antifeminism cock blockade evil women marriage strike men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misandry misogyny MRA MRA paradox precious bodily fluids sex

Baby denial is not just a baby river in Egypt

Screw you lady, no babies for you!

Hey, fellas! Do you hate feminists but also hate doing things? Our good friend over at the Pro-Male/Anti-Feminist Technology blog has an idea for you: strike at the heart of the feminazi matriarchy by “denying marriage and denying children to women.” This, PMAFT (for short) argues, will effectively transfer “the costs of misandry … back on to women.” And all you have to do is: nothing!

Apparently, feminist ladies have an insatiable need to marry and make babies with men who hate them. All you need to do to thwart this evil plan is to not have sex with them. But wait a minute, you say, don’t ladies make the babies themselves, in their bellies? Well, yes they do. But unfortunately for them they also need a little something from you as well. No, not  your money – that comes later. You know that white stuff that comes out of your penis when you masturbate? Ladies actually need that in order to make babies. And you control the supply! Cut them off! Embargo that shit.

Also, if you ever find yourself in a chapel with one of these ladies, and some religious looking dude starts asking you all sorts of questions, do not – I repeat, do not – answer any of them with the phrase “I do.” That’s how they get you.

The great thing about denying ladies your babies is that it also helps you to strike back at your parents – by denying them grandchildren! Ha HA! As PMAFT helpfully explains:

Our parents’ generation had one foot in the old system and one foot in the feminist system.  This meant that many of them have completely avoided the consequences of supporting feminism.  I see this with my own parents who don’t particularly think of themselves as “feminists” but have effectively supported feminism all the same.  They have experienced absolutely no consequences from their support of feminism.  This goes for both my mom and my dad.  …

Most of our parents want grandchildren so denying them grandchildren really forces the cost of misandry back on to them.  This is particularly effective when done by only children or by men who have only brothers.  Even for men who have sisters, this can still be effective if it prevents the “family name” from being passed on.

In your face! No babies for you!

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13 years ago

@CassandraSays: I think you may very well be right about the manipulation. It’s almost as if these guys show up here, with their hamfisted attempts to prove how truly wrong we are, in the hopes that someday, women everywhere will see the light and come crawling back to their shackles of domestic servitude. That way, they don’t have the burden of making an effort to attract a mate. They can point to whatever woman they want, she’ll go bounding gleefully after him and wile away her days washing his underwear, making him meatloaf and raising his children. We may know that things never really worked out this way, but they seem to be laboring under the delusion that, if women woould just stay in the kitchen, life would be Leave it to Beaver fabulous.

They don’t really want to go their own way. What they want to do is the whole “Imma take my toys and go home, cause I didn’t really want a girl around anyway.” schtick. It’s a bad PUA move, called the takeaway. It doesn’t work for PUA’s and it ‘s not working for MGTOW’s either. They can take themselves away all they want, because there’s 7 billion people in the world and they’re not the only game in town. The MGTOW community isn’t really substantial enough to make women do anything more than go “Oh, okay” and move on with their life.

@ Katz: William Shatner, of course.

And on a general note, why is it that all of these MGTOW’s have to go to great pains to tell us how desirable they are to women, how many women want them, how they “could have had” so many women, how much money they have, how big their dick is, etc? Are we supposed to be jealous or think that you have value, because some woman, who may or may not actually exist, wanted to fuck you? Or because you’re packing an anaconda, with a 6 figure bank account, that may or may not be a figment of your imagination? Is that really supposed to make you an inherently better person? Because, in reality, bragging about the allegedly real woman you could have boned several times, right there in the food court, makes you look desperate for approval. Approval that you loudly claim you no longer want.

13 years ago

So basically from their POV the ideal woman is a golden retriever that can cook and clean the bathroom.

13 years ago

Also, if feminists are such snobs (the daughters of doctors, was it?) why on earth would be be envious of the opportunity to bang some random due on the plastic table in front of the Cinnabon?

13 years ago

Dude, not due, and we, not be. Typing while eating – not a good idea.

13 years ago

Which actor do you imagine reading this in his most dramatic voice?

Sam Elliott.

13 years ago

MGTOW Man, how did the woman at the mall ‘make it very clear to’ you?


Well, she invited me to spend the night with her. She bought several packs of “wine cooler.” She sat on the back porch and removed her clothing (among other things).

