfortable and fear domestic violence in retaliation for my expression of my good faith opinions. I particularly fear the “Bobbit” treatment.

Rage, delicious rage.

Srsly, why do you think that would hurt our feelings at all?

Also, you have a remarkably thin skin for a big strong MGTOW type.

And it’s hilarious.

13 years ago

Wait, you think we’re going to castrate you? Over the internet?

13 years ago


Serious question, would I be turned down due to blindness in one eye? The job market in academia is, let’s say…ungood.

I don’t believe so, here are the standard qualifications:

Journeymen are expected to follow safety rules and company standards. They may work in confined spaces and in elevated work areas, may work with bucket and boom trucks. They may work independently or with others, occasionally work long hours during emergency conditions, be responsible for tools, test equipment, and vehicles and perform similar and incidental duties as required.

Required Qualifications:
A high school diploma, GED or proof of equivalent.
Completion of Substation Wireman apprenticeship or its equivalent and be proficient in using tools and equipment of the trade on energized and de-energized systems.
Working knowledge of fundamentals of electricity as pertains to utility systems.
Ability to communicate effectively with others.
Working knowledge of safety regulations and must possess or obtain within thirty (30) working days after selection, a First Aid Certificate.
Must possess a valid driver’s license
Must possess a valid CDL or the ability to obtain one within sixty (60) days after employment

13 years ago

While I may be a virgin who sold my children in exchange for a crack fix, at least I am an educated one. You, on the other hand, have not the slightest idea of what is meant by “penis envy”, because you don’t actually read. As in, you know, books. You just hear these fifty-cent words and hang on to them, but because you believe you have the knowledge of everything in the universe housed in the tip of your penis, you don’t give yourself the trouble of actually finding out what terms mean. Penis envy, my poor, intellectually challenged friend, is the state of women lacking their own ambitions, aspirations or accomplishments, instead living vicariously through men. In other words, the kind of life that you advocate — women being confined to the laundry room and the kitchen — is precisely what leads to penis envy. Penis envy doesn’t arise (ha!) from lacking a penis-person to fuck; it arises from making one’s whole existence revolve around the penis that fucks you. So to the extent that penis envy is a disease, feminism is the obvious cure.


No, that is feminist BS. Penis envy means that you refuse to accept that your clitoros is tiny penis, and you are angry because your penis is so obviously tiny and inferior to that of man.

Your penis is totally useless at stimulating a woman or even a small girl which is the only thing you apparently aspire to do based on what you all have said.

13 years ago

Have you ever even read any of Freud’s work?