13 years ago

hamfisted attempts to prove how truly wrong we are, in the hopes that someday, women everywhere will see the light and come crawling back to their shackles of domestic servitude


I don’t know what “hamfisted” means.

Giving something to a relationship is not “domestic servitude.” A relationship should be mutually beneficial. Women don’t want to contribute. Everything is one way.

You have no problem with the man paying most of the bills, doing endless man chores, etc. yet if it is suggested that you do anything well you are slaves.

Most of you would be horrified if the man said something like “I am not changing your flat tire, because I am not your slave” (or fill in the blank with innumerable things that men are supposed to do for women). It is just me, me, me. Also, there is no consistency, ever.

Most of us don’t really expect you to change. Most us don’t want you back. We consider you beyond hope. I do think it is useful for you to hear the other side. Most of us do want women. It is just that in today’s society with today’s legal system, the cost exceeds the benefit. There are too many dangers and risks. The risks are not small; sometimes, false imprisonment and financial destruction. Women can get ever more draconian family and criminal law “rights” where men are destroyed more and more thoroughly at the whim of women. Yes, politically, this seems the present reality. The price is that men will GTOW.

13 years ago

And on a general note, why is it that all of these MGTOW’s have to go to great pains to tell us how desirable they are to women,

Probably because you keep trotting out the same old “LOL I bet you’re a virgin/loser/never had a woman/no woman would want you” shaming schtick, and some are still naive enough to take the bait.

Of course it doesn’t count for anything in the end. I’ve known plenty of sleazebags with girlfriends and genuinely nice people who were alone.

13 years ago

So basically from their POV the ideal woman is a golden retriever that can cook and clean the bathroom.


No, the ideal woman is a life partner who contributes. Cooking and cleaning are things that need to be done. She should be willing to do her part.

I think it is so absurd how women make such a huge deal out of small chores. Laundry is a good example. You would think by the way some women talk that doing laundry was like difficult work. There are few tasks in the history of the world easier.

Let’s see. The guy is possibly out in the sun doing doing real hard labor in many instances, sweating and sometimes literally risking his life. He comes home and his wife is bell aching about doing the laundry. She is a slave or in servitude or whatever. Hog wash.

13 years ago

And on a general note, why is it that all of these MGTOW’s have to go to great pains to tell us how desirable they are to women,


The reason is that we know your standard lines.

You always say that we “hate women,” and we “can’t get a woman,” etc.

We are responding to arguments we know that you will make.

13 years ago

take my toys and go home, cause I didn’t really want a girl around anyway


This is wrong almost 100% of the wrong.

MGTOW do want women. They absolutely do want women.

Women know that men want them. But, this gets back to women driving too hard of a bargain. At some point, the price and the risk is just too high.

This gets back to women just driving too hard a bargain. men aren’t going to “buy” even though they do want the woman. It is just too costly and too risky.

This is why MGTOW constantly talk about women from other countries where women presumably are less “spoiled” and safer.

13 years ago

True, the way some women go on about being “domestic slaves” you’d think they were working 12-hour days in salt mines while being whipped by overseers. Honestly, if I had to choose between staying at home, popping a load of laundry into the washing machine, cooking lunch while watching TV, and playing with the kids, versus getting up every morning to brave the weather and traffic to go to work, I know which one I’d pick.

13 years ago

Just think about it. Women have made it entirely clear that they shouldn’t have to do anything — not sex, not chores, etc. Why would a man want to lock himself into a woman financially, emotionally, and every other way when she commits to doing nothing in return? It is very simple. He commits to everything even future earnings (child support, alimony). She commits to nothing. Bad deal. End of story. Has nothing to do with hating women, making women slaves, or any other feminist hogwash. It comes down to two words: “Bad Deal.”

Part of the problem is that women don’t think logically. However, a large part of the problem is that women think men will do anything for access to the woman sexually. There is certainly truth to the fact that men act irrationally when it comes to sex. However, the MGTOW movement shows that there are limits to that irrationality.

13 years ago

There was a period of time when I had to stay home, after having a baby. Honestly, if I had to choose between taking care of two children (one baby, one grown) round the clock, with no breaks, weekends or holidays, no interaction with adults, doing 3 loads of laundry per day, complete with folding, ironing and putting away, cooking three meals per day, cleaning the kitchen and the dishes and the cooking utensils, vacuuming the carpets, mopping the floors, going through and filing all of the domestic paperwork, working from home to earn my share of the household income, playing with the baby, taking the baby to all of the baby’s appointments, cleaning the bathrooms, fixing whatever gets broken in the home, each and every day — all that, versus a mostly leisurely day at the office 9-5, with a lunch break in the middle, the biggest hardship being “braving the weather” (turning on those windshield wipers requires manly wisdom!!) and “braving traffic” (it sure takes a manly man to judiciously switch between the gas pedal and the brake pedal for 20 minutes!!), then coming home and putting my feet up and getting waited on and listened to as a whined about how tough MY day was, watching TV, playing computer games, and reminding the wifey to keep the baby from interfering with my leisure — I know which one I’d pick.

MGTOW man: People like you bring nothing to a relationship. Absolutely nothing. If your “contribution” to a relationship is merely earning money (and only about half of the household income, anyway), then clearly a far better option for a woman is to earn money on her own, because even the least accommodating employer, combined with traffic and weather, is less trouble than a “husband” of your kind — at least a woman can go home at the end of the day and not have to deal with your bullshit 24/7. You contribute nothing. You only take. So no one wants you. Suck it up.

13 years ago

Oh, and lest we forget — taking the baby to its appointments and doing all of your stupid shopping also involves braving and weather and the traffic. So no, you don’t get any brownie points for that one, not even a little bit.

13 years ago

MGTOW man: People like you bring nothing to a relationship. Absolutely nothing.


Yep, this is just a variation of the typical “you’re penis is small” argument.You don’t have a clue what I bring to a relationship or what portion of the income I earn. You are being insulting and “hateful” — what you almost always accuse men of being.

What you describe as the office routine is not the normal routine for many, many male jobs. Characterizing male work as that in many, many instances is wrong. You have men literally at war being shot at. You have men climbing electrical poles during storms. You have men doing construction sometimes in dangerous situations. Even most “in door jobs” are far, far more demanding than what you describe. Most these days are not 9 to 5.

Nobody said it wasn’t work to be a good homemaker and mother. The point is that many women are not and don’t feel like they should be. They belly ache about doing anything. If a man suggests they should do something, the man is “enslaving” them or whatever.

13 years ago

Amused: So you did three loads of laundry, cooked three meals, cleaned and repaired the house daily? Wow, you’ve must’ve been some kind of Martha Stewart. Why marry and have kids, though, if you hated it so much? Or you could’ve even left afterwards, I’m sure your feminist sistyrs would’ve celebrated you for it.

“braving the weather” (turning on those windshield wipers requires manly wisdom!!) and “braving traffic” (it sure takes a manly man to judiciously switch between the gas pedal and the brake pedal for 20 minutes!!)

Right, because programming the washing machine and microwave, and folding laundry are the equivalent of a forced-labor camp. See, I can be sarcastic and minimize your contributions too. I do agree that you’re better off on your own, though. I know I wouldn’t want to be married to someone who saw herself as a victim and secretly resented me.

13 years ago

“I don’t know what “hamfisted” means.”

You can look it up, actually.

“Giving something to a relationship is not “domestic servitude.” A relationship should be mutually beneficial. Women don’t want to contribute. Everything is one way. ”

All women refuse to contribute to relationships? Every one of them? Do you know every woman personally? Or even every American woman? Do you have experience with each one of them that they don’t want to give anything in a relationship?

I know that you’re going to trot out the NAWALT defense, like it means anything. Yet, MRA’s make the complaint that women have broad brush impressions of men. You’ll pull out a NAMALT, but get really upset when there’s a NAWALT claim. Which way would you want it, because, you know, I’d have to have everything go one way.

“You have no problem with the man paying most of the bills, doing endless man chores, etc. yet if it is suggested that you do anything well you are slaves. ”

Me personally? My man doesn’t pay bill #1, because he’s a full time student, so I work to pay the bills. The only even remotely man chore that exists in our house is taking out the garbage, which I usually do on my way to work anyway. But thanks for accusing me of something, before you know anything about my life.

“Most of you would be horrified if the man said something like “I am not changing your flat tire, because I am not your slave” (or fill in the blank with innumerable things that men are supposed to do for women). It is just me, me, me. Also, there is no consistency, ever.”

I can only speak for myself, but if a man came up to me and said that, I would wonder what was wrong with him. But that’s probably because I can change my own tire.

“Most of us don’t really expect you to change. Most us don’t want you back. We consider you beyond hope. I do think it is useful for you to hear the other side. Most of us do want women.”

Well, this leaves you in a connundrum, doesn’t it? If you believe that women are beyond hope and you have no expectations that women will change, but you still want one, it sounds like you’re setting yourself up to fail. Or you”re afraid of having a woman and you’re trying to justify this to yourself.

“It is just that in today’s society with today’s legal system, the cost exceeds the benefit. There are too many dangers and risks. The risks are not small; sometimes, false imprisonment and financial destruction.”

Well, I’ve managed never to go to jail or be financially ruined, as have the overwhelming majority of men that I know personally. You’re blowing things way out of proportion, here.

“Women can get ever more draconian family and criminal law “rights” where men are destroyed more and more thoroughly at the whim of women. Yes, politically, this seems the present reality. The price is that men will GTOW.”

Yes, because women are such fickle creatures that they may wake up one day and just decide to ruin a man, in between her tennis lessons and pedicure. Of course, men do NOTHING wrong and are completely innocent and are just at the mercy of these horrible creatures with vaginas.

And few men have sincerely GTOW. If they did, they wouldn’t be hanging around on feminist message boards whining about how much women suck. You’re still very much under pussy control, my friend.

“I think it is so absurd how women make such a huge deal out of small chores. Laundry is a good example. You would think by the way some women talk that doing laundry was like difficult work. There are few tasks in the history of the world easier.”

Yet, you’re unable to do it, despite the fact that it’s SO easy.


13 years ago

I have worked low income jobs and I have watched two children under five. The latter, while rewarding in very many ways, is far, far harder. Of course, what has been left unmentioned is that low income women very often do both. Women of the income class where men do hard physical labor all day are almost never stay at home parents that don’t work (even though raising a child is in and of itself important and often hard). The very few women whose spouse works construction (road crew work? farm labour?) who stay at home with their children put in huge amounts of work in regards to resource management just too survive. You have to be thrifty as all hell to live like that, unless said physical labor worker is making far more than the national average.

I also love how MGTOW Man assumes that no pregnancy could ever be accidental. Women have the vagina magic, that’s how babies are made, right? All women have to do is wish really hard, and birth control happens by magic.

13 years ago

“Let’s see. The guy is possibly out in the sun doing doing real hard labor in many instances, sweating and sometimes literally risking his life. He comes home and his wife is bell aching about doing the laundry. She is a slave or in servitude or whatever. Hog wash.”

Really, how many MGTOW’s work in the hot sun, doing manual labor or risking their lives? Dying in World of Warcraft doesn’t count as risking your life. And how many of them work in climate controlled offices and drive their cars to and from work?

“The reason is that we know your standard lines.

You always say that we “hate women,” and we “can’t get a woman,” etc.

We are responding to arguments we know that you will make.”

Actually, as you’re obviously unable to read minds, you have no idea what arguments I was going to make.

“MGTOW do want women. They absolutely do want women.

Women know that men want them. But, this gets back to women driving too hard of a bargain. At some point, the price and the risk is just too high.”

Relationships do require you to put in more than just a token effort. If the price is too high with every woman that you’ve ever met, perhaps your expectations aren’t in line with reality. Because most women seem to be able to find what they’re looking for. And most men can as well. It’s really a very small subset of the population that’s having a problem.

“This is why MGTOW constantly talk about women from other countries where women presumably are less “spoiled” and safer.”

A woman that can use VAWA to get a green card, after she divorces you AND leaves you on the hook for supporting her for 10 years is “safer?”

“st think about it. Women have made it entirely clear that they shouldn’t have to do anything — not sex, not chores, etc. Why would a man want to lock himself into a woman financially, emotionally, and every other way when she commits to doing nothing in return?”

No, women haven’t made it clear, actually. If your ex wife did this to you, it was obviously a bad choice to marry her. But to imply that all women are just like your ex wife is faulty logic.

“Part of the problem is that women don’t think logically. However, a large part of the problem is that women think men will do anything for access to the woman sexually. There is certainly truth to the fact that men act irrationally when it comes to sex. However, the MGTOW movement shows that there are limits to that irrationality.”

Most MGTOW completely fail at logic, to be quite honest. There may be limits *for you* and women may come at too high of a price *for you,* but to characterize all men as thinking the way that you do is a completely logic fail. Most men don’t. Most men are completely reasonable human beings who value their partner, rather than keeping score of what the bitch ain’t doing.

“What you describe as the office routine is not the normal routine for many, many male jobs. Characterizing male work as that in many, many instances is wrong.”

Many manual labor jobs for women are just as physically demanding. Women serve in the military (we have another thread about that, actually.) What you’re doing is complaining about the hardships of having a job and ingorning the fact that women work jobs too. Maybe yours didn’t, but I’d chalk that up to a poor life choice before I’ll believe that women rarely work and certainly never work manual labor jobs.

13 years ago

All women refuse to contribute to relationships? Every one of them? Do you know every woman personally? Or even every American woman? Do you have experience with each one of them that they don’t want to give anything in a relationship?


I never said that all women are anything. This argument along with several others are not accurate presentations of what I have said.


Well, this leaves you in a connundrum, doesn’t it? If you believe that women are beyond hope and you have no expectations that women will change, but you still want one, it sounds like you’re setting yourself up to fail. Or you”re afraid of having a woman and you’re trying to justify this to yourself.


Yes, it is not a good situation. Feminism has screwed things up pretty well. The whole point of MGTOW is to opt out of what is a really, really bad situation. No, it is not an ideal situation, but then again many things are not ideal. You have to accept reality. I would really like to have a lot of things that I will never have for one reason or another. This is called reality. You have to make choices in view of reality.


Yes, because women are such fickle creatures that they may wake up one day and just decide to ruin a man, in between her tennis lessons and pedicure. Of course, men do NOTHING wrong and are completely innocent and are just at the mercy of these horrible creatures with vaginas.


Yes, there is a lot of truth to this. I have seen men arrested based on the most ridiculous BS. A few words from a woman will often result in a man being arrested. Of course, if a woman decides to change men, the man is virtually automatically in a situation of having to pay or else go to jail (child support). Yes, women under present law can arbitrarily do a whole lot of damage to a man often based on a few words or a unilateral “fickle” decision.


And few men have sincerely GTOW. If they did, they wouldn’t be hanging around on feminist message boards whining about how much women suck. You’re still very much under pussy control, my friend.


I think you are wrong. The numbers I have seen show a huge drop in marriages and legitimate child births. I think most men still have been married once but increasingly men are refusing to go back for round two. More and more will refuse even round one. Of course, stating my opinions here does not mean I am “under pussy control.”


“I think it is so absurd how women make such a huge deal out of small chores. Laundry is a good example. You would think by the way some women talk that doing laundry was like difficult work. There are few tasks in the history of the world easier.”

Yet, you’re unable to do it, despite the fact that it’s SO easy.


That is so stupid it does not deserve a response. What the heck makes you think I cannot do laundry or that I haven’t? You don’t hear men making arguments so stupid.

Let’s see, the reason you don’t want to do laundry is because “you can’t.” That makes no sense at all. For your information, I have done laundry for many years and most of the time I don’t even notice it. It takes a few moments here and there and it is done. It is an entirely easy task requiring almost no time or energy. The only time I even notice the task is when the machine doesn’t work so I have to fix it or replace it. By the way, I don’t use a dryer. I hang stuff on a line outside. It is still easy and unobtrusive. It is break actually from other more demanding tasks. If I have been outside fixing fences or loading a bull into a trailer, I take a break by doing some laundry. It is very, very easy as a task.

13 years ago

Honestly, if I had to choose between staying at home, popping a load of laundry into the washing machine, cooking lunch while watching TV, and playing with the kids, versus getting up every morning to brave the weather and traffic to go to work, I know which one I’d pick.

I wouldn’t. I’d be bored out of my fucking mind. I love my job. (And I live in Boston, so yeah, traffic and weather, we have those.)

If that’s really what you want out of life, maybe you should work toward it. I don’t think it will be easy, because the overwhelming majority of people aren’t partnered with someone who makes enough money that they can stay home. But maybe you could get a job where you can work from home.

Even most “in door jobs” are far, far more demanding than what you describe. Most these days are not 9 to 5.

Yes, I have one of those grueling 9-5 that’s really 9-6 or 9-7 jobs. Sometimes I even work through lunch! Or go in early! A couple weeks ago I was there until 8:30! Sometimes my ass gets sore from sitting on it that long, but I power through using massive quantities of testosterone.

Welp, I’m off to brave the traffic. Scary things, cars.

13 years ago

I also love how MGTOW Man assumes that no pregnancy could ever be accidental. Women have the vagina magic, that’s how babies are made, right? All women have to do is wish really hard, and birth control happens by magic.


That is typical female ill logic. Nobody every said that no pregnancy is accidental. However, the fact that an accident can happen doesn’t mean that some “accidents” aren’t on purpose. The fact is that women do have the largest control over pregnancy and the fact is that men usually cannot verify whether a woman is using contraception properly.


The very few women whose spouse works construction (road crew work? farm labour?) who stay at home with their children put in huge amounts of work in regards to resource management just too survive. You have to be thrifty as all hell to live like that, unless said physical labor worker is making far more than the national average.


You may live in a very different environment than I do, but where I live a very large portion of men work dangerous jobs. A good example would be refinery workers. They work in the midst of a lot of dangers including some that kill slowly (these guys tend to die of cancer at a young age). They almost always do this for their wives and girlfriends. We have hurricanes here. When the power goes out, I immediately see truck loads of men climbing the poles in the rain and the wind. I see sparks. I even see transformers explode. I could go on and on and on. It is not unusual at all for men to do dangerous, sweaty work. It is rare to see women doing this type of work. Women by and large work desks in air conditioning.

By the way, you saying women work the military also although literally true is very false in terms of substance. There is a web page that has a picture each military person killed in service month by month going back many years (I think to 2001). Yes, there are some females. But, for every female, there are probably at least 50 guys probably more. No, military service for women is not the same thing as it is for men. Women by and large are not put in the same danger as men yet they do draw the same pay and benefits.

13 years ago

Actually, as you’re obviously unable to read minds, you have no idea what arguments I was going to make.


You’re wrong. Every one of these arguments has been made here. You hate women, you have a small penis (or functional equivalent), you can’t get a woman, you have nothing to add to a relationship, you can’t do laundry, etc.

You are very predictable, and of course you are smart enough to know that “you” refers to the feminists here on this board.


Because most women seem to be able to find what they’re looking for. And most men can as well. It’s really a very small subset of the population that’s having a problem.


That is just wrong. They say the divorce rate is 50% sometimes I see for some localities 60%. I think the rate is actually higher. I know few people in their 40s or higher who have not been divorced at least once. The fact is the man woman relationship thing is not working. Further, those who remain married particularly the men often seem tortured.


A woman that can use VAWA to get a green card, after she divorces you AND leaves you on the hook for supporting her for 10 years is “safer?”


I agree with you on this one. The VAWA law is an atrocity particularly that provision. The law gives women rewards for destroying men and that is a particularly good example. I think men who think bringing foreign women into this country is a pancea are wrong.


No, women haven’t made it clear, actually. If your ex wife did this to you, it was obviously a bad choice to marry her. But to imply that all women are just like your ex wife is faulty logic.


Nobody said all women are like that. No, I wasn’t talking about my ex wife. She actually did contribute until she had her affair. I am talking about what I read on boards like this and what I hear women saying in all sorts of venues.

but to characterize all men as thinking the way that you do is a completely logic fail. Most men don’t. Most men are completely reasonable human beings who value their partner, rather than keeping score of what the bitch ain’t doing.


I never said anything about “all men.” You are misstating what I have said. I have consistently used words like most and many. I even pointed out one man who had agreed to marry. Now, accusing men of “keeping score” is ass backwards. It is women who are always talking about they shouldn’t have to do this or that. I am responding to what women say. You don’t here men bitching about the laundry, etc. You make an issue out of something and then accuse me of making an issue of it when I respond.


13 years ago

I can’t believe no one has mentioned that the US fertility rate is 2.6 babies/woman, still above replacement. While some of your population growth comes from immigration y’all are still having a decent number of babbys. So obviously not enough men are GTOW for it to make a difference yet! Sorry, guys!

MGTOW Man reminds me of Sammy, but without the interesting pathologies